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@ -12,21 +12,15 @@ A guide to mining the RandomX coin DragonX, a HUSH Smart Chain.
- [Peertube](
- [Odysee](
# Install HUSH
Look at [this guide]( if you <u>have not</u> already installed HUSH on the machine you intend to mine on.
###### *`Note:` If running <u>Windows</u> head over to the [releases page]( and download the latest Windows version. I would recommend installing [Windows Terminal]( to make it easier to access and execute commands with windows powershell*
###### *`Note:` If running on a Virtual Machine make sure the VM network settings are set to `Bridged Connection`.*
# Linux - HUSH Smart Chain (HSC) Setup
After installing HUSH open a terminal in `~/hush3/src`
###### *`Note:` installation path may be different depending on if installed as `root` or `normal` user, look for the `hush3` directory in either the `root` or `home` directory.*
### Start the HSC
Input the following command in your terminal:
@ -34,8 +28,6 @@ Input the following command in your terminal:
###### *`Note:` Make sure to input any parts with "-ac" in this command <u>exactly</u>, otherwise your node may not be able to connect!*
### Enable Mining
once the HSC is running all that is left to do is enable mining with this command:
@ -47,8 +39,6 @@ once the HSC is running all that is left to do is enable mining with this comman
###### *`Note:` you can specify number of threads to mine with by changing `nproc` to the number of threads you want*
###### EX: `./hush-cli -ac_name=DRAGONX setgenerate true 2 &`
### Verify Mining
To make sure you are actually connected to the network and mining input the following command:
@ -56,13 +46,9 @@ To make sure you are actually connected to the network and mining input the foll
- If it returns `"connection": 1` you are connected and mining.
# Windows - HUSH Smart Chain (HSC) Setup
After downloading the latest build of HUSH, unzip then navigate to the hush folder (ex: hush-3.9.2-win). Right click, `Open in Terminal` or type `powershell` in the address bar of windows explorer if windows terminal is not installed.
### Start the HSC
Input the following command in your terminal:
@ -70,8 +56,6 @@ Input the following command in your terminal:
###### *`Note:` Make sure to input any parts with "-ac" in this command <u>exactly</u>, otherwise your node may not be able to connect!*
### Enable Mining
once the HSC is running all that is left to do is enable mining with this command, open another instance of terminal or powershell:
@ -82,8 +66,6 @@ once the HSC is running all that is left to do is enable mining with this comman
###### *`Note:` you can specify number of threads to mine with by changing `$(1)` to the number of threads you want*
### Verify Mining
To make sure you are actually connected to the network and mining input the following command:
@ -91,9 +73,7 @@ To make sure you are actually connected to the network and mining input the foll
- If it returns `"connection": 1` you are connected and mining.
# Send newly mined DRGX
# Shield and send newly mined DRGX
Check if you have balance to spend:
@ -101,20 +81,19 @@ Check if you have balance to spend:
./hush-cli -ac_name=DRAGONX getbalance
Create a new zaddr, then you can verify it with another command:
Create a new zaddr:
./hush-cli -ac_name=DRAGONX z_getnewaddress
./hush-cli -ac_name=DRAGONX z_listaddresses
/hush-cli -ac_name=DRAGONX z_exportkey "zs1..."
Now transfer all mined coins to a private zaddr address we just created:
Transfer all mined coins to a private zaddr address we just created:
./hush-cli -ac_name=DRAGONX z_shieldcoinbase "*" "zs1..."
