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@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
*bufexplorer.txt* Buffer Explorer Last Change: 21 Dec 2007
Buffer Explorer *buffer-explorer* *bufexplorer*
Version 7.1.7
Plugin for easily exploring (or browsing) Vim |:buffers|.
|bufexplorer-usage| Usage
|bufexplorer-installation| Installation
|bufexplorer-customization| Customization
|bufexplorer-changelog| Change Log
|bufexplorer-todo| Todo
|bufexplorer-credits| Credits
For Vim version 7.0 and above.
This plugin is only available if 'compatible' is not set.
{Vi does not have any of this}
INSTALLATION *bufexplorer-installation*
To install:
- Download the
- Extract the zip archive into your runtime directory.
The archive contains plugin/bufexplorer.vim, and doc/bufexplorer.txt.
- Start Vim or goto an existing instance of Vim.
- Execute the following command:
:helptag <your runtime directory/doc
This will generate all the help tags for any file located in the doc
USAGE *bufexplorer-usage*
To start exploring in the current window, use: >
\be OR :BufExplorer
If you would like to use something other than '\', you may simply change the
leader (see |mapleader|).
Note: If the current buffer is modified when bufexplorer started, the current
window is always split and the new bufexplorer is displayed in that new
Commands to use once exploring:
<enter> Opens the buffer that is under the cursor into the current
<F1> Toggle help information.
<leftmouse> Opens the buffer that is under the cursor into the current
<shift-enter> Opens the buffer that is under the cursor in another tab.
d |:wipeout| the buffer under the cursor from the list.
When a buffers is wiped, it will not be shown when unlisted
buffer are displayed.
D |:delete| the buffer under the cursor from the list.
The buffer's 'buflisted' is cleared. This allows for the buffer
to be displayed again using the 'show unlisted' command.
f Toggles whether you are taken to the active window when
selecting a buffer or not.
p Toggles the showing of a split filename/pathname.
q Quit exploring.
r Reverses the order the buffers are listed in.
R Toggles relative path/absolute path.
s Selects the order the buffers are listed in. Either by buffer
number, file name, file extension, most recently used (MRU), or
full path.
t Opens the buffer that is under the cursor in another tab.
u Toggles the showing of "unlisted" buffers.
Once invoked, Buffer Explorer displays a sorted list (MRU is the default
sort method) of all the buffers that are currently opened. You are then
able to move the cursor to the line containing the buffer's name you are
wanting to act upon. Once you have selected the buffer you would like,
you can then either open it, close it(delete), resort the list, reverse
the sort, quit exploring and so on...
CUSTOMIZATION *bufexplorer-customization*
To control whether the default help is displayed or not, use: >
let g:bufExplorerDefaultHelp=0 " Do not show default help.
let g:bufExplorerDefaultHelp=1 " Show default help.
The default is to show the default help.
To control whether detailed help is display by, use: >
let g:bufExplorerDetailedHelp=0 " Do not show detailed help.
let g:bufExplorerDetailedHelp=1 " Show detailed help.
The default is NOT to show detailed help.
To control whether you are taken to the active window when selecting a buffer,
use: >
let g:bufExplorerFindActive=0 " Do not go to active window.
let g:bufExplorerFindActive=1 " Go to active window.
The default is to be taken to the active window.
To control whether to sort the buffer in reverse order or not, use: >
let g:bufExplorerReverseSort=0 " Do not sort in reverse order.
let g:bufExplorerReverseSort=1 " Sort in reverse order.
The default is NOT to sort in reverse order.
Directories usually show up in the list from using a command like ":e .".
To control whether to show directories in the buffer list or not, use: >
let g:bufExplorerShowDirectories=1 " Show directories.
let g:bufExplorerShowDirectories=0 " Don't show directories.
The default is to show directories.
To control whether to show absolute paths or relative to the current
directory, use: >
let g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath=0 " Show absolute paths.
let g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath=1 " Show relative paths.
The default is to show absolute paths.
To control whether to show unlisted buffer or not, use: >
let g:bufExplorerShowUnlisted=0 " Do not show unlisted buffers.
let g:bufExplorerShowUnlisted=1 " Show unlisted buffers.
The default is to NOT show unlisted buffers.
To control what field the buffers are sorted by, use: >
let g:bufExplorerSortBy='extension' " Sort by file extension.
let g:bufExplorerSortBy='fullpath' " Sort by full file path name.
let g:bufExplorerSortBy='mru' " Sort by most recently used.
let g:bufExplorerSortBy='name' " Sort by the buffer's name.
let g:bufExplorerSortBy='number' " Sort by the buffer's number.
The default is to sort by mru.
To control whether to split out the path and file name or not, use: >
let g:bufExplorerSplitOutPathName=1 " Split the path and file name.
let g:bufExplorerSplitOutPathName=0 " Don't split the path and file
" name.
The default is to split the path and file name.
CHANGE LOG *bufexplorer-changelog*
7.1.7 - Fixes:
* TaCahiroy fixed several issues related to opening a buffer in a
7.1.6 - Fixes:
* Removed ff=unix from modeline in bufexplorer.txt. Found by Bill
7.1.5 - Fixes:
* Could not open unnamed buffers. Fixed by TaCahiroy.
7.1.4 - Fixes:
* Sometimes when a file's path has 'white space' in it, extra buffers
would be created containing each piece of the path. i.e:
opening c:\document and settings\test.txt would create a buffer
named "and" and a buffer named "Documents". This was reported and
fixed by TaCa Yoss.
7.1.3 - Fixes:
* Added code to allow only one instance of the plugin to run at a
time. Thanks Dennis Hostetler.
7.1.2 - Fixes:
* Fixed a jumplist issue spotted by JiangJun. I overlooked the
'jumplist' and with a couple calls to 'keepjumps', everything is
fine again.
* Went back to just having a plugin file, no autoload file. By having
the autoload, WinManager was no longer working and without really
digging into the cause, it was easier to go back to using just a
plugin file.
7.1.1 - Fixes:
* A problem spotted by Thomas Arendsen Hein.
When running Vim (7.1.94), error E493 was being thrown.
* Added 'D' for 'delete' buffer as the 'd' command was a 'wipe'
7.1.0 - Another 'major' update, some by Dave Larson, some by me.
* Making use of 'autoload' now to make the plugin load quicker.
* Removed '\bs' and '\bv'. These are now controlled by the user. The
user can issue a ':sp' or ':vs' to create a horizontal or vertical
split window and then issue a '\be'
* Added handling of tabs.
7.0.17 - Fixed issue with 'drop' command.
Various enhancements and improvements.
7.0.16 - Fixed issue reported by Liu Jiaping on non Windows systems, which was
Open file1, open file2, modify file1, open bufexplorer, you get the
following error:
Error detected while processing function
line 4:
E37: No write since last change (add ! to override)
But the worse thing is, when I want to save the current buffer and
type ':w', I get another error message:
E382: Cannot write, 'buftype' option is set
7.0.15 - Thanks to Mark Smithfield for suggesting bufexplorer needed to handle
the ':args' command.
7.0.14 - Thanks to Randall Hansen for removing the requirement of terminal
versions to be recompiled with 'gui' support so the 'drop' command
would work. The 'drop' command is really not needed in terminal
7.0.13 - Fixed integration with WinManager.
Thanks to Dave Eggum for another update.
- Fix: The detailed help didn't display the mapping for toggling
the split type, even though the split type is displayed.
- Fixed incorrect description in the detailed help for toggling
relative or full paths.
- Deprecated s:ExtractBufferNbr(). Vim's str2nr() does the same
- Created a s:Set() function that sets a variable only if it hasn't
already been defined. It's useful for initializing all those
default settings.
- Removed checks for repetitive command definitions. They were
- Made the help highlighting a little more fancy.
- Minor reverse compatibility issue: Changed ambiguous setting
names to be more descriptive of what they do (also makes the code
easier to follow):
Changed bufExplorerSortDirection to bufExplorerReverseSort
Changed bufExplorerSplitType to bufExplorerSplitVertical
Changed bufExplorerOpenMode to bufExplorerUseCurrentWindow
- When the BufExplorer window closes, all the file-local marks are
now deleted. This may have the benefit of cleaning up some of the
- Changed the name of the parameter for StartBufExplorer from
"split" to "open". The parameter is a string which specifies how
the buffer will be open, not if it is split or not.
- Deprecated DoAnyMoreBuffersExist() - it is a one line function
only used in one spot.
- Created four functions (SplitOpen(), RebuildBufferList(),
UpdateHelpStatus() and ReSortListing()) all with one purpose - to
reduce repeated code.
- Changed the name of AddHeader() to CreateHelp() to be more
descriptive of what it does. It now returns an array instead of
updating the window directly. This has the benefit of making the
code more efficient since the text the function returns is used a
little differently in the two places the function is called.
- Other minor simplifications.
7.0.12 - MAJOR Update.
This version will ONLY run with Vim version 7.0 or greater.
Dave Eggum has made some 'significant' updates to this latest
- Added BufExplorerGetAltBuf() global function to be used in the
user’s rulerformat.
- Added g:bufExplorerSplitRight option.
- Added g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath option with mapping.
- Added current line highlighting.
- The split type can now be changed whether bufexplorer is opened
in split mode or not.
- Various major and minor bug fixes and speed improvements.
- Sort by extension.
Other improvements/changes:
- Changed the help key from '?' to <F1> to be more 'standard'.
- Fixed splitting of vertical bufexplorer window.
Hopefully I have not forgot something :)
7.0.11 - Fixed a couple of highlighting bugs, reported by David Eggum. He also
changed passive voice to active on a couple of warning messages.
7.0.10 - Fixed bug report by Xiangjiang Ma. If the 'ssl' option is set,
the slash character used when displaying the path was incorrect.
7.0.9 - Martin Grenfell found and eliminated an annoying bug in the
bufexplorer/winmanager integration. The bug was were an
annoying message would be displayed when a window was split or
a new file was opened in a new window. Thanks Martin!
7.0.8 - Thanks to Mike Li for catching a bug in the WinManager integration.
The bug was related to the incorrect displaying of the buffer
explorer's window title.
7.0.7 - Thanks to Jeremy Cowgar for adding a new enhancement. This
enhancement allows the user to press 'S', that is capital S, which
will open the buffer under the cursor in a newly created split
7.0.6 - Thanks to Larry Zhang for finding a bug in the "split" buffer code.
If you force set g:bufExplorerSplitType='v' in your vimrc, and if you
tried to do a \bs to split the bufexplorer window, it would always
split horizontal, not vertical. He also found that I had a typeo in
that the variable g:bufExplorerSplitVertSize was all lower case in
the documentation which was incorrect.
7.0.5 - Thanks to Mun Johl for pointing out a bug that if a buffer was
modified, the '+' was not showing up correctly.
7.0.4 - Fixed a problem discovered first by Xiangjiang Ma. Well since I've
been using vim 7.0 and not 6.3, I started using a function (getftype)
that is not in 6.3. So for backward compatibility, I conditionaly use
this function now. Thus, the g:bufExplorerShowDirectories feature is
only available when using vim 7.0 and above.
7.0.3 - Thanks to Erwin Waterlander for finding a problem when the last
buffer was deleted. This issue got me to rewrite the buffer display
logic (which I've wanted to do for sometime now).
Also great thanks to Dave Eggum for coming up with idea for
g:bufExplorerShowDirectories. Read the above information about this
7.0.2 - Thanks to Thomas Arendsen Hein for finding a problem when a user
has the default help turned off and then brought up the explorer. An
E493 would be displayed.
7.0.1 - Thanks to Erwin Waterlander for finding a couple problems.
The first problem allowed a modified buffer to be deleted. Opps! The
second problem occurred when several files were opened, BufExplorer
was started, the current buffer was deleted using the 'd' option, and
then BufExplorer was exited. The deleted buffer was still visible
while it is not in the buffers list. Opps again!
