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update proto files

lucretius 5 months ago
  1. 45
  2. 100


@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc;
option go_package = "walletrpc";
option go_package = "lightwalletd/walletrpc";
option swift_prefix = "";
// Remember that proto3 fields are all optional. A field that is not present will be set to its zero value.
// bytes fields of hashes are in canonical little-endian format.
@ -11,11 +12,11 @@ option go_package = "walletrpc";
// 3. Update your witnesses to generate new Sapling spend proofs.
message CompactBlock {
uint32 protoVersion = 1; // the version of this wire format, for storage
uint64 height = 2; // the height of this block
bytes hash = 3;
bytes prevHash = 4;
uint32 time = 5;
bytes header = 6; // (hash, prevHash, and time) OR (full header)
uint64 height = 2; // the height of this block
bytes hash = 3; // the ID (hash) of this block, same as in block explorers
bytes prevHash = 4; // the ID (hash) of this block's predecessor
uint32 time = 5; // Unix epoch time when the block was mined
bytes header = 6; // (hash, prevHash, and time) OR (full header)
repeated CompactTx vtx = 7; // compact transactions from this block
@ -23,8 +24,8 @@ message CompactTx {
// Index and hash will allow the receiver to call out to chain
// explorers or other data structures to retrieve more information
// about this transaction.
uint64 index = 1;
bytes hash = 2;
uint64 index = 1; // the index within the full block
bytes hash = 2; // the ID (hash) of this transaction, same as in block explorers
// The transaction fee: present if server can provide. In the case of a
// stateless server and a transaction with transparent inputs, this will be
@ -33,16 +34,32 @@ message CompactTx {
// valueBalance + (sum(vPubNew) - sum(vPubOld) - sum(tOut))
uint32 fee = 3;
repeated CompactSpend spends = 4;
repeated CompactOutput outputs = 5;
repeated CompactSaplingSpend spends = 4;
repeated CompactSaplingOutput outputs = 5;
// CompactSaplingSpend is a Sapling Spend Description as described in 7.3 of the Zcash
// protocol specification.
message CompactSaplingSpend {
bytes nf = 1; // nullifier (see the Zcash protocol specification)
// output is a Sapling Output Description as described in section 7.4 of the
// Zcash protocol spec. Total size is 948.
message CompactSaplingOutput {
bytes cmu = 1; // note commitment u-coordinate
bytes epk = 2; // ephemeral public key
bytes ciphertext = 3; // first 52 bytes of ciphertext
message CompactSpend {
bytes nf = 1;
bytes nf = 1; // nullifier (see the Zcash protocol specification)
message CompactOutput {
bytes cmu = 1;
bytes epk = 2;
bytes ciphertext = 3;
bytes cmu = 1; // note commitment u-coordinate
bytes epk = 2; // ephemeral public key
bytes ciphertext = 3; // first 52 bytes of ciphertext


@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc;
option go_package = "walletrpc";
option go_package = "lightwalletd/walletrpc";
option swift_prefix = "";
import "compact_formats.proto";
// A BlockID message contains identifiers to select a block: a height or a
@ -56,14 +56,13 @@ message LightdInfo {
uint64 longestchain = 9;
uint64 notarized = 10;
message Coinsupply {
string result = 1;
string coin = 2;
int64 height = 3;
int64 supply = 4;
int64 zfunds = 5;
int64 total = 6;
uint64 height = 3;
uint64 supply = 4;
uint64 zfunds = 5;
uint64 total = 6;
message TransparentAddress {
@ -75,28 +74,97 @@ message TransparentAddressBlockFilter {
BlockRange range = 2;
message Address {
string address = 1;
message AddressList {
repeated string addresses = 1;
message Balance {
int64 valueZat = 1;
message Exclude {
repeated bytes txid = 1;
// The TreeState is derived from the Hush getblockmerkletree rpc.
message TreeState {
string network = 1; // "main" or "test"
uint64 height = 2; // block height
string hash = 3; // block id
uint32 time = 4; // Unix epoch time when the block was mined
string saplingTree = 5; // sapling commitment tree state
// Results are sorted by height, which makes it easy to issue another
// request that picks up from where the previous left off.
message GetAddressUtxosArg {
repeated string addresses = 1;
uint64 startHeight = 2;
uint32 maxEntries = 3; // zero means unlimited
message GetAddressUtxosReply {
string address = 6;
bytes txid = 1;
int32 index = 2;
bytes script = 3;
int64 valueZat = 4;
uint64 height = 5;
message GetAddressUtxosReplyList {
repeated GetAddressUtxosReply addressUtxos = 1;
service CompactTxStreamer {
// Compact Blocks
// Return the height of the tip of the best chain
rpc GetLatestBlock(ChainSpec) returns (BlockID) {}
// Return the compact block corresponding to the given block identifier
rpc GetBlock(BlockID) returns (CompactBlock) {}
// Return a list of consecutive compact blocks
rpc GetBlockRange(BlockRange) returns (stream CompactBlock) {}
// Transactions
// Return the requested full (not compact) transaction (as from zcashd)
rpc GetTransaction(TxFilter) returns (RawTransaction) {}
// Submit the given transaction to the Zcash network
rpc SendTransaction(RawTransaction) returns (SendResponse) {}
// t-Address support
// Return the txids corresponding to the given t-address within the given block range
rpc GetTaddressTxids(TransparentAddressBlockFilter) returns (stream RawTransaction) {}
// wrapper for GetTaddressTxids
rpc GetAddressTxids(TransparentAddressBlockFilter) returns (stream RawTransaction) {}
rpc GetTaddressBalance(AddressList) returns (Balance) {}
rpc GetTaddressBalanceStream(stream Address) returns (Balance) {}
// Return the compact transactions currently in the mempool; the results
// can be a few seconds out of date. If the Exclude list is empty, return
// all transactions; otherwise return all *except* those in the Exclude list
// (if any); this allows the client to avoid receiving transactions that it
// already has (from an earlier call to this rpc). The transaction IDs in the
// Exclude list can be shortened to any number of bytes to make the request
// more bandwidth-efficient; if two or more transactions in the mempool
// match a shortened txid, they are all sent (none is excluded). Transactions
// in the exclude list that don't exist in the mempool are ignored.
rpc GetMempoolTx(Exclude) returns (stream CompactTx) {}
// Return a stream of current Mempool transactions. This will keep the output stream open while
// there are mempool transactions. It will close the returned stream when a new block is mined.
rpc GetMempoolStream(Empty) returns (stream RawTransaction) {}
// GetTreeState returns the note commitment tree state corresponding to the given block.
// See section 3.7 of the Zcash protocol specification. It returns several other useful
// values also (even though they can be obtained using GetBlock).
// The block can be specified by either height or hash.
rpc GetTreeState(BlockID) returns (TreeState) {}
rpc GetLatestTreeState(Empty) returns (TreeState) {}
// Misc
rpc GetAddressUtxos(GetAddressUtxosArg) returns (GetAddressUtxosReplyList) {}
rpc GetAddressUtxosStream(GetAddressUtxosArg) returns (stream GetAddressUtxosReply) {}
// Return information about this lightwalletd instance and the blockchain
rpc GetLightdInfo(Empty) returns (LightdInfo) {}
// Testing-only, requires lightwalletd --ping-very-insecure (do not enable in production)
// rpc Ping(Duration) returns (PingResponse) {}
rpc GetCoinsupply(Empty) returns (Coinsupply) {}
rpc GetMempoolTx(Exclude) returns (stream CompactTx) {}
rpc GetMempoolStream(Empty) returns (stream RawTransaction) {}