Browse Source

Finish the Appendix A description of BLAKE2s.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
Daira Hopwood 6 years ago
  1. 145


@ -130,6 +130,12 @@
% <> (with X in place of m)
% <>
\renewcommand*{\@fnsymbol}[1]{\ensuremath{\ifcase#1\or \dagger\or \ddagger\or \mathsection\or \mathparagraph\else\@ctrerr\fi}}
@ -772,6 +778,7 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
@ -871,6 +878,7 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
@ -907,6 +915,8 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
\newcommand{\BlakeTwos}[1]{\mathsf{BLAKE2s\kern 0.05em\mhyphen{#1}}}
@ -2037,6 +2047,7 @@ $\truncate{k}(S)$ means the sequence formed from the first $k$ elements of $S$.
$\hexint{}$ followed by a string of $\mathtt{monospace}$ hexadecimal
digits means the corresponding integer converted from hexadecimal.
\notsprout{$\zerobytes{\ell}$ means the sequence of $\ell$ zero bytes.}
$\ascii{...}$ means the given string represented as a
sequence of bytes in US-ASCII. For example, $\ascii{abc}$ represents the
@ -9613,6 +9624,16 @@ Peter Newell's illustration of the Jubjub bird, from \cite{Carroll1902}.
\section{Change History}
\item No changes to \Sprout.
\item Finish \crossref{cctblake2s}.
} %sapling
@ -11366,31 +11387,125 @@ $\BlakeTwosGeneric$ is defined in \cite{ANWW2013}. Its main subcomponent is a
``$G$ function'', defined as follows:
\item $G \typecolon ... \rightarrow ...$
\item $G(...) = ...$
\item $G \typecolon \range{0}{9} \times \typeexp{\binaryrange{32}}{4} \rightarrow \typeexp{\binaryrange{32}}{4}$
\item $G(a, b, c, d, x, y) = (a'', b'', c'', d'')$ where
\item \begin{tabular}{@{\tab}l@{\;}l}
$a' $ &$= (a + b + x) \bmod 2^{32}$ \\
$d' $ &$= (d \xor a') \rotr 16$ \\
$c' $ &$= (c + d') \bmod 2^{32}$ \\
$b' $ &$= (b \xor c') \rotr 12$ \\
$a''$ &$= (a' + b' + y) \bmod 2^{32}$ \\
$d''$ &$= (d' \xor a'') \rotr 8$ \\
$c''$ &$= (c' + d'') \bmod 2^{32}$ \\
$b''$ &$= (b' \xor c'') \rotr 7$ \\
A 32-bit exclusive-or can be implemented in $32$ constraints, one for each bit position
$a \xor b = c$ as in \crossref{cctxor}.
The following table is used to determine which message words the $x$ and $y$ arguments
to $G$ are selected from:
\sigma_0 = [& 0 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 &10 &11 &12 &13 &14 &15 &] \\
\sigma_1 = [&14 &10 & 4 & 8 & 9 &15 &13 & 6 & 1 &12 & 0 & 2 &11 & 7 & 5 & 3 &] \\
\sigma_2 = [&11 & 8 &12 & 0 & 5 & 2 &15 &13 &10 &14 & 3 & 6 & 7 & 1 & 9 & 4 &] \\
\sigma_3 = [& 7 & 9 & 3 & 1 &13 &12 &11 &14 & 2 & 6 & 5 &10 & 4 & 0 &15 & 8 &] \\
\sigma_4 = [& 9 & 0 & 5 & 7 & 2 & 4 &10 &15 &14 & 1 &11 &12 &6 & 8 & 3 &13 &] \\
\sigma_5 = [& 2 &12 & 6 &10 & 0 &11 &8 & 3 & 4 &13 & 7 & 5 &15 &14 & 1 & 9 &] \\
\sigma_6 = [&12 & 5 & 1 &15 &14 &13 & 4 &10 & 0 & 7 & 6 & 3 & 9 & 2 & 8 &11 &] \\
\sigma_7 = [&13 &11 & 7 &14 &12 & 1 & 3 & 9 & 5 & 0 &15 & 4 & 8 & 6 & 2 &10 &] \\
\sigma_8 = [& 6 &15 &14 & 9 &11 & 3 & 0 & 8 &12 & 2 &13 & 7 & 1 & 4 &10 & 5 &] \\
\sigma_9 = [&10 & 2 & 8 & 4 & 7 & 6 & 1 & 5 &15 &11 & 9 &14 & 3 &12 &13 & 0 &] \\
The Initialization Vector is defined as:
\BlakeIV \typecolon \typeexp{\binaryrange{32}}{8} := [\,
&\hexint{6A09E667} &\hexint{BB67AE85} &\hexint{3C6EF372} &\hexint{A54FF53A} \\
&\hexint{510E527F} &\hexint{9B05688C} &\hexint{1F83D9AB} &\hexint{5BE0CD19}\,] \\
The full hash function applied to an $8$-byte personalization string and a single
$64$-byte block, in sequential mode with $32$-byte output, can be expressed as follows.
