Cross-platform Python CFFI bindings for libsecp256k1
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from typing import Tuple
from asn1crypto.keys import ECDomainParameters, ECPointBitString, ECPrivateKey, PrivateKeyAlgorithm, PrivateKeyInfo
from coincurve.context import GLOBAL_CONTEXT, Context
from coincurve.ecdsa import cdata_to_der, der_to_cdata, deserialize_recoverable, recover, serialize_recoverable
from coincurve.flags import EC_COMPRESSED, EC_UNCOMPRESSED
from coincurve.types import Hasher
from coincurve.utils import (
from ._libsecp256k1 import ffi, lib
class PrivateKey:
def __init__(self, secret: bytes = None, context: Context = GLOBAL_CONTEXT):
self.secret: bytes = validate_secret(secret) if secret is not None else get_valid_secret()
self.context = context
self.public_key: PublicKey = PublicKey.from_valid_secret(self.secret, self.context)
def sign(self, message: bytes, hasher: Hasher = sha256, custom_nonce=None) -> bytes:
msg_hash = hasher(message) if hasher is not None else message
if len(msg_hash) != 32:
raise ValueError('Message hash must be 32 bytes long.')
signature ='secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *')
nonce_fn, nonce_data = custom_nonce or DEFAULT_NONCE
signed = lib.secp256k1_ecdsa_sign(self.context.ctx, signature, msg_hash, self.secret, nonce_fn, nonce_data)
if not signed:
raise ValueError('The nonce generation function failed, or the private key was invalid.')
return cdata_to_der(signature, self.context)
def sign_recoverable(self, message, hasher: Hasher = sha256):
msg_hash = hasher(message) if hasher is not None else message
if len(msg_hash) != 32:
raise ValueError('Message hash must be 32 bytes long.')
signature ='secp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature *')
signed = lib.secp256k1_ecdsa_sign_recoverable(
self.context.ctx, signature, msg_hash, self.secret, ffi.NULL, ffi.NULL
if not signed:
raise ValueError('The nonce generation function failed, or the private key was invalid.')
return serialize_recoverable(signature, self.context)
def ecdh(self, public_key: bytes) -> bytes:
secret ='unsigned char [32]')
lib.secp256k1_ecdh(self.context.ctx, secret, PublicKey(public_key).public_key, self.secret, ffi.NULL, ffi.NULL)
return bytes(ffi.buffer(secret, 32))
def add(self, scalar: bytes, update=False):
scalar = pad_scalar(scalar)
secret ='unsigned char [32]', self.secret)
success = lib.secp256k1_ec_privkey_tweak_add(self.context.ctx, secret, scalar)
if not success:
raise ValueError('The tweak was out of range, or the resulting private key is invalid.')
secret = bytes(ffi.buffer(secret, 32))
if update:
self.secret = secret
return self
return PrivateKey(secret, self.context)
def multiply(self, scalar: bytes, update=False):
scalar = validate_secret(scalar)
secret ='unsigned char [32]', self.secret)
lib.secp256k1_ec_privkey_tweak_mul(self.context.ctx, secret, scalar)
secret = bytes(ffi.buffer(secret, 32))
if update:
self.secret = secret
return self
return PrivateKey(secret, self.context)
def to_hex(self) -> str:
return self.secret.hex()
def to_int(self) -> int:
return bytes_to_int(self.secret)
def to_pem(self) -> bytes:
return der_to_pem(self.to_der())
def to_der(self) -> bytes:
pk = ECPrivateKey(
'version': 'ecPrivkeyVer1',
'private_key': self.to_int(),
'public_key': ECPointBitString(self.public_key.format(compressed=False)),
return PrivateKeyInfo(
'version': 0,
'private_key_algorithm': PrivateKeyAlgorithm(
'algorithm': 'ec',
'parameters': ECDomainParameters(name='named', value=''),
'private_key': pk,
def from_hex(cls, hexed: str, context: Context = GLOBAL_CONTEXT):
return PrivateKey(hex_to_bytes(hexed), context)
def from_int(cls, num: int, context: Context = GLOBAL_CONTEXT):
return PrivateKey(int_to_bytes_padded(num), context)
def from_pem(cls, pem: bytes, context: Context = GLOBAL_CONTEXT):
return PrivateKey(
int_to_bytes_padded(PrivateKeyInfo.load(pem_to_der(pem)).native['private_key']['private_key']), context
def from_der(cls, der: bytes, context: Context = GLOBAL_CONTEXT):
return PrivateKey(int_to_bytes_padded(PrivateKeyInfo.load(der).native['private_key']['private_key']), context)
def _update_public_key(self):
created = lib.secp256k1_ec_pubkey_create(self.context.ctx, self.public_key.public_key, self.secret)
if not created:
raise ValueError('Invalid secret.')
