Verus Coin - this coin was backdoored by it's lead dev and should not be trusted!
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// Copyright (c) 2016 The Zcash developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or .
#include "utiltest.h"
#include "consensus/upgrades.h"
#include "transaction_builder.h"
#include <array>
// Sprout
CMutableTransaction GetValidSproutReceiveTransaction(ZCJoinSplit& params,
const libzcash::SproutSpendingKey& sk,
CAmount value,
bool randomInputs,
int32_t version /* = 2 */) {
CMutableTransaction mtx;
mtx.nVersion = version;;
if (randomInputs) {[0].prevout.hash = GetRandHash();[1].prevout.hash = GetRandHash();
} else {[0].prevout.hash = uint256S("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001");[1].prevout.hash = uint256S("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002");
}[0].prevout.n = 0;[1].prevout.n = 0;
// Generate an ephemeral keypair.
uint256 joinSplitPubKey;
unsigned char joinSplitPrivKey[crypto_sign_SECRETKEYBYTES];
crypto_sign_keypair(joinSplitPubKey.begin(), joinSplitPrivKey);
mtx.joinSplitPubKey = joinSplitPubKey;
std::array<libzcash::JSInput, 2> inputs = {
libzcash::JSInput(), // dummy input
libzcash::JSInput() // dummy input
std::array<libzcash::JSOutput, 2> outputs = {
libzcash::JSOutput(sk.address(), value),
libzcash::JSOutput(sk.address(), value)
// Prepare JoinSplits
uint256 rt;
JSDescription jsdesc {false, params, mtx.joinSplitPubKey, rt,
inputs, outputs, 2*value, 0, false};
// Consider: The following is a bit misleading (given the name of this function)
// and should perhaps be changed, but currently a few tests in test_wallet.cpp
// depend on this happening.
if (version >= 4) {
// Shielded Output
OutputDescription od;
// Empty output script.
uint32_t consensusBranchId = SPROUT_BRANCH_ID;
CScript scriptCode;
CTransaction signTx(mtx);
uint256 dataToBeSigned = SignatureHash(scriptCode, signTx, NOT_AN_INPUT, SIGHASH_ALL, 0, consensusBranchId);
// Add the signature
assert(crypto_sign_detached(&mtx.joinSplitSig[0], NULL,
dataToBeSigned.begin(), 32,
) == 0);
return mtx;
CWalletTx GetValidSproutReceive(ZCJoinSplit& params,
const libzcash::SproutSpendingKey& sk,
CAmount value,
bool randomInputs,
int32_t version /* = 2 */)
CMutableTransaction mtx = GetValidSproutReceiveTransaction(
params, sk, value, randomInputs, version
CTransaction tx {mtx};
CWalletTx wtx {NULL, tx};
return wtx;
CWalletTx GetInvalidCommitmentSproutReceive(ZCJoinSplit& params,
const libzcash::SproutSpendingKey& sk,
CAmount value,
bool randomInputs,
int32_t version /* = 2 */)
CMutableTransaction mtx = GetValidSproutReceiveTransaction(
params, sk, value, randomInputs, version
mtx.vJoinSplit[0].commitments[0] = uint256();
mtx.vJoinSplit[0].commitments[1] = uint256();
CTransaction tx {mtx};
CWalletTx wtx {NULL, tx};
return wtx;
libzcash::SproutNote GetSproutNote(ZCJoinSplit& params,
const libzcash::SproutSpendingKey& sk,
const CTransaction& tx, size_t js, size_t n) {
ZCNoteDecryption decryptor {sk.receiving_key()};
auto hSig = tx.vJoinSplit[js].h_sig(params, tx.joinSplitPubKey);
auto note_pt = libzcash::SproutNotePlaintext::decrypt(
(unsigned char) n);
return note_pt.note(sk.address());
CWalletTx GetValidSproutSpend(ZCJoinSplit& params,
const libzcash::SproutSpendingKey& sk,
const libzcash::SproutNote& note,
CAmount value) {
CMutableTransaction mtx;
mtx.vout[0].nValue = value;
mtx.vout[1].nValue = 0;
// Generate an ephemeral keypair.
