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Update ZK proof sections and terminology.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
Daira Hopwood 8 years ago
  1. 195
  2. 35


@ -160,10 +160,25 @@
\newcommand{\JoinSplitTransfer}{\titleterm{JoinSplit Operation}}
\newcommand{\JoinSplitTransfers}{\titleterm{JoinSplit Operations}}
\newcommand{\joinSplitSignature}{\term{JoinSplit signature}}
\newcommand{\joinSplitCircuit}{\term{JoinSplit circuit}}
\newcommand{\JoinSplitCircuit}{\titleterm{JoinSplit Circuit}}
\newcommand{\joinSplitStatement}{\term{JoinSplit statement}}
\newcommand{\joinSplitStatements}{\term{JoinSplit statements}}
\newcommand{\JoinSplitStatement}{\titleterm{JoinSplit Statement}}
\newcommand{\zeroKnowledgeProof}{\term{zero-knowledge proof}}
\newcommand{\ZeroKnowledgeProofs}{\titleterm{Zero-Knowledge Proofs}}
\newcommand{\provingSystem}{\term{proving system}}
\newcommand{\zeroKnowledgeProvingSystem}{\term{zero-knowledge proving system}}
\newcommand{\ZeroKnowledgeProvingSystem}{\titleterm{Zero-Knowledge Proving System}}
\newcommand{\ppzkSNARK}{\term{preprocessing zk-SNARK}}
\newcommand{\zkProvingKeys}{\term{zero-knowledge proving keys}}
\newcommand{\zkVerifyingKeys}{\term{zero-knowledge verifying keys}}
\newcommand{\arithmeticCircuit}{\term{arithmetic circuit}}
\newcommand{\rankOneConstraintSystem}{\term{Rank 1 Constraint System}}
\newcommand{\primaryInput}{\term{primary input}}
\newcommand{\primaryInputs}{\term{primary inputs}}
\newcommand{\auxiliaryInput}{\term{auxiliary input}}
\newcommand{\auxiliaryInputs}{\term{auxiliary inputs}}
\newcommand{\fullnode}{\term{full node}}
\newcommand{\fullnodes}{\term{full nodes}}
@ -449,6 +464,25 @@
% Proving system
% JoinSplit
@ -461,10 +495,10 @@
@ -472,17 +506,13 @@
\newcommand{\rankOneConstraintSystem}{\term{Rank 1 Constraint System}}
@ -529,8 +559,6 @@ This specification is structured as follows:
of ideal cryptographic components;
\item Concrete Protocol | how the functions and encodings of the abstract
protocol are instantiated;
\item Zero-Knowledge Proving System | the parameters of the proving system
and how proofs are encoded;
\item Consensus Changes from \Bitcoin | how \Zcash differs from \Bitcoin at
the consensus layer, including the Proof of Work;
\item Differences from the \Zerocash protocol | a summary of changes from the
@ -634,7 +662,8 @@ transactions and that therefore have smaller \noteTraceabilitySets.
The notation $\hexint{}$ followed by a string of \textbf{boldface} hexadecimal
digits means the corresponding integer converted from hexadecimal.
The notation $\bitseq{\ell}$ means the set of sequences of $\ell$ bits.
The notation $\bit$ means the set of bit values, i.e. $\setof{0, 1}$.
$\bitseq{\ell}$ means the set of sequences of $\ell$ bits.
$\byteseqs$ means the set of bit sequences constrained to be of length
a multiple of 8 bits.
@ -668,9 +697,10 @@ with the \emph{most significant} bit of each byte first.
The notation $\Nat$ means the set of nonnegative integers.
The notation $\GF{q}$ means the finite field with $q$ elements.
$\GF{q}[z]$ means the ring of polynomials over $z$ with coefficients
in $\GF{q}$.
The notation $\GF{n}$ means the finite field with $n$ elements, and
$\GFstar{n}$ means its group under multiplication.