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
return self.secret == other.secret
class PublicKey:
def __init__(self, data, context: Context = GLOBAL_CONTEXT):
if not isinstance(data, bytes):
self.public_key = data
public_key ='secp256k1_pubkey *')
parsed = lib.secp256k1_ec_pubkey_parse(context.ctx, public_key, data, len(data))
if not parsed:
raise ValueError('The public key could not be parsed or is invalid.')
self.public_key = public_key
self.context = context
def from_secret(cls, secret: bytes, context: Context = GLOBAL_CONTEXT):
public_key ='secp256k1_pubkey *')
created = lib.secp256k1_ec_pubkey_create(context.ctx, public_key, validate_secret(secret))
if not created: # no cov
raise ValueError(
'Somehow an invalid secret was used. Please '
'submit this as an issue here: '
return PublicKey(public_key, context)
def from_valid_secret(cls, secret: bytes, context: Context = GLOBAL_CONTEXT):
public_key ='secp256k1_pubkey *')
created = lib.secp256k1_ec_pubkey_create(context.ctx, public_key, secret)
if not created:
raise ValueError('Invalid secret.')
return PublicKey(public_key, context)
def from_point(cls, x: int, y: int, context: Context = GLOBAL_CONTEXT):
return PublicKey(b'\x04' + int_to_bytes_padded(x) + int_to_bytes_padded(y), context)
def from_signature_and_message(
cls, serialized_sig: bytes, message: bytes, hasher: Hasher = sha256, context: Context = GLOBAL_CONTEXT
return PublicKey(
recover(message, deserialize_recoverable(serialized_sig, context=context), hasher=hasher, context=context)
def combine_keys(cls, public_keys, context: Context = GLOBAL_CONTEXT):
public_key ='secp256k1_pubkey *')
combined = lib.secp256k1_ec_pubkey_combine(
context.ctx, public_key, [pk.public_key for pk in public_keys], len(public_keys)
if not combined:
raise ValueError('The sum of the public keys is invalid.')
return PublicKey(public_key, context)
def format(self, compressed=True) -> bytes:
length = 33 if compressed else 65
serialized ='unsigned char [%d]' % length)
output_len ='size_t *', length)
self.context.ctx, serialized, output_len, self.public_key, EC_COMPRESSED if compressed else EC_UNCOMPRESSED
return bytes(ffi.buffer(serialized, length))
def point(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
public_key = self.format(compressed=False)
return bytes_to_int(public_key[1:33]), bytes_to_int(public_key[33:])
def verify(self, signature: bytes, message: bytes, hasher: Hasher = sha256) -> bool:
msg_hash = hasher(message) if hasher is not None else message
if len(msg_hash) != 32:
raise ValueError('Message hash must be 32 bytes long.')
verified = lib.secp256k1_ecdsa_verify(self.context.ctx, der_to_cdata(signature), msg_hash, self.public_key)
# A performance hack to avoid global bool() lookup.
return not not verified
def add(self, scalar: bytes, update=False):
scalar = pad_scalar(scalar)
new_key ='secp256k1_pubkey *', self.public_key[0])
success = lib.secp256k1_ec_pubkey_tweak_add(self.context.ctx, new_key, scalar)
if not success:
raise ValueError('The tweak was out of range, or the resulting public key is invalid.')
if update:
self.public_key = new_key
return self
return PublicKey(new_key, self.context)
def multiply(self, scalar: bytes, update=False):
scalar = validate_secret(scalar)
new_key ='secp256k1_pubkey *', self.public_key[0])
lib.secp256k1_ec_pubkey_tweak_mul(self.context.ctx, new_key, scalar)
if update:
self.public_key = new_key
return self
return PublicKey(new_key, self.context)
def combine(self, public_keys, update=False):
new_key ='secp256k1_pubkey *')
combined = lib.secp256k1_ec_pubkey_combine(
self.context.ctx, new_key, [pk.public_key for pk in public_keys], len(public_keys)
if not combined:
raise ValueError('The sum of the public keys is invalid.')
if update:
self.public_key = new_key
return self
return PublicKey(new_key, self.context)
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
return self.format(compressed=False) == other.format(compressed=False)