Duke's utils
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON;
use Data::Dumper;
print "# time, nethash_5min, nethash_1hr, difficulty, localhash, luck_days_5min, luck_days_1hr\n";
while (1) {
sub nethash {
my ($blocks) = @_;
my $cmd = "./fiat/verus getnetworkhashps $blocks";
my $nethash = qx{$cmd};
chomp $nethash;
return $nethash;
sub mining_data {
my $cmd = './fiat/verus getmininginfo';
my $json = qx{$cmd};
my $info = decode_json($json);
my $diff = $info->{difficulty}; # warn Dumper $info;
# this is a 5 block (5min) moving average
my $nethash5 = nethash(5);
# this is a 60 block (1hr) moving average
my $nethash60 = nethash(60);
my $localhash = $info->{localhashps};
my $time = time;
my $luck_days5 = $nethash5 / $localhash / 1440;
my $luck_days60 = $nethash60 / $localhash / 1440;
print "$time, $nethash5, $nethash60, $diff, $localhash, $luck_days5, $luck_days60\n";