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refactor keys

ofek 7 years ago
  1. 1
  2. 344
  3. 24


@ -1 +1,2 @@
from coincurve.context import GLOBAL_CONTEXT
from coincurve.keys import PrivateKey, PublicKey


@ -1,241 +1,223 @@
import os
import hashlib
import binascii
from coincurve import GLOBAL_CONTEXT
from coincurve.flags import EC_COMPRESSED, EC_UNCOMPRESSED
from coincurve.utils import get_valid_secret, validate_secret
from ._libsecp256k1 import ffi, lib
class PublicKey(Base, ECDSA):
def __init__(self, pubkey=None, raw=False, flags=FLAG_VERIFY, ctx=None):
Base.__init__(self, ctx, flags)
if pubkey is not None:
if raw:
if not isinstance(pubkey, bytes):
raise TypeError('raw pubkey must be bytes')
self.public_key = self.deserialize(pubkey)
if not isinstance(pubkey, ffi.CData):
raise TypeError('pubkey must be an internal object')
assert ffi.typeof(pubkey) is ffi.typeof('secp256k1_pubkey *')
self.public_key = pubkey
self.public_key = None
def serialize(self, compressed=True):
assert self.public_key, "No public key defined"
class PrivateKey:
def __init__(self, secret=None, context=GLOBAL_CONTEXT):
self.secret = (validate_secret(secret) if secret is not None
else get_valid_secret())
self.context = context
self.public_key ='secp256k1_pubkey *')
len_compressed = 33 if compressed else 65
res_compressed ='unsigned char [%d]' % len_compressed)
outlen ='size_t *', len_compressed)
compflag = EC_COMPRESSED if compressed else EC_UNCOMPRESSED
serialized = lib.secp256k1_ec_pubkey_serialize(
self.ctx, res_compressed, outlen, self.public_key, compflag)
assert serialized == 1
def update_public_key(self):
res = lib.secp256k1_ec_pubkey_create(
self.context, self.public_key, self.secret
assert res == 1
return bytes(ffi.buffer(res_compressed, len_compressed))
def ecdsa_sign(self, msg_hash, nonce=None):
if len(msg_hash) != 32:
raise ValueError('Message hash must be 32 bytes long.')
def deserialize(self, pubkey_ser):
if len(pubkey_ser) not in (33, 65):
raise Exception("unknown public key size (expected 33 or 65)")
signature ='secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *')
pubkey ='secp256k1_pubkey *')
if not nonce:
nonce_fn = ffi.NULL
nonce_data = ffi.NULL
nonce_fn, nonce_data = nonce
res = lib.secp256k1_ec_pubkey_parse(
self.ctx, pubkey, pubkey_ser, len(pubkey_ser))
if not res:
raise Exception("invalid public key")
res = lib.secp256k1_ecdsa_sign(
self.context, signature, msg_hash, self.secret, nonce_fn, nonce_data
assert res == 1
self.public_key = pubkey
return pubkey
return signature
def combine(self, pubkeys):
"""Add a number of public keys together."""
assert len(pubkeys) > 0
def ecdsa_sign_recoverable(self, msg_hash):
if len(msg_hash) != 32:
raise ValueError('Message hash must be 32 bytes long.')
outpub ='secp256k1_pubkey *')
for item in pubkeys:
assert ffi.typeof(item) is ffi.typeof('secp256k1_pubkey *')
signature ='secp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature *')
res = lib.secp256k1_ec_pubkey_combine(
self.ctx, outpub, pubkeys, len(pubkeys))
if not res:
raise Exception('failed to combine public keys')
res = lib.secp256k1_ecdsa_sign_recoverable(
self.context, signature, msg_hash, self.secret, ffi.NULL, ffi.NULL
assert res == 1
self.public_key = outpub
return outpub
return signature
def tweak_add(self, scalar):
def add(self, scalar, update=False):
Tweak the current public key by adding a 32 byte scalar times
the generator to it and return a new PublicKey instance.
