A guide on mining the RandomX coin DragonX, a HUSH Smart Chain.
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dan_s 8c99f54393 better readability, added install hush above windows as well as linux to reduce confusion 1 year ago
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README.md better readability, added install hush above windows as well as linux to reduce confusion 1 year ago


How To Mine DragonX

A guide to mining the RandomX coin DragonX, a HUSH Smart Chain.


Video Tutorials

Install HUSH

Look at this guide if you have not already installed HUSH on the machine you intend to mine on.

Note: If running Windows head over to the releases page and download the latest Windows version. I would recommend installing Windows Terminal to make it easier to access and execute commands with windows powershell
Note: If running on a Virtual Machine make sure the VM network settings are set to Bridged Connection.

Linux - HUSH Smart Chain (HSC) Setup

After installing HUSH open a terminal in ~/hush3/src

Note: installation path may be different depending on if installed as root or normal user, look for the hush3 directory in either the root or home directory.

Start the HSC

Input the following command in your terminal:

./hush-smart-chain -ac_name=DRAGONX -ac_algo=randomx -ac_halving=3500000 -ac_reward=300000000 -ac_blocktime=36 -ac_private=1 -addnode= &
Note: Make sure to input any parts with "-ac" in this command exactly, otherwise your node may not be able to connect!

Enable Mining

once the HSC is running all that is left to do is enable mining with this command:

./hush-cli -ac_name=DRAGONX setgenerate true $(nproc) &
Note: you can specify number of threads to mine with by changing nproc to the number of threads you want
EX: ./hush-cli -ac_name=DRAGONX setgenerate true 2 &

Verify Mining

To make sure you are actually connected to the network and mining input the following command:

./hush-cli -ac_name=DRAGONX getinfo | grep connections
  • If it returns "connection": 1 you are connected and mining.

Install HUSH

Look at this guide if you have not already installed HUSH on the machine you intend to mine on.

Note: If running Windows head over to the releases page and download the latest Windows version. I would recommend installing Windows Terminal to make it easier to access and execute commands with windows powershell
Note: If running on a Virtual Machine make sure the VM network settings are set to Bridged Connection.

Windows - HUSH Smart Chain (HSC) Setup

After downloading the latest build of HUSH, unzip then navigate to the hush folder (ex: hush-3.9.2-win). Right click, Open in Terminal or type powershell in the address bar of windows explorer if windows terminal is not installed.

Start the HSC

Input the following command in your terminal:

./hush-smart-chain -ac_name="DRAGONX" -ac_algo="randomx" -ac_halving="3500000" -ac_reward="300000000" -ac_blocktime="36" -ac_private="1" -addnode=""
Note: Make sure to input any parts with "-ac" in this command exactly, otherwise your node may not be able to connect!

Enable Mining

once the HSC is running all that is left to do is enable mining with this command, open another instance of terminal or powershell:

./hush-cli -ac_name="DRAGONX" setgenerate true $(1)
Note: you can specify number of threads to mine with by changing $(1) to the number of threads you want

Verify Mining

To make sure you are actually connected to the network and mining input the following command:

./hush-cli -ac_name="DRAGONX" getinfo
  • If it returns "connection": 1 you are connected and mining.

Shield and send newly mined DRGX

Check if you have balance to spend:

./hush-cli -ac_name=DRAGONX getbalance

Create a new zaddr:

./hush-cli -ac_name=DRAGONX z_getnewaddress


/hush-cli -ac_name=DRAGONX z_exportkey "zs1..."

Transfer all mined coins to a private zaddr address we just created:

./hush-cli -ac_name=DRAGONX z_shieldcoinbase "*" "zs1..."

To send coins use the following call: (FROM address TO address)

./hush-cli -ac_name=DRAGONX z_sendmany "zs1..." '[{"address": "zs1...", "amount": 69.69}]'

On Windows use:

./hush-cli -ac_name="DRAGONX" z_sendmany "zs1..." '[{\"address\": \"zs1...\", \"amount\": 69.69}]'

Useful RPC commands

All RPC commands for Hush can be used the same way for any HSC. The total list:

How to build SDX on GNU/Linux (Full node GUI wallet)

Install Qt5:

sudo apt-get -y install qt5-default qt5-qmake libqt5websockets5-dev qtcreator

Git clone and choose the dragonx branch:

git clone https://git.hush.is/hush/SilentDragon && cd SilentDragon
git checkout dragonx

Make a symlink to your dragonxd binary (scary stuff 👻).
Your dragonx-branch path will differ, change it where you have your dragonxd!

ln -s ../dragonx-branch/src/dragonxd

Run build scripts:

./build.sh linguist

Start SDX:
