# Example lightwalletd configurations # Table of contents 1. [Why](#why) 2. [With Nginx](#with-nginx) 3. [No Web](#no-web) 4. [Apache](#apache) ## Why The [Hush Lightwalletd](https://git.hush.is/hush/lightwalletd/) can be configured in numerous different ways depending upon your specific setup. Here I will cover some example configurations and include shell scripts you can modify for your needs once you decide how you want to configure it. ## With Nginx For Nginx specifics, refer to the [lightwalletd README](https://git.hush.is/hush/lightwalletd/src/branch/master/README.md) to setup your SSL cert config. Then you can use this [example shell script](run_lightwalletd_nginx.sh) to run lightwalletd with an nginx reverse proxy frontend. In the script you have to change the hostname and username before running it. ## No Web Here we run lightwalletd without any web servers (no nginx) and as a stand-alone service managing the SSL cert config internally. Use this [example shell script](run_lightwalletd_no-web.sh) to run lightwalletd stand-alone. ## Apache I do not know Apache, but you are welcome to contribute your example configuration if you are using it as a reverse proxy.