7.0.0 - Thanks to Shankar R. for suggesting to add the ability to set
the fixed width (g:bufExplorerSplitVertSize) of a new window
when opening bufexplorer vertically and fixed height
(g:bufExplorerSplitHorzSize) of a new window when opening
bufexplorer horizontally. By default, the windows are normally
split to use half the existing width or height.
6.3.0 - Added keepjumps so that the jumps list would not get cluttered with
bufexplorer related stuff.
6.2.3 - Thanks to Jay Logan for finding a bug in the vertical split position
of the code. When selecting that the window was to be split
vertically by doing a '\bv', from then on, all splits, i.e. '\bs',
were split vertically, even though g:bufExplorerSplitType was not set
to 'v'.
6.2.2 - Thanks to Patrik Modesto for adding a small improvement. For some
reason his bufexplorer window was always showing up folded. He added
'setlocal nofoldenable' and it was fixed.
6.2.1 - Thanks goes out to Takashi Matsuo for added the 'fullPath' sorting
logic and option.
6.2.0 - Thanks goes out to Simon Johann-Ganter for spotting and fixing a
problem in that the last search pattern is overridden by the search
pattern for blank lines.
6.1.6 - Thanks to Artem Chuprina for finding a pesky bug that has been around
for sometime now. The <esc> key mapping was causing the buffer
explored to close prematurely when vim was run in an xterm. The <esc>
key mapping is now removed.
6.1.5 - Thanks to Khorev Sergey. Added option to show default help or not.
6.1.4 - Thanks goes out to Valery Kondakoff for suggesting the addition of
setlocal nonumber and foldcolumn=0. This allows for line numbering
and folding to be turned off temporarily while in the explorer.
6.1.3 - Added folding. Did some code cleanup. Added the ability to force the
newly split window to be temporarily vertical, which was suggested by
Thomas Glanzmann.
6.1.2 - Now pressing the <esc> key will quit, just like 'q'.
Added folds to hide winmanager configuration.
If anyone had the 'C' option in their cpoptions they would receive
a E10 error on startup of BufExplorer. cpo is now saved, updated and
restored. Thanks to Charles E Campbell, Jr.
Attempted to make sure there can only be one BufExplorer window open
at a time.
6.1.1 - Thanks to Brian D. Goodwin for adding toupper to FileNameCmp. This
way buffers sorted by name will be in the correct order regardless of
6.0.16 - Thanks to Andre Pang for the original patch/idea to get bufexplorer
to work in insertmode/modeless mode (evim). Added Initialize
and Cleanup autocommands to handle commands that need to be
performed when starting or leaving bufexplorer.
6.0.15 - Srinath Avadhanulax added a patch for winmanager.vim.
6.0.14 - Fix a few more bug that I thought I already had fixed. Thanks
to Eric Bloodworth for adding 'Open Mode/Edit in Place'. Added
vertical splitting.
6.0.13 - Thanks to Charles E Campbell, Jr. for pointing out some embarrassing
typos that I had in the documentation. I guess I need to run
the spell checker more :o)
6.0.12 - Thanks to Madoka Machitani, for the tip on adding the augroup command
around the MRUList autocommands.
6.0.11 - Fixed bug report by Xiangjiang Ma. '"=' was being added to the
search history which messed up hlsearch.
6.0.10 - Added the necessary hooks so that the Srinath Avadhanula's
winmanager.vim script could more easily integrate with this script.
Tried to improve performance.
6.0.9 - Added MRU (Most Recently Used) sort ordering.
6.0.8 - Was not resetting the showcmd command correctly.
Added nifty help file.
6.0.7 - Thanks to Brett Carlane for some great enhancements. Some are added,
some are not, yet. Added highlighting of current and alternate
filenames. Added splitting of path/filename toggle. Reworked
Changed my email address.
6.0.6 - Copyright notice added. Needed this so that it could be distributed
with Debian Linux. Fixed problem with the SortListing() function
failing when there was only one buffer to display.
6.0.5 - Fixed problems reported by David Pascoe, in that you where unable to
hit 'd' on a buffer that belonged to a files that no longer existed
and that the 'yank' buffer was being overridden by the help text when
the bufexplorer was opened.
6.0.4 - Thanks to Charles Campbell, Jr. for making this plugin more plugin
*compliant*, adding default keymappings of <Leader>be and <Leader>bs
as well as fixing the 'w:sortDirLabel not being defined' bug.
6.0.3 - Added sorting capabilities. Sort taken from explorer.vim.
6.0.2 - Can't remember.
6.0.1 - Initial release.
TODO *bufexplorer-todo*
- The issuing of a ':bd' command does not always remove the buffer number from
the MRU list.
- Look into adding '\bs' (buffer split) command back into the code.
CREDITS *bufexplorer-credits*
Author: Jeff Lanzarotta <delux256-vim at yahoo dot com>
Credit must go out to Bram Moolenaar and all the Vim developers for
making the world's best editor (IMHO). I also want to thank everyone who
helped and gave me suggestions. I wouldn't want to leave anyone out so I
won't list names.


@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
*matchit.txt* Extended "%" matching
For instructions on installing this file, type
:help matchit-install
inside Vim.
For Vim version 6.3. Last change: 2007 Aug 29
*matchit* *matchit.vim*
1. Extended matching with "%" |matchit-intro|
2. Activation |matchit-activate|
3. Configuration |matchit-configure|
4. Supporting a New Language |matchit-newlang|
5. Known Bugs and Limitations |matchit-bugs|
The functionality mentioned here is a plugin, see |add-plugin|.
This plugin is only available if 'compatible' is not set.
You can avoid loading this plugin by setting the "loaded_matchit" variable
in your |vimrc| file: >
:let loaded_matchit = 1
{Vi does not have any of this}
1. Extended matching with "%" *matchit-intro*
% Cycle forward through matching groups, such as "if", "else", "endif",
as specified by |b:match_words|.
*g%* *v_g%* *o_g%*
g% Cycle backwards through matching groups, as specified by
|b:match_words|. For example, go from "if" to "endif" to "else".
*[%* *v_[%* *o_[%*
[% Go to [count] previous unmatched group, as specified by
|b:match_words|. Similar to |[{|.
*]%* *v_]%* *o_]%*
]% Go to [count] next unmatched group, as specified by
|b:match_words|. Similar to |]}|.
a% In Visual mode, select the matching group, as specified by
|b:match_words|, containing the cursor. Similar to |v_a[|.
A [count] is ignored, and only the first character of the closing
pattern is selected.
In Vim, as in plain vi, the percent key, |%|, jumps the cursor from a brace,
bracket, or paren to its match. This can be configured with the 'matchpairs'
option. The matchit plugin extends this in several ways:
You can match whole words, such as "if" and "endif", not just
single characters. You can also specify a |regular-expression|.
You can define groups with more than two words, such as "if",
"else", "endif". Banging on the "%" key will cycle from the "if" to
the first "else", the next "else", ..., the closing "endif", and back
to the opening "if". Nested structures are skipped. Using |g%| goes
in the reverse direction.
By default, words inside comments and strings are ignored, unless
the cursor is inside a comment or string when you type "%". If the
only thing you want to do is modify the behavior of "%" so that it
behaves this way, you do not have to define |b:match_words|, since the
script uses the 'matchpairs' option as well as this variable.
See |matchit-details| for details on what the script does, and |b:match_words|
for how to specify matching patterns.
MODES: *matchit-modes* *matchit-v_%* *matchit-o_%*
Mostly, % and related motions (|g%| and |[%| and |]%|) work just like built-in
|motion| commands in |Operator-pending| and |Visual| modes. However, you
cannot make these motions |linewise| or |characterwise|, since the |:omap|s
that define them start with "v" in order to make the default behavior
inclusive. (See |o_v|.) In other words, "dV%" will not work. The
work-around is to go through Visual mode: "V%d" will work.
LANGUAGES: *matchit-languages*
Currently, the following languages are supported: Ada, ASP with VBS, Csh,
DTD, Entity, Essbase, Fortran, HTML, JSP (same as HTML), LaTeX, Lua, Pascal,
SGML, Shell, Tcsh, Vim, XML. Other languages may already have support via
the default |filetype-plugin|s in the standard vim distribution.
To support a new language, see |matchit-newlang| below.
DETAILS: *matchit-details* *matchit-parse*
Here is an outline of what matchit.vim does each time you hit the "%" key. If
there are |backref|s in |b:match_words| then the first step is to produce a
version in which these back references have been eliminated; if there are no
|backref|s then this step is skipped. This step is called parsing. For
example, "\(foo\|bar\):end\1" is parsed to yield
"\(foo\|bar\):end\(foo\|bar\)". This can get tricky, especially if there are
nested groups. If debugging is turned on, the parsed version is saved as
Next, the script looks for a word on the current line that matches the pattern
just constructed. It includes the patterns from the 'matchpairs' option.
The goal is to do what you expect, which turns out to be a little complicated.
The script follows these rules:
Insist on a match that ends on or after the cursor.
Prefer a match that includes the cursor position (that is, one that
starts on or before the cursor).
Prefer a match that starts as close to the cursor as possible.
If more than one pattern in |b:match_words| matches, choose the one
that is listed first.
Suppose you >
:let b:match_words = '<:>,<tag>:</tag>'
< and hit "%" with the cursor on or before the "<" in "a <tag> is born".
The pattern '<' comes first, so it is preferred over '<tag>', which
also matches. If the cursor is on the "t", however, then '<tag>' is
preferred, because this matches a bit of text containing the cursor.
If the two groups of patterns were reversed then '<' would never be
Suppose you >
:let b:match_words = 'if:end if'
< (Note the space!) and hit "%" with the cursor at the end of "end if".
Then "if" matches, which is probably not what you want, but if the
cursor starts on the "end " then "end if" is chosen. (You can avoid
this problem by using a more complicated pattern.)
If there is no match, the cursor does not move. (Before version 1.13 of the
script, it would fall back on the usual behavior of |%|). If debugging is
turned on, the matched bit of text is saved as |b:match_match| and the cursor
column of the start of the match is saved as |b:match_col|.
Next, the script looks through |b:match_words| (original and parsed versions)
for the group and pattern that match. If debugging is turned on, the group is
saved as |b:match_ini| (the first pattern) and |b:match_tail| (the rest). If
there are |backref|s then, in addition, the matching pattern is saved as
|b:match_word| and a table of translations is saved as |b:match_table|. If
there are |backref|s, these are determined from the matching pattern and
|b:match_match| and substituted into each pattern in the matching group.
The script decides whether to search forwards or backwards and chooses
arguments for the |searchpair()| function. Then, the cursor is moved to the
start of the match, and |searchpair()| is called. By default, matching
structures inside strings and comments are ignored. This can be changed by
setting |b:match_skip|.
2. Activation *matchit-activate*
You can use this script as a plugin, by copying it to your plugin directory.
See |add-global-plugin| for instructions. You can also add a line to your
|vimrc| file, such as >
:source $VIMRUNTIME/macros/matchit.vim
or >
:runtime macros/matchit.vim
Either way, the script should start working the next time you start up Vim.
(Earlier versions of the script did nothing unless a |buffer-variable| named
|b:match_words| was defined. Even earlier versions contained autocommands
that set this variable for various file types. Now, |b:match_words| is
defined in many of the default |filetype-plugin|s instead.)
For a new language, you can add autocommands to the script or to your vimrc
file, but the recommended method is to add a line such as >
let b:match_words = '\<foo\>:\<bar\>'
to the |filetype-plugin| for your language. See |b:match_words| below for how
this variable is interpreted.
TROUBLESHOOTING *matchit-troubleshoot*
The script should work in most installations of Vim. It may not work if Vim
was compiled with a minimal feature set, for example if the |+syntax| option
was not enabled. If your Vim has support for syntax compiled in, but you do
not have |syntax| highlighting turned on, matchit.vim should work, but it may
fail to skip matching groups in comments and strings. If the |filetype|
mechanism is turned off, the |b:match_words| variable will probably not be
defined automatically.
