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WIP: Define types for serialized fields.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
Daira Hopwood 8 years ago
  1. BIN
  2. 93


Binary file not shown.


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\newcommand{\coinCommitmentTree}{\term{coin commitment tree}}
\newcommand{\PourDescription}{\term{Pour description}}
\newcommand{\PourDescriptions}{\term{Pour descriptions}}
\newcommand{\sequenceOfPourDescriptions}{\changed{sequence of} \PourDescription\changed{\term{s}}}
\newcommand{\sequenceOfPourDescriptions}{\changed{sequence of} \PourDescription\changed{\term{s}}\xspace}
\newcommand{\PourTransfer}{\term{Pour transfer}}
\newcommand{\PourTransfers}{\term{Pour transfers}}
\newcommand{\fullnode}{\term{full node}}
@ -217,6 +220,7 @@
% bitcoin
@ -232,6 +236,9 @@
% pour
@ -245,6 +252,7 @@
\newcommand{\PourCircuit}{\term{\texttt{POUR} circuit}}
@ -706,62 +714,75 @@ $\vpubOld$, and creates $\NNew$ \coins $\cNew{\allNew}$ and transparent output
\Zcash transactions have three additional fields:
\item $\vpour$, which is a \sequenceOfPourDescriptions.
\Zcash transactions have the following additional fields:
\item $\pourPubKey$ which is an encoding of a ECDSA public verification key,
Bytes & \heading{Name} & \heading{Data Type} & \heading{Description} \\
\Varies & $\npour$ & \type{compactSize uint} & The number of \PourDescriptions (i.e.
items in $\vpour$). \\ \hline
$880 \times \npour$ & $\vpour$ & \type{PourDescription[$\npour$]} & The \sequenceOfPourDescriptions in
this \transaction. \\ \hline
33 & $\pourPubKey$ & \type{char[33]} & An encoding of a ECDSA public verification key,
using the secp256k1 curve and parameters defined in \cite{sec2-ecdsa} and
\cite{secp256k1}. \\ \hline
\item $\pourSig$ which is a signature on part of the \transaction encoding,
to be verified using $\pourPubKey$.
64 & $\pourSig$ & \type{char[64]} & A signature on part of the \transaction encoding,
to be verified using $\pourPubKey$. \\ \hline
The encoding of $\pourPubKey$ and the data to be signed are specified in
more detail in \crossref{nonmalleability}.
Each \PourDescription consists of:
Each \type{PourDescription} consists of:
\item $\vpubOldField$ which is a value $\vpubOld$ that the \PourTransfer removes
from the value pool.
Bytes & \heading{Name} & \heading{Data Type} & \heading{Description} \\
\setchanged 8 &\setchanged $\vpubOldField$ &\setchanged \type{int64\_t} &\mbox{}\setchanged
A value $\vpubOld$ that the \PourTransfer removes from the value pool. \\ \hline
\item $\vpubNewField$ which is a value $\vpubNew$ that the \PourTransfer inserts
into the value pool.
8 & $\vpubNewField$ & \type{int64\_t} & A value $\vpubNew$ that the \PourTransfer inserts
into the value pool. \\ \hline
\item $\anchorField$ which is a merkle root $\rt$ of the \coinCommitmentTree at
32 & $\anchorField$ & \type{char[32]} & A merkle root $\rt$ of the \coinCommitmentTree at
some block height in the past, or the merkle root produced by a previous pour in
this transaction. \sean{We need to be more specific here.}
this transaction. \sean{We need to be more specific here.} \\ \hline
\item $\serials$ which is an $\NOld$ size sequence of serials $\snOld{\allOld}$.
64 & $\serials$ & \type{char[32][$\NOld$]} & A sequence of serials $\snOld{\allOld}$. \\ \hline
\item $\commitments$ which is a $\NNew$ size sequence of \coinCommitments
64 & $\commitments$ & \type{char[32][$\NNew$]}. & A sequence of \coinCommitments
$\cmNew{\allNew}$. \\ \hline
\item $\ephemeralKey$ which is a Curve25519 public key $\EphemeralPublic$.
32 & $\ephemeralKey$ & \type{char[32]} & A Curve25519 public key $\EphemeralPublic$. \\ \hline
\item $\encCiphertexts$ which is a $\NNew$ size sequence of ciphertext
components, $\TransmitCiphertext{\allNew}$.
288 & $\encCiphertexts$ & \type{char[144][$\NNew$]} & A sequence of ciphertext
components, $\TransmitCiphertext{\allNew}$. \\ \hline
(The preceding two fields form the \coinsCiphertext.)
\setchanged 32 &\setchanged $\randomSeed$ &\setchanged \type{char[32]} &\mbox{}\setchanged
A 256-bit seed that must be chosen independently at random for each \PourDescription. \\ \hline
\item $\randomSeed$ which is a 256-bit seed that must be chosen independently
at random for each \PourDescription.
\item $\vmacs$ which is a $\NOld$ size sequence of message authentication tags
64 & $\vmacs$ & \type{char[32][$\NOld$]} & A sequence of message authentication tags
$\h{\allOld}$ that bind $\hSig$ to each $\AuthPrivate$ of the
$\PourDescription$. \\ \hline
288 & $\zkproof$ & \type{char[288]} & An encoding, as determined by the libsnark library
\cite{libsnark}, of the zero-knowledge proof $\PourProof$. \\ \hline
\item $\zkproof$ which is an encoding, as determined by the libsnark library
\cite{libsnark}, of the zero-knowledge proof $\PourProof$.
The $\ephemeralKey$ and $\encCiphertexts$ fields together form the \coinsCiphertext.
\todo{Describe case where there are fewer than $\NOld$ real input coins.}
