function gas() { git add . && git commit -m "sync" } function less_newest() { less `ls -tr|tail -n 1` } function ws() { winxed setup.winxed $@ } function dance() { perl bin/ $@ } function resize_images() { [ -z "$1" ] && echo "Usage: resize_images 50% # resize all images in \$PWD by 50%" && return for i in *; do convert -resize $1 "$i" "$i"; done } function perl_installed() { perl -MExtUtils::Installed -E 'say for ExtUtils::Installed->new->modules' } function git_smallerize() { for i in *; do pushd $i; git gc; popd; done } function smart_shuttle() { $HOME/git/sshuttle/sshuttle --dns -vvr $@ 0/0 } function new_git_io() { [ -z "$1" ] && echo "new_git_io org/project/other urlslug" && return [ -z "$2" ] && echo "new_git_io org/project/other urlslug" && return curl -i -F "url=$1" -F "code=$2" } function sagi() { sudo apt-get install $@ } function forever() { while true; do $@ ;done } function fog() { # push to origin and deploy to PHPfog git push origin git push phpfog $@ } function r() { [ -z "$1" ] && rvm use 1.9.3 && return rvm use $1 } function hexless(){ hexdump -C $1 |less -R } function tmpify() { scp -P 4242 $@ } function screenssh () { ssh -xtA $@ "\$HOME/bin/screen -D -R" } function git-spread () { git push origin $1; git push github $1 } function dl () { colordiff -u $1 $2 |less -R } function recursive_replace () { [ -z "$1" ] && echo "Must search for something!" && return grep -R -l "$1" . | sort | uniq | xargs perl -pi -e "s/$1/$2/" } largest () { du $1 |sort -rn |head } k9 () { # this kills the most recent process if given no argument, be careful! kill -9 %$1 } mount_iso () { mdconfig -a -t vnode -f $1 -u 1 mount -t cd9660 /dev/md1 /mnt/iso } umount_iso() { mount -u $1 mdconfig -d -u 1 } # by Aaron "H-Bomb" Harsh () { cd `pwd | perl -pe "s[(.*/[^/]*$1[^/]*/).*][\\1/]"` } ### testing aliases function bt () { perl Build.PL && ./Build test --verbose 1 --test_files $1 |colortest } function t () { prove -blrv $@ | colortest # ./Build test --verbose 1 --test_files $@ |colortest } function modversion () { perl -M$1 -le "print $1->VERSION" } function grh () { git rebase -i head~$1 } alias vag="vagrant" function revagrant () { vagrant destroy -f $1 && vagrant up $1 } alias convert_to_utf8="perl -MEncode -ne 'print encode_utf8(encode_utf8(eval { decode_utf8(\$_) } || decode(q{cp-1252}, \$_)))'" alias tapir="parrot t/harness.pir t/*.t" alias pg="psql85" alias pp0="patch -p0" alias pp1="patch -p1" alias new_plumage="make realclean; parrot_nqp Configure.nqp; make" alias test_new_plumage="new_plumage && make test" alias nqp=~/git/nqp-rx/parrot_install/bin/nqp alias smolder_parrot="sup && new_parrot && make smolder_test" alias smolder_parrot_optimize="sup && new_parrot_optimize && make smolder_test" alias new_rakudo="git fetch --all; git rebase origin/master ; perl --gen-parrot; make install" alias plv="prove -lrv" alias cg='valgrind --dsymutil=yes --dump-instr=yes --trace-jump=yes' alias rot13="perl -pe 'y/a-zA-Z/n-za-mN-ZA-M/'" ###### git aliases #eval "$(hub alias -s)" alias g=git alias gp="git push" alias vgc="vi .git/config" function sha1 () { [ -z "$1" ] && SHA=HEAD git rev-parse $SHA } alias grc="git rebase --continue" alias glp="git log -p" alias gs="git status" alias undo="git reset HEAD^" alias gd="git diff --submodule --cached -a --diff-filter=ACDTMR" alias gdc="git diff --submodule --cached" alias gdh="git diff --submodule --diff-filter=ACDTMR HEAD" alias gca="git commit -a" alias gsa="git