Duke's utils
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

29 lines
879 B

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use JSON::Any;
# TODO: These RPCs are not atomic! coinsupply RPC from KMD could be ported
# But this is just to estimate Sprout %, so seems OK
my $j = JSON::Any->new;
my $json = qx/hush-cli gettxoutsetinfo/;
my $info = $j->decode($json);
warn Dumper [ 'gettxoutsetinfo=', $info ] if $ENV{DEBUG};
my $total_supply = $info->{total_amount};
5 years ago
$json = qx/hush-cli getsnapshot/;
warn Dumper [ 'getsnapshot=', $json ] if $ENV{DEBUG};
my $snapshot = $j->decode($json);
my $taddr_total = $snapshot->{total};
my $shielded = $total_supply - $taddr_total;
if ($shielded < 0.0) {
die "Inconsistent total supply! $total_supply in $taddr_total taddrs";
# All shielded notes are Sprout on this chain
my $shielded_pct = $shielded / $total_supply;
5 years ago
printf "%.8f, %.2f\n", $shielded, $shielded_pct * 100;