package App::Mirror::Parrot; use Moose; use JSON::Any; use LWP::Simple; with 'MooseX::Runnable'; with 'MooseX::Getopt'; use autodie qw(:all); use 5.010; use Set::Object qw/set/; local $| = 1; use Data::Dumper; has logfile => ( is => 'ro', default => 'mirror_parrot.log', isa => 'Str' ); has remote => ( is => 'ro', default => 'origin', isa => 'Str' ); has dryrun => ( is => 'ro', default => 0, isa => 'Bool', ); has tags => ( is => 'ro', default => 0, isa => 'Bool', ); has new_tags => ( is => 'rw', default => 0, isa => 'Bool', ); has verbose => ( is => 'ro', default => 0, isa => 'Bool', ); has remove_remote => ( is => 'ro', default => 0, isa => 'Bool', ); has remove_local => ( is => 'ro', default => 0, isa => 'Bool', ); has branches => ( is => 'ro', default => 0, isa => 'Bool', ); has github_url => ( is => 'ro', default => '', isa => 'Str', ); sub BUILDARGS { my $class = shift; my %args = @_; return $class->SUPER::BUILDARGS( %args ); } sub check_sanity() { die "Must be run from a git repo!" unless -e '.git'; } sub run { my ($self, %args) = @_; check_sanity(); say "Finding local branches..."; my (@local_branches) = map { $_ =~ s!\.git/svn/refs/remotes/svn/!!; $_ } glob ".git/svn/refs/remotes/svn/*"; my $j = JSON::Any->new; my $github_branches = $j->decode( get($self->github_url . "branches") )->{branches}; my $github_tags = $j->decode( get($self->github_url . "tags") )->{tags}; say "Finding svn tags..."; # this will find RELEASE_*, REL_* and PRE_REL_*, and V1, the initial svn commit my (@svn_tags) = grep { m!(^V1)|(REL)! } map { chomp; $_ =~ s%/$%%g; $_ } qx( svn ls ); say "Finding svn branches..."; my (@svn_branches) = map { chomp; $_ =~ s%/$%%g; $_ } qx( svn ls ); # Branches with /'s are new github branches, they should not be deleted my (@zombie_branches) = grep { $_ !~ m!(^master$|/)! } (set(keys %$github_branches) - set(@svn_branches))->members; my (@new_tags) = (set(@svn_tags) - set(keys %$github_tags))->members; $self->new_tags(1) if @new_tags; say "Found " . scalar(@svn_branches) . " current svn branches on server"; say "Subversion branches: @svn_branches" if $self->verbose; say "Found " . scalar(@local_branches) . " historical svn branches in git svn metadata"; say "Local subversion branches: @svn_branches" if $self->verbose; say "Going to delete " . scalar(@zombie_branches) . " zombie branches"; say "Zombie branches: @zombie_branches" if @zombie_branches and ($self->remove_remote or $self->remove_local); $self->update_master(); $self->update_branches(@svn_branches) if $self->branches; $self->remove_remote_branches(@zombie_branches) if $self->remove_remote; $self->remove_local_branches(@zombie_branches) if $self->remove_local; $self->push_tags(@new_tags) if $self->tags; return 0; } sub push_tags { my ($self, @tags) = @_; say "Pushing " . scalar(@tags) . " tags"; say "Tags : @tags" if $self->verbose and @tags; for my $tag (@tags) { chomp( my $commit = qx(git rev-parse refs/remotes/svn/tags/$tag) ); chomp( my $mergebase = qx(git merge-base refs/remotes/svn/trunk $commit | head -n1) ); chomp( my $name = qx(git show --pretty='format:%an' $commit | head -n1 ) ); chomp( my $date = qx(git show --pretty='format:%ad' $commit | head -n1 ) ); my $env = "GIT_COMMITTER_NAME='$name' GIT_COMMITTER_DATE='$date'"; # say "$tag -> $commit ( merge base = $mergebase )"; $self->run_command("$env git tag $tag $mergebase"); } $self->run_command("git push --tags") if $self->new_tags; } sub remove_remote_branches { my ($self, @goners) = @_; say "Removing old branches from remote" if @goners; for my $branch (sort @goners) { $self->run_command("git push " . $self->remote . " :$branch"); } } sub remove_local_branches { my ($self, @goners) = @_; say "Removing old branches locally" if @goners; for my $branch (sort @goners) { $self->run_command("git branch -d svn/$branch"); } } sub update_master { my ($self) = @_; say "Updating trunk -> master branch"; $self->run_command("git checkout trunk && git svn rebase"); $self->run_command("git push " . $self->remote . " trunk:master"); } sub update_branches { my ($self, @svn_branches) = @_; say "Fetching other branches"; $self->run_command("git svn fetch"); say "Pushing other branches"; for my $branch (sort @svn_branches) { $self->run_command("git push " . $self->remote . " remotes/svn/$branch:refs/heads/$branch"); } } sub run_command { my ($self,$cmd) = @_; say $cmd; system("$cmd 2>&1 >> " . $self->logfile) unless $self->dryrun; } 1;