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Create a new skeleton for the updated PDX git talk

Duke Leto 9 years ago
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evince pres.pdf > /dev/null
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% clrscode.sty
% $Id: clrscode.sty,v 1.6 2005/07/14 20:55:00 thc Exp $
% $Log: clrscode.sty,v $
% Revision 1.6 2005/07/14 20:55:00 thc
% Added a definition for \numref. Thanks to Matt Suder(?) and Johan Gade.
% Revision 1.5 2003/11/11 15:45:37 thc
% Removed a macro that is no longer needed.
% Revision 1.4 2003/11/07 20:23:16 thc
% Fixed a bug that caused incorrect behavior when the \zi command
% is used for lines beginning with \Until, \Else, \ElseIf, or \ElseNoIf.
% Thanks for Oliver Ernst for reporting this bug.
% Revision 1.3 2003/09/26 19:42:54 thc
% Changed \codeboxwidth from \textwidth to \linewidth so that the package
% works in twocolumn mode.
% Revision 1.2 2003/06/19 14:51:17 thc
% Fixed a bug that caused this package to interact badly with the
% color package. Thanks to Janne Rinta-Mänty for reporting this bug
% and suggesting the fix.
% Revision 1.1 2003/06/11 15:24:25 thc
% Initial revision
% See the document "Using the clrscode Package in LaTeX 2e" for
% examples.
% Package for producing pseudocode in the style of Cormen, Leiserson,
% Rivest, and Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, Second edition.
% LIMITATION: This package works only if each procedure has at most 99
% numbered lines of code.
% Each pseudocode procedure is typeset within a codebox environment,
% \begin{codebox}...\end{codebox}.
% Normally, the first line within the codebox environment is a \Procname
% command. The argument of the \Procname command is a math-mode
% expression consisting of the procedure name and its parameters. The
% name of the procedure itself goes within a \proc command. Example:
% \Procname{$\proc{Matrix-Multiply}(A,B)$}
% The \Procname command is optional.
% To typeset the name of a procedure (e.g., Matrix-Multiply) in small
% caps, use the \proc command:
% \proc{Matrix-Multiply}
% To typeset the name of a constant (e.g., nil) in small caps, use the
% \const command:
% \const{nil}
% To typeset the name of an identifier (e.g., rank) in regular italics,
% use the \id command:
% \id{rank}
% To typeset the name of a fixed function (e.g., sin) in roman, use the
% \func command:
% \func{sin}
% (Note that several fixed functions, like sin, are already built into
% LaTeX.)
% The \proc, \const, \id, and \func commands not only use the correct
% font, they also perform the important service of interpreting a dash
% as a hyphen, rather than as a minus sign. These commands may be used
% either in or out of math mode.
% Other than the \Procname line, all lines begin with either \li (for a
% numbered line) or \zi (for an unnumbered line). The following
% commands are provided for typesetting keywords and handling automatic
% indentation:
% Loops: \For, \To, \By, \Downto, \Do, \While, \Repeat, \Until
% Selection: \If, \Then, \Else, \ElseIf, \ElseNoIf
% Jumps: \Return, \Error, \Goto
% Comments: \Comment, \RComment
% Indentation: \Indentmore, \Flushright
% \label commands appearing in or after the first numbered line in a
% codebox resolve to the number of the most recent numbered line.
% \twodots produces the ".." notation used for subarrays.
% Written for general distribution by Thomas H. Cormen, June 2003.
% The author grants permission for anyone to use this macro package and
% to distribute it unchanged without further restriction. If you choose
% to modify this package, you must indicate that you have modified it
% prior to your distributing it. I don't want to get bug reports about
% changes that *you* have made!
\usepackage{latexsym} % needed for \Comment symbol
% Commands for typesetting constants, procedure names, identifiers, and
% fixed functions.
% Command for typesetting subarray ranges.
% The codelinenumber counter counts the current line number.
% The indent counter keeps track of the current indentation level.
% The \iffirstcodeline command tells us whether we are about to
% produce the first line other than the procedure declaration.
% The \zeroli command makes it so that we're about to produce the
% first line other than the procedure declaration.
% \digitwidth gives the width of a single digit. All digits are the
% same width. We'll need this amount to do the right thing for line
% numbers.
% The \li command bumps the counter, outputs it, and skips some space
% A \label cmd for a given numbered line is allowed to appear after the
% \\, as in
% \li $x\gets y$ \label{li:assign-x}
% But if \li merely set \@currentlabel in the usual way via
% \refstepcounter, the value of \@currentlabel does not persist outside
% the current cell. Solution: use an additional, global variable
% \@lilabel.
% THC: This next command is magic to me. I didn't write it.
% \code@init is run at the beginning of a codebox environment.
\zeroli% producing the first line
\setlength{\tabbingsep}{1em}% distance between numbers and code
% Initialize \@lilabel to allow a pageref \label cmd at the beginning
% of the codebox
% When we make a codebox, we save the code part into a box before
% printing it. We do not actually print the code until we know how many
% line numbers there are.
% The \ifprocname command tells us whether this procedure has been
% given a name yet.
% Assume that the width of the codebox is the width of the text, minus
% the width of 2 digits. We'll correct for that later.
\setlength{\codeboxwidth}{\linewidth} % Thanks, David Etherington!
% The "codebox" environment produces an unbreakable section of code
\global\procnamefalse% this proc hasn't been given a name yet
\code@init% set up for first line
\begin{lrbox}{\savecode}% save the code into a box
\begin{minipage}[t]{\codeboxwidth}% it'll be a minipage
% Set up the tab stops
\def\ifthentab{\textbf{if} \=\textbf{then} }%
99\=\ \ifthentab \=\ifthentab \=\ifthentab \=\ifthentab \=\ifthentab
\=\textbf{if} \=\+\kill%
% Here's what's run at the end of a codebox environment. Start by
% making sure that we have ended at indent level 0. Otherwise, print a
% warning.
\ifnum\value{indent}=0\else\typeout{Warning: Indentation ends at level \theindent\space in codebox on page \thepage.}\fi%
\addtolength{\topsep}{0.5ex}% for the following trivlist
% If there was a procedure name given, print it now but with a little
% space below, and disallow a page break after the procedure name.
\ifprocname\saveprocname\rule[-1.25ex]{0pt}{0pt}\\ \fi%
% Put in the right amount of space, depending on whether we reached
% double digits in the line numbers.
% Now print the code
% Use the \Procname macro to give the name of the procedure.
\newcounter{thisindent} % counter for recursive indenting code
% \putindents is a recursive macro that indents a number of times given
% by the counter thisindent.
% For typesetting any keyword in the main text.
% All of our favorite keywords.
\newcommand{\For}{\textbf{for} }
\newcommand{\To}{\textbf{to} }
\newcommand{\By}{\textbf{by} }
\newcommand{\Downto}{\textbf{downto} }
\newcommand{\While}{\textbf{while} }
\newcommand{\If}{\textbf{if} }
\newcommand{\ElseIf}{\kill\addtocounter{indent}{-1}\liprint\textbf{elseif} }
\newcommand{\ElseNoIf}{\kill\addtocounter{indent}{-1}\liprint\textbf{else} \addtocounter{indent}{1}}
\newcommand{\Return}{\textbf{return} }
\newcommand{\Comment}{$\hspace*{-0.075em}\rhd$ }
\newcommand{\Goto}{\textbf{goto} }
\newcommand{\Error}{\textbf{error} } % optionally followed by string argument
% Indent the next line one level more
% Make the next line be flush against the right margin.
% The \li command starts a new numbered line.
\iffirstcodeline\global\firstcodelinefalse\else\\ \fi
% The \lispace command starts a new numbered line with a little extra
% space above, given by the argument.
\newcommand{\lispace}[1]{\iffirstcodeline\global\firstcodelinefalse\else\\[#1] \fi
% \liprint actually prints the line number and sets up the indentation.
\csname r@#1\endcsname
% \setlinenumber sets the line number to its argument
% \setlinenumberplus sets the line number to its first argument plus its
% second argument.
% The \zi command starts a new unnumbered line.
\iffirstcodeline\global\firstcodelinefalse\else\\ \fi


