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Add libgit2 osbridge proposal

Jonathan "Duke" Leto 11 years ago
  1. 7
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  3. 201
  4. 18


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rubber --pdf pres.tex
open pres.pdf
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your now a real incubator unless your beans are fresh
if your beans aren't fresh, your ideas aren't fresh
VC outside the valley, boston or NY, Betaworks?
want to be the valley
hexapony =>


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\usepackage{graphicx, clrscode, amsmath, amssymb, multicol}
\title{Making Twitter Suck Less With Perl}
\author[Duke Leto]{Jonathan "Duke" Leto}
\frametitle{Making Twitter Suck Less With Perl}
\framesubtitle{Speak Perl to your favorite $\mu$blogging service}
\includegraphics[width=3.00cm, height=1.50cm]{perl_republic}
\includegraphics[width=2.56cm, height=2.56cm]{twitter_logo}
\frametitle{What sucks, but ain't Twitter's fault?}
\item Following annoying people
\item Having boring friends
\item Twittershitters
\includegraphics[width=6.00cm, height=3.50cm]{twittershitter}
\frametitle{What \textcolor{red}{actually} sucks?}
\item Interesting tweets buried in a sea of nonsense
\item Tag spam (\#omg \#its \#hashtags \#allthewaydown)
\item Skeezy webapps that steal your credentials
\item Worms (StalkDaily)
\item Marketing bots
\item SEO crazies
Perl can help with most of these!
\frametitle{How can Perl help?}
\item Use the power of CPAN!
\item Automate finding what you want
\item Filter out what you don't care about
\item Uses Moose
\item Works with Twitter and
\item REST, Search and Twittervision API support
\item OAuth and Basic Authentication
\item 1 to 1 mapping with API
\item Plenty of syntax sugar
\item Net::Twitter::Lite
\item Fewer Dependencies
\item Same great taste
\frametitle{Net::Twitter Basic Use}
my $nt = Net::Twitter->new({
username => $user,
password => $pass,
traits => [qw/API::REST/],
my $my_tl = $nt->user_timeline({count=>5});
my $buddy_tl = $nt->user_timeline({
screen_name => $buddy
$nt->update('Perl rocks!');
\textcolor{blue}{} has a constantly-updated database of Twitter bots.
use WWW::ItsABot qw/is_a_bot/;
my $username = 'foobar';
if ( is_a_bot($username) ) {
print "$username is a bot\n";
} else {
print "$username is not a bot\n";
It ain't perfect, but it is pretty good. It may
think some celebrities are bots and, really,
it isn't that far off.
\textcolor{red}{grep} for Twitter timelines
my $tg = Twitter::TagGrep->new(
prefix => '#!',
tags => [ @tags ]
my $timeline = $twit->friends_timeline({count=>200});
my @matches = $tg->grep_tags($timeline);
for my $tweet (@matches) {
print join(', ', @{$tweet->{tags}}), ": ",
% \frametitle{TEMP}
% \begin{verbatim}
% \end{verbatim}
Add a Twitter user as a Log::Dispatch logger easily!
use Log::Dispatch;
use Log::Dispatch::Twitter;
my $logger = Log::Dispatch->new;
username => $username,
password => $password,
min_level => "error",
name => "twitter",
Get the modules mentioned in this talk easily:
sudo cpan Task::Twitter
Hitting a CPAN mirror near you soon!
\frametitle{What I'm working on}
\item Visualizing Twitter connections with GraphViz
\item Colorized based on user characteristics
\item Extendable Twitter Bot framework
\item Follow me at or @dukeleto on Twitter
What are \textcolor{red}{you} working on?
\item Most of the annoying things about Twitter can be solved with a few lines of Perl.
\item There is an amazing amount of data waiting to be tapped.
\item Perl to the rescue!
\item Open Source Bridge volunteers
\item Larry
\item Marc Mims for Net::Twitter
\item The Twitter Dev Team
\item All my fellow Open Source Citizens


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The Dream-Quest of libgit2
libgit2 is Git re-imagined as a thread-safe library instead of a collection of
command-line scripts. This talk will describe why that is so important and the
various technologies it will enable in the near future in embedded and mobile
libgit2 is a reimplementation of Git as a thread-safe library in pure C. That
is huge. Currently, many libraries cannot integrate with Git properly for
various reasons that are baked into how Git works on the command-line.
libgit2 is not going to replace Git 1.x. Rather, it is a kid sister. But
libgit2 is bringing native Git support to new platforms, especially mobile
and embedded, because it does not depend on Perl or /bin/sh.
This will allow many mobile and embedded applications to be built which will
use very little memory and be compatibale with multi-core systems.