Define $\BlakeTwos{256} \typecolon (p \typecolon \byteseq{8}) \times (x \typecolon \byteseq{64}) \rightarrow \byteseq{32}$ as:
Additions not involving a message word require $33$ constraints:
\item let $\BlakeParamBlock \typecolon \byteseq{32} = [32, 0, 1, 1] \bconcat\, \zerobytes{20} \bconcat p$
\item let $[\,t_0, t_1, f_0, f_1\,] \typecolon \typeexp{\binaryrange{32}}{4} = [\,0, 0, 0, \hexint{FFFFFFFF}, 0\,]$
\item \vspace{-2ex}
\item let $h \typecolon \typeexp{\binaryrange{32}}{8} =
\listcomp{\LEOStoIPOf{32}{\BlakeParamBlock_{\barerange{4 \mult i}{4 \mult i\,+\,3}}} \xor \BlakeIV_i \for i \from 0 \upto 7}$
\item let $v \typecolon \typeexp{\binaryrange{32}}{16} =
h \bconcat\,[\,\BlakeIV_0, \BlakeIV_1, \BlakeIV_2, \BlakeIV_3,
t_0 \xor \BlakeIV_4, t_1 \xor \BlakeIV_5, f_0 \xor \BlakeIV_6, f_1 \xor \BlakeIV_7\,]$
\item let $m \typecolon \typeexp{\binaryrange{32}}{16} =
\listcomp{\LEOStoIPOf{32}{x_{\barerange{4 \mult i}{4 \mult i\,+\,3}}} \for i \from 0 \upto 15}$
\item for $r$ from $0$ up to $9$:
\item \begin{tabular}{@{\tab set\;}T@{}T@{}T@{}U@{}T@{}T@{}T@{}T@{}T@{}U@{}U}
(v_{ 0}, &v_{ 4}, &v_{ 8}, &v_{12}&) := G(v_{ 0}, &v_{ 4}, &v_{ 8}, &v_{12}, &m_{\sigma_{r, 0}}, &m_{\sigma_{r, 1}}&) \\
(v_{ 1}, &v_{ 5}, &v_{ 9}, &v_{13}&) := G(v_{ 1}, &v_{ 5}, &v_{ 9}, &v_{13}, &m_{\sigma_{r, 2}}, &m_{\sigma_{r, 3}}&) \\
(v_{ 2}, &v_{ 6}, &v_{10}, &v_{14}&) := G(v_{ 2}, &v_{ 6}, &v_{10}, &v_{14}, &m_{\sigma_{r, 4}}, &m_{\sigma_{r, 5}}&) \\
(v_{ 3}, &v_{ 7}, &v_{11}, &v_{15}&) := G(v_{ 3}, &v_{ 7}, &v_{11}, &v_{15}, &m_{\sigma_{r, 6}}, &m_{\sigma_{r, 7}}&) \\[2ex]
(v_{ 0}, &v_{ 5}, &v_{10}, &v_{15}&) := G(v_{ 0}, &v_{ 5}, &v_{10}, &v_{15}, &m_{\sigma_{r, 8}}, &m_{\sigma_{r, 9}}&) \\
(v_{ 1}, &v_{ 6}, &v_{11}, &v_{12}&) := G(v_{ 1}, &v_{ 6}, &v_{11}, &v_{12}, &m_{\sigma_{r,10}}, &m_{\sigma_{r,11}}&) \\
(v_{ 2}, &v_{ 7}, &v_{ 8}, &v_{13}&) := G(v_{ 2}, &v_{ 7}, &v_{ 8}, &v_{13}, &m_{\sigma_{r,12}}, &m_{\sigma_{r,13}}&) \\
(v_{ 3}, &v_{ 4}, &v_{ 9}, &v_{14}&) := G(v_{ 3}, &v_{ 4}, &v_{ 9}, &v_{14}, &m_{\sigma_{r,14}}, &m_{\sigma_{r,15}}&) \\
\item return $\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\concatbits\Of{\listcomp{\ItoLEBSPOf{32}{h_i \xor v_i \xor v_{i+8}} \for i \from 0 \upto 7}}}$
In practice the message and output will be expressed as bit sequences. In the \Sapling