3. Configuration *matchit-configure*
There are several variables that govern the behavior of matchit.vim. Note
that these are variables local to the buffer, not options, so use |:let| to
define them, not |:set|. Some of these variables have values that matter; for
others, it only matters whether the variable has been defined. All of these
can be defined in the |filetype-plugin| or autocommand that defines
|b:match_words| or "on the fly."
The main variable is |b:match_words|. It is described in the section below on
supporting a new language.
*MatchError* *matchit-hl* *matchit-highlight*
MatchError is the highlight group for error messages from the script. By
default, it is linked to WarningMsg. If you do not want to be bothered by
error messages, you can define this to be something invisible. For example,
if you use the GUI version of Vim and your command line is normally white, you
can do >
:hi MatchError guifg=white guibg=white
If you >
:let b:match_ignorecase = 1
then matchit.vim acts as if 'ignorecase' is set: for example, "end" and "END"
are equivalent. If you >
:let b:match_ignorecase = 0
then matchit.vim treats "end" and "END" differently. (There will be no
b:match_infercase option unless someone requests it.)
Define b:match_debug if you want debugging information to be saved. See
|matchit-debug|, below.
If b:match_skip is defined, it is passed as the skip argument to
|searchpair()|. This controls when matching structures are skipped, or
ignored. By default, they are ignored inside comments and strings, as
determined by the |syntax| mechanism. (If syntax highlighting is turned off,
nothing is skipped.) You can set b:match_skip to a string, which evaluates to
a non-zero, numerical value if the match is to be skipped or zero if the match
should not be skipped. In addition, the following special values are
supported by matchit.vim:
s:foo becomes (current syntax item) =~ foo
S:foo becomes (current syntax item) !~ foo
r:foo becomes (line before cursor) =~ foo
R:foo becomes (line before cursor) !~ foo
(The "s" is meant to suggest "syntax", and the "r" is meant to suggest
"regular expression".)
You can get the default behavior with >
:let b:match_skip = 's:comment\|string'
If you want to skip matching structures unless they are at the start
of the line (ignoring whitespace) then you can >
:let b:match_skip = 'R:^\s*'
< Do not do this if strings or comments can span several lines, since
the normal syntax checking will not be done if you set b:match_skip.
In LaTeX, since "%" is used as the comment character, you can >
:let b:match_skip = 'r:%'
< Unfortunately, this will skip anything after "\%", an escaped "%". To
allow for this, and also "\\%" (an excaped backslash followed by the
comment character) you can >
:let b:match_skip = 'r:\(^\|[^\\]\)\(\\\\\)*%'
See the $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/vim.vim for an example that uses both
syntax and a regular expression.
4. Supporting a New Language *matchit-newlang*
In order for matchit.vim to support a new language, you must define a suitable
pattern for |b:match_words|. You may also want to set some of the
|matchit-configure| variables, as described above. If your language has a
complicated syntax, or many keywords, you will need to know something about
Vim's |regular-expression|s.
The format for |b:match_words| is similar to that of the 'matchpairs' option:
it is a comma (,)-separated list of groups; each group is a colon(:)-separated
list of patterns (regular expressions). Commas and backslashes that are part
of a pattern should be escaped with backslashes ('\:' and '\,'). It is OK to
have only one group; the effect is undefined if a group has only one pattern.
A simple example is >
:let b:match_words = '\<if\>:\<endif\>,'
\ . '\<while\>:\<continue\>:\<break\>:\<endwhile\>'
(In Vim regular expressions, |\<| and |\>| denote word boundaries. Thus "if"
matches the end of "endif" but "\<if\>" does not.) Then banging on the "%"
key will bounce the cursor between "if" and the matching "endif"; and from
"while" to any matching "continue" or "break", then to the matching "endwhile"
and back to the "while". It is almost always easier to use |literal-string|s
(single quotes) as above: '\<if\>' rather than "\\<if\\>" and so on.
Exception: If the ":" character does not appear in b:match_words, then it is
treated as an expression to be evaluated. For example, >
:let b:match_words = 'GetMatchWords()'
allows you to define a function. This can return a different string depending
on the current syntax, for example.
Once you have defined the appropriate value of |b:match_words|, you will
probably want to have this set automatically each time you edit the
appropriate file type. The recommended way to do this is by adding the
definition to a |filetype-plugin| file.
Tips: Be careful that your initial pattern does not match your final pattern.
See the example above for the use of word-boundary expressions. It is usually
better to use ".\{-}" (as many as necessary) instead of ".*" (as many as
possible). See |\{-|. For example, in the string "<tag>label</tag>", "<.*>"
matches the whole string whereas "<.\{-}>" and "<[^>]*>" match "<tag>" and
*matchit-spaces* *matchit-s:notend*
If "if" is to be paired with "end if" (Note the space!) then word boundaries
are not enough. Instead, define a regular expression s:notend that will match
anything but "end" and use it as follows: >
:let s:notend = '\%(\<end\s\+\)\@<!'
:let b:match_words = s:notend . '\<if\>:\<end\s\+if\>'
< *matchit-s:sol*
This is a simplified version of what is done for Ada. The s:notend is a
|script-variable|. Similarly, you may want to define a start-of-line regular
expression >
:let s:sol = '\%(^\|;\)\s*'
if keywords are only recognized after the start of a line or after a
semicolon (;), with optional white space.
*matchit-backref* *matchit-\1*
In any group, the expressions |\1|, |\2|, ..., |\9| refer to parts of the
INITIAL pattern enclosed in |\(|escaped parentheses|\)|. These are referred
to as back references, or backrefs. For example, >
:let b:match_words = '\<b\(o\+\)\>:\(h\)\1\>'
means that "bo" pairs with "ho" and "boo" pairs with "hoo" and so on. Note
that "\1" does not refer to the "\(h\)" in this example. If you have
"\(nested \(parentheses\)\) then "\d" refers to the d-th "\(" and everything
up to and including the matching "\)": in "\(nested\(parentheses\)\)", "\1"
refers to everything and "\2" refers to "\(parentheses\)". If you use a
variable such as |s:notend| or |s:sol| in the previous paragraph then remember
to count any "\(" patterns in this variable. You do not have to count groups
defined by |\%(\)|.
It should be possible to resolve back references from any pattern in the
group. For example, >
:let b:match_words = '\(foo\)\(bar\):more\1:and\2:end\1\2'
would not work because "\2" cannot be determined from "morefoo" and "\1"
cannot be determined from "andbar". On the other hand, >
:let b:match_words = '\(\(foo\)\(bar\)\):\3\2:end\1'
should work (and have the same effect as "foobar:barfoo:endfoobar"), although
this has not been thoroughly tested.
You can use |zero-width| patterns such as |\@<=| and |\zs|. (The latter has
not been thouroughly tested in matchit.vim.) For example, if the keyword "if"
must occur at the start of the line, with optional white space, you might use
the pattern "\(^\s*\)\@<=if" so that the cursor will end on the "i" instead of
at the start of the line. For another example, if HTML had only one tag then
one could >
:let b:match_words = '<:>,<\@<=tag>:<\@<=/tag>'
so that "%" can bounce between matching "<" and ">" pairs or (starting on
"tag" or "/tag") between matching tags. Without the |\@<=|, the script would
bounce from "tag" to the "<" in "</tag>", and another "%" would not take you
back to where you started.
DEBUGGING *matchit-debug* *:MatchDebug*
If you are having trouble figuring out the appropriate definition of
|b:match_words| then you can take advantage of the same information I use when
debugging the script. This is especially true if you are not sure whether
your patterns or my script are at fault! To make this more convenient, I have
made the command :MatchDebug, which defines the variable |b:match_debug| and
creates a Matchit menu. This menu makes it convenient to check the values of
the variables described below. You will probably also want to read
|matchit-details| above.
Defining the variable |b:match_debug| causes the script to set the following
variables, each time you hit the "%" key. Several of these are only defined
if |b:match_words| includes |backref|s.
The b:match_pat variable is set to |b:match_words| with |backref|s parsed.
The b:match_match variable is set to the bit of text that is recognized as a
The b:match_col variable is set to the cursor column of the start of the
matching text.
The b:match_wholeBR variable is set to the comma-separated group of patterns
that matches, with |backref|s unparsed.
The b:match_iniBR variable is set to the first pattern in |b:match_wholeBR|.
The b:match_ini variable is set to the first pattern in |b:match_wholeBR|,
with |backref|s resolved from |b:match_match|.
The b:match_tail variable is set to the remaining patterns in
|b:match_wholeBR|, with |backref|s resolved from |b:match_match|.
The b:match_word variable is set to the pattern from |b:match_wholeBR| that
matches |b:match_match|.
The back reference '\'.d refers to the same thing as '\'.b:match_table[d] in
5. Known Bugs and Limitations *matchit-bugs*
Just because I know about a bug does not mean that it is on my todo list. I
try to respond to reports of bugs that cause real problems. If it does not
cause serious problems, or if there is a work-around, a bug may sit there for
a while. Moral: if a bug (known or not) bothers you, let me know.
The various |:vmap|s defined in the script (%, |g%|, |[%|, |]%|, |a%|) may
have undesired effects in Select mode |Select-mode-mapping|. At least, if you
want to replace the selection with any character in "ag%[]" there will be a
pause of |'updatetime'| first.
It would be nice if "\0" were recognized as the entire pattern. That is, it
would be nice if "foo:\end\0" had the same effect as "\(foo\):\end\1". I may
try to implement this in a future version. (This is not so easy to arrange as
you might think!)