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bringing in beginners and using the group as a teaching vehicle? Are you going to include advice on how to ensure that these meetups continue to be open to beginners and how the group can work to make that important?


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@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
\usepackage{beamerthemeHannover, graphicx, clrscode, amsmath, amssymb, multicol}
\usepackage{textcomp} \usepackage{verbatim}
\author[@dukeleto]{Jonathan "Duke" Leto\\\small{\\\\@dukeleto}}
\inserttotalframenumber]{Clone A Git Together Into Your Town}
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} %no nav symbols
% keynote-ish
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{bg=black, fg=white}
\setbeamertemplate{background canvas}[vertical shading]
[bottom=bottomcolour, middle=middlecolour, top=black]
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} %no nav symbols
\frametitle{ \includegraphics[scale=0.2]{pdxgit} PDX Git Together}
\indent The monthly user group that doesn't lose your data! \\
\item Github Pages
\item Twitter Bootstrap
\item Font Awesome
\item Google Groups
\item Calagator
\item Twitter
\item LinkedIn
\frametitle{Origin Story}
TODO: Fewer details, more arc
\item GSoC Mentor Summit Oct 2010
\item Git Together Developer Conf Oct 2010
\item GSoC Mentor Summit Oct 2011
\item Git Together Developer Conf Oct 2011
\item 26. Jan 2012
\item 1. Feb 2012 1st Meeting
\item 27. Aug 2012 2nd Meeting (@igalko)
\frametitle{Getting Free Stuff}
\item Venue
\item Food
\item Schwag
\item Publicity
\frametitle{Self-Organizing Communities}
\item Chaos
\item Meritocracy
\item Transparency
\frametitle{Community Guidelines}
\item Define Publicly
\item Modify Publicly
\item Enforce Publicly
\item Rotating leadership
\item T-Shirts
\item Stickers
\item Focused Hackathons
\item Create a Github Org for your Clone
\item Fork
\item Name your repo (rules changed)
\item Register a domain
\item Change CNAME file to be your domain
\item Configure DNS $ \to $ Github
\item Create a Google Group
\item Get a Twitter Account
\item Create a LinkedIn Group
\item ...
\item PROFIT!
\frametitle{git merge -s=social}
\item @dukeleto
\item 209.691.DUKE
\item IRC: dukeleto on Freenode, Mozilla, Perl
TODO: Better image
% \includegraphics[height=\paperheight]{pdxgit}


@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Git is used everywhere, but few formal communities or groups exist. Learn about the PDX Git Together and how to clone this community model into your town.
This talk will give a background of the history of the Git community and predictions for where it is headed in the future. In addition, an easy to follow checklist will be presented for anybody that would like to start a Git community,i.e. spreading the DAG, to a town of their choice.
Part of this checklist is an in-depth introduction to the infrastructure of, which uses Github Pages and Twitter Bootstrap. The website is powered by a [Git repo]( which updates the website every time a new commit is pushed.
Other items on the checklist are how to find a venue for your group and how to choose and codify your community guidelines.