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\usepackage{beamerthemeHannover, graphicx, clrscode, amsmath, amssymb, multicol}
\title{Creating CPAN Modules with SWIG}
\author[J.A. Leto]{Jonathan Leto}
\includegraphics[width=5.84cm, height=3.85cm]{swig_camel}
\frametitle{Don't Write Glue}
\includegraphics[width=5.00cm, height=5.00cm]{xs_is_glue}
\includegraphics[width=5.00cm, height=5.00cm]{acmeglue}
\frametitle{Use an Integrating Pistol}
\includegraphics[width=6.26cm, height=3.70cm]{integrating_pistol}\\
Need to integrate totally separate entities??\\
Integrate it instantly with the ACME Integrating Pistol!!
\subsection{Intro to XS}
\frametitle{What is XS?}
\item eXternal Subroutine
\item Large collection of macros which allow C/C++ method calls
\item Extremely verbose
\item Math::GSL 0.10 has $\approx 274,000$ lines of XS
\item perldoc perlxs
\subsection{Intro to SWIG}
\frametitle{What is SWIG?}
\item Simplified Wrapper Interface Generator
\item Creates a scripting language API to a C/C++ library
\item 18 target languages supported
\item Reads header files and transforms datatypes between languages
\item Automatic argument type checking
\item Concise
\item Math::GSL 0.10 has $\approx 500 $ lines of SWIG \\
which generates $\approx 274,000$ lines of XS
\subsection{Intro to Math::GSL}
\frametitle{What is Math::GSL?}
\item Perl Interface to the GNU Scientific Library (GSL), which is written in C
\item Provides low-level access that emulates C calling style
\item Also provides higher-level OO interface to some subsystems
\item Broken into 48 subsystems like Vector, Matrix, RNG, Complex, Histogram, ...
\item Extensive tests (3279 as of 0.10)
\subsection{Module::Build and SWIG}
\frametitle{Module::Build and SWIG}
\item Module::Build does {\bf{not}} support SWIG directly
\item Subclassing to the rescue!
\includegraphics[width=8.00cm, height=5.00cm]{subclass}\\
\frametitle{SWIG Example Code}
::begin vim hack session::\\
\includegraphics[width=8.00cm, height=5.00cm]{gsl_typemaps}\\
::end vim hack session::\\
\section{Going Forward}
\frametitle{Active Development Continues}
\item Scientific Computing applications built on top of Math::GSL
\item Full gsl\_function callback support
\item Static libraries and error handlers
\item Porting to Darwin and Solaris
\item Threads
\item Device::Cdio
\item Thierry Moisan
\item Eric Wilhelm
\item \#pdx.pm
\item Leslie Hawthorn
\item The entire Google Summer of Code crew
\frametitle{More Info}
\item {http://www.swig.org}\\
\item {http://leto.net/gitweb/}\\
\item {http://leto.net/code/Math-GSL/}\\
\item {http://groups.google.com/group/math-gsl-dev}\\
\item {http://groups.google.com/group/perl-scientific-computing}\\