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Merge pull request 'Merge PRs from lucretius and update checkpoints' (#29) from dev into master

duke 4 months ago
  1. 18
  2. 12
  3. 45
  4. 100
  5. 107
  6. 130
  7. 103
  8. 9
  9. 113
  10. 26


@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
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# It is not intended for manual editing.
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source = "git+"
source = "git+"
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name = "group"
version = "0.1.0"
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"rand 0.7.2",
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name = "pairing"
version = "0.14.2"
source = "git+"
source = "git+"
dependencies = [
@ -2830,7 +2832,7 @@ dependencies = [
name = "zcash_client_backend"
version = "0.0.0"
source = "git+"
source = "git+"
dependencies = [
@ -2846,7 +2848,7 @@ dependencies = [
name = "zcash_primitives"
version = "0.0.0"
source = "git+"
source = "git+"
dependencies = [
@ -2869,7 +2871,7 @@ dependencies = [
name = "zcash_proofs"
version = "0.0.0"
source = "git+"
source = "git+"
dependencies = [


@ -43,34 +43,34 @@ webpki-roots = "0.18.0"
git = ""
rev= "1a0204113d487cdaaf183c2967010e5214ff9e37"
rev= "acff1444ec373e9c3e37b47ca95bfd358e45255b"
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git = ""
rev= "1a0204113d487cdaaf183c2967010e5214ff9e37"
rev= "acff1444ec373e9c3e37b47ca95bfd358e45255b"
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rev= "1a0204113d487cdaaf183c2967010e5214ff9e37"
rev= "acff1444ec373e9c3e37b47ca95bfd358e45255b"
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rev= "1a0204113d487cdaaf183c2967010e5214ff9e37"
rev= "acff1444ec373e9c3e37b47ca95bfd358e45255b"
default-features = false
features = ["transparent-inputs"]
git = ""
rev= "1a0204113d487cdaaf183c2967010e5214ff9e37"
rev= "acff1444ec373e9c3e37b47ca95bfd358e45255b"
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git = ""
rev= "1a0204113d487cdaaf183c2967010e5214ff9e37"
rev= "acff1444ec373e9c3e37b47ca95bfd358e45255b"
features = ["ff_derive"]


@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc;
option go_package = "walletrpc";
option go_package = "lightwalletd/walletrpc";
option swift_prefix = "";
// Remember that proto3 fields are all optional. A field that is not present will be set to its zero value.
// bytes fields of hashes are in canonical little-endian format.
@ -11,11 +12,11 @@ option go_package = "walletrpc";
// 3. Update your witnesses to generate new Sapling spend proofs.
message CompactBlock {
uint32 protoVersion = 1; // the version of this wire format, for storage
uint64 height = 2; // the height of this block
bytes hash = 3;
bytes prevHash = 4;
uint32 time = 5;
bytes header = 6; // (hash, prevHash, and time) OR (full header)
uint64 height = 2; // the height of this block
bytes hash = 3; // the ID (hash) of this block, same as in block explorers
bytes prevHash = 4; // the ID (hash) of this block's predecessor
uint32 time = 5; // Unix epoch time when the block was mined
bytes header = 6; // (hash, prevHash, and time) OR (full header)
repeated CompactTx vtx = 7; // compact transactions from this block
@ -23,8 +24,8 @@ message CompactTx {
// Index and hash will allow the receiver to call out to chain
// explorers or other data structures to retrieve more information
// about this transaction.
uint64 index = 1;
bytes hash = 2;
uint64 index = 1; // the index within the full block
bytes hash = 2; // the ID (hash) of this transaction, same as in block explorers
// The transaction fee: present if server can provide. In the case of a
// stateless server and a transaction with transparent inputs, this will be
@ -33,16 +34,32 @@ message CompactTx {
// valueBalance + (sum(vPubNew) - sum(vPubOld) - sum(tOut))
uint32 fee = 3;
repeated CompactSpend spends = 4;
repeated CompactOutput outputs = 5;
repeated CompactSaplingSpend spends = 4;
repeated CompactSaplingOutput outputs = 5;
// CompactSaplingSpend is a Sapling Spend Description as described in 7.3 of the Zcash
// protocol specification.
message CompactSaplingSpend {
bytes nf = 1; // nullifier (see the Zcash protocol specification)
// output is a Sapling Output Description as described in section 7.4 of the
// Zcash protocol spec. Total size is 948.
