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vim shortcuts for starting new perl + latex files

git-svn-id: file:///usr/local/svn/util/trunk@20 29942e26-f7dc-dc11-b955-0002b3153201
leto 16 years ago
  1. 33


@ -4,18 +4,20 @@ let $LESS = 'dQFe'
" change cwd to that of currect file, breaks ,t
"autocmd BufEnter * lcd %:p:h
au FileType pl,pm,t set filetype=perl
au FileType tex,bib set filetype=tex
au FileType text setlocal tw=78
"au FileType pl,pm,t set filetype=perl
"au FileType tex,bib set filetype=tex
"au FileType text setlocal tw=78
autocmd FileType text call TextMode()
autocmd FileType mail call TextMode()
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.pl,*.pm,*.t setf perl
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.pmc,*.ops setf c
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.tt,*.ttml setf tt2html
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.tex,*.bib setf tex
autocmd FileType perl call PerlMode()
autocmd FileType tex call TexMode()
autocmd FileType tex call TexMode()
autocmd FileType text call TextMode()
autocmd FileType mail call TextMode()
au BufReadPost *
\ if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") |
@ -118,8 +120,8 @@ map! ,st <ESC>:w!<CR>:! ispell -t % <CR>
map ,sp :w!<CR>:! ispell % <CR>
map! ,sp <ESC>:w!<CR>:! ispell % <CR>
map ,t :!./Build test --verbose 1 --test_files % \|colortest<cr>
map ,T :!./Build test --verbose 1 --test_files \|colortest<cr>
map ,t :!./Build test --verbose 1 --test_files % \|colortest\|less -R<cr>
map ,T :!./Build test --verbose 1 --test_files \|colortest\|less -R<cr>
iab alos also
@ -151,7 +153,22 @@ map <F2> GoDate: <Esc>:read !date<CR>kJ
set suffixes=.bak,~,.swp,.o,.info,.aux,.log,.dvi,.bbl,.blg,.brf,.cb,.ind,.idx,.ilg,.inx,.out,.toc
set more
"set backupdir=
set viminfo='5 " Use viminfo, remember marks for the last 5 files
set cursorline
"set cursorcolumn
set guicursor=a:blinkon600-blinkoff400
map _l a\usepackage{latexsym,amsmath,amssymb,fullpage,epsfig}<CR>\documentclass{article}<CR>\usepackage{}<CR><CR>\begin{document}<CR>\end{document}<Esc>ko
map _ps a#!/usr/bin/perl -w<Esc>o<CR>use strict;<CR>use warnings;<CR><CR>sub foo {<CR><CR>}<Esc>ki<Tab>my ($x,$y) = @_;<CR>
map _pm apackage Math::Foo;<Esc>o <CR>use strict;<CR>use warnings;<CR><CR>sub new {<CR>my $class = shift;<CR>my $self = {};<CR>bless $self, $class;<CR>}<Esc>
" Set up assembly programming
let asmsyntax = "nasm"
" "au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.asm
" "au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.inc se syn=nasm
function! TextMode() " Stolen from David Hand
set nocindent " nocin: don't use C-indenting