$\GF{n}[z]$ means the ring of polynomials over $z$ with coefficients
in $\GF{n}$.
The notation $a \bmod q$, for integers $a \geq 0$ and $q > 0$, means the
remainder on dividing $a$ by $q$.
@ -687,6 +717,8 @@ $\ceiling{x}$ means the smallest integer $\geq x$.
The symbol $\bot$ is used to indicate unavailable information or a failed decryption.
The notation $T \subseteq U$ indicates that $T$ is an inclusive subset or subtype of $U$.
The notation $x \typecolon T$ is used to specify that $x$ has type $T$.
A cartesian product type is denoted by $S \times T$, and a function type
by $S \rightarrow T$. A subscripted argument of a function is taken to be
@ -849,7 +881,7 @@ views of valid \blocks, and therefore of the sequence of \treestates in those
A \joinSplitDescription is data included in a \transaction that describes a \joinSplitTransfer,
i.e.\ a confidential value transfer. This kind of value transfer is the primary
\Zcash-specific operation performed by \transactions; it uses, but should not be
confused with, the \joinSplitCircuit used for the \zkSNARK proof and verification.
confused with, the \joinSplitStatement used for the \zkSNARK proof and verification.
A \joinSplitTransfer spends $\NOld$ \notes $\nOld{\allOld}$ and transparent input
$\vpubOld$, and creates $\NNew$ \notes $\nNew{\allNew}$ and transparent output
@ -956,8 +988,8 @@ $\PRFpk{} $&$\typecolon\; \bitseq{\AuthPrivateLength} $&$\times\; \GeneralCRHO
$\PRFrho{} $&$\typecolon\; \bitseq{\NoteAddressPreRandLength} $&$\times\; \GeneralCRHOutput $&$\rightarrow \PRFOutput $
These are used in \crossref{circuit}; $\PRFaddr{}$ is also used to derive a \paymentAddress
from a \spendingKey in \crossref{keycomponents}.
These are used in \crossref{jsstatement}; $\PRFaddr{}$ is also used to
derive a \paymentAddress from a \spendingKey in \crossref{keycomponents}.
They are instantiated in \crossref{concreteprfs}.
@ -1078,6 +1110,59 @@ This is not considered to be a significant security weakness.
A \zeroKnowledgeProvingSystem is a cryptographic protocol that allows
proving a particular \statement, dependent on \primary and \auxiliaryInputs,
in zero knowledge --- that is, without revealing information about the
\auxiliaryInputs other than that implied by the \statement. The type of
\zeroKnowledgeProvingSystem needed by \Zcash is a \ppzkSNARK.
A \ppzkSNARK instance $\ZK$ defines:
\item a type of \zkProvingKeys, $\ZKProvingKey$;
\item a type of \zkVerifyingKeys, $\ZKVerifyingKey$;
\item a probability distribution over $\ZKProvingKey \times \ZKVerifyingKey$ of parameters, $\ZKParameterDistribution$;
\item a type of \primaryInputs $\ZKPrimary$;
\item a type of \auxiliaryInputs $\ZKAuxiliary$;
\item a type $\ZKSatisfying \subseteq \ZKPrimary \times \ZKAuxiliary$ of inputs satisfying
the \statement;
\item a function $\ZKProve{} \typecolon \ZKProvingKey \times \ZKSatisfying \rightarrow \ZKProof$;
\item a function $\ZKVerify{} \typecolon \ZKVerifyingKey \times \ZKPrimary \times \ZKProof \rightarrow \bit$;
The security requirements below are supposed to hold with overwhelming
probability for $(\pk, \vk)$ sampled at random from $\ZKParameterDistribution$.
\item \textbf{Completeness:} An honestly generated proof will convince a verifier:
for any $(x, w) \in \ZKSatisfying$, if $\ZKProve{\pk}(x, w)$ outputs $\Proof$,
then $\ZKVerify{\vk}(x, \Proof) = 1$.