File diff suppressed because it is too large


@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
'Tlist_Auto_Highlight_Tag' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Auto_Highlight_Tag'*
'Tlist_Auto_Open' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Auto_Open'*
'Tlist_Auto_Update' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Auto_Update'*
'Tlist_Close_On_Select' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Close_On_Select'*
'Tlist_Compact_Format' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Compact_Format'*
'Tlist_Ctags_Cmd' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Ctags_Cmd'*
'Tlist_Display_Prototype' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Display_Prototype'*
'Tlist_Display_Tag_Scope' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Display_Tag_Scope'*
'Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column'*
'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow'*
'Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close'*
'Tlist_GainFocus_On_ToggleOpen' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_GainFocus_On_ToggleOpen'*
'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter'*
'Tlist_Inc_Winwidth' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Inc_Winwidth'*
'Tlist_Max_Submenu_Items' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Max_Submenu_Items'*
'Tlist_Max_Tag_Length' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Max_Tag_Length'*
'Tlist_Process_File_Always' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Process_File_Always'*
'Tlist_Show_Menu' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Show_Menu'*
'Tlist_Show_One_File' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Show_One_File'*
'Tlist_Sort_Type' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Sort_Type'*
'Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window'*
'Tlist_Use_Right_Window' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Use_Right_Window'*
'Tlist_Use_SingleClick' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Use_SingleClick'*
'Tlist_WinHeight' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_WinHeight'*
'Tlist_WinWidth' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_WinWidth'*
:TlistAddFiles taglist.txt /*:TlistAddFiles*
:TlistAddFilesRecursive taglist.txt /*:TlistAddFilesRecursive*
:TlistClose taglist.txt /*:TlistClose*
:TlistDebug taglist.txt /*:TlistDebug*
:TlistHighlightTag taglist.txt /*:TlistHighlightTag*
:TlistLock taglist.txt /*:TlistLock*
:TlistMessages taglist.txt /*:TlistMessages*
:TlistOpen taglist.txt /*:TlistOpen*
:TlistSessionLoad taglist.txt /*:TlistSessionLoad*
:TlistSessionSave taglist.txt /*:TlistSessionSave*
:TlistShowPrototype taglist.txt /*:TlistShowPrototype*
:TlistShowTag taglist.txt /*:TlistShowTag*
:TlistToggle taglist.txt /*:TlistToggle*
:TlistUndebug taglist.txt /*:TlistUndebug*
:TlistUnlock taglist.txt /*:TlistUnlock*
:TlistUpdate taglist.txt /*:TlistUpdate*
NERDAllowAnyVisualDelims NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDAllowAnyVisualDelims*
NERDBlockComIgnoreEmpty NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDBlockComIgnoreEmpty*
NERDComAlignedComment NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComAlignedComment*
NERDComAltDelim NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComAltDelim*
NERDComAppendComment NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComAppendComment*
NERDComAuthor NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComAuthor*
NERDComChangelog NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComChangelog*
NERDComComment NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComComment*
NERDComCredits NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComCredits*
NERDComDefaultDelims NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComDefaultDelims*
NERDComEOLComment NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComEOLComment*
NERDComFiletypes NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComFiletypes*
NERDComFunctionality NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComFunctionality*
NERDComFunctionalityDetails NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComFunctionalityDetails*
NERDComFunctionalitySummary NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComFunctionalitySummary*
NERDComHeuristics NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComHeuristics*
NERDComInsertComment NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComInsertComment*
NERDComInvertComment NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComInvertComment*
NERDComIssues NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComIssues*
NERDComMappings NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComMappings*
NERDComMinimalComment NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComMinimalComment*
NERDComNERDComment NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComNERDComment*
NERDComNestedComment NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComNestedComment*
NERDComNesting NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComNesting*
NERDComOptions NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComOptions*
NERDComOptionsDetails NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComOptionsDetails*
NERDComOptionsSummary NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComOptionsSummary*
NERDComPrependComment NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComPrependComment*
NERDComSexyComment NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComSexyComment*
NERDComSexyComments NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComSexyComments*
NERDComTodo NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComTodo*
NERDComToggleComment NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComToggleComment*
NERDComUncommentLine NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComUncommentLine*
NERDComYankComment NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDComYankComment*
NERDCommentWholeLinesInVMode NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDCommentWholeLinesInVMode*
NERDCommenter NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDCommenter*
NERDCommenterContents NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDCommenterContents*
NERDCompactSexyComs NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDCompactSexyComs*
NERDDefaultNesting NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDDefaultNesting*
NERDLPlace NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDLPlace*
NERDMapleader NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDMapleader*
NERDMenuMode NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDMenuMode*
NERDRPlace NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDRPlace*
NERDRemoveAltComs NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDRemoveAltComs*
NERDRemoveExtraSpaces NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDRemoveExtraSpaces*
NERDShutUp NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDShutUp*
NERDSpaceDelims NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDSpaceDelims*
NERDUsePlaceHolders NERD_commenter.txt /*NERDUsePlaceHolders*
NERD_commenter.txt NERD_commenter.txt /*NERD_commenter.txt*
Tlist_Get_Tag_Prototype_By_Line() taglist.txt /*Tlist_Get_Tag_Prototype_By_Line()*
Tlist_Get_Tagname_By_Line() taglist.txt /*Tlist_Get_Tagname_By_Line()*
Tlist_Set_App() taglist.txt /*Tlist_Set_App()*
Tlist_Update_File_Tags() taglist.txt /*Tlist_Update_File_Tags()*
loaded_nerd_comments NERD_commenter.txt /*loaded_nerd_comments*
taglist-commands taglist.txt /*taglist-commands*
taglist-debug taglist.txt /*taglist-debug*
taglist-extend taglist.txt /*taglist-extend*
taglist-faq taglist.txt /*taglist-faq*
taglist-functions taglist.txt /*taglist-functions*
taglist-install taglist.txt /*taglist-install*
taglist-internet taglist.txt /*taglist-internet*
taglist-intro taglist.txt /*taglist-intro*
taglist-keys taglist.txt /*taglist-keys*
taglist-license taglist.txt /*taglist-license*
taglist-menu taglist.txt /*taglist-menu*
taglist-options taglist.txt /*taglist-options*
taglist-requirements taglist.txt /*taglist-requirements*
taglist-session taglist.txt /*taglist-session*
taglist-todo taglist.txt /*taglist-todo*
taglist-using taglist.txt /*taglist-using*
taglist.txt taglist.txt /*taglist.txt*


File diff suppressed because it is too large


@ -0,0 +1,825 @@
" Copyright: Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Jeff Lanzarotta
" Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code,
" with or without modifications, provided that this copyright
" notice is copied with it. Like anything else that's free,
" bufexplorer.vim is provided *as is* and comes with no
" warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. In no
" event will the copyright holder be liable for any damages
" resulting from the use of this software.
" Name Of File: bufexplorer.vim
" Description: Buffer Explorer Vim Plugin
" Maintainer: Jeff Lanzarotta (delux256-vim at yahoo dot com)
" Last Changed: Friday, 21 December 2007
" Version: See g:bufexplorer_version for version number.
" Usage: This file should reside in the plugin directory and be
" automatically sourced.
" You may use the default keymappings of
" <Leader>be - Opens BufExplorer
" Or you can use
" ":BufExplorer" - Opens BufExplorer
" For more help see supplied documentation.
" History: See supplied documentation.
" Exit quickly if already running or when 'compatible' is set. {{{1
if exists("g:bufexplorer_version") || &cp
" Version number
let g:bufexplorer_version = "7.1.7"
" Check for Vim version 700 or greater {{{1
if v:version < 700
echo "Sorry, bufexplorer ".g:bufexplorer_version."\nONLY runs with Vim 7.0 and greater."
" Public Interface {{{1
nmap <silent> <unique> <Leader>bx :BufExplorer<CR>
" Create commands {{{1
command BufExplorer :call StartBufExplorer(has ("gui") ? "drop" : "hide edit")
" Set {{{1
function s:Set(var, default)
if !exists(a:var)
if type(a:default)
exec "let" a:var "=" string(a:default)
exec "let" a:var "=" a:default
return 1
return 0
" Default values {{{1
call s:Set("g:bufExplorerDefaultHelp", 1) " Show default help?
call s:Set("g:bufExplorerDetailedHelp", 0) " Show detailed help?
call s:Set("g:bufExplorerFindActive", 1) " When selecting an active buffer, take you to the window where it is active?
call s:Set("g:bufExplorerReverseSort", 0) " sort reverse?
call s:Set("g:bufExplorerShowDirectories", 1) " (Dir's are added by commands like ':e .')
call s:Set("g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath", 0) " Show listings with relative or absolute paths?
call s:Set("g:bufExplorerShowUnlisted", 0) " Show unlisted buffers?
call s:Set("g:bufExplorerSortBy", "mru") " Sorting methods are in s:sort_by:
call s:Set("g:bufExplorerSplitOutPathName", 1) " Split out path and file name?
" Global variables {{{1
let s:MRUList = []
let s:running = 0
let s:sort_by = ["number", "name", "fullpath", "mru", "extension"]
let s:tabSpace = []
let s:types = {"fullname": ':p', "path": ':p:h', "relativename": ':~:.', "relativepath": ':~:.:h', "shortname": ':t'}
let s:originBuffer = 0
" Setup the autocommands that handle the MRUList and other stuff. {{{1
autocmd VimEnter * call s:Setup()
" Setup {{{1
function s:Setup()
" Build initial MRUList.
let s:MRUList = range(1, bufnr('$'))
let s:tabSpace = []
" Now that the MRUList is created, add the other autocmds.
autocmd BufEnter,BufNew * call s:ActivateBuffer()
autocmd BufWipeOut * call s:DeactivateBuffer(1)
autocmd BufDelete * call s:DeactivateBuffer(0)
autocmd BufWinEnter \[BufExplorer\] call s:Initialize()
autocmd BufWinLeave \[BufExplorer\] call s:Cleanup()
" ActivateBuffer {{{1
function s:ActivateBuffer()
let b = bufnr("%")
let l = get(s:tabSpace, tabpagenr(), [])
if empty(l) || index(l, b) == -1
call add(l, b)
let s:tabSpace[tabpagenr()] = l
call s:MRUPush(b)
" DeactivateBuffer {{{1
function s:DeactivateBuffer(remove)
"echom "afile:" expand("<afile>")
"echom "bufnr, afile:" bufnr(expand("<afile>"))
"echom "buffers:" string(tabpagebuflist())
"echom "MRU before:" string(s:MRUList)
if a:remove
call s:MRUPop(bufnr(expand("<afile>")))
"echom "MRU after:" string(s:MRUList)
" MRUPop {{{1
function s:MRUPop(buf)
call filter(s:MRUList, 'v:val != '.a:buf)
" MRUPush {{{1
function s:MRUPush(buf)
" Skip temporary buffer with buftype set.
" Don't add the BufExplorer window to the list.
if !empty(getbufvar(a:buf, "&buftype")) ||
\ !buflisted(a:buf) || empty(bufname(a:buf)) ||
\ fnamemodify(bufname(a:buf), ":t") == "[BufExplorer]"
call s:MRUPop(a:buf)
call insert(s:MRUList,a:buf)
" Initialize {{{1
function s:Initialize()
let s:_insertmode = &insertmode
set noinsertmode
let s:_showcmd = &showcmd
set noshowcmd
let s:_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
let s:_report = &report
let &report = 10000
let s:_list = &list
set nolist
setlocal nonumber
setlocal foldcolumn=0
setlocal nofoldenable
setlocal cursorline
setlocal nospell
set nobuflisted
let s:running = 1
" Cleanup {{{1
function s:Cleanup()
let &insertmode = s:_insertmode
let &showcmd = s:_showcmd
let &cpo = s:_cpo
let &report = s:_report
let &list = s:_list
let s:running = 0
" StartBufExplorer {{{1
function StartBufExplorer(open)
let name = '[BufExplorer]'
if !has("win32")
" On non-Windows boxes, escape the name so that is shows up correctly.
let name = escape(name, "[]")
" Make sure there is only one explorer open at a time.
if s:running == 1
" Go to the open buffer.
