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dan_s 2 years ago
  1. 64


@ -26,4 +26,66 @@ More info on HSC -ac_ options and what they do:
## Before mining the pre-mined supply
All of the pre-mined coins are mined in the first block. Therefore, whichever machine executes the mining command will receive the entirely of the blockchain's pre-mined coin supply, as set in the ac_supply parameter. Upon mining the first block, these coins are available in the default wallet.dat file.
To collect all the mining rewards from the node to a single address, execute the following command:
To collect all the mining rewards from the node to a single address, execute the following command:
###### *if not yet installed: `sudo apt install jq`* ######
# Get a new address
newaddress=$(./hush-cli -ac_name=TESTCOIN getnewaddress)
# Get the corresponding pubkey
pubkey=$(./hush-cli -ac_name=TESTCOIN validateaddress $newaddress | jq -r '.pubkey' )
# Indicate the pubkey to the daemon
./hush-cli -ac_name=TESTCOIN setpubkey $pubkey
# Enable mining
./hush-cli -ac_name=TESTCOIN setgenerate true $(nproc)
Mining is prohibited by all VPS providers, so in that case it is safer to run with `-j2`(?) option instead of `$(nproc)`, will be updated...
# Verify if mining is working
After mining was enabled, you can check if the two nodes are connected by using the following command:
./hush-cli -ac_name=TESTCOIN getinfo | grep connections
Must be `"connections": 1`.
# Useful RPC commands
All RPC commands for Hush can be used the same way for any HSC. The total list:
Most useful:
./hush-cli -ac_name=TESTCOIN getinfo
# TO-DO list
- ac_? for the total supply.
- DPoW?
- Specify the devReward wallet, so some portion of all mined coins can go to the devReward address.
- Add RANDOMX HSC documentation here
The last response from @Duke regarding the last to-do mentioned above:
`ac_founders` and there is also ac_foundersreward
`ac_script` is the pubkey of the FR address
`ac_perc` is the percentage
# Info
- SDL/SD/SDP are fully compatible with a HSC, but requires writing some code and running servers.
- At first, HSC's can just be CPU mined. If we can get the `stratum` branch merged, that makes it easier for people to use multiple CPUs/GPUs or ASICs to mine HSC's. This assumes the deault PoW algorithm of Equihash (200,9).
- All HSC's have code inside them already that implements DPoW, such as recognizing notarization transactions and `dpowconfs` that Duke originally wrote for KMD. So in that sense, all HSC's come equipped with DPoW knowledge. But injecting the data into a new HSC is a service that can be paid for or a project can decide to do it themselves. Projects using HSC's should contact the Hush project to talk about pricing.
- `ac_?` for the total supply does not exist. You must get all the other parameters to work exactly right to get the number you want. It's extremely hard, and there will likely be rounding errors because you can't divide 3 satoshis perfectly in half, etc... You can also use `-ac_end` to say "stop block rewards at this height". KMD internals were not able to represent the HUSH emission schedule, so Duke had to end up manually specifying every single halving until the HUSH BR goes to 0.