\item \textbf{Proof of Knowledge:} For any adversary $\Adversary$ able to find an
$x \typecolon \ZKPrimary$ and proof $\Proof \typecolon \ZKProof$ such that $\ZKVerify{\vk}(x, \Proof) = 1$,
there is an efficient extractor $E_{\Adversary}$ such that if $E_{\Adversary}(\vk, \pk)$
returns $w$, then the probability that $(x, w) \not\in \ZKSatisfying$ is negligable.
\item \textbf{Statistical Zero Knowledge:} An honestly generated proof is statistical
zero knowledge. \todo{Full definition.}
These definitions are derived from those in \cite[Appendix C]{BCTV2014}, adapted to
state concrete rather than asymptotic security. ($\ZKProve{}$ corresponds to $P$,
$\ZKVerify{}$ corresponds to $V$, and $\ZKSatisfying$ corresponds to $\mathcal{R}_C$
in the notation of that appendix.)
The Proof of Knowledge definition is a way to formalize the property that it is
infeasible to find a new proof $\Proof$ where $\ZKVerify{\vk}(x, \Proof) = 1$ without
\emph{knowing} an \auxiliaryInput $w$ such that $(x, w) \in \ZKSatisfying$.
(It is possible to replay proofs, but informally, a proof for a given $(x, w)$ gives
no information that helps to find a proof for other $(x, w)$.)
The \provingSystem is instantiated in \crossref{proofs}.
$\ZKJoinSplit$ refers to this \provingSystem specialized to the \joinSplitStatement
given in \crossref{jsstatement}.
\nsubsection{Key Components} \label{keycomponents}
\changed{$\AuthPrivate$ is 252 bits.}
@ -1354,7 +1439,7 @@ where $\EdDSAR$ and $\EdDSAS$ are as defined in \cite{BDL+2012}.
The encoding of a public key is as defined in \cite{BDL+2012}.
The condition enforced by the \joinSplitCircuit specified in \crossref{nonmalleablepour}
The condition enforced by the \joinSplitStatement specified in \crossref{nonmalleablepour}
ensures that a holder of all of $\AuthPrivateOld{\allOld}$ for each
\joinSplitDescription has authorized the use of the private signing key corresponding
to $\joinSplitPubKey$ to sign this \transaction.
@ -1394,7 +1479,7 @@ blockchain, appends to the \noteCommitmentTree with all constituent
valid if it attempts to add a \nullifier to the \nullifierSet that already
exists in the set.
\nsubsubsection{\JoinSplitCircuit{}} \label{circuit}
\nsubsubsection{\JoinSplitStatement} \label{jsstatement}
A valid instance of $\JoinSplitProof$ assures that given a \term{primary input}:
@ -2104,11 +2189,11 @@ Future key representations may make use of these padding bits.
\nsection{Zero-Knowledge Proving System} \label{proofs}
\nsubsection{\ZeroKnowledgeProvingSystem} \label{proofs}
\Zcash uses \zkSNARKs generated by its fork of \libsnark \cite{libsnark-fork}
with the proving system described in \cite{BCTV2015}, which is a refinement of
the system in \cite{PGHR2013}.
with the \provingSystem described in \cite{BCTV2015}, which is a refinement of
the systems in \cite{PGHR2013} and \cite{BCGTV2013}.
The pairing implementation is $\BNImpl$.
@ -2123,12 +2208,13 @@ Let $b = 3$.
The pairing is of type $\GroupG{1} \times \GroupG{2} \rightarrow \GroupG{T}$, where:
\item $\GroupG{1}$ is a Barreto--Naehrig curve over $\GF{q}$ with equation
$y^2 = x^3 + b$.
\item $\GroupG{2}$ is a twisted Barreto-Naehrig curve over $\GF{q^2}$ with equation
$y^2 = x^3 + b/xi$. We represent elements of $\GF{q^2}$ as
$y^2 = x^3 + b$. This curve has embedding degree 12 with respect to $r$.
\item $\GroupG{2}$ is the subgroup of order $r$ in the twisted Barreto-Naehrig curve
over $\GF{q^2}$ with equation $y^2 = x^3 + b/xi$. We represent elements of $\GF{q^2}$ as
polynomials $a_1 t + a_0 \typecolon \GF{q}[t]$, modulo the irreducible polynomial
$t^2 + 1$.
\item $\GroupG{T}$ is $\GF{q^{12}}$.
\item $\GroupG{T}$ is $\mu_r$, the subgroup of $r^\mathrm{th}$ roots of unity in
Let $\PointP{1} \typecolon \GroupG{1} = (1, 2)$.
@ -2142,29 +2228,28 @@ Let $\PointP{2} \typecolon \GroupG{2} =\;$
&$ 8495653923123431417604973247489272438418190587263600148770280649306958101930$ & $). $
The curves $\GroupG{1}$ and $\GroupG{2}$ both have prime order $r$, and so $\PointP{1}$
and $\PointP{2}$ are generators of $\GroupG{1}$ and $\GroupG{2}$ respectively.
$\PointP{1}$ and $\PointP{2}$ are generators of $\GroupG{1}$ and $\GroupG{2}$ respectively.
A proof consists of a tuple
$(\pi_A \typecolon \GroupG{1},\;
\pi'_A \typecolon \GroupG{1},\;
\pi_B \typecolon \GroupG{2},\;
\pi'_B \typecolon \GroupG{1},\;
\pi_C \typecolon \GroupG{1},\;
\pi'_C \typecolon \GroupG{1},\;
\pi_K \typecolon \GroupG{1},\;
\pi_H \typecolon \GroupG{1})$.
It is computed as described in \cite[Appendix B]{BCTV2015}.
$(\Proof_A \typecolon \GroupG{1},\;
\Proof'_A \typecolon \GroupG{1},\;
\Proof_B \typecolon \GroupG{2},\;
\Proof'_B \typecolon \GroupG{1},\;
\Proof_C \typecolon \GroupG{1},\;
\Proof'_C \typecolon \GroupG{1},\;
\Proof_K \typecolon \GroupG{1},\;
\Proof_H \typecolon \GroupG{1})$.
It is computed using the parameters above as described in \cite[Appendix B]{BCTV2015}.
Many details of the proving system are beyond the scope of this protocol
document. For example, the \mbox{\rankOneConstraintSystem} corresponding to the
\joinSplitCircuit is not specified here. In practice it will be necessary to use
the specific proving and verification keys generated for the \Zcash production
\blockchain, and a proving system implementation that is interoperable with the
\Zcash fork of \libsnark, to ensure compatibility.
Many details of the \provingSystem are beyond the scope of this protocol
document. For example, the \arithmeticCircuit verifying the \joinSplitStatement,
or its expression as a \rankOneConstraintSystem, are not specified here.
In practice it will be necessary to use the specific proving and verification keys
generated for the \Zcash production \blockchain, and a \provingSystem implementation
that is interoperable with the \Zcash fork of \libsnark, to ensure compatibility.
\nsubsection{Encoding of Points} \label{pointencoding}
\nsubsubsection{Encoding of Points} \label{pointencoding}
@ -2224,7 +2309,7 @@ For a point $P \typecolon \GroupG{2} = (x_P, y_P)$:
\subparagraph{Non-normative notes:}
\item The use of big-endian byte order is different from the encoding
of other integers in this protocol. The above encodings are consistent
of most other integers in this protocol. The above encodings are consistent
with the definition of $\ECtoOSP{}$ for compressed curve points in
\cite[section]{IEEE2004}. The LSB compressed
form (i.e.\ $\ECtoOSPXL$) is used for points on $\GroupG{1}$, and the
@ -2240,20 +2325,20 @@ When computing square roots in $\GF{q}$ or $\GF{q^2}$ in order to decompress
a point encoding, the implementation \MUSTNOT assume that the square root
exists, or that the encoding represents a point on the curve.
\nsubsection{Encoding of Zero-Knowledge Proofs} \label{proofencoding}
\nsubsubsection{Encoding of \ZeroKnowledgeProofs} \label{proofencoding}
\bitbox{264}{264-bit $\pi_A$}
\bitbox{264}{264-bit $\pi'_A$}
\bitbox{520}{520-bit $\pi_B$}
\bitbox{264}{264-bit $\pi'_B$}
\bitbox{264}{264-bit $\pi_C$}
\bitbox{264}{264-bit $\pi'_C$}
\bitbox{264}{264-bit $\pi_K$}
\bitbox{264}{264-bit $\pi_H$}
\bitbox{264}{264-bit $\Proof_A$}
\bitbox{264}{264-bit $\Proof'_A$}
\bitbox{520}{520-bit $\Proof_B$}
\bitbox{264}{264-bit $\Proof'_B$}
\bitbox{264}{264-bit $\Proof_C$}
\bitbox{264}{264-bit $\Proof'_C$}
\bitbox{264}{264-bit $\Proof_K$}
\bitbox{264}{264-bit $\Proof_H$}
@ -2272,7 +2357,7 @@ verifier \MUST check, for the encoding of each element, that:
\item the lead byte is of the required form;
\item the remaining bytes encode a big-endian representation of an integer
in $\range{0}{q\!-\!1}$ or (in the case of $\pi_B$) $\range{0}{q^2\!-\!1}$;
in $\range{0}{q\!-\!1}$ or (in the case of $\Proof_B$) $\range{0}{q^2\!-\!1}$;
\item the encoding represents a point on the relevant curve.
@ -2839,7 +2924,7 @@ of $\PRFaddr{}$ was found by Daira Hopwood.
\item Major reorganisation to separate the abstract cryptographic protocol
from the algorithm instantiations.
\item Add a section specifying the zero-knowledge proving system and the
\item Add a section specifying the \zeroKnowledgeProvingSystem and the
encoding of proofs. Change the encoding of points in proofs to follow
IEEE Std 1363[a].
\item Add a section on consensus changes from \Bitcoin, and the specification


@ -24,6 +24,41 @@ Last revised \mbox{May 19,} 2015.}
howpublished={Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2013/279. Last revised \mbox{May 13,} 2013.}
author={Eli Ben-Sasson and Alessandro Chiesa and Daniel Genkin and Eran Tromer and Madars Virza},
title={{SNARK}s for {C}: {V}erifying {P}rogram {E}xecutions {S}uccinctly and in {Z}ero {K}nowledge},
howpublished={Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2013/507.
Last revised \mbox{October 7,} 2013.},
addendum={An earlier version appeared in \textsl{Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International Cryptology Conference,
CRYPTO '13}, pages 90--108; IACR, 2013.}
author={Rosario Gennaro and Craig Gentry and Bryan Parno and Mariana Raykova},
title={Quadratic {S}pan {P}rograms and {S}uccinct {NIZK}s without {PCP}s},
howpublished={Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2012/215.
Last revised \mbox{June 18,} 2012.},
addendum={Also published in \textsl{Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2013}, Vol. 7881 pages 626--645;
Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Springer, 2013.},
author={Eli Ben-Sasson and Alessandro Chiesa and Eran Tromer and Madars Virza},
title={Scalable {Z}ero {K}nowledge via {C}ycles of {E}lliptic {C}urves (extended version)},
booktitle={Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2014},
series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
author={Satoshi Nakamoto},
title={Bitcoin:\, {A}\, {P}eer-to-{P}eer\, {E}lectronic\, {C}ash\, {S}ystem},