if has("gui")
exec "drop" name
let s:originBuffer = bufnr("%")
silent let s:raw_buffer_listing = s:GetBufferInfo()
let copy = copy(s:raw_buffer_listing)
if (g:bufExplorerShowUnlisted == 0)
call filter(copy, 'v:val.attributes !~ "u"')
if (!empty(copy))
call filter(copy, 'v:val.shortname !~ "\\\[No Name\\\]"')
if len(copy) <= 1
echo "\r"
call s:Warn("Sorry, there are no more buffers to explore")
if !exists("b:displayMode") || b:displayMode != "winmanager"
" Do not use keepalt when opening bufexplorer to allow the buffer that we
" are leaving to become the new alternate buffer
exec "silent keepjumps ".a:open." ".name
call s:DisplayBufferList()
" DisplayBufferList {{{1
function s:DisplayBufferList()
setlocal bufhidden=delete
setlocal buftype=nofile
setlocal modifiable
setlocal noswapfile
setlocal nowrap
call s:SetupSyntax()
call s:MapKeys()
call setline(1, s:CreateHelp())
call s:BuildBufferList()
call cursor(s:firstBufferLine, 1)
if !g:bufExplorerResize
normal! zz
setlocal nomodifiable
" MapKeys {{{1
function s:MapKeys()
if exists("b:displayMode") && b:displayMode == "winmanager"
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <tab> :call <SID>SelectBuffer()<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <F1> :call <SID>ToggleHelp()<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <2-leftmouse> :call <SID>SelectBuffer()<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <cr> :call <SID>SelectBuffer()<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> t :call <SID>SelectBuffer("tab")<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <s-cr> :call <SID>SelectBuffer("tab")<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> d :call <SID>RemoveBuffer("wipe")<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> D :call <SID>RemoveBuffer("delete")<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> m :call <SID>MRUListShow()<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> p :call <SID>ToggleSplitOutPathName()<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> q :call <SID>Close()<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> r :call <SID>SortReverse()<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> R :call <SID>ToggleShowRelativePath()<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> s :call <SID>SortSelect()<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> u :call <SID>ToggleShowUnlisted()<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> f :call <SID>ToggleFindActive()<cr>
for k in ["G", "n", "N", "L", "M", "H"]
exec "nnoremap <buffer> <silent>" k ":keepjumps normal!" k."<cr>"
" SetupSyntax {{{1
function s:SetupSyntax()
if has("syntax")
syn match bufExplorerHelp "^\".*" contains=bufExplorerSortBy,bufExplorerMapping,bufExplorerTitle,bufExplorerSortType,bufExplorerToggleSplit,bufExplorerToggleOpen
syn match bufExplorerOpenIn "Open in \w\+ window" contained
syn match bufExplorerSplit "\w\+ split" contained
syn match bufExplorerSortBy "Sorted by .*" contained contains=bufExplorerOpenIn,bufExplorerSplit
syn match bufExplorerMapping "\" \zs.\+\ze :" contained
syn match bufExplorerTitle "Buffer Explorer.*" contained
syn match bufExplorerSortType "'\w\{-}'" contained
syn match bufExplorerBufNbr /^\s*\d\+/
syn match bufExplorerToggleSplit "toggle split type" contained
syn match bufExplorerToggleOpen "toggle open mode" contained
syn match bufExplorerModBuf /^\s*\d\+.\{4}+.*/
syn match bufExplorerLockedBuf /^\s*\d\+.\{3}[\-=].*/
syn match bufExplorerHidBuf /^\s*\d\+.\{2}h.*/
syn match bufExplorerActBuf /^\s*\d\+.\{2}a.*/
syn match bufExplorerCurBuf /^\s*\d\+.%.*/
syn match bufExplorerAltBuf /^\s*\d\+.#.*/
syn match bufExplorerUnlBuf /^\s*\d\+u.*/
hi def link bufExplorerBufNbr Number
hi def link bufExplorerMapping NonText
hi def link bufExplorerHelp Special
hi def link bufExplorerOpenIn Identifier
hi def link bufExplorerSortBy String
hi def link bufExplorerSplit NonText
hi def link bufExplorerTitle NonText
hi def link bufExplorerSortType bufExplorerSortBy
hi def link bufExplorerToggleSplit bufExplorerSplit
hi def link bufExplorerToggleOpen bufExplorerOpenIn
hi def link bufExplorerActBuf Identifier
hi def link bufExplorerAltBuf String
hi def link bufExplorerCurBuf Type
hi def link bufExplorerHidBuf Constant
hi def link bufExplorerLockedBuf Special
hi def link bufExplorerModBuf Exception
hi def link bufExplorerUnlBuf Comment
" ToggleHelp {{{1
function s:ToggleHelp()
let g:bufExplorerDetailedHelp = !g:bufExplorerDetailedHelp
setlocal modifiable
" Save position
normal! ma
" Remove old header
if (s:firstBufferLine > 1)
exec "keepjumps 1,".(s:firstBufferLine - 1) "d _"
call append(0, s:CreateHelp())
silent! normal! g`a
delmarks a
setlocal nomodifiable
if exists("b:displayMode") && b:displayMode == "winmanager"
call WinManagerForceReSize("BufExplorer")
" GetHelpStatus {{{1
function s:GetHelpStatus()
let ret = '" Sorted by '.((g:bufExplorerReverseSort == 1) ? "reverse " : "").g:bufExplorerSortBy
let ret .= ' | '.((g:bufExplorerFindActive == 0) ? "Don't " : "")."Locate buffer"
let ret .= ((g:bufExplorerShowUnlisted == 0) ? "" : " | Show unlisted")
let ret .= ' | '.((g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath == 0) ? "Absolute" : "Relative")
let ret .= ' '.((g:bufExplorerSplitOutPathName == 0) ? "Full" : "Split")." path"
return ret
" CreateHelp {{{1
function s:CreateHelp()
if g:bufExplorerDefaultHelp == 0 && g:bufExplorerDetailedHelp == 0
let s:firstBufferLine = 1
return []
let header = []
if g:bufExplorerDetailedHelp == 1
call add(header, '" Buffer Explorer ('.g:bufexplorer_version.')')
call add(header, '" --------------------------')
call add(header, '" <F1> : toggle this help')
call add(header, '" <enter> or Mouse-Double-Click : open buffer under cursor')
call add(header, '" <shift-enter> or t : open buffer in another tab')
call add(header, '" d : wipe buffer')
call add(header, '" D : delete buffer')
call add(header, '" p : toggle spliting of file and path name')
call add(header, '" q : quit')
call add(header, '" r : reverse sort')
call add(header, '" R : toggle showing relative or full paths')
call add(header, '" u : toggle showing unlisted buffers')
call add(header, '" s : select sort field '.string(s:sort_by).'')
call add(header, '" f : toggle find active buffer')
call add(header, '" Press <F1> for Help')
call add(header, s:GetHelpStatus())
call add(header, '"=')
let s:firstBufferLine = len(header) + 1
return header
" GetBufferInfo {{{1
function s:GetBufferInfo()
redir => bufoutput
redir END
let [all, allwidths, listedwidths] = [[], {}, {}]
for n in keys(s:types)
let allwidths[n] = []
let listedwidths[n] = []
for buf in split(bufoutput, '\n')
let bits = split(buf, '"')
let b = {"attributes": bits[0], "line": substitute(bits[2], '\s*', '', '')}
for [key, val] in items(s:types)
let b[key] = fnamemodify(bits[1], val)
if getftype(b.fullname) == "dir" && g:bufExplorerShowDirectories == 1
let b.shortname = "<DIRECTORY>"
call add(all, b)
for n in keys(s:types)
call add(allwidths[n], len(b[n]))
if b.attributes !~ "u"
call add(listedwidths[n], len(b[n]))
let [s:allpads, s:listedpads] = [{}, {}]
for n in keys(s:types)
let s:allpads[n] = repeat(' ', max(allwidths[n]))
let s:listedpads[n] = repeat(' ', max(listedwidths[n]))
return all
" BuildBufferList {{{1
function s:BuildBufferList()
let lines = []
" Loop through every buffer.
for buf in s:raw_buffer_listing
if (!g:bufExplorerShowUnlisted && buf.attributes =~ "u")
" skip unlisted buffers if we are not to show them
let line = buf.attributes." "
if g:bufExplorerSplitOutPathName
let type = (g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath) ? "relativepath" : "path"
let path = buf[type]
let pad = (g:bufExplorerShowUnlisted) ? s:allpads.shortname : s:listedpads.shortname
let line .= buf.shortname." ".strpart(pad.path, len(buf.shortname))
let type = (g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath) ? "relativename" : "fullname"
let path = buf[type]
let line .= path
let pads = (g:bufExplorerShowUnlisted) ? s:allpads : s:listedpads
if !empty(pads[type])
let line .= strpart(pads[type], len(path))." "
let line .= buf.line
call add(lines, line)
call setline(s:firstBufferLine, lines)
call s:SortListing()
" SelectBuffer {{{1
function s:SelectBuffer(...)
" Sometimes messages are not cleared when we get here so it looks like an
" error has occurred when it really has not.
echo ""
" Are we on a line with a file name?
if line('.') < s:firstBufferLine
exec "normal! \<cr>"
let _bufNbr = str2nr(getline('.'))
if exists("b:displayMode") && b:displayMode == "winmanager"
let bufname = expand("#"._bufNbr.":p")
call WinManagerFileEdit(bufname, 0)
if bufexists(_bufNbr)
if bufnr("#") == _bufNbr
return s:Close()
if (a:0 == 1) && (a:1 == "tab")
" Restore [BufExplorer] buffer.
exec "keepjumps silent buffer!".s:originBuffer
let tabNbr = s:GetTabNbr(_bufNbr)
if tabNbr == 0
" _bufNbr is not opened in any tabs
exec "999tab split +buffer" . _bufNbr
" _bufNbr is already opened in tab(s)
exec tabNbr . "tabnext"
" Focus window.
exec s:GetWinNbr(tabNbr, _bufNbr) . "wincmd w"
" If the buf is active, then go to the tab where it is opened.
if bufloaded(_bufNbr) && g:bufExplorerFindActive
call s:Close()
let bufname = expand("#"._bufNbr.":p")
exec bufname ? "drop ".escape(bufname, " ") : "buffer "._bufNbr
" Switch to the buffer.
exec "keepalt keepjumps silent b!" _bufNbr
" Make the buffer 'listed' again.
call setbufvar(_bufNbr, "&buflisted", "1")
call s:Error("Sorry, that buffer no longer exists, please select another")
call s:DeleteBuffer(_bufNbr, "wipe")
" RemoveBuffer {{{1
function s:RemoveBuffer(mode)
" Are we on a line with a file name?
if line('.') < s:firstBufferLine
" Do not allow this buffer to be deleted if it is the last one.
if len(s:MRUList) == 1
call s:Error("Sorry, you are not allowed to delete the last buffer")
" These commands are to temporarily suspend the activity of winmanager.
if exists("b:displayMode") && b:displayMode == "winmanager"
call WinManagerSuspendAUs()
let _bufNbr = str2nr(getline('.'))
if getbufvar(_bufNbr, '&modified') == 1
call s:Error("Sorry, no write since last change for buffer "._bufNbr.", unable to delete")
" Okay, everything is good, delete or wipe the buffer.
call s:DeleteBuffer(_bufNbr, a:mode)
" Reactivate winmanager autocommand activity.
if exists("b:displayMode") && b:displayMode == "winmanager"
call WinManagerForceReSize("BufExplorer")
call WinManagerResumeAUs()
" DeleteBuffer {{{1
function s:DeleteBuffer(buf, mode)
" This routine assumes that the buffer to be removed is on the current line.
if a:mode == "wipe"
exe "silent bw" a:buf
exe "silent bd" a:buf
setlocal modifiable
normal! "_dd
setlocal nomodifiable
" Delete the buffer from the raw buffer list.
call filter(s:raw_buffer_listing, 'v:val.attributes !~ " '.a:buf.' "')
call s:Error(v:exception)
" Close {{{1
function s:Close()
" Get only the listed buffers.
let listed = filter(copy(s:MRUList), "buflisted(v:val)")
for b in reverse(listed[0:1])
exec "keepjumps silent b ".b
" ToggleSplitOutPathName {{{1
function s:ToggleSplitOutPathName()
let g:bufExplorerSplitOutPathName = !g:bufExplorerSplitOutPathName
call s:RebuildBufferList()
call s:UpdateHelpStatus()
" ToggleShowRelativePath {{{1
function s:ToggleShowRelativePath()
let g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath = !g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath
call s:RebuildBufferList()
call s:UpdateHelpStatus()
" ToggleShowUnlisted {{{1
function s:ToggleShowUnlisted()
let g:bufExplorerShowUnlisted = !g:bufExplorerShowUnlisted
let num_bufs = s:RebuildBufferList(g:bufExplorerShowUnlisted == 0)
call s:UpdateHelpStatus()
" ToggleFindActive {{{1
function s:ToggleFindActive()
let g:bufExplorerFindActive = !g:bufExplorerFindActive
call s:UpdateHelpStatus()
" RebuildBufferList {{{1
function s:RebuildBufferList(...)
setlocal modifiable
let curPos = getpos('.')
if a:0
" Clear the list first.
exec "keepjumps ".s:firstBufferLine.',$d "_'
let num_bufs = s:BuildBufferList()
call setpos('.', curPos)
setlocal nomodifiable
return num_bufs
" UpdateHelpStatus {{{1
function s:UpdateHelpStatus()
setlocal modifiable
let text = s:GetHelpStatus()
call setline(s:firstBufferLine - 2, text)
setlocal nomodifiable
" MRUCmp {{{1
function s:MRUCmp(line1, line2)
return index(s:MRUList, str2nr(a:line1)) - index(s:MRUList, str2nr(a:line2))
" SortReverse {{{1
function s:SortReverse()
let g:bufExplorerReverseSort = !g:bufExplorerReverseSort
call s:ReSortListing()
" SortSelect {{{1
function s:SortSelect()
let g:bufExplorerSortBy = get(s:sort_by, index(s:sort_by, g:bufExplorerSortBy)+1, s:sort_by[0])
call s:ReSortListing()
" ReSortListing {{{1
function s:ReSortListing()
setlocal modifiable
let curPos = getpos('.')
