Backend server for SDL
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jahway603 adcb453d6e Merge pull request 'New release of Version 0.2.0' (#64) from dev into master 1 month ago
cmd Release v 0.2.0 is ready to go 1 month ago
common Release v 0.2.0 is ready to go 1 month ago
contrib/debian Updated contrib/debian/changelog 1 month ago
doc/man Release v 0.2.0 is ready to go 1 month ago
frontend Release v 0.2.0 is ready to go 1 month ago
parser Release v 0.2.0 is ready to go 1 month ago
testdata Test against the first 20 mainnet blocks 5 years ago
util Added --aarch64 CLI option to Debian package build script 1 month ago
vendor Port code from upstream 2 years ago
walletrpc Release v 0.2.0 is ready to go 1 month ago
.gitignore Update docs; add and remove darkside from showing up in --help 2 years ago
AUTHORS Updated copyright years and included Hush copyright on files missing one to resolve Issue #31 1 month ago
LICENSE added correct LICENSE file 3 years ago
Makefile implemented help system in Makefile 1 month ago minor change to markdown table 1 month ago
go.mod Port code from upstream 2 years ago
go.sum Port code from upstream 2 years ago
main.go Updated copyright years and included Hush copyright on files missing one to resolve Issue #31 1 month ago Updated copyright years and included Hush copyright on files missing one to resolve Issue #31 1 month ago Updated copyright years and included Hush copyright on files missing one to resolve Issue #31 1 month ago


Hush Lightwalletd is a fork of lightwalletd original from Zcash (ZEC).

It is a backend service that provides a bandwidth-efficient interface to the Hush blockchain for SilentDragonLite cli and SilentDragonLite.

Changes from upstream lightwalletd

This version of lightwalletd extends lightwalletd and:

  • Adds support for HUSH
  • Adds support for transparent addresses
  • Adds several new RPC calls for lightclients
  • Lots of perf improvements
    • Replaces SQLite with in-memory cache for Compact Blocks
    • Replace local Txstore, delegating Tx lookups to hushd
    • Remove the need for a separate ingestor

Running your own SDL lightwalletd

0. First, install Go

You will need Go >= 1.17 which you can download from the official download page or install via your OS package manager. Most OS package managers will not have such a new version, but you might get lucky.

This installation document shows how to do it on various OS's.

If you're using Ubuntu or Debian, try:

$ sudo apt install golang

1. Run a Hush node.

Either compile or build the Hush Daemon (hushd).

Next, change your HUSH3.conf file to something like the following:

rpcport=18031 # this if for HUSH, change it for other HSC's
addressindex=1 # required for the newest lightwalletd code

Then start hushd in your command window. You might need to run with -reindex the first time if you are enabling -addressindex option for the first time. The reindex might take a while. A fresh sync is usually the fastest way to enable -addressindex, instead of doing a reindex.

2. Compile lightwalletd

Run the build script.


3. Get a TLS certificate and run the Lightwalletd frontend

First, get a TLS certificate:

On Ubuntu Linux, I SUGGEST YOU DO NOT USE SNAPD and just sudo apt install certbot and then start on Step 7 of these instructions by the EFF

Next you decide how you want to setup lightwalletd - with (Option A) or without NGINX (Option B).

Option A: "Let's Encrypt" certificate using NGINX as a reverse proxy

If you running a public-facing server, the easiest way to obtain a certificate is to use a NGINX reverse proxy and get a Let's Encrypt certificate.

