# Siona This is Siona, a maximum privacy block explorer designed for chains which support zaddrs. It is written in Perl 5 and generates static HTML with no Javascript and basic inline CSS for styling. It requires a Redis server running on localhost, which is for caching and reduces disk i/o. Siona runs on the following private blockchains: - [explorer.hush.is](https://explorer.hush.is) - [explorer.hush.land](https://explorer.hush.land) - [explorer.dragonx.is](https://explorer.dragonx.is) # Install dependencies on Debian/Ubuntu Install redis-server and cpan: ``` sudo apt-get install redis-server -y sudo apt-get install libpath-tiny-perl -y ``` Install JSON::Any.pm and Redis.pm Perl modules: ``` yes | sudo cpan install JSON::Any.pm yes | sudo cpan install Redis.pm ``` # Git clone Move to the root directory of the Explorer, it must be empty. ``` cd /var/www/dragonx.hush.land git clone https://git.hush.is/hush/siona.git . ``` # Choose theme - hushland (https://explorer.hush.land) - hushis (https://explorer.hush.is) hushland index page | hushland blocks page | hushland block page | hushland tx page :-------------------------:|:----------------------------:|:--------------------------:|:-------------------------: ![](images/hushland0.png) | ![](images/hushland1.png) | ![](images/hushland3.png) | ![](images/hushland3.png) hushis index page | hushis blocks page | hushis block page | hushis tx page ![](images/hushis0.png) | ![](images/hushis1.png) | ![](images/hush2.png) | ![](images/hushis3.png) # First time run and update ``` CLI=/home/hush/hush3/src/hush-cli THEME=hushland DIR=/var/www/dragonx.hush.land/api DOMAIN=dragonx.hush.is ARRAKIS=DRAGONX ./run_siona.sh ``` # Update Explorer every 5 minutes with cron ``` ARRAKIS=DRAGONX DOMAIN=dragonx.hush.land CLI=/root/hush3/src/hush-cli DIR=/var/www/dragonx.hush.land/api */5 * * * * cd /var/www/$DOMAIN && ./run_siona.sh ``` # Support and Socials * Matrix: [https://hush.is/matrix](https://hush.is/matrix) * Telegram: [https://hush.is/tg](https://hush.is/tg) * Twitter: [https://hush.is/twitter](https://hush.is/twitter) * PeerTube [https://hush.is/peertube](https://hush.is/peertube) # Copyright 2016-2024 The Hush Developers # License GPLv3