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2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Daira Hopwood 5b5f5f3cfc Regenerate PDF. 8 years ago
Daira Hopwood 02b96a1306 Specify difficulty adjustment. 8 years ago
  1. BIN
  2. 152
  3. 2


Binary file not shown.


@ -203,12 +203,16 @@
\newcommand{\blockHeader}{\term{block header}}
\newcommand{\blockHeaders}{\term{block headers}}
\newcommand{\BlockHeaders}{\titleterm{Block Headers}}
\newcommand{\Blockheader}{\term{Block header}}
\newcommand{\BlockHeader}{\titleterm{Block Header}}
\newcommand{\blockVersionNumber}{\term{block version number}}
\newcommand{\blockTime}{\term{block time}}
\newcommand{\blockHeight}{\term{block height}}
\newcommand{\blockHeights}{\term{block heights}}
\newcommand{\genesisBlock}{\term{genesis block}}
@ -299,6 +303,13 @@
\newcommand{\dontcare}{\kern -0.06em\raisebox{0.1ex}{\footnotesize{$\times$}}}
@ -319,8 +330,9 @@
@ -476,6 +488,26 @@
\newcommand{\slowStartPeriod}{\term{slow-start period}}
\newcommand{\halvingInterval}{\term{halving interval}}
\newcommand{\targetThreshold}{\term{target threshold}}
\newcommand{\targetThresholds}{\term{target thresholds}}
% Signatures
@ -555,8 +587,10 @@
@ -845,6 +879,9 @@ concatenating the elements of $S$ viewed as bit sequences. If the
elements of $S$ are byte sequences, they are converted to bit sequences
with the \emph{most significant} bit of each byte first.
The notation $\sorted(S)$ means the sequence formed by sorting the elements
of $S$.
The notation $\GF{n}$ means the finite field with $n$ elements, and
$\GFstar{n}$ means its group under multiplication.
$\GF{n}[z]$ means the ring of polynomials over $z$ with coefficients
@ -879,10 +916,11 @@ The following integer constants will be instantiated in \crossref{constants}:
$\MerkleDepth$, $\NOld$, $\NNew$, $\MerkleHashLength$, $\hSigLength$,
$\PRFOutputLength$, $\NoteCommitRandLength$, $\RandomSeedLength$, $\AuthPrivateLength$,
$\NoteAddressPreRandLength$, $\MAXMONEY$, $\SlowStartInterval$, $\HalvingInterval$,
$\MaxBlockSubsidy$, $\NumFounderAddresses$.
$\MaxBlockSubsidy$, $\NumFounderAddresses$, $\PoWLimit$, $\PoWAveragingWindow$,
$\PoWMedianBlockSpan$, $\PoWDampingFactor$, $\PoWTargetSpacing$.
The bit sequence constant $\Uncommitted \typecolon \bitseq{\MerkleHashLength}$
and the rational constant $\FoundersFraction \typecolon \Rat$ will also be defined
in that section.
and the rational constants $\FoundersFraction$, $\PoWMaxAdjustDown$, and
$\PoWMaxAdjustUp$ will also be defined in that section.
@ -1952,7 +1990,14 @@ Define:
\item[] $\HalvingInterval \typecolon \Nat := 840000$
\item[] $\MaxBlockSubsidy \typecolon \Nat := 1.25 \mult 10^9$ (\zatoshi)
\item[] $\NumFounderAddresses \typecolon \Nat := 48$
\item[] $\FoundersFraction \typecolon \Rat := \frac{1}{5}$.
\item[] $\FoundersFraction \typecolon \Rat := \frac{1}{5}$
\item[] $\PoWLimit \typecolon \Nat := 2^{243} - 1$
\item[] $\PoWAveragingWindow \typecolon \Nat := 17$
\item[] $\PoWMedianBlockSpan \typecolon \Nat := 11$
\item[] $\PoWMaxAdjustDown \typecolon \Rat := \frac{32}{100}$
\item[] $\PoWMaxAdjustUp \typecolon \Rat := \frac{16}{100}$
\item[] $\PoWDampingFactor \typecolon \Nat := 4$
\item[] $\PoWTargetSpacing \typecolon \Nat := 150$ (seconds).