Create a new section for the NGINX reverse proxy:

server {
    listen 443 ssl http2;
    listen [::]:443 ssl http2;

    ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/; # managed by Certbot
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/; # managed by Certbot
    include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf; # managed by Certbot
    ssl_dhparam /etc/letsencrypt/ssl-dhparams.pem; # managed by Certbot
    location / {
        # Replace 9067 with the port of your gRPC server if using a custom port
        # Hush Smart Chains should use a different port than 9067 so it doesn't conflict with HUSH lightwalletd
        # NOTE: it's only safe to use --no-tls on lightwalletd if this is on localhost
        grpc_pass grpc://localhost:9067;
        proxy_redirect off;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

Then run the lightwalletd frontend with the following:


If you see the following error "Can't create data directory: /var/lib/lightwalletd" you need to set the correct user permissions:

sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/lib/lightwalletd
sudo chmod -R 755 /var/lib/lightwalletd

Note: we use the "--no-tls" option as we are using NGINX as a reverse proxy and letting it handle the TLS authentication for us instead. If you want to do TLS directly with lightwalletd with no reverse proxy, see the next section.

If you encounter an error about the lightwalletd "data directory", then set one on the command line with --data-dir (OR) create the /var/lib/lightwalletd and /var/lib/lightwalletd/db directories & chown that new db directory as the user account running lightwalletd and hushd.

Option B: "Let's Encrypt" certificate just using lightwalletd without NGINX

The other option is to configure lightwalletd to handle its own TLS authentication. Once you have a certificate that you want to use (from a certificate authority), pass the certificate to the frontend as follows:

./ -tls-cert /etc/letsencrypt/live/YOURWEBSITE/fullchain.pem -tls-key /etc/letsencrypt/live/YOURWEBSITE/privkey.pem

4. Point the silentdragonlite-cli to this server

You should start seeing the frontend ingest and cache the Hush blocks after ~15 seconds.

Now, connect to your server! (Substitute with your own below)

git clone
cd silentdragonlite-cli
cargo build --release
./target/release/silentdragonlite-cli --server

You can also do testing with

Running a server for Hush Smart Chains

This lightwalletd code can be used with any Hush Smart Chain. For example, here is how you would run the lightwalletd for DragonX :

./lightwalletd --grpc-bind-addr localhost:9069 --http-bind-addr localhost:9070 --hush-conf-path ~/.hush/DRAGONX/DRAGONX.conf --no-tls --rpcport=21769

For this code, your Nginx config will need to use the same GRPC port, so something like grpc_pass grpc://localhost:9069;

The above code should be compatible with running a lightwalletd on the same server that runs one for Hush, which by default uses ports 9067 for grpc and 9068 for http. If you are only running a single lightwalletd on a server, the following should work for DragonX :

./lightwalletd --grpc-bind-addr localhost:9069 --http-bind-addr localhost:9070 --hush-conf-path ~/.hush/DRAGONX/DRAGONX.conf --no-tls --rpcport=21769

To run lightwalletd for other HSC's, you must specific the correct RPC port via --rpcport , point to it's config file via --hush-conf-path and use use unique ports that nothing else is using for --grpc-bind-addr and --http-bind-addr . Make sure your nginx config grpc_pass port matches what you give to --grpc-bin-addr .

Lightwalletd Command-line Options

These are some of the most used command line options for lightwalletd:

CLI option Default What it does
--grpc-bind-addr address and port to listen on via GRPC
--http-bind-addr address and port to listen on vi HTTP
--tls-cert blank the path to a TLS certificate
--tls-key blank the path to a TLS key file
--no-tls false Disable TLS, serve un-encrypted traffic
--data-dir /var/lib/lightwalletd Sets the lightwalletd data directory
--log-file blank log file to write to
--log-level logrus.InfoLevel log level 1 thru 7 (something from logrus)
--hush-conf-path blank conf file to pull RPC creds from
--rpcport 18031 RPC port
version n/a Display lightwalletd version

Run ./lightwalletd --help or ./lightwalletd help to see all options.


To create a foo.pb.go file from a foo.proto file:

protoc --go_out=paths=source_relative:. foo.proto

Or do make protobuf

To update the version of lightwalletd, update the value of the Version variable in common/common.go .

Support and Socials


GPLv3 or later


2016-2024 The Hush Developers