call s:SortListing()
call s:UpdateHelpStatus()
call setpos('.', curPos)
setlocal nomodifiable
" SortListing {{{1
function s:SortListing()
let sort = s:firstBufferLine.",$sort".((g:bufExplorerReverseSort == 1) ? "!": "")
if g:bufExplorerSortBy == "number"
" Easiest case.
exec sort 'n'
elseif g:bufExplorerSortBy == "name"
if g:bufExplorerSplitOutPathName
exec sort 'ir /\d.\{7}\zs\f\+\ze/'
exec sort 'ir /\zs[^\/\\]\+\ze\s*line/'
elseif g:bufExplorerSortBy == "fullpath"
if g:bufExplorerSplitOutPathName
" Sort twice - first on the file name then on the path.
exec sort 'ir /\d.\{7}\zs\f\+\ze/'
exec sort 'ir /\zs\f\+\ze\s\+line/'
elseif g:bufExplorerSortBy == "extension"
exec sort 'ir /\.\zs\w\+\ze\s/'
elseif g:bufExplorerSortBy == "mru"
let l = getline(s:firstBufferLine, "$")
call sort(l, "<SID>MRUCmp")
if g:bufExplorerReverseSort
call reverse(l)
call setline(s:firstBufferLine, l)
" MRUListShow {{{1
function s:MRUListShow()
echomsg "MRUList=".string(s:MRUList)
" Error {{{1
function s:Error(msg)
echohl ErrorMsg | echo a:msg | echohl none
" Warn {{{1
function s:Warn(msg)
echohl WarningMsg | echo a:msg | echohl none
" GetTabNbr {{{1
function s:GetTabNbr(bufNbr)
" Searching buffer bufno, in tabs.
for i in range(tabpagenr("$"))
if index(tabpagebuflist(i + 1), a:bufNbr) != -1
return i + 1
return 0
" GetWinNbr" {{{1
function s:GetWinNbr(tabNbr, bufNbr)
" window number in tabpage.
return index(tabpagebuflist(a:tabNbr), a:bufNbr) + 1
" Winmanager Integration {{{1
let g:BufExplorer_title = "\[Buf\ List\]"
call s:Set("g:bufExplorerResize", 1)
call s:Set("g:bufExplorerMaxHeight", 25) " Handles dynamic resizing of the window.
" Function to start display. Set the mode to 'winmanager' for this buffer.
" This is to figure out how this plugin was called. In a standalone fashion
" or by winmanager.
function BufExplorer_Start()
let b:displayMode = "winmanager"
call StartBufExplorer("e")
" Returns whether the display is okay or not.
function BufExplorer_IsValid()
return 0
" Handles dynamic refreshing of the window.
function BufExplorer_Refresh()
let b:displayMode = "winmanager"
call StartBufExplorer("e")
function BufExplorer_ReSize()
if !g:bufExplorerResize
let nlines = min([line("$"), g:bufExplorerMaxHeight])
exe nlines." wincmd _"
" The following lines restore the layout so that the last file line is also
" the last window line. Sometimes, when a line is deleted, although the
" window size is exactly equal to the number of lines in the file, some of
" the lines are pushed up and we see some lagging '~'s.
let pres = getpos(".")
exe $
let _scr = &scrolloff
let &scrolloff = 0
normal! z-
let &scrolloff = _scr
call setpos(".", pres)
" vim:ft=vim foldmethod=marker sw=2


@ -0,0 +1 @@
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.t set filetype=perl


@ -0,0 +1,812 @@
" matchit.vim: (global plugin) Extended "%" matching
" Last Change: Fri Jan 25 10:00 AM 2008 EST
" Maintainer: Benji Fisher PhD <>
" Version: 1.13.2, for Vim 6.3+
" URL:
" Documentation:
" The documentation is in a separate file, matchit.txt .
" Credits:
" Vim editor by Bram Moolenaar (Thanks, Bram!)
" Original script and design by Raul Segura Acevedo
" Support for comments by Douglas Potts
" Support for back references and other improvements by Benji Fisher
" Support for many languages by Johannes Zellner
" Suggestions for improvement, bug reports, and support for additional
" languages by Jordi-Albert Batalla, Neil Bird, Servatius Brandt, Mark
" Collett, Stephen Wall, Dany St-Amant, Yuheng Xie, and Johannes Zellner.
" Debugging:
" If you'd like to try the built-in debugging commands...
" :MatchDebug to activate debugging for the current buffer
" This saves the values of several key script variables as buffer-local
" variables. See the MatchDebug() function, below, for details.
" TODO: I should think about multi-line patterns for b:match_words.
" This would require an option: how many lines to scan (default 1).
" This would be useful for Python, maybe also for *ML.
" TODO: Maybe I should add a menu so that people will actually use some of
" the features that I have implemented.
" TODO: Eliminate the MultiMatch function. Add yet another argument to
" Match_wrapper() instead.
" TODO: Allow :let b:match_words = '\(\(foo\)\(bar\)\):\3\2:end\1'
" TODO: Make backrefs safer by using '\V' (very no-magic).
" TODO: Add a level of indirection, so that custom % scripts can use my
" work but extend it.
" allow user to prevent loading
" and prevent duplicate loading
if exists("loaded_matchit") || &cp
let loaded_matchit = 1
let s:last_mps = ""
let s:last_words = ":"
let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
nnoremap <silent> % :<C-U>call <SID>Match_wrapper('',1,'n') <CR>
nnoremap <silent> g% :<C-U>call <SID>Match_wrapper('',0,'n') <CR>
vnoremap <silent> % :<C-U>call <SID>Match_wrapper('',1,'v') <CR>m'gv``
vnoremap <silent> g% :<C-U>call <SID>Match_wrapper('',0,'v') <CR>m'gv``
onoremap <silent> % v:<C-U>call <SID>Match_wrapper('',1,'o') <CR>
onoremap <silent> g% v:<C-U>call <SID>Match_wrapper('',0,'o') <CR>
" Analogues of [{ and ]} using matching patterns:
nnoremap <silent> [% :<C-U>call <SID>MultiMatch("bW", "n") <CR>
nnoremap <silent> ]% :<C-U>call <SID>MultiMatch("W", "n") <CR>
vmap [% <Esc>[%m'gv``
vmap ]% <Esc>]%m'gv``
" vnoremap <silent> [% :<C-U>call <SID>MultiMatch("bW", "v") <CR>m'gv``
" vnoremap <silent> ]% :<C-U>call <SID>MultiMatch("W", "v") <CR>m'gv``
onoremap <silent> [% v:<C-U>call <SID>MultiMatch("bW", "o") <CR>
onoremap <silent> ]% v:<C-U>call <SID>MultiMatch("W", "o") <CR>
" text object:
vmap a% <Esc>[%v]%
" Auto-complete mappings: (not yet "ready for prime time")
" TODO Read :help write-plugin for the "right" way to let the user
" specify a key binding.
" let g:match_auto = '<C-]>'
" let g:match_autoCR = '<C-CR>'
" if exists("g:match_auto")
" execute "inoremap " . g:match_auto . ' x<Esc>"=<SID>Autocomplete()<CR>Pls'
" endif
" if exists("g:match_autoCR")
" execute "inoremap " . g:match_autoCR . ' <CR><C-R>=<SID>Autocomplete()<CR>'
" endif
" if exists("g:match_gthhoh")
" execute "inoremap " . g:match_gthhoh . ' <C-O>:call <SID>Gthhoh()<CR>'
" endif " gthhoh = "Get the heck out of here!"
let s:notslash = '\\\@<!\%(\\\\\)*'
function! s:Match_wrapper(word, forward, mode) range
" In s:CleanUp(), :execute "set" restore_options .
let restore_options = (&ic ? " " : " no") . "ignorecase"
if exists("b:match_ignorecase")
let &ignorecase = b:match_ignorecase
let restore_options = " ve=" . &ve . restore_options
set ve=
" If this function was called from Visual mode, make sure that the cursor
" is at the correct end of the Visual range:
if a:mode == "v"
execute "normal! gv\<Esc>"
" In s:CleanUp(), we may need to check whether the cursor moved forward.
let startline = line(".")
let startcol = col(".")
" Use default behavior if called with a count.
if v:count
exe "normal! " . v:count . "%"
return s:CleanUp(restore_options, a:mode, startline, startcol)
" First step: if not already done, set the script variables
" s:do_BR flag for whether there are backrefs
" s:pat parsed version of b:match_words
" s:all regexp based on s:pat and the default groups
if !exists("b:match_words") || b:match_words == ""
let match_words = ""
" Allow b:match_words = "GetVimMatchWords()" .
elseif b:match_words =~ ":"
let match_words = b:match_words
execute "let match_words =" b:match_words
" Thanks to Preben "Peppe" Guldberg and Bram Moolenaar for this suggestion!
if (match_words != s:last_words) || (&mps != s:last_mps) ||
\ exists("b:match_debug")
let s:last_words = match_words
let s:last_mps = &mps
" The next several lines were here before
" BF started messing with this script.
" quote the special chars in 'matchpairs', replace [,:] with \| and then
" append the builtin pairs (/*, */, #if, #ifdef, #else, #elif, #endif)
" let default = substitute(escape(&mps, '[$^.*~\\/?]'), '[,:]\+',
" \ '\\|', 'g').'\|\/\*\|\*\/\|#if\>\|#ifdef\>\|#else\>\|#elif\>\|#endif\>'
let default = escape(&mps, '[$^.*~\\/?]') . (strlen(&mps) ? "," : "") .
\ '\/\*:\*\/,#if\%(def\)\=:#else\>:#elif\>:#endif\>'
" s:all = pattern with all the keywords
let match_words = match_words . (strlen(match_words) ? "," : "") . default
if match_words !~ s:notslash . '\\\d'
let s:do_BR = 0
let s:pat = match_words
let s:do_BR = 1
let s:pat = s:ParseWords(match_words)
let s:all = substitute(s:pat, s:notslash . '\zs[,:]\+', '\\|', 'g')
let s:all = '\%(' . s:all . '\)'
" let s:all = '\%(' . substitute(s:all, '\\\ze[,:]', '', 'g') . '\)'
if exists("b:match_debug")
let b:match_pat = s:pat
" Second step: set the following local variables:
" matchline = line on which the cursor started
" curcol = number of characters before match
" prefix = regexp for start of line to start of match
" suffix = regexp for end of match to end of line
" Require match to end on or after the cursor and prefer it to
" start on or before the cursor.
let matchline = getline(startline)
if a:word != ''
" word given
if a:word !~ s:all
echohl WarningMsg|echo 'Missing rule for word:"'.a:word.'"'|echohl NONE
return s:CleanUp(restore_options, a:mode, startline, startcol)
let matchline = a:word
let curcol = 0
let prefix = '^\%('
let suffix = '\)$'
" Now the case when "word" is not given
else " Find the match that ends on or after the cursor and set curcol.
let regexp = s:Wholematch(matchline, s:all, startcol-1)
let curcol = match(matchline, regexp)
" If there is no match, give up.
if curcol == -1
return s:CleanUp(restore_options, a:mode, startline, startcol)
let endcol = matchend(matchline, regexp)
let suf = strlen(matchline) - endcol
let prefix = (curcol ? '^.*\%' . (curcol + 1) . 'c\%(' : '^\%(')
let suffix = (suf ? '\)\%' . (endcol + 1) . 'c.*$' : '\)$')
if exists("b:match_debug")
let b:match_match = matchstr(matchline, regexp)
let b:match_col = curcol+1
" Third step: Find the group and single word that match, and the original
" (backref) versions of these. Then, resolve the backrefs.
