Cross-platform Python CFFI bindings for libsecp256k1
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from base64 import b64decode, b64encode
from hashlib import sha256 as _sha256
from os import environ, urandom
