Duke Leto Presentations
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\usepackage{beamerthemeHannover, graphicx, clrscode, amsmath, amssymb, multicol}
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\title{PDXGit Meeting - August 2012 }
\author[@dukeleto]{Jonathan "Duke" Leto}
\frametitle{Digging into git describe}
\item What does it do?
\item Why is it useful?
\item Describe gotchas
\frametitle{What does git describe do?}
It shows you the most recent tag reachable from a commit. But also more.
\frametitle{What does git describe do?}
If the commit you are on points to a tag, just that tag is shown. If not,
the closest reachable tag is shown, along with how many commits difference
there is as well as an "abbreviated object name".
\frametitle{Describe me an example}
\$ git describe \\
\$ git rev-parse HEAD \\
\$ git checkout v1.7.8 \\
\$ git describe \\
\frametitle{Why is describe useful?}
\item Easy way to quantify how far you are from a known tag
\item Can be used to answer the question "Is this new enough?"
\item Especially useful when converting from Subversion to Git
when you have code that looks if certain revision numbers are
greater/less than others
\frametitle{Describe gotchas}
\item Only annotated tags by default
\item Use --tags to also consider non-annotated tags
\item Use --all consider all refs: local+remote branches or any tags
\frametitle{Should PDXGit be a regular thing?}
Let's vote right now!
\frametitle{How do I get involved with PDXGit?}
\item https://github.com/pdxgit
\item http://pdxgit.github.com
\item pdxgit@googlegroups.com
\frametitle{ Stalk Me }
\item http://dukeleto.pl
\item http://linkedin.leto.net
\item http://twitter.com/dukeleto
\item http://identi.ca/leto
\item dukeleto on irc.perl.org, Freenode, Mozilla