status -u" alias gco="git checkout" alias gcom="git checkout master" alias gmom="git merge origin/master" alias ga="git add" alias gc="git clone" alias gb="git branch" alias gba="git branch -a" alias gcb="git checkout -b " alias gpb="git pull --rebase" alias grl="git rev-list" ### bash aliases alias p6topir="~/git/rakudo/perl6 --target=pir" alias p="perl -d -e0" alias pd="perldoc" alias perl_list_modules="perl -MCPAN -e 'CPAN::Shell->r'" alias pdF="perldoc -F" alias jpg_resize_all='for i in `ls`; do jpg_resize $i; done' alias wwwmech="perl -MWWW::Mechanize::Shell -eshell" alias update_minicpan="minicpan -r -l /usr/minicpan" alias slist="screen -list" alias sb="sudo bash" alias dh="df -h" alias lt="ls -latr" alias lsd="ls -lad" alias rf="rm -rf " alias ll="ls -la" alias la="ls -a" alias date="date '+ %A %B %d %X %Y'" alias tz="tar zxvvpf" alias lg="ls -al | grep" alias vi=vim alias v=vim alias vb="vim -O ~/.bashrc ~/.bashrc.aliases; source ~/.bashrc" alias vv="vim ~/.vimrc" alias tdump="tcpdump -nnXSs 0" alias screenshot="xwd -display :0 -root > screenshot.dmp" alias h="history|tail -n 25" #alias hg="history|grep " alias m=make alias mt="make test" alias mit="make install test" alias mj="nice -n20 make -j" alias l=less alias fixssh='source ~/.sshvars' alias sx="ssh -XA" alias ..='cd ..' alias 2..='cd $up2' alias 3..='cd $up3' alias 4..='cd $up4' alias 5..='cd $up5' alias 6..='cd $up6' alias 7..='cd $up7' alias 8..='cd $up8' alias parrotsh="perl ~/git/parrot/tools/dev/" alias gdb_latest=" gdb" ### testing aliases alias xt="t xt/*" alias tcover="./Build testcover --verbose 1 |colortest" alias pb="perl Build.PL" alias tlikenew="pb && ./Build clean && pb && cpanm --installdeps . && ./Build && t" alias mtlikenew="make clean; perl Makefile.PL && make && make test" alias clean_build_check="tlikenew && ./Build dist && check_dist" alias perlconfig="perl -e 'use Config;use Data::Dumper;print Dumper \%Config;'" ####### svn aliases alias colorsvn=svn alias sdl="svn diff| colordiff|less -R" alias sup='colorsvn up' alias ssa="colorsvn status" alias ss="svn status |grep -v ^?| grep -v '\.swp$'|grep -v '\.swo$' |grep -v '~$' |grep -v '\._'" alias ssc="svn status |grep -v '\.swp$' |grep -v '~$' |grep -v '\._' |grep '^C'" alias sa="colorsvn add" alias si="colorsvn info" alias sl="colorsvn log" alias sco="colorsvn co" alias svn_newdirs="svn mkdir tags trunk branches" alias sv=svnversion alias svn_delete_unknown="svn stat | grep '^?' | sed -e 's/^\? *//' | xargs svn --force del" alias svn_delete_nonexistent="svn stat | grep '^!' | sed -e 's/^\! *//' | xargs svn --force del" alias plv="prove -lrv" alias new_pg="make clean; ./configure --prefix=$HOME --with-perl --enable-debug --enable-cassert --with-libxml" # parrot stuff alias new_system_parrot="make realclean; perl --ccflags=-g --optimize && nice -n20 make -j$TEST_JOBS" alias psh="perl tools/dev/" alias j=jobs alias f=fg # this should only happen on debian-ish systems #alias ack=ack-grep alias new_libgit2="rm -rf build; mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DBUILD_CLAY=ON .. && make -j3" alias install_libgit2="cd build && sudo cmake --build . --target install && cd .." alias be="bundle exec" alias rspec="rspec --format=doc --color" alias fanslow='aticonfig --pplib-cmd "set fanspeed 0 50"' alias fanfast='aticonfig --pplib-cmd "set fanspeed 0 90"' # DoD-compliant 7-pass secure deletion of files with a pass of zeros aferward alias erase="srm -rmfz"