@ -2861,12 +2906,12 @@ components for the encrypted output \notes, $\TransmitCiphertext{\allNew}$. \\ \
The $\ephemeralKey$ and $\encCiphertexts$ fields together form the \notesCiphertext.
\nsubsection{\BlockHeader} \label{blockheader}
The \Zcash \blockHeader format is as follows:
Bytes & \heading{Name} & \heading{Data Type} & \heading{Description} \\
@ -2877,26 +2922,26 @@ Bytes & \heading{Name} & \heading{Data Type} & \heading{Description} \\
for \Zcash is $4$. \\ \hline
32 & $\hashPrevBlock$ & \type{char[32]} & A $\SHAd$ hash in internal byte order of the
previous \block's header. This ensures no previous \block can be changed without also
changing this \block's header. \\ \hline
previous \block's \header. This ensures no previous \block can be changed without also
changing this \block's \header. \\ \hline
32 & $\hashMerkleRoot$ & \type{char[32]} & A $\SHAd$ hash in internal byte order. The
merkle root is derived from the hashes of all \transactions included in this \block,
ensuring that none of those \transactions can be modified without modifying the header. \\ \hline
ensuring that none of those \transactions can be modified without modifying the \header. \\ \hline
32 & $\hashReserved$ & \type{char[32]} & A reserved field which should be ignored. \\ \hline
4 & $\nTime$ & \type{uint32\_t} & The \blockTime is a Unix epoch time when the miner
started hashing the header (according to the miner). This \MUST be greater than or equal
to the median time of the previous 11 blocks. A \fullnode{} \MUSTNOT accept \blocks with
headers more than two hours in the future according to its clock. \\ \hline
4 & $\nTimeField$ & \type{uint32\_t} & The \blockTime is a Unix epoch time when the miner
started hashing the \header (according to the miner). This \MUST be greater than or equal
to the median time of the previous $\PoWMedianBlockSpan$ \blocks. A \fullnode{} \MUSTNOT
accept \blocks with $\nTimeField$ more than two hours in the future according to its clock. \\ \hline
4 & $\nBits$ & \type{uint32\_t} & An encoded version of the target threshold this \block's
header hash must be less than or equal to, in the same nBits format used by \Bitcoin.
4 & $\nBitsField$ & \type{uint32\_t} & An encoded version of the \targetThreshold this \block's
\header hash must be less than or equal to, in the same nBits format used by \Bitcoin.
\cite{Bitcoin-nBits} \\ \hline
32 & $\nNonce$ & \type{char[32]} & An arbitrary field miners change to modify the
header hash in order to produce a hash below the target threshold. \\ \hline
\header hash in order to produce a hash less than or equal to the \targetThreshold. \\ \hline
3 & $\solutionSize$ & \compactSize & The size of an Equihash solution in bytes (always 1344). \\ \hline
@ -2960,8 +3005,8 @@ derived from the \blockHeader and a nonce:
\bitbox{256}{256-bit $\hashPrevBlock$}
\bitbox{256}{256-bit $\hashMerkleRoot$} \\
\bitbox{256}{256-bit $\hashReserved$}
\bitbox{128}{32-bit $\nTime$}
\bitbox{128}{32-bit $\nBits$} \\
\bitbox{128}{32-bit $\nTimeField$}
\bitbox{128}{32-bit $\nBitsField$} \\
\bitbox{256}{256-bit $\nNonce$}
@ -3055,8 +3100,14 @@ ordering of bits in the solution encoding would require bit-reversal
\nsubsubsection{Difficulty filter} \label{difficulty}
Difficulty is defined in terms of a \targetThreshold, which is adjusted for each
\block according to the algorithm defined in \crossref{diffadjustment}.
The difficulty filter is unchanged from \Bitcoin, and is calculated using
\SHAd on the whole \blockHeader (including $\solutionSize$ and $\solution$).
The result is interpreted as a 256-bit integer represented in little-endian
byte order, which \MUST be less than or equal to the \targetThreshold.
\nsubsubsection{Difficulty adjustment} \label{diffadjustment}
@ -3065,8 +3116,61 @@ with simplifications and altered parameters, to adjust difficulty to target
the desired 2.5-minute block time.
Unlike \Bitcoin, the difficulty adjustment occurs after every block.
