#!/usr/bin/env bash # Purpose: simple run script for Hush lightwalletd with NO web frontend # Setup: Change username, setup your SSL cert config, and then run this to start lightwalletd # had to use this IP when using acme.sh instead of certbot ip= # port 9067 is the default lightwalletd port port=9067 ip_and_port="${ip}:${port}" ### Change below to the username running lightwalletd ### # this user account must have access to the HUSH3.conf username=jahway603 hush_conf="/home/${username}/.hush/HUSH3/HUSH3.conf" ### Setup SSL cert config below ### # Change below to your lightwalletd public server name host=your.server.name.com # Change to your SSL cert, certbot does one thing, acme.sh does another, YMMV ssl_cert="/etc/nginx/ssl/${host}/fullchain/${host}.pem" ssl_key="/etc/nginx/ssl/${host}/key/${host}.key.pem" echo "starting lightwalletd on port $port..." lightwalletd -bind-addr "$ip_and_port" -conf-file "$hush_conf" -tls-cert "$ssl_cert" --tls-key "$ssl_key" # let's go brandon