" Set the following local variable:
" group = colon-separated list of patterns, one of which matches
" = ini:mid:fin or ini:fin
" Reconstruct the version with unresolved backrefs.
let patBR = substitute(match_words.',',
\ s:notslash.'\zs[,:]*,[,:]*', ',', 'g')
let patBR = substitute(patBR, s:notslash.'\zs:\{2,}', ':', 'g')
" Now, set group and groupBR to the matching group: 'if:endif' or
" 'while:endwhile' or whatever. A bit of a kluge: s:Choose() returns
" group . "," . groupBR, and we pick it apart.
let group = s:Choose(s:pat, matchline, ",", ":", prefix, suffix, patBR)
let i = matchend(group, s:notslash . ",")
let groupBR = strpart(group, i)
let group = strpart(group, 0, i-1)
" Now, matchline =~ prefix . substitute(group,':','\|','g') . suffix
if s:do_BR " Do the hard part: resolve those backrefs!
let group = s:InsertRefs(groupBR, prefix, group, suffix, matchline)
if exists("b:match_debug")
let b:match_wholeBR = groupBR
let i = matchend(groupBR, s:notslash . ":")
let b:match_iniBR = strpart(groupBR, 0, i-1)
" Fourth step: Set the arguments for searchpair().
let i = matchend(group, s:notslash . ":")
let j = matchend(group, '.*' . s:notslash . ":")
let ini = strpart(group, 0, i-1)
let mid = substitute(strpart(group, i,j-i-1), s:notslash.'\zs:', '\\|', 'g')
let fin = strpart(group, j)
"Un-escape the remaining , and : characters.
let ini = substitute(ini, s:notslash . '\zs\\\(:\|,\)', '\1', 'g')
let mid = substitute(mid, s:notslash . '\zs\\\(:\|,\)', '\1', 'g')
let fin = substitute(fin, s:notslash . '\zs\\\(:\|,\)', '\1', 'g')
" searchpair() requires that these patterns avoid \(\) groups.
let ini = substitute(ini, s:notslash . '\zs\\(', '\\%(', 'g')
let mid = substitute(mid, s:notslash . '\zs\\(', '\\%(', 'g')
let fin = substitute(fin, s:notslash . '\zs\\(', '\\%(', 'g')
" Set mid. This is optimized for readability, not micro-efficiency!
if a:forward && matchline =~ prefix . fin . suffix
\ || !a:forward && matchline =~ prefix . ini . suffix
let mid = ""
" Set flag. This is optimized for readability, not micro-efficiency!
if a:forward && matchline =~ prefix . fin . suffix
\ || !a:forward && matchline !~ prefix . ini . suffix
let flag = "bW"
let flag = "W"
" Set skip.
if exists("b:match_skip")
let skip = b:match_skip
elseif exists("b:match_comment") " backwards compatibility and testing!
let skip = "r:" . b:match_comment
let skip = 's:comment\|string'
let skip = s:ParseSkip(skip)
if exists("b:match_debug")
let b:match_ini = ini
let b:match_tail = (strlen(mid) ? mid.'\|' : '') . fin
" Fifth step: actually start moving the cursor and call searchpair().
" Later, :execute restore_cursor to get to the original screen.
let restore_cursor = virtcol(".") . "|"
normal! g0
let restore_cursor = line(".") . "G" . virtcol(".") . "|zs" . restore_cursor
normal! H
let restore_cursor = "normal!" . line(".") . "Gzt" . restore_cursor
execute restore_cursor
call cursor(0, curcol + 1)
" normal! 0
" if curcol
" execute "normal!" . curcol . "l"
" endif
if skip =~ 'synID' && !(has("syntax") && exists("g:syntax_on"))
let skip = "0"
execute "if " . skip . "| let skip = '0' | endif"
let sp_return = searchpair(ini, mid, fin, flag, skip)
let final_position = "call cursor(" . line(".") . "," . col(".") . ")"
" Restore cursor position and original screen.
execute restore_cursor
normal! m'
if sp_return > 0
execute final_position
return s:CleanUp(restore_options, a:mode, startline, startcol, mid.'\|'.fin)
" Restore options and do some special handling for Operator-pending mode.
" The optional argument is the tail of the matching group.
fun! s:CleanUp(options, mode, startline, startcol, ...)
execute "set" a:options
" Open folds, if appropriate.
if a:mode != "o"
if &foldopen =~ "percent"
normal! zv
" In Operator-pending mode, we want to include the whole match
" (for example, d%).
" This is only a problem if we end up moving in the forward direction.
elseif (a:startline < line(".")) ||
\ (a:startline == line(".") && a:startcol < col("."))
if a:0
" Check whether the match is a single character. If not, move to the
" end of the match.
let matchline = getline(".")
let currcol = col(".")
let regexp = s:Wholematch(matchline, a:1, currcol-1)
let endcol = matchend(matchline, regexp)
if endcol > currcol " This is NOT off by one!
execute "normal!" . (endcol - currcol) . "l"
endif " a:0
endif " a:mode != "o" && etc.
return 0
" Example (simplified HTML patterns): if
" a:groupBR = '<\(\k\+\)>:</\1>'
" a:prefix = '^.\{3}\('
" a:group = '<\(\k\+\)>:</\(\k\+\)>'
" a:suffix = '\).\{2}$'
" a:matchline = "123<tag>12" or "123</tag>12"
" then extract "tag" from a:matchline and return "<tag>:</tag>" .
fun! s:InsertRefs(groupBR, prefix, group, suffix, matchline)
if a:matchline !~ a:prefix .
\ substitute(a:group, s:notslash . '\zs:', '\\|', 'g') . a:suffix
return a:group
let i = matchend(a:groupBR, s:notslash . ':')
let ini = strpart(a:groupBR, 0, i-1)
let tailBR = strpart(a:groupBR, i)
let word = s:Choose(a:group, a:matchline, ":", "", a:prefix, a:suffix,
\ a:groupBR)
let i = matchend(word, s:notslash . ":")
let wordBR = strpart(word, i)
let word = strpart(word, 0, i-1)
" Now, a:matchline =~ a:prefix . word . a:suffix
if wordBR != ini
let table = s:Resolve(ini, wordBR, "table")
" let table = "----------"
let table = ""
let d = 0
while d < 10
if tailBR =~ s:notslash . '\\' . d
" let table[d] = d
let table = table . d
let table = table . "-"
let d = d + 1
let d = 9
while d
if table[d] != "-"
let backref = substitute(a:matchline, a:prefix.word.a:suffix,
\ '\'.table[d], "")
" Are there any other characters that should be escaped?
let backref = escape(backref, '*,:')
execute s:Ref(ini, d, "start", "len")
let ini = strpart(ini, 0, start) . backref . strpart(ini, start+len)
let tailBR = substitute(tailBR, s:notslash . '\zs\\' . d,
\ escape(backref, '\\'), 'g')
let d = d-1
if exists("b:match_debug")
if s:do_BR
let b:match_table = table
let b:match_word = word
let b:match_table = ""
let b:match_word = ""
return ini . ":" . tailBR
" Input a comma-separated list of groups with backrefs, such as
" a:groups = '\(foo\):end\1,\(bar\):end\1'
" and return a comma-separated list of groups with backrefs replaced:
" return '\(foo\):end\(foo\),\(bar\):end\(bar\)'
fun! s:ParseWords(groups)
let groups = substitute(a:groups.",", s:notslash.'\zs[,:]*,[,:]*', ',', 'g')
let groups = substitute(groups, s:notslash . '\zs:\{2,}', ':', 'g')
let parsed = ""
while groups =~ '[^,:]'
let i = matchend(groups, s:notslash . ':')
let j = matchend(groups, s:notslash . ',')
let ini = strpart(groups, 0, i-1)
let tail = strpart(groups, i, j-i-1) . ":"
let groups = strpart(groups, j)
let parsed = parsed . ini
let i = matchend(tail, s:notslash . ':')
while i != -1
" In 'if:else:endif', ini='if' and word='else' and then word='endif'.
let word = strpart(tail, 0, i-1)
let tail = strpart(tail, i)
let i = matchend(tail, s:notslash . ':')
let parsed = parsed . ":" . s:Resolve(ini, word, "word")
endwhile " Now, tail has been used up.
let parsed = parsed . ","
endwhile " groups =~ '[^,:]'
let parsed = substitute(parsed, ',$', '', '')
return parsed
" TODO I think this can be simplified and/or made more efficient.
" TODO What should I do if a:start is out of range?
" Return a regexp that matches all of a:string, such that
" matchstr(a:string, regexp) represents the match for a:pat that starts
" as close to a:start as possible, before being preferred to after, and
" ends after a:start .
" Usage:
" let regexp = s:Wholematch(getline("."), 'foo\|bar', col(".")-1)
" let i = match(getline("."), regexp)
" let j = matchend(getline("."), regexp)
" let match = matchstr(getline("."), regexp)
fun! s:Wholematch(string, pat, start)
let group = '\%(' . a:pat . '\)'
let prefix = (a:start ? '\(^.*\%<' . (a:start + 2) . 'c\)\zs' : '^')
let len = strlen(a:string)
let suffix = (a:start+1 < len ? '\(\%>'.(a:start+1).'c.*$\)\@=' : '$')
if a:string !~ prefix . group . suffix
let prefix = ''
return prefix . group . suffix
" No extra arguments: s:Ref(string, d) will
" find the d'th occurrence of '\(' and return it, along with everything up
" to and including the matching '\)'.
" One argument: s:Ref(string, d, "start") returns the index of the start
" of the d'th '\(' and any other argument returns the length of the group.
" Two arguments: s:Ref(string, d, "foo", "bar") returns a string to be
" executed, having the effect of
" :let foo = s:Ref(string, d, "start")
" :let bar = s:Ref(string, d, "len")
fun! s:Ref(string, d, ...)
let len = strlen(a:string)
if a:d == 0
let start = 0
let cnt = a:d
let match = a:string
while cnt
let cnt = cnt - 1
let index = matchend(match, s:notslash . '\\(')
if index == -1
return ""
let match = strpart(match, index)
let start = len - strlen(match)
if a:0 == 1 && a:1 == "start"
return start - 2
let cnt = 1
while cnt
let index = matchend(match, s:notslash . '\\(\|\\)') - 1
if index == -2
return ""
" Increment if an open, decrement if a ')':
let cnt = cnt + (match[index]=="(" ? 1 : -1) " ')'
" let cnt = stridx('0(', match[index]) + cnt
let match = strpart(match, index+1)
let start = start - 2
let len = len - start - strlen(match)
if a:0 == 1
return len
elseif a:0 == 2
return "let " . a:1 . "=" . start . "| let " . a:2 . "=" . len
return strpart(a:string, start, len)
" Count the number of disjoint copies of pattern in string.
" If the pattern is a literal string and contains no '0' or '1' characters
" then s:Count(string, pattern, '0', '1') should be faster than
" s:Count(string, pattern).
fun! s:Count(string, pattern, ...)
let pat = escape(a:pattern, '\\')
if a:0 > 1
let foo = substitute(a:string, '[^'.a:pattern.']', "a:1", "g")
let foo = substitute(a:string, pat, a:2, "g")
let foo = substitute(foo, '[^' . a:2 . ']', "", "g")
return strlen(foo)
let result = 0
let foo = a:string
let index = matchend(foo, pat)
while index != -1
let result = result + 1
let foo = strpart(foo, index)
let index = matchend(foo, pat)
return result
" s:Resolve('\(a\)\(b\)', '\(c\)\2\1\1\2') should return table.word, where
" word = '\(c\)\(b\)\(a\)\3\2' and table = '-32-------'. That is, the first
" '\1' in target is replaced by '\(a\)' in word, table[1] = 3, and this
" indicates that all other instances of '\1' in target are to be replaced
" by '\3'. The hard part is dealing with nesting...