message CompactSaplingOutput {
bytes cmu = 1; // note commitment u-coordinate
bytes epk = 2; // ephemeral public key
bytes ciphertext = 3; // first 52 bytes of ciphertext
message CompactSpend {
bytes nf = 1;
bytes nf = 1; // nullifier (see the Zcash protocol specification)
message CompactOutput {
bytes cmu = 1;
bytes epk = 2;
bytes ciphertext = 3;
bytes cmu = 1; // note commitment u-coordinate
bytes epk = 2; // ephemeral public key
bytes ciphertext = 3; // first 52 bytes of ciphertext


@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc;
option go_package = "walletrpc";
option go_package = "lightwalletd/walletrpc";
option swift_prefix = "";
import "compact_formats.proto";
// A BlockID message contains identifiers to select a block: a height or a
@ -56,14 +56,13 @@ message LightdInfo {
uint64 longestchain = 9;
uint64 notarized = 10;
message Coinsupply {
string result = 1;
string coin = 2;
int64 height = 3;
int64 supply = 4;
int64 zfunds = 5;
int64 total = 6;
uint64 height = 3;
uint64 supply = 4;
uint64 zfunds = 5;
uint64 total = 6;
message TransparentAddress {
@ -75,28 +74,97 @@ message TransparentAddressBlockFilter {
BlockRange range = 2;
message Address {
string address = 1;
message AddressList {
repeated string addresses = 1;
message Balance {
int64 valueZat = 1;
message Exclude {
repeated bytes txid = 1;
// The TreeState is derived from the Hush getblockmerkletree rpc.
message TreeState {
string network = 1; // "main" or "test"
uint64 height = 2; // block height
string hash = 3; // block id
uint32 time = 4; // Unix epoch time when the block was mined
string saplingTree = 5; // sapling commitment tree state
// Results are sorted by height, which makes it easy to issue another
// request that picks up from where the previous left off.
message GetAddressUtxosArg {
repeated string addresses = 1;
uint64 startHeight = 2;
uint32 maxEntries = 3; // zero means unlimited
message GetAddressUtxosReply {
string address = 6;
bytes txid = 1;
int32 index = 2;
bytes script = 3;
int64 valueZat = 4;
uint64 height = 5;
message GetAddressUtxosReplyList {
repeated GetAddressUtxosReply addressUtxos = 1;
service CompactTxStreamer {
// Compact Blocks
// Return the height of the tip of the best chain
rpc GetLatestBlock(ChainSpec) returns (BlockID) {}
// Return the compact block corresponding to the given block identifier
rpc GetBlock(BlockID) returns (CompactBlock) {}
// Return a list of consecutive compact blocks
rpc GetBlockRange(BlockRange) returns (stream CompactBlock) {}
// Transactions
// Return the requested full (not compact) transaction (as from zcashd)
rpc GetTransaction(TxFilter) returns (RawTransaction) {}
// Submit the given transaction to the Zcash network
rpc SendTransaction(RawTransaction) returns (SendResponse) {}
// t-Address support
// Return the txids corresponding to the given t-address within the given block range
rpc GetTaddressTxids(TransparentAddressBlockFilter) returns (stream RawTransaction) {}
// wrapper for GetTaddressTxids
rpc GetAddressTxids(TransparentAddressBlockFilter) returns (stream RawTransaction) {}
rpc GetTaddressBalance(AddressList) returns (Balance) {}
rpc GetTaddressBalanceStream(stream Address) returns (Balance) {}
// Return the compact transactions currently in the mempool; the results
// can be a few seconds out of date. If the Exclude list is empty, return
// all transactions; otherwise return all *except* those in the Exclude list
// (if any); this allows the client to avoid receiving transactions that it
// already has (from an earlier call to this rpc). The transaction IDs in the
// Exclude list can be shortened to any number of bytes to make the request
// more bandwidth-efficient; if two or more transactions in the mempool
// match a shortened txid, they are all sent (none is excluded). Transactions
// in the exclude list that don't exist in the mempool are ignored.
rpc GetMempoolTx(Exclude) returns (stream CompactTx) {}
// Return a stream of current Mempool transactions. This will keep the output stream open while
// there are mempool transactions. It will close the returned stream when a new block is mined.
rpc GetMempoolStream(Empty) returns (stream RawTransaction) {}
// GetTreeState returns the note commitment tree state corresponding to the given block.
// See section 3.7 of the Zcash protocol specification. It returns several other useful
// values also (even though they can be obtained using GetBlock).