circuit, the personalization string will be constant for each use.
Each 32-bit exclusive-or is implemented in $32$ constraints, one for each bit position
$a \xor b = c$ as in \crossref{cctxor}.
Additions not involving a message word, i.e.\ $(a + b) \bmod 2^{32} = c$, are implemented
using $34$ constraints: declare $33$ boolean variables $c_{\barerange{0}{32}}$, and
then constrain
\item $\constraint{\ssum{i=0}{i=31}{(a_i + b_i) \mult 2^i}}{1}{\ssum{i=0}{i=32}{c_i \mult 2^i}}$.
Additions of message words require one extra constraint each, i.e.\ $a + b + m = c$
is implemented by declaring $34$ boolean variables, and ...
Additions involving a message word, i.e.\ $(a + b + m) \bmod 2^{32} = c$, are implemented
using $35$ constraints: declare $34$ boolean variables $c_{\barerange{0}{33}}$, and
then constrain
\item $\constraint{\ssum{i=0}{i=31}{(a_i + b_i + m_i) \mult 2^i}}{1}{\ssum{i=0}{i=33}{c_i \mult 2^i}}$.
There are $10 \smult 4 \smult 2$ such message word additions.
In each case only $c_{\barerange{0}{31}}$ are used subsequently.
Each $G$ evaluation requires 260 constraints. There are $10 \smult 8$ instances
of $G$:
These additions could be implemented in $33$ and $34$ constraints respectively by using
substitution to avoid the multiplication by $1$ (e.g.\ substituting the addition constraint
into the boolean constraint for $c_0$), but this optimization is not done in \Sapling.
Each $G$ evaluation requires $266$ constraints:
\item $4 \mult 32 = 128$ constraints for $\xor$ operations;
\item $2 \mult 34 = 68$ constraints for $32$-bit additions not involving message words;
\item $2 \mult 35 = 70$ constraints for $32$-bit additions involving message words.
There are also 8 output exclusive-ors.
The overall cost is $21536$ constraints:
\item $10 \mult 8 \mult 266 = 21280$ constraints for $80$ $G$ evaluations;
\item $8 \mult 32 = 256$ constraints for final $v_i \xor v_{i+8}$ operations
(the $h_i$ words are constants so no additional constraints
are required to exclusive-or with them).
The total cost is 21136 constraints. This includes boolean-constraining the hash
output bits, but not the input bits.
This cost includes boolean-constraining the hash output bits (done implicitly by the
final $\xor$ operations), but not the message bits.
It should be clear that $\BlakeTwosGeneric$ is very expensive in the circuit compared
