Duke Leto Presentations
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\usepackage{beamerthemeHannover, graphicx, clrscode, amsmath, amssymb, multicol}
\title{PL/Parrot \\ \small{ Embedding the Parrot Virtual Machine in PostgreSQL } }
\author[Leto+Fetter]{Jonathan "Duke" Leto and David Fetter}
\frametitle{Parrot Virtual Machine}
\item Process (Application) Virtual Machine
\item Register-based
\item Continuation Passing Style
\item Design Goals
\item Pluggable
\item Interoperable
\item Dynamic
\frametitle{Why Embed Parrot VM in PostgreSQL?}
\item PL's are (very) hard to write and maintain
\item Framework for DSL's
\item Platform independent, fast, stored procedures
\item Allow various PL's to communicate
\item Freeze/thaw subtransaction-level states
\frametitle{History of PL/Parrot}
\frametitle{Current Features}
\item PL/PIR(U)
\item Pass and return basic datatypes
\item Basic security model (Don't do that)
\item Growing Test Suite
\item Enthusiastic and friendly community
\item Documentation
\item SPI
\item Triggers
\item Parrot Bugs
\item IMCC Syntax Errors
\item Loading libraries from Embed API
\item Security API
\frametitle{Example Code}
\includegraphics[width=9.5cm, height=3.6cm]{plparrot_example_code}
\frametitle{Future Goals}
\item PL/Rakudo - Perl 6 in your database!
\item PL/Pynie - Python in your Parrot in your database!
\item Tools to help create a new DSL with PL/Parrot
\frametitle{Get involved!}
\item Try PL/Parrot on your system and submit detailed bug reports
\item Fork on github and hack on stuff!
\item Help with GitHub Issues
\frametitle{ Thanks }
\item PL/Parrot team: Joshua Tolley, David E. Wheeler, Daniel Arbelo Arrocha + others
\item Everyone working on Parrot VM and PostgreSQL
\frametitle{ Resources }
\item http://github.com/leto/plparrot
\item \#plparrot on freenode
\item http://parrot.org
\item @parrotvm / !parrot on twitter/identi.ca