// The block can be specified by either height or hash.
rpc GetTreeState(BlockID) returns (TreeState) {}
rpc GetLatestTreeState(Empty) returns (TreeState) {}
// Misc
rpc GetAddressUtxos(GetAddressUtxosArg) returns (GetAddressUtxosReplyList) {}
rpc GetAddressUtxosStream(GetAddressUtxosArg) returns (stream GetAddressUtxosReply) {}
// Return information about this lightwalletd instance and the blockchain
rpc GetLightdInfo(Empty) returns (LightdInfo) {}
// Testing-only, requires lightwalletd --ping-very-insecure (do not enable in production)
// rpc Ping(Duration) returns (PingResponse) {}
rpc GetCoinsupply(Empty) returns (Coinsupply) {}
rpc GetMempoolTx(Exclude) returns (stream CompactTx) {}
rpc GetMempoolStream(Empty) returns (stream RawTransaction) {}


@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ use json::{object};
use crate::lightclient::LightClient;
use crate::lightwallet::LightWallet;
use zcash_primitives::transaction::components::amount::DEFAULT_FEE;
use std::convert::TryInto;
pub trait Command {
fn help(&self) -> String;
@ -489,69 +491,82 @@ impl Command for SendCommand {
// Parse the args. There are two argument types.
// 1 - A set of 2(+1 optional) arguments for a single address send representing address, value, memo?
// 2 - A single argument in the form of a JSON string that is "[{address: address, value: value, memo: memo},...]"
// 1 - Destination address. T or Z address
if args.len() < 1 || args.len() > 3 {
// Check for a single argument that can be parsed as JSON
let send_args = if args.len() == 1 {
let arg_list = args[0];
let json_args = match json::parse(&arg_list) {
Ok(j) => j,
Err(e) => {
let es = format!("Couldn't understand JSON: {}", e);
return format!("{}\n{}", es,;
if !json_args.is_array() {
return format!("Couldn't parse argument as array\n{}",;
let maybe_send_args = json_args.members().map( |j| {
if !j.has_key("address") || !j.has_key("amount") {
Err(format!("Need 'address' and 'amount'\n"))
} else {
Ok((j["address"].as_str().unwrap().to_string().clone(), j["amount"].as_u64().unwrap(), j["memo"].as_str().map(|s| s.to_string().clone())))
}).collect::<Result<Vec<(String, u64, Option<String>)>, String>>();
match maybe_send_args {
Ok(a) => a.clone(),
Err(s) => { return format!("Error: {}\n{}", s,; }
match json::parse(&arg_list) {
Ok(json_args) => {
// Check if the parsed JSON is an array.
if !json_args.is_array() {
return format!("Couldn't parse argument as array\n{}",;
// Map each JSON object to a tuple (address, amount, memo, fee).
let maybe_send_args = json_args.members().map(|j| {
if !j.has_key("address") || !j.has_key("amount") {
Err(format!("Need 'address' and 'amount'\n"))
} else {
let fee = j["fee"].as_u64().unwrap_or(DEFAULT_FEE.try_into().unwrap());
j["memo"].as_str().map(|s| s.to_string()),
}).collect::<Result<Vec<(String, u64, Option<String>, u64)>, String>>();
// Handle any errors that occurred during mapping.
match maybe_send_args {
Ok(a) => a,
Err(s) => return format!("Error: {}\n{}", s,,
Err(e) => return format!("Couldn't understand JSON: {}\n{}", e,,
} else if args.len() == 2 || args.len() == 3 {
} else {
// Handle the case where individual arguments are provided.
let address = args[0].to_string();
// Make sure we can parse the amount
let value = match args[1].parse::<u64>() {
Ok(amt) => amt,
Err(e) => {
return format!("Couldn't parse amount: {}", e);
Err(e) => return format!("Couldn't parse amount: {}", e),
let memo = if args.len() == 3 { Some(args[2].to_string()) } else { None };
// Memo has to be None if not sending to a shileded address
let memo = args.get(2).map(|m| m.to_string());
// Memo should be None if the address is not shielded.
if memo.is_some() && !LightWallet::is_shielded_address(&address, &lightclient.config) {
return format!("Can't send a memo to the non-shielded address {}", address);
vec![(args[0].to_string(), value, memo)]
} else {
// Create a vector with a single transaction (address, amount, memo).
vec![(address, value, memo, DEFAULT_FEE.try_into().unwrap())]
// Transform transaction data into the required format (String -> &str).
let tos = send_args.iter().map(|(a, v, m, _)| (a.as_str(), *v, m.clone())).collect::<Vec<_>>();
// Calculate the total fee for all transactions.
// This assumes that all transactions have the same fee.