" Note that ":" is an illegal character for source and target,
" unless it is preceded by "\".
fun! s:Resolve(source, target, output)
let word = a:target
let i = matchend(word, s:notslash . '\\\d') - 1
let table = "----------"
while i != -2 " There are back references to be replaced.
let d = word[i]
let backref = s:Ref(a:source, d)
" The idea is to replace '\d' with backref. Before we do this,
" replace any \(\) groups in backref with :1, :2, ... if they
" correspond to the first, second, ... group already inserted
" into backref. Later, replace :1 with \1 and so on. The group
" number w+b within backref corresponds to the group number
" s within a:source.
" w = number of '\(' in word before the current one
let w = s:Count(
\ substitute(strpart(word, 0, i-1), '\\\\', '', 'g'), '\(', '1')
let b = 1 " number of the current '\(' in backref
let s = d " number of the current '\(' in a:source
while b <= s:Count(substitute(backref, '\\\\', '', 'g'), '\(', '1')
\ && s < 10
if table[s] == "-"
if w + b < 10
" let table[s] = w + b
let table = strpart(table, 0, s) . (w+b) . strpart(table, s+1)
let b = b + 1
let s = s + 1
execute s:Ref(backref, b, "start", "len")
let ref = strpart(backref, start, len)
let backref = strpart(backref, 0, start) . ":". table[s]
\ . strpart(backref, start+len)
let s = s + s:Count(substitute(ref, '\\\\', '', 'g'), '\(', '1')
let word = strpart(word, 0, i-1) . backref . strpart(word, i+1)
let i = matchend(word, s:notslash . '\\\d') - 1
let word = substitute(word, s:notslash . '\zs:', '\\', 'g')
if a:output == "table"
return table
elseif a:output == "word"
return word
return table . word
" Assume a:comma = ",". Then the format for a:patterns and a:1 is
" a:patterns = "<pat1>,<pat2>,..."
" a:1 = "<alt1>,<alt2>,..."
" If <patn> is the first pattern that matches a:string then return <patn>
" if no optional arguments are given; return <patn>,<altn> if a:1 is given.
fun! s:Choose(patterns, string, comma, branch, prefix, suffix, ...)
let tail = (a:patterns =~ a:comma."$" ? a:patterns : a:patterns . a:comma)
let i = matchend(tail, s:notslash . a:comma)
if a:0
let alttail = (a:1 =~ a:comma."$" ? a:1 : a:1 . a:comma)
let j = matchend(alttail, s:notslash . a:comma)
let current = strpart(tail, 0, i-1)
if a:branch == ""
let currpat = current
let currpat = substitute(current, s:notslash . a:branch, '\\|', 'g')
while a:string !~ a:prefix . currpat . a:suffix
let tail = strpart(tail, i)
let i = matchend(tail, s:notslash . a:comma)
if i == -1
return -1
let current = strpart(tail, 0, i-1)
if a:branch == ""
let currpat = current
let currpat = substitute(current, s:notslash . a:branch, '\\|', 'g')
if a:0
let alttail = strpart(alttail, j)
let j = matchend(alttail, s:notslash . a:comma)
if a:0
let current = current . a:comma . strpart(alttail, 0, j-1)
return current
" Call this function to turn on debugging information. Every time the main
" script is run, buffer variables will be saved. These can be used directly
" or viewed using the menu items below.
if !exists(":MatchDebug")
command! -nargs=0 MatchDebug call s:Match_debug()
fun! s:Match_debug()
let b:match_debug = 1 " Save debugging information.
" pat = all of b:match_words with backrefs parsed
amenu &Matchit.&pat :echo b:match_pat<CR>
" match = bit of text that is recognized as a match
amenu &Matchit.&match :echo b:match_match<CR>
" curcol = cursor column of the start of the matching text
amenu &Matchit.&curcol :echo b:match_col<CR>
" wholeBR = matching group, original version
amenu &Matchit.wh&oleBR :echo b:match_wholeBR<CR>
" iniBR = 'if' piece, original version
amenu &Matchit.ini&BR :echo b:match_iniBR<CR>
" ini = 'if' piece, with all backrefs resolved from match
amenu &Matchit.&ini :echo b:match_ini<CR>
" tail = 'else\|endif' piece, with all backrefs resolved from match
amenu &Matchit.&tail :echo b:match_tail<CR>
" fin = 'endif' piece, with all backrefs resolved from match
amenu &Matchit.&word :echo b:match_word<CR>
" '\'.d in ini refers to the same thing as '\'.table[d] in word.
amenu &Matchit.t&able :echo '0:' . b:match_table . ':9'<CR>
" Jump to the nearest unmatched "(" or "if" or "<tag>" if a:spflag == "bW"
" or the nearest unmatched "</tag>" or "endif" or ")" if a:spflag == "W".
" Return a "mark" for the original position, so that
" let m = MultiMatch("bW", "n") ... execute m
" will return to the original position. If there is a problem, do not
" move the cursor and return "", unless a count is given, in which case
" go up or down as many levels as possible and again return "".
" TODO This relies on the same patterns as % matching. It might be a good
" idea to give it its own matching patterns.
fun! s:MultiMatch(spflag, mode)
if !exists("b:match_words") || b:match_words == ""
return ""
let restore_options = (&ic ? "" : "no") . "ignorecase"
if exists("b:match_ignorecase")
let &ignorecase = b:match_ignorecase
let startline = line(".")
let startcol = col(".")
" First step: if not already done, set the script variables
" s:do_BR flag for whether there are backrefs
" s:pat parsed version of b:match_words
" s:all regexp based on s:pat and the default groups
" This part is copied and slightly modified from s:Match_wrapper().
let default = escape(&mps, '[$^.*~\\/?]') . (strlen(&mps) ? "," : "") .
\ '\/\*:\*\/,#if\%(def\)\=:#else\>:#elif\>:#endif\>'
" Allow b:match_words = "GetVimMatchWords()" .
if b:match_words =~ ":"
let match_words = b:match_words
execute "let match_words =" b:match_words
if (match_words != s:last_words) || (&mps != s:last_mps) ||
\ exists("b:match_debug")
let s:last_words = match_words
let s:last_mps = &mps
if match_words !~ s:notslash . '\\\d'
let s:do_BR = 0
let s:pat = match_words
let s:do_BR = 1
let s:pat = s:ParseWords(match_words)
let s:all = '\%(' . substitute(s:pat . (strlen(s:pat)?",":"") . default,
\ '[,:]\+','\\|','g') . '\)'
if exists("b:match_debug")
let b:match_pat = s:pat
" Second step: figure out the patterns for searchpair()
" and save the screen, cursor position, and 'ignorecase'.
" - TODO: A lot of this is copied from s:Match_wrapper().
" - maybe even more functionality should be split off
" - into separate functions!
let cdefault = (s:pat =~ '[^,]$' ? "," : "") . default
let open = substitute(s:pat . cdefault,
\ s:notslash . '\zs:.\{-}' . s:notslash . ',', '\\),\\(', 'g')
let open = '\(' . substitute(open, s:notslash . '\zs:.*$', '\\)', '')
let close = substitute(s:pat . cdefault,
\ s:notslash . '\zs,.\{-}' . s:notslash . ':', '\\),\\(', 'g')
let close = substitute(close, '^.\{-}' . s:notslash . ':', '\\(', '') . '\)'
if exists("b:match_skip")
let skip = b:match_skip
elseif exists("b:match_comment") " backwards compatibility and testing!
let skip = "r:" . b:match_comment
let skip = 's:comment\|string'
let skip = s:ParseSkip(skip)
" let restore_cursor = line(".") . "G" . virtcol(".") . "|"
" normal! H
" let restore_cursor = "normal!" . line(".") . "Gzt" . restore_cursor
let restore_cursor = virtcol(".") . "|"
normal! g0
let restore_cursor = line(".") . "G" . virtcol(".") . "|zs" . restore_cursor
normal! H
let restore_cursor = "normal!" . line(".") . "Gzt" . restore_cursor
execute restore_cursor
" Third step: call searchpair().
" Replace '\('--but not '\\('--with '\%(' and ',' with '\|'.
let openpat = substitute(open, '\(\\\@<!\(\\\\\)*\)\@<=\\(', '\\%(', 'g')
let openpat = substitute(openpat, ',', '\\|', 'g')
let closepat = substitute(close, '\(\\\@<!\(\\\\\)*\)\@<=\\(', '\\%(', 'g')
let closepat = substitute(closepat, ',', '\\|', 'g')
if skip =~ 'synID' && !(has("syntax") && exists("g:syntax_on"))
let skip = '0'
execute "if " . skip . "| let skip = '0' | endif"
mark '
let level = v:count1
while level
if searchpair(openpat, '', closepat, a:spflag, skip) < 1
call s:CleanUp(restore_options, a:mode, startline, startcol)
return ""
let level = level - 1
" Restore options and return a string to restore the original position.
call s:CleanUp(restore_options, a:mode, startline, startcol)
return restore_cursor
" Search backwards for "if" or "while" or "<tag>" or ...
" and return "endif" or "endwhile" or "</tag>" or ... .
" For now, this uses b:match_words and the same script variables
" as s:Match_wrapper() . Later, it may get its own patterns,
" either from a buffer variable or passed as arguments.
" fun! s:Autocomplete()
" echo "autocomplete not yet implemented :-("
" if !exists("b:match_words") || b:match_words == ""
" return ""
" end
" let startpos = s:MultiMatch("bW")
" if startpos == ""
" return ""
" endif
" " - TODO: figure out whether 'if' or '<tag>' matched, and construct
" " - the appropriate closing.
" let matchline = getline(".")
" let curcol = col(".") - 1
" " - TODO: Change the s:all argument if there is a new set of match pats.
" let regexp = s:Wholematch(matchline, s:all, curcol)
" let suf = strlen(matchline) - matchend(matchline, regexp)
" let prefix = (curcol ? '^.\{' . curcol . '}\%(' : '^\%(')
" let suffix = (suf ? '\).\{' . suf . '}$' : '\)$')
" " Reconstruct the version with unresolved backrefs.
" let patBR = substitute(b:match_words.',', '[,:]*,[,:]*', ',', 'g')
" let patBR = substitute(patBR, ':\{2,}', ':', "g")
" " Now, set group and groupBR to the matching group: 'if:endif' or
" " 'while:endwhile' or whatever.
" let group = s:Choose(s:pat, matchline, ",", ":", prefix, suffix, patBR)
" let i = matchend(group, s:notslash . ",")
" let groupBR = strpart(group, i)
" let group = strpart(group, 0, i-1)
" " Now, matchline =~ prefix . substitute(group,':','\|','g') . suffix
" if s:do_BR
" let group = s:InsertRefs(groupBR, prefix, group, suffix, matchline)
" endif
" " let g:group = group
" " - TODO: Construct the closing from group.
" let fake = "end" . expand("<cword>")
" execute startpos
" return fake
" endfun
" Close all open structures. "Get the heck out of here!"
" fun! s:Gthhoh()
" let close = s:Autocomplete()
" while strlen(close)
" put=close
" let close = s:Autocomplete()
" endwhile
" endfun
" Parse special strings as typical skip arguments for searchpair():
" s:foo becomes (current syntax item) =~ foo
" S:foo becomes (current syntax item) !~ foo
" r:foo becomes (line before cursor) =~ foo
" R:foo becomes (line before cursor) !~ foo
fun! s:ParseSkip(str)
let skip = a:str
if skip[1] == ":"
if skip[0] == "s"
let skip = "synIDattr(synID(line('.'),col('.'),1),'name') =~? '" .
\ strpart(skip,2) . "'"
elseif skip[0] == "S"
let skip = "synIDattr(synID(line('.'),col('.'),1),'name') !~? '" .
\ strpart(skip,2) . "'"
elseif skip[0] == "r"
let skip = "strpart(getline('.'),0,col('.'))=~'" . strpart(skip,2). "'"
elseif skip[0] == "R"
let skip = "strpart(getline('.'),0,col('.'))!~'" . strpart(skip,2). "'"
return skip
let &cpo = s:save_cpo
" vim:sts=2:sw=2:


File diff suppressed because it is too large