Duke Leto Presentations
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16 years ago
\usepackage{beamerthemeHannover, graphicx, clrscode, amsmath, amssymb, multicol}
16 years ago
16 years ago
\title{Getting Involved With Rakudo \\ \small{ (A Flavor of Perl 6) } }
\author[Duke Leto]{Jonathan "Duke" Leto}
\includegraphics[width=4.57cm, height=4.25cm]{perl6bacon}
\section{What is Perl 6?}
\frametitle{Flavors of Perl 6}
\item Rakudo - Parrot
\item Pugs - Haskell
\item SMOP - C+DSLs
\item Elf - Ruby
\item STD.pm - Larry's Implementation in Perl 6 (gimme5)
\item v6.pm - Source filter for Perl 5
\item others ...
\frametitle{What is Rakudo?}
16 years ago
16 years ago
The Way Of The Camel = "Rakuda-do" $\implies$ Rakudo, which happens to mean "paradise" in Japanese.
16 years ago
16 years ago
\item Perl 6 implementation on the Parrot Virtual Machine
\item Still lives in \begin{bf}languages/perl6\end{bf} directory of Parrot
\item Fierce development in the last few weeks
\item Aiming to be the first production Perl 6 implementation
\item 1.0 ? Sometime before Xmas
16 years ago
\section{Getting Started}
16 years ago
\frametitle{Getting Involved}
16 years ago
\item {\tiny{ http://trac.parrot.org/parrot/wiki/NewParrotDeveloperGuide } }
16 years ago
\item Help finish porting the Wiki from SocialText to TracWiki on parrot.org
\item Beginner tutorials are sorely needed
\item Fix/contribute documentation
\item Report bugs on your platform/set up a BuildBot slave
\item Blog your Rakudo/Perl 6 experiences to combat FUD
\frametitle{Can You Smell The Bacon?}
16 years ago
\includegraphics[width=6.00cm, height=2.00cm]{perl6code1} \\
\includegraphics[width=4.00cm, height=4.00cm]{BaconWave}
perldoc foo.pir
16 years ago
\section{ Let's Jump In }
16 years ago
\frametitle{Hack Session}
16 years ago
Ok, let's do some hacking already.
\item Checkout source code (svn co ... )
\item Build parrot and perl6 (make perl6)
\item Build docs (make html)
\item Run tests for parrot and perl6
\item Submit bugs if any tests fail
\item Experiment!
\frametitle{ Thanks }
\item Larry
\item Eric Wilhelm
\item Jerry Gay
\item Patrick Michaud
\item The Perl Foundation
\item Everyone working on Parrot, Rakudo and Perl 6
16 years ago
16 years ago
\frametitle{ Resources }
\item http://rakudo.org
\item http://parrot.org
\item http://perlsphere.net
16 years ago
\item \#perl6 and \#parrot on freenode
\item \#pdx.pm on irc.perl.org
16 years ago