// If they can have different fees, you need to modify this logic.
let default_fee: u64 = DEFAULT_FEE.try_into().unwrap();
let mut selected_fee = default_fee;
// Convert to the right format. String -> &str.
let tos = send_args.iter().map(|(a, v, m)| (a.as_str(), *v, m.clone()) ).collect::<Vec<_>>();
match lightclient.do_send(tos) {
Ok(txid) => { object!{ "txid" => txid } },
Err(e) => { object!{ "error" => e } }
for (_, _, _, fee) in send_args.iter() {
if *fee != default_fee{
selected_fee = *fee;
// Execute the transaction and handle the result.
match lightclient.do_send(tos, &selected_fee) {
Ok(txid) => object!{ "txid" => txid }.pretty(2),
Err(e) => object!{ "error" => e }.pretty(2),


@ -97,52 +97,64 @@ pub fn get_coinsupply(uri: http::Uri, no_cert: bool) -> Result<Coinsupply, Strin
let mut rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
rt.block_on(get_coinsupply_info(&uri, no_cert)).map_err( |e| e.to_string())
// tokio::runtime::current_thread::Runtime::new().unwrap().block_on(runner)
async fn get_block_range<F : 'static + std::marker::Send>(uri: &http::Uri, start_height: u64, end_height: u64, no_cert: bool, pool: ThreadPool, c: F)
-> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>
async fn get_block_range<F : 'static + std::marker::Send>(
uri: &http::Uri,
start_height: u64,
end_height: u64,
no_cert: bool,
pool: ThreadPool,
c: F
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>
where F : Fn(&[u8], u64) {
let mut client = get_client(uri, no_cert).await?;
let bs = BlockId{ height: start_height, hash: vec!()};
let be = BlockId{ height: end_height, hash: vec!()};
let bs = BlockId { height: start_height, hash: vec![] };
let be = BlockId { height: end_height, hash: vec![] };
let request = Request::new(BlockRange{ start: Some(bs), end: Some(be) });
let request = Request::new(BlockRange { start: Some(bs), end: Some(be) });
// Channel where the blocks are sent. A None signifies end of all blocks
let (tx, rx) = channel::<Option<CompactBlock>>();
// Channel that the processor signals it is done, so the method can return
let (ftx, frx) = channel();
// The processor runs on a different thread, so that the network calls don't
// block on this
pool.execute(move || {
while let Some(block) = rx.recv().unwrap() {
use prost::Message;
let mut encoded_buf = vec![];
block.encode(&mut encoded_buf).unwrap();
c(&encoded_buf, block.height);
let (tx, rx) = channel::<Option<CompactBlock>>();
let (ftx, frx) = channel();
pool.execute(move || {
while let Ok(Some(block)) = rx.recv() {
use prost::Message;
let mut encoded_buf = vec![];
if let Err(e) = block.encode(&mut encoded_buf) {
eprintln!("Error encoding block: {:?}", e);
c(&encoded_buf, block.height);
if let Err(e) = ftx.send(Ok(())) {
eprintln!("Error sending completion signal: {:?}", e);
let mut response = client.get_block_range(request).await?.into_inner();
//println!("{:?}", response);
while let Some(block) = response.message().await? {
if let Err(e) = tx.send(Some(block)) {
eprintln!("Error sending block to channel: {:?}", e);
if let Err(e) = tx.send(None) {
eprintln!("Error sending end signal to channel: {:?}", e);
// Wait for the processor to exit
frx.iter().take(1).collect::<Result<Vec<()>, String>>()?;
pub fn fetch_blocks<F : 'static + std::marker::Send>(uri: &http::Uri, start_height: u64, end_height: u64, no_cert: bool, pool: ThreadPool, c: F) -> Result<(), String>
where F : Fn(&[u8], u64) {
@ -151,7 +163,6 @@ pub fn fetch_blocks<F : 'static + std::marker::Send>(uri: &http::Uri, start_heig
Err(e) => {
let es = format!("Error creating runtime {:?}", e);
error!("{}", es);
eprintln!("{}", e);
return Err(es);
@ -161,31 +172,49 @@ pub fn fetch_blocks<F : 'static + std::marker::Send>(uri: &http::Uri, start_heig
Err(e) => {
let e = format!("Error fetching blocks {:?}", e);
error!("{}", e);
eprintln!("{}", e);
// get_address_txids GRPC call
async fn get_address_txids<F : 'static + std::marker::Send>(uri: &http::Uri, address: String,
start_height: u64, end_height: u64, no_cert: bool, c: F) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>
where F : Fn(&[u8], u64) {
async fn get_address_txids<F : 'static + std::marker::Send>(
uri: &http::Uri,
address: String,
start_height: u64,
end_height: u64,
