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Proposed fix for Faerie Gold attack -- WIP.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
Daira Hopwood 8 years ago
  1. BIN
  2. 90


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@ -109,8 +109,10 @@
@ -124,13 +126,14 @@
\newcommand{\SHAName}{\term{SHA-256 compression}}
@ -230,16 +233,17 @@ is used which takes a 512-bit block and produces a 256-bit hash. This is
different from the $\SHAOrig$ function, which hashes arbitrary-length strings.
$\PRF{x}{}$ is a pseudo-random function seeded by $x$. Three \emph{independent}
$\PRF{x}{}$ are needed in our scheme: $\PRFaddr{x}$, $\PRFsn{x}$, and $\PRFpk{x}$.
It is required that $\PRFsn{x}$ be collision-resistant across all $x$ --- i.e. it
should not be feasible to find $(x, y) \neq (x', y')$ such that
$\PRFsn{x}(y) = \PRFsn{x'}(y')$.
$\PRF{x}{}$ is a pseudo-random function seeded by $x$. Four \emph{independent}
$\PRF{x}{}$ are needed in our scheme: $\PRFaddr{x}$, $\PRFsn{x}$, $\PRFpk{x}$, and
$\PRFrho{x}$. It is required that $\PRFsn{x}$ and $\PRFrho{x}$ be
collision-resistant across all $x$ --- i.e. it should not be feasible to find
$(x, y) \neq (x', y')$ such that $\PRFsn{x}(y) = \PRFsn{x'}(y')$, and similarly
for $\PRFrho{}$.
In \Zcash, the $\SHAName$ function is used to construct all three of these
functions. The bits $\mathtt{00}$, $\mathtt{01}$ and $\mathtt{10}$ are included
(respectively) within the blocks that are hashed, ensuring that the functions are
In \Zcash, the $\SHAName$ function is used to construct all four of these
functions. The bits $\mathtt{00}$, $\mathtt{01}$, $\mathtt{10}$, and $\mathtt{11}$
are included (respectively) within the blocks that are hashed, ensuring that the
functions are independent.
@ -272,6 +276,17 @@ independent.
\bitbox{242}{256 bit $\CoinAddressPreRand$} &
\bitbox{14}{1} &
\bitbox{14}{0} &
\bitbox{14}{$i$} &
\nathan{Note: If we change input arity (i.e. $\NOld$), we need to be aware of how it
is associated with this bit-packing.}
@ -279,7 +294,8 @@ is associated with this bit-packing.}
\SpendAuthorityPublic &:= \PRFaddr{\SpendAuthorityPrivate}(0) &= \CRHbox{\addrbox} \\
\sn &:= \PRFsn{\SpendAuthorityPrivate}(\CoinAddressRand) &= \CRHbox{\snbox} \\
\h{i} &:= \PRFpk{\SpendAuthorityPrivate}(i, \hSig) &= \CRHbox{\pkbox}
\h{i} &:= \PRFpk{\SpendAuthorityPrivate}(i, \hSig) &= \CRHbox{\pkbox} \\
\CoinAddressRandNew{i} &:= \PRFrho{\CoinAddressPreRand}(i, \hSig) &= \CRHbox{\rhobox}
@ -322,10 +338,13 @@ A \coin (denoted $\Coin$) is a tuple $\changed{(\SpendAuthorityPublic, \Value,
\CoinAddressRand, \CoinCommitRand)}$ which represents that a value $\Value$ is
spendable by the recipient who holds the $\spendAuthority$ key pair
$(\SpendAuthorityPublic, \SpendAuthorityPrivate)$ such that
$\SpendAuthorityPublic = \PRFaddr{\SpendAuthorityPrivate}(0)$. $\CoinAddressRand$ and
$\CoinCommitRand$ are tokens randomly generated by the sender. Only a hash of
these values is disclosed publicly, which allows these random tokens to blind the
value and recipient \emph{except} to those who possess these tokens.
$\SpendAuthorityPublic = \PRFaddr{\SpendAuthorityPrivate}(0)$.
$\CoinCommitRand$ is randomly generated by the sender; $\CoinAddressRand$
is generated from a random seed $\CoinAddressPreRand$ using
$\PRFrho{\CoinAddressPreRand}$. Only a commitment to these values is disclosed
publicly, which allows the tokens $\CoinCommitRand$ and $\CoinAddressRand$ to blind
the value and recipient \emph{except} to those who possess these tokens.
\subsubsection{In-band secret distribution}
@ -369,7 +388,7 @@ be their \coinPlaintexts.
\Prenonce(i, \EphemeralPublic, \TransmitPublicNew{i}) &:= \CryptoBoxSealHashbox{\prenoncebox} \\
\Prenonce(i, \EphemeralPublic, \TransmitPublicNew{i}) &:= \FullHashbox{\prenoncebox} \\
\Nonce(i, \EphemeralPublic, \TransmitPublicNew{i}) &:= \Justthebox{\noncebox}
@ -409,10 +428,10 @@ will be ignored.
This is a variation on the $\CryptoBoxSeal$ algorithm defined in libsodium
\cite{cryptoboxseal}, but with a single ephemeral key used for all encryptions in a
given \PourDescription, and with the nonce for each ciphertext component depending
on the index $i$. Also, $\CryptoBoxSealHash$ (the full hash, not the compression
function) is used instead of $\mathsf{blake2b}$. The particular nonce construction
is chosen so that a known-nonce distinguisher for $\mathsf{Salsa20}$ would not
directly lead to a break of the IK-CCA (key privacy) property.
on the index $i$. Also, $\FullHash$ (the full hash, not the compression function) is
used instead of $\mathsf{blake2b}$. The particular nonce construction is chosen so
that a known-nonce distinguisher for $\mathsf{Salsa20}$ would not directly lead to a
break of the IK-CCA (key privacy) property.
\subsubsection{Coin Commitments}
@ -571,9 +590,7 @@ some block height in the past, or the merkle root produced by a previous pour in
this transaction. \sean{We need to be more specific here.}
\item $\scriptSig$ which is a \script that creates conditions for acceptance of a
\PourDescription in a transaction. The $\SHA$ hash of this value is $\hSig$.
\daira{Why $\SHA$ and not $\SHAOrig$? The script is variable-length.}
\PourDescription in a transaction.
\item $\scriptPubKey$ which is a \script used to satisfy the conditions of the
@ -598,6 +615,25 @@ $\PourDescription$.
\subparagraph{Computation of $\hSig$}
\bitbox{80}{$\hSigInputVersionByte$} &
\bitbox{256}{256 bit $\snOld{0}$} &
\bitbox{24}{...} &
\bitbox{256}{256 bit $\snOld{\NOld-1}$} &
Given a \PourDescription, we define:
\item[] $\hSig := \FullHashbox{\hsigbox}$
\subparagraph{Merkle root validity}
A \PourDescription is valid if $\rt$ is a \coinCommitmentTree root found in
@ -644,7 +680,7 @@ A valid instance of $\PourProof$ assures that given a \term{primary input}
$(\rt, \snOld{\mathrm{1}..\NOld}, \cmNew{\mathrm{1}..\NNew}, \changed{\vpubOld,\;}
\vpubNew, \hSig, \h{1..\NOld})$, a witness of \term{auxiliary input}
$(\treepath{1..\NOld}, \cOld{1..\NOld}, \SpendAuthorityPrivateOld{\mathrm{1}..\NOld},
\cNew{1..\NNew})$ exists, where:
\cNew{1..\NNew}, \CoinAddressPreRand)$ exists, where:
@ -682,6 +718,10 @@ $\SpendAuthorityPublicOld{i} = \PRFaddr{\SpendAuthorityPrivateOld{i}}(0)$.
for each $i \in \{1..\NOld\}$: $\h{i}$ = $\PRFpk{\SpendAuthorityPrivateOld{i}}(i, \hSig)$
\subparagraph{Uniqueness of $\CoinAddressRandNew{i}$}
for each $i \in \{1..\NNew\}$: $\CoinAddressRandNew{i}$ = $\PRFrho{\CoinAddressPreRand}(i, \hSig)$
\subparagraph{Commitment integrity}
for each $i \in \{1..\NNew\}$: $\cmNew{i}$ = $\CoinCommitment{\cNew{i}}$