Tweak the current private key by adding a 32 byte scalar
to it and return a new raw private key composed of 32 bytes.
return _tweak_public(self, lib.secp256k1_ec_pubkey_tweak_add, scalar)
if len(scalar) != 32:
raise TypeError('Scalar must be composed of 32 bytes.')
def tweak_mul(self, scalar):
Tweak the current public key by multiplying it by a 32 byte scalar
and return a new PublicKey instance.
return _tweak_public(self, lib.secp256k1_ec_pubkey_tweak_mul, scalar)
# Create a copy of the current private key.
secret ='unsigned char [32]', self.secret)
def ecdsa_verify(self, msg, raw_sig, raw=False, digest=hashlib.sha256):
assert self.public_key, "No public key defined"
if self.flags & FLAG_VERIFY != FLAG_VERIFY:
raise Exception("instance not configured for sig verification")
res = lib.secp256k1_ec_privkey_tweak_add(
self.context, secret, scalar
assert res == 1
msg32 = _hash32(msg, raw, digest)
secret = bytes(ffi.buffer(secret, 32))
verified = lib.secp256k1_ecdsa_verify(
self.ctx, raw_sig, msg32, self.public_key)
if update:
self.secret = secret
return self
return bool(verified)
return PrivateKey(secret, self.context)
def ecdh(self, scalar):
assert self.public_key, "No public key defined"
if not HAS_ECDH:
raise Exception("secp256k1_ecdh not enabled")
if not isinstance(scalar, bytes) or len(scalar) != 32:
raise TypeError('scalar must be composed of 32 bytes')
def multiply(self, scalar, update=False):
Tweak the current private key by multiplying it by a 32 byte scalar
and return a new raw private key composed of 32 bytes.
if len(scalar) != 32:
raise TypeError('Scalar must be composed of 32 bytes.')
result ='unsigned char [32]')
# Create a copy of the current private key.
secret ='unsigned char [32]', self.secret)
res = lib.secp256k1_ecdh(self.ctx, result, self.public_key, scalar)
if not res:
raise Exception('invalid scalar ({})'.format(res))
res = lib.secp256k1_ec_privkey_tweak_mul(
self.context, secret, scalar
assert res == 1
return bytes(ffi.buffer(result, 32))
secret = bytes(ffi.buffer(secret, 32))
if update:
self.secret = secret
return self
class PrivateKey(Base, ECDSA):
return PrivateKey(secret, self.context)
def __init__(self, privkey=None, raw=True, flags=ALL_FLAGS, ctx=None):
assert flags in (ALL_FLAGS, FLAG_SIGN)
Base.__init__(self, ctx, flags)
self.pubkey = None
self.private_key = None
if privkey is None:
class PublicKey:
def __init__(self, data, context=GLOBAL_CONTEXT):
if not isinstance(data, bytes):
self.public_key = data
if raw:
if not isinstance(privkey, bytes) or len(privkey) != 32:
raise TypeError('privkey must be composed of 32 bytes')
def _update_public_key(self):
public_key = self._gen_public_key(self.private_key)
self.pubkey = PublicKey(
public_key, raw=False, ctx=self.ctx, flags=self.flags)
length = len(data)
if length not in (33, 65):
raise ValueError('{} is an invalid length for a public key.'
def set_raw_privkey(self, privkey):
if not lib.secp256k1_ec_seckey_verify(self.ctx, privkey):
raise Exception("invalid private key")
self.private_key = privkey
public_key ='secp256k1_pubkey *')
def serialize(self):
hexkey = binascii.hexlify(self.private_key)
return hexkey.decode('utf8')
res = lib.secp256k1_ec_pubkey_parse(
context, public_key, data, length
assert res == 1
def deserialize(self, privkey_ser):
if len(privkey_ser) != 64:
raise Exception("invalid private key")
rawkey = binascii.unhexlify(privkey_ser)
self.context = context
return self.private_key
def from_secret(cls, secret, context=GLOBAL_CONTEXT):
public_key ='secp256k1_pubkey *')
def _gen_public_key(self, privkey):
pubkey_ptr ='secp256k1_pubkey *')
res = lib.secp256k1_ec_pubkey_create(
context, public_key, secret
assert res == 1
created = lib.secp256k1_ec_pubkey_create(self.ctx, pubkey_ptr, privkey)
assert created == 1
return PublicKey(public_key, context)
return pubkey_ptr
def format(self, compressed=True):
length = 33 if compressed else 65
serialized ='unsigned char [%d]' % length)
output_len ='size_t *', length)
compression = EC_COMPRESSED if compressed else EC_UNCOMPRESSED
def tweak_add(self, scalar):
Tweak the current private key by adding a 32 byte scalar
to it and return a new raw private key composed of 32 bytes.
return _tweak_private(self, lib.secp256k1_ec_privkey_tweak_add, scalar)
self.context, serialized, output_len, self.public_key, compression
def tweak_mul(self, scalar):
Tweak the current private key by multiplying it by a 32 byte scalar
and return a new raw private key composed of 32 bytes.