no_cert: bool,
c: F
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>
where F : Fn(&[u8], u64) {
let mut client = match get_client(uri, no_cert).await {
Ok(client) => client,
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("Error creating client: {:?}", e);
return Err(e.into());
let mut client = get_client(uri, no_cert).await?;
let start = Some(BlockId{ height: start_height, hash: vec!()});
let end = Some(BlockId{ height: end_height, hash: vec!()});
let end = Some(BlockId{ height: end_height, hash: vec!()});
let request = Request::new(TransparentAddressBlockFilter{ address, range: Some(BlockRange{start, end}) });
let request = Request::new(TransparentAddressBlockFilter{ address, range: Some(BlockRange{ start, end }) });
let maybe_response = match client.get_address_txids(request).await {
Ok(response) => response,
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("Error getting address txids: {:?}", e);
return Err(e.into());
let maybe_response = client.get_address_txids(request).await?;
let mut response = maybe_response.into_inner();
while let Some(tx) = response.message().await? {
c(&, tx.height);
@ -223,16 +252,21 @@ where
pub fn fetch_transparent_txids<F : 'static + std::marker::Send>(uri: &http::Uri, address: String,
start_height: u64, end_height: u64, no_cert: bool, c: F) -> Result<(), String>
where F : Fn(&[u8], u64) {
pub fn fetch_transparent_txids<F : 'static + std::marker::Send>(
uri: &http::Uri,
address: String,
start_height: u64,
end_height: u64,
no_cert: bool,
c: F
) -> Result<(), String>
where F : Fn(&[u8], u64) {
let mut rt = match tokio::runtime::Runtime::new() {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(e) => {
let e = format!("Error creating runtime {:?}", e);
error!("{}", e);
eprintln!("{}", e);
return Err(e);
@ -242,13 +276,11 @@ pub fn fetch_transparent_txids<F : 'static + std::marker::Send>(uri: &http::Uri,
Err(e) => {
let e = format!("Error with get_address_txids runtime {:?}", e);
error!("{}", e);
eprintln!("{}", e);
return Err(e)
// get_transaction GRPC call
async fn get_transaction(uri: &http::Uri, txid: TxId, no_cert: bool)
-> Result<RawTransaction, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
@ -266,7 +298,6 @@ pub fn fetch_full_tx(uri: &http::Uri, txid: TxId, no_cert: bool) -> Result<Vec<u
Err(e) => {
let errstr = format!("Error creating runtime {}", e.to_string());
error!("{}", errstr);
eprintln!("{}", errstr);
return Err(errstr);
@ -276,7 +307,6 @@ pub fn fetch_full_tx(uri: &http::Uri, txid: TxId, no_cert: bool) -> Result<Vec<u
Err(e) => {
let errstr = format!("Error in get_transaction runtime {}", e.to_string());
error!("{}", errstr);
eprintln!("{}", errstr);


@ -953,11 +953,11 @@ impl LightClient {
wtxs.iter().flat_map(|wtx| {
.map(move |(_i, om)|
.map(move |(i, om)|
object! {
"block_height" => wtx.block.clone(),
"datetime" => wtx.datetime.clone(),
"position" => om.position,
"position" => i,
"txid" => format!("{}", wtx.txid),
"amount" => om.value as i64,
"address" => om.address.clone(),
@ -1233,7 +1233,7 @@ pub fn start_mempool_monitor(lc: Arc<LightClient>) -> Result<(), String> {
// Sleep exponentially backing off
std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs((2 as u64).pow(retry_count)));
println!("Sync error {}\nRetry count {}", e, retry_count);
// println!("Sync error {}\nRetry count {}", e, retry_count);
@ -1252,6 +1252,7 @@ pub fn start_mempool_monitor(lc: Arc<LightClient>) -> Result<(), String> {
let addr = address.or(|s| s.clone())).unwrap();
let fee: u64 = DEFAULT_FEE.try_into().unwrap();
let result = {
let _lock = self.sync_lock.lock().unwrap();
@ -1260,6 +1261,7 @@ pub fn start_mempool_monitor(lc: Arc<LightClient>) -> Result<(), String> {
&self.sapling_spend, &self.sapling_output,
vec![(&addr, tbal - fee, None)],
|txbytes| broadcast_raw_tx(&self.get_server_uri(),self.config.no_cert_verification, txbytes)
@ -1477,47 +1479,83 @@ pub fn start_mempool_monitor(lc: Arc<LightClient>) -> Result<(), String> {
fn scan_taddress_txids(&self, pool: &ThreadPool, block_times: Arc<RwLock<HashMap<u64, u32>>>, start_height: u64, end_height: u64, no_cert: bool) -> Result<Vec<()>, String> {
// Copy over addresses so as to not lock up the wallet, which we'll use inside the callback below.
