Duke Leto Presentations
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\usepackage{beamerthemeHannover, graphicx, clrscode, amsmath, amssymb, multicol}
\title{GSOC 2009 and The Perl Foundation}
\author[DukeLeto]{Jonathan "Duke" Leto}
GSoC and The Perl Foundation
\includegraphics[width=6.00cm, height=6.00cm]{gsoc}
What is Math::GSL?
\item Perl interface to the GNU Scientific Library
\item Object Oriented Scientific Computing
\item Linear Algebra, Equation Solving
\item Integration, Sorting, Curve Fitting
\item Statistics, Eigenvalues, Permutations/Combinations
\item Much more
How Did Math::GSL Become A Project?
\item Math::* on ideas page
\item Thierry did research and reviewed my CPAN work
\item Thierry submits plan
\item I helped revise plan
\item Math::GSL gets accepted
\item Plan Optimized mid-Summer
The Math::GSL Toolchain
\item Module::Build - how to subclass
\item Advanced Vim hacking
\item Git and Github
\item Test::Class
\item SWIG - Simplified Wrapper Interface Generator
New Techniques
\item Test Driven Development
\item Test Suite Translation
\item FFI (Foreign Function Interface)
\item GCC Debugging
Tips for 2009
\item Learn your tool chain
\item Ask Questions
\item Read Directions
\item Ambitious Goal, Realistic Plan.
\item Get involved in community (lists,irc,twitter)
\item \#soc-help @ irc.perl.org
Thanks and Good Luck!
\item Contact jaleto@gmail.com for more questions
\item http://perlfoundation.org/perl5/index.cgi?gsoc