return _tweak_private(self, lib.secp256k1_ec_privkey_tweak_mul, scalar)
return bytes(ffi.buffer(serialized, length))
def ecdsa_sign(self, msg, raw=False, digest=hashlib.sha256, custom_nonce=None):
msg32 = _hash32(msg, raw, digest)
raw_sig ='secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *')
nonce_fn = ffi.NULL
nonce_data = ffi.NULL
if custom_nonce:
nonce_fn, nonce_data = custom_nonce
signed = lib.secp256k1_ecdsa_sign(
self.ctx, raw_sig, msg32, self.private_key, nonce_fn, nonce_data)
assert signed == 1
def combine(self, public_keys):
"""Add a number of public keys together."""
new_key ='secp256k1_pubkey *')
return raw_sig
res = lib.secp256k1_ec_pubkey_combine(
self.context, new_key, [pk.public_key for pk in public_keys],
assert res == 1
def ecdsa_sign_recoverable(self, msg, raw=False, digest=hashlib.sha256):
raise Exception("secp256k1_recovery not enabled")
self.public_key = new_key
msg32 = _hash32(msg, raw, digest)
raw_sig ='secp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature *')
def ecdsa_verify(self, msg_hash, signature):
if len(msg_hash) != 32:
raise ValueError('Message hash must be 32 bytes long.')
signed = lib.secp256k1_ecdsa_sign_recoverable(
self.ctx, raw_sig, msg32, self.private_key, ffi.NULL, ffi.NULL)
assert signed == 1
verified = lib.secp256k1_ecdsa_verify(
self.context, signature, msg_hash, self.public_key
return raw_sig
# Performance hack to avoid global bool() lookup.
return not not verified
def ecdh(self, scalar):
if len(scalar) != 32:
raise TypeError('Scalar must be composed of 32 bytes.')
def _hash32(msg, raw, digest):
if not raw:
msg32 = digest(msg).digest()
msg32 = msg
if len(msg32) * 8 != 256:
raise Exception("digest function must produce 256 bits")
return msg32
secret ='unsigned char [32]')
res = lib.secp256k1_ecdh(self.context, secret, self.public_key, scalar)
assert res == 1
def _gen_private_key():
key = os.urandom(32)
return key
return bytes(ffi.buffer(secret, 32))
def add(self, scalar, update=False):
Tweak the current public key by adding a 32 byte scalar times
the generator to it and return a new PublicKey instance.
if len(scalar) != 32:
raise TypeError('Scalar must be composed of 32 bytes.')
def _tweak_public(inst, func, scalar):
if not isinstance(scalar, bytes) or len(scalar) != 32:
raise TypeError('scalar must be composed of 32 bytes')
assert inst.public_key, "No public key defined."
# Create a copy of the current public key.
new_key ='secp256k1_pubkey *', self.public_key)
# Create a copy of the current public key.
newpub = PublicKey(inst.serialize(), raw=True)
res = lib.secp256k1_ec_pubkey_tweak_add(
self.context, new_key, scalar
assert res == 1
res = func(inst.ctx, newpub.public_key, scalar)
if not res:
raise Exception("Tweak is out of range")
if update:
self.public_key = new_key
return self
return newpub
return PublicKey(new_key, self.context)
def multiply(self, scalar, update=False):
Tweak the current public key by multiplying it by a 32 byte scalar
and return a new PublicKey instance.
if len(scalar) != 32:
raise TypeError('Scalar must be composed of 32 bytes.')
def _tweak_private(inst, func, scalar):
if not isinstance(scalar, bytes) or len(scalar) != 32:
raise TypeError('scalar must be composed of 32 bytes')
# Create a copy of the current public key.
new_key ='secp256k1_pubkey *', self.public_key)
# Create a copy of the current private key.
key ='unsigned char [32]', inst.private_key)
res = lib.secp256k1_ec_pubkey_tweak_mul(
self.context, new_key, scalar
assert res == 1
res = func(inst.ctx, key, scalar)
if not res:
raise Exception("Tweak is out of range")
if update:
self.public_key = new_key
return self
return bytes(ffi.buffer(key, 32))
return PublicKey(new_key, self.context)


@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
from os import urandom
GROUP_ORDER = (b'\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff'
ZERO = b'\x00'
def get_valid_secret():
while True:
secret = urandom(KEY_SIZE)
if ZERO < secret <= GROUP_ORDER:
return secret
def pad_scalar(scalar):
return (ZERO * (KEY_SIZE - len(scalar))) + scalar[-KEY_SIZE:]
def validate_secret(secret):
if not ZERO < secret <= GROUP_ORDER:
raise ValueError('Secret scalar must be greater than 0 and less than '
'or equal to the group order.')
return pad_scalar(secret)