uint256 joinSplitPubKey;
unsigned char joinSplitPrivKey[crypto_sign_SECRETKEYBYTES];
crypto_sign_keypair(joinSplitPubKey.begin(), joinSplitPrivKey);
mtx.joinSplitPubKey = joinSplitPubKey;
// Fake tree for the unused witness
SproutMerkleTree tree;
libzcash::JSOutput dummyout;
libzcash::JSInput dummyin;
if (note.value() > value) {
libzcash::SproutSpendingKey dummykey = libzcash::SproutSpendingKey::random();
libzcash::SproutPaymentAddress dummyaddr = dummykey.address();
dummyout = libzcash::JSOutput(dummyaddr, note.value() - value);
} else if (note.value() < value) {
libzcash::SproutSpendingKey dummykey = libzcash::SproutSpendingKey::random();
libzcash::SproutPaymentAddress dummyaddr = dummykey.address();
libzcash::SproutNote dummynote(dummyaddr.a_pk, (value - note.value()), uint256(), uint256());
dummyin = libzcash::JSInput(tree.witness(), dummynote, dummykey);
std::array<libzcash::JSInput, 2> inputs = {
libzcash::JSInput(tree.witness(), note, sk),
std::array<libzcash::JSOutput, 2> outputs = {
dummyout, // dummy output
libzcash::JSOutput() // dummy output
// Prepare JoinSplits
uint256 rt = tree.root();
JSDescription jsdesc {false, params, mtx.joinSplitPubKey, rt,
inputs, outputs, 0, value, false};
// Empty output script.
uint32_t consensusBranchId = SPROUT_BRANCH_ID;
CScript scriptCode;
CTransaction signTx(mtx);
uint256 dataToBeSigned = SignatureHash(scriptCode, signTx, NOT_AN_INPUT, SIGHASH_ALL, 0, consensusBranchId);
// Add the signature
assert(crypto_sign_detached(&mtx.joinSplitSig[0], NULL,
dataToBeSigned.begin(), 32,
) == 0);
CTransaction tx {mtx};
CWalletTx wtx {NULL, tx};
return wtx;
// Sapling
const Consensus::Params& RegtestActivateSapling() {
UpdateNetworkUpgradeParameters(Consensus::UPGRADE_OVERWINTER, Consensus::NetworkUpgrade::ALWAYS_ACTIVE);
UpdateNetworkUpgradeParameters(Consensus::UPGRADE_SAPLING, Consensus::NetworkUpgrade::ALWAYS_ACTIVE);
return Params().GetConsensus();
void RegtestDeactivateSapling() {
UpdateNetworkUpgradeParameters(Consensus::UPGRADE_SAPLING, Consensus::NetworkUpgrade::NO_ACTIVATION_HEIGHT);
UpdateNetworkUpgradeParameters(Consensus::UPGRADE_OVERWINTER, Consensus::NetworkUpgrade::NO_ACTIVATION_HEIGHT);
libzcash::SaplingExtendedSpendingKey GetTestMasterSaplingSpendingKey() {
std::vector<unsigned char, secure_allocator<unsigned char>> rawSeed(32);
HDSeed seed(rawSeed);
return libzcash::SaplingExtendedSpendingKey::Master(seed);
CKey AddTestCKeyToKeyStore(CBasicKeyStore& keyStore) {
CKey tsk = DecodeSecret(T_SECRET_REGTEST);
return tsk;
TestSaplingNote GetTestSaplingNote(const libzcash::SaplingPaymentAddress& pa, CAmount value) {
// Generate dummy Sapling note
libzcash::SaplingNote note(pa, value);
uint256 cm =;
SaplingMerkleTree tree;
return { note, tree };
CWalletTx GetValidSaplingReceive(const Consensus::Params& consensusParams,
CBasicKeyStore& keyStore,
const libzcash::SaplingExtendedSpendingKey &sk,
CAmount value) {
// From taddr
CKey tsk = AddTestCKeyToKeyStore(keyStore);
auto scriptPubKey = GetScriptForDestination(tsk.GetPubKey().GetID());
// To zaddr
auto fvk = sk.expsk.full_viewing_key();
auto pa = sk.DefaultAddress();
auto builder = TransactionBuilder(consensusParams, 1, expiryDelta, &keyStore);
builder.AddTransparentInput(COutPoint(), scriptPubKey, value);
builder.AddSaplingOutput(fvk.ovk, pa, value, {});
CTransaction tx = builder.Build().GetTxOrThrow();
CWalletTx wtx {NULL, tx};
return wtx;