let addresses =
fn scan_taddress_txids(
pool: &ThreadPool,
block_times: Arc<RwLock<HashMap<u64, u32>>>,
start_height: u64,
end_height: u64,
no_cert: bool
) -> Result<Vec<()>, String> {
let addresses =
.map_err(|e| format!("Failed to read wallet: {:?}", e))?
.map(|a| a.clone())
// Create a channel so the fetch_transparent_txids can send the results back
let (ctx, crx) = channel();
let num_addresses = addresses.len();
for address in addresses {
let address_clone = address.clone();
let wallet = self.wallet.clone();
let pool = pool.clone();
let server_uri = self.get_server_uri();
let ctx = ctx.clone();
let block_times = block_times.clone();
pool.execute(move || {
// Fetch the transparent transactions for this address, and send the results
// via the channel
let r = fetch_transparent_txids(&server_uri, address, start_height, end_height,no_cert,
move |tx_bytes: &[u8], height: u64| {
let tx = Transaction::read(tx_bytes).unwrap();
// Scan this Tx for transparent inputs and outputs
let datetime =|v| *v).unwrap_or(0);, height as i32, datetime as u64);
let r = fetch_transparent_txids(
move |tx_bytes: &[u8], height: u64| {
let tx_result = Transaction::read(tx_bytes)
.map_err(|e| format!("Failed to read transaction: {:?}", e));
match tx_result {
Ok(tx) => {
let datetime_result =
.map_err(|e| format!("Failed to read block times: {:?}", e))
.and_then(|bt| bt.get(&height).cloned().ok_or_else(|| format!("No datetime for height: {}", height)));
match datetime_result {
Ok(datetime) => {
match|e| format!("Failed to read wallet: {:?}", e)) {
Ok(w) => {
w.scan_full_tx(&tx, height as i32, datetime as u64);
Err(e) => {
println!("Error reading wallet: {}", e);
Err(e) => {
println!("Error processing transaction: {}", e);
Err(e) => {
println!("Error reading transaction: {}", e);
match ctx.send(r) {
Ok(_) => info!("Successfully sent data for address: {}", address_clone),
Err(e) => println!("Failed to send data for address: {}: {:?}", address_clone, e),
// Collect all results from the transparent fetches, and make sure everything was OK.
// If it was not, we return an error, which will go back to the retry
crx.iter().take(num_addresses).collect::<Result<Vec<()>, String>>()
fn scan_fill_fulltxs(&self, pool: &ThreadPool, decoy_txids: Vec<(TxId, i32)>) -> Result<Vec<()>, String> {
// We need to first copy over the Txids from the wallet struct, because
@ -1564,7 +1602,7 @@ pub fn start_mempool_monitor(lc: Arc<LightClient>) -> Result<(), String> {
crx.iter().take(num_fetches).collect::<Result<Vec<()>, String>>()
pub fn do_send(&self, addrs: Vec<(&str, u64, Option<String>)>) -> Result<String, String> {
pub fn do_send(&self, addrs: Vec<(&str, u64, Option<String>)>, fee: &u64) -> Result<String, String> {
if ! {
error!("Wallet is locked");
return Err("Wallet is locked".to_string());
@ -1580,6 +1618,7 @@ pub fn start_mempool_monitor(lc: Arc<LightClient>) -> Result<(), String> {
&self.sapling_spend, &self.sapling_output,
|txbytes| broadcast_raw_tx(&self.get_server_uri(), self.config.no_cert_verification, txbytes)


@ -489,6 +489,15 @@ fn get_main_checkpoint(height: u64) -> Option<(u64, &'static str, &'static str)
find_checkpoint(height, checkpoints)


@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ use zcash_primitives::{
components::{Amount, OutPoint, TxOut}, components::amount::DEFAULT_FEE,
components::{Amount, OutPoint, TxOut},
TxId, Transaction,
@ -1470,26 +1470,43 @@ pub fn scan_full_tx(&self, tx: &Transaction, height: i32, datetime: u64) {
// Do it in a short scope because of the write lock.
