Duke's utils
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-- use transactions by default. You must type "commit;" or "end;" to commit a transaction or "ROLLBACK;" to abort
-- print nulls as NULL instead of an empty string
\pset null 'NULL'
-- Add timing info to queries
-- Make a pretty prompt with user@host:port and database name
\set PROMPT1 '(%n@%M:%>) %`date +%H:%M:%S` [%/] \n%x%# '
-- Keep the 2nd line of our prompt empty
\set PROMPT2 ''
-- If a non-interactive scripts encounter an error, script processing will immediately terminate
-- If a statement in a transaction block generates an error, the error is ignored and the transaction continues.
-- history files for each database
\set HISTFILE ~/.psql_history- :HOST - :DBNAME
-- Save 5000 lines of history
\set HISTSIZE 5000
-- Aliases to print table sizes:
-- Example: :tsize limit 5;
\set rtsize '(select table_schema, table_name, pg_relation_size( quote_ident( table_schema ) || \'.\' || quote_ident( table_name ) ) as size, pg_total_relation_size( quote_ident( table_schema ) || \'.\' || quote_ident( table_name ) ) as total_size from information_schema.tables where table_type = \'BASE TABLE\' and table_schema not in (\'information_schema\', \'pg_catalog\') order by pg_relation_size( quote_ident( table_schema ) || \'.\' || quote_ident( table_name ) ) desc, table_schema, table_name)'
\set tsize '(select table_schema, table_name, pg_size_pretty(size) as size, pg_size_pretty(total_size) as total_size from (:rtsize) x order by x.size desc, x.total_size desc, table_schema, table_name)'