\todo{Describe the algorithm.}
The constants $\PoWLimit$, $\PoWAveragingWindow$, $\PoWMaxAdjustDown$, $\PoWMaxAdjustUp$,
$\PoWDampingFactor$, and $\PoWTargetSpacing$ are instantiated in \crossref{constants}.
Let $\nTime(\BlockHeight)$ be the value of the $\nTimeField$ field in the \header of the
\block at \blockHeight $\BlockHeight$.
Let $\nBitsTarget(\BlockHeight)$ be the \targetThreshold obtained by decoding the
$\nBitsField$ field in the \header of the \block at \blockHeight $\BlockHeight$.
The encoding of this field is described in \cite{Bitcoin-nBits}.
\Blockheader fields are specified in \crossref{blockheader}.
\hskip 1.5em $\mean(S) := \left( \vsum{i=1}{\length(S)} S_i \right) \raisebox{-0.4ex}{\scalebox{1.4}{/\,}} \length(S)$.
\hskip 1.5em $\median(S) := \sorted(S)_{\ceiling{\length(S) / 2}}$
\hskip 1.5em $\clamp{\Lower}{\Upper}(x) := \maximum(\Lower, \minimum(\Upper, x)))$
\hskip 1.5em $\AveragingWindowTimespan := \PoWAveragingWindow \mult \PoWTargetSpacing$
\hskip 1.5em $\MinActualTimespan := \floor{\AveragingWindowTimespan \mult (1 - \PoWMaxAdjustUp)}$
\hskip 1.5em $\MaxActualTimespan := \floor{\AveragingWindowTimespan \mult (1 + \PoWMaxAdjustDown)}$
\hskip 1.5em $\MedianTime(\BlockHeight) := \median([\,\nTime(i)$ for $i$ from $\maximum(0, \BlockHeight - \PoWMedianBlockSpan)$ to $\BlockHeight - 1\,])$
\hskip 1.5em $\ActualTimespan(\BlockHeight) := \MedianTime(\BlockHeight) - \MedianTime(\BlockHeight - \PoWAveragingWindow)$
\hskip 1.5em $\ActualTimespanDamped(\BlockHeight) := \AveragingWindowTimespan + \hfrac{\ActualTimespan(\BlockHeight) - \AveragingWindowTimespan}{\PoWDampingFactor}$
\hskip 1.5em $\ActualTimespanClamped(\BlockHeight) := \clamp{\MinActualTimespan}{\MaxActualTimespan}(\ActualTimespanDamped(\BlockHeight))$
\hskip 1.5em $\MeanTarget(\BlockHeight) := \begin{cases}
\PoWLimit, \hspace{16em}\text{if } \BlockHeight \leq \PoWAveragingWindow \\
\mean([\nBitsTarget(i)$ for $i$ from $\maximum(0, \BlockHeight - \PoWAveragingWindow)$ to $\BlockHeight - 1]),\\
The \targetThreshold for a given \blockHeight $\BlockHeight$ is then calculated as:
\hskip 1.5em $\Threshold(\BlockHeight) \hspace{0.43em} := \hspace{0.43em} \begin{cases}
\PoWLimit, \hspace{16em}\text{if } \BlockHeight = 0 \\
\minimum(\PoWLimit, \floor{\hfrac{\MeanTarget(\BlockHeight)}{\AveragingWindowTimespan}} \mult \ActualTimespanClamped(\BlockHeight)),\\
$\MeanTarget(\PoWAveragingWindow)$ is defined to be $\PoWLimit$, not (as might be expected)
the mean of the \targetThresholds of the first $\PoWAveragingWindow$ \blocks.
\nsubsection{Calculation of Block Subsidy and Founders' Reward} \label{subsidies}
@ -3689,6 +3793,8 @@ The errors in the proof of Ledger Indistinguishability mentioned in
\item Specify the difficulty adjustment algorithm.
\item Clarify some definitions of fields in a \blockHeader.
\item Define $\PRFaddr{}$ in \crossref{keycomponents}.


@ -1 +1 @@
\renewcommand{\docversion}{Version 2016.0-beta-1.12}
\renewcommand{\docversion}{Version 2016.0-beta-1.12-2-g90563a}