info!("A sapling output was sent in {}", tx.txid());
let mut txs = self.txs.write().unwrap();
if txs.get(&tx.txid()).unwrap().outgoing_metadata.iter()
.find(|om| om.address == address && om.value == note.value && om.memo == memo)
.is_some() {
warn!("Duplicate outgoing metadata");
match self.txs.write() {
Ok(mut txs) => {
match txs.get(&tx.txid()) {
Some(wtx) => {
if wtx.outgoing_metadata.iter()
.any(|om| om.address == address && om.value == note.value && om.memo == memo)
warn!("Duplicate outgoing metadata");
// Write the outgoing metadata
address, value: note.value, memo,
// Write the outgoing metadata
.push(OutgoingTxMetadata {
value: note.value,
None => {
error!("Can not find any entry for txid : {}", tx.txid());
Err(poisoned) => {
error!("Lock is poisoned: {}", poisoned);
None => {}
// Mark this Tx as scanned
let mut txs = self.txs.write().unwrap();
@ -1545,20 +1562,11 @@ pub fn scan_full_mempool_tx(&self, tx: &Transaction, height: i32, _datetime: u64
let position = if formatted_memo.as_ref().map_or(false, |m| m.starts_with('{')) {
} else {
.filter(|tx| !LightWallet::memo_str(&Some(tx.incoming_metadata.iter().last().unwrap().memo.clone())).as_ref().map_or(false, |m| m.starts_with('{')))
.count() as u64 + 2
let incoming_metadata = IncomingTxMetadata {
address: addr.clone(),
value: amt,
memo: memo.clone(),
incoming_mempool: true,
position: position,
@ -1578,7 +1586,6 @@ pub fn scan_full_mempool_tx(&self, tx: &Transaction, height: i32, _datetime: u64
value: amt,
memo: memo.clone(),
incoming_mempool: true,
position: position,
} else {
let mut new_wtx = WalletTx::new(height, now() as u64, &tx.txid());
@ -1587,14 +1594,12 @@ pub fn scan_full_mempool_tx(&self, tx: &Transaction, height: i32, _datetime: u64
value: amt,
memo: memo.clone(),
incoming_mempool: true,
position: position,
txs.insert(tx.txid(), new_wtx);
info!("Successfully added txid with memo");
} else {
let position = 0;
// Check if txid already exists in the hashmap
let txid_exists = match {
@ -1616,7 +1621,6 @@ pub fn scan_full_mempool_tx(&self, tx: &Transaction, height: i32, _datetime: u64
value: amt,
memo: memo.clone(),
incoming_mempool: true,
position: position,
@ -1636,7 +1640,6 @@ pub fn scan_full_mempool_tx(&self, tx: &Transaction, height: i32, _datetime: u64
value: amt,
memo: memo.clone(),
incoming_mempool: true,
position: position,
} else {
let mut new_wtx = WalletTx::new(height, now() as u64, &tx.txid());
@ -1645,7 +1648,6 @@ pub fn scan_full_mempool_tx(&self, tx: &Transaction, height: i32, _datetime: u64
value: amt,
memo: memo.clone(),
incoming_mempool: true,
position: position,
txs.insert(tx.txid(), new_wtx);
@ -1668,7 +1670,6 @@ pub fn scan_full_mempool_tx(&self, tx: &Transaction, height: i32, _datetime: u64
// Invalidate all blocks including and after "at_height".
// Returns the number of blocks invalidated
pub fn invalidate_block(&self, at_height: i32) -> u64 {
@ -2177,6 +2178,7 @@ pub fn scan_full_mempool_tx(&self, tx: &Transaction, height: i32, _datetime: u64
output_params: &[u8],
_transparent_only: bool,
tos: Vec<(&str, u64, Option<String>)>,
fee: &u64,
broadcast_fn: F
) -> Result<(String, Vec<u8>), String>
where F: Fn(Box<[u8]>) -> Result<String, String>
@ -2207,24 +2209,31 @@ pub fn scan_full_mempool_tx(&self, tx: &Transaction, height: i32, _datetime: u64
total_value, tos.len()
// Convert address (str) to RecepientAddress and value to Amount
let recepients = tos.iter().map(|to| {
let ra = match address::RecipientAddress::from_str(to.0,
self.config.base58_script_address()) {
Some(to) => to,
None => {
let e = format!("Invalid recipient address: '{}'", to.0);
error!("{}", e);
return Err(e);
// Convert address (str) to RecipientAddress and value to Amount
let recepients: Result<Vec<(address::RecipientAddress, Amount, Option<String>)>, String> = tos.iter().map(|to| {
// Convert string to RecipientAddress
let ra = match address::RecipientAddress::from_str(
) {
Some(addr) => addr,
None => {
let e = format!("Invalid recipient address: '{}'", to.0);
error!("{}", e);
return Err(e);
let value = Amount::from_u64(to.1).unwrap();
// Convert the second tuple element to Amount
let value = Amount::from_u64(to.1).expect("Invalid amount value");
Ok((ra, value, to.2.clone()))
}).collect::<Result<Vec<(address::RecipientAddress, Amount, Option<String>)>, String>>()?;
Ok((ra, value, to.2.clone()))
let recepients = recepients?;
// Target the next block, assuming we are up-to-date.
let (height, anchor_offset) = match self.get_target_height_and_anchor_offset() {
@ -2237,8 +2246,9 @@ pub fn scan_full_mempool_tx(&self, tx: &Transaction, height: i32, _datetime: u64
// Select notes to cover the target value
println!("{}: Selecting notes", now() - start_time);
let target_value = Amount::from_u64(total_value).unwrap() + DEFAULT_FEE ;
// Select notes to cover the target value
println!("{}: Selecting notes", now() - start_time);
let target_value = Amount::from_u64(total_value).unwrap() + Amount::from_u64(*fee).unwrap();
// Select the candidate notes that are eligible to be spent
let notes: Vec<_> =
.map(|(txid, tx)| tx.notes.iter().map(move |note| (*txid, note)))
@ -2323,8 +2333,11 @@ pub fn scan_full_mempool_tx(&self, tx: &Transaction, height: i32, _datetime: u64
return Err(e);
let fee_amount = Amount::from_u64(*fee).expect("Invalid fee amount");
// Create the transaction
println!("{}: Adding {} notes and {} utxos", now() - start_time, notes.len(), tinputs.len());
println!("{}: Adding {} notes and {} utxos and fee {:?}", now() - start_time, notes.len(), tinputs.len(), fee_amount);
for selected in notes.iter() {
if let Err(e) = builder.add_sapling_spend(


@ -366,7 +366,6 @@ pub struct IncomingTxMetadata {
pub value : u64,
pub memo : Memo,
pub incoming_mempool: bool,
pub position: u64,
impl IncomingTxMetadata {
@ -378,7 +377,7 @@ impl IncomingTxMetadata {
let value = reader.read_u64::<LittleEndian>()?;
let incoming_mempool = true;
let position = 0;
// let position = 0;
let mut memo_bytes = [0u8; 512];
reader.read_exact(&mut memo_bytes)?;
@ -389,7 +388,7 @@ impl IncomingTxMetadata {
// position,
@ -440,7 +439,7 @@ pub struct WalletTx {
impl WalletTx {
pub fn serialized_version() -> u64 {
return 4;
return 5;
pub fn new(height: i32, datetime: u64, txid: &TxId) -> Self {
@ -460,10 +459,9 @@ impl WalletTx {
pub fn read<R: Read>(mut reader: R) -> io::Result<Self> {
let version = reader.read_u64::<LittleEndian>()?;
assert!(version <= WalletTx::serialized_version());
assert!(version <= WalletTx::serialized_version(), "Version mismatch. Please restore with your Seed");
let block = reader.read_i32::<LittleEndian>()?;
let datetime = if version >= 4 {
} else {
@ -472,23 +470,24 @@ impl WalletTx {
let mut txid_bytes = [0u8; 32];
reader.read_exact(&mut txid_bytes)?;
let txid = TxId{0: txid_bytes};
let notes = Vector::read(&mut reader, |r| SaplingNoteData::read(r))?;
let utxos = Vector::read(&mut reader, |r| Utxo::read(r))?;
let total_shielded_value_spent = reader.read_u64::<LittleEndian>()?;
let total_transparent_value_spent = reader.read_u64::<LittleEndian>()?;
// Outgoing metadata was only added in version 2
let outgoing_metadata = Vector::read(&mut reader, |r| OutgoingTxMetadata::read(r))?;
let incoming_metadata = Vector::read(&mut reader, |r| IncomingTxMetadata::read(r))?;
// Read incoming_metadata only if version is 5 or higher
let incoming_metadata = if version >= 5 {
Vector::read(&mut reader, |r| IncomingTxMetadata::read(r))?
} else {
let full_tx_scanned = reader.read_u8()? > 0;
Ok(WalletTx {
@ -502,6 +501,7 @@ impl WalletTx {
pub fn write<W: Write>(&self, mut writer: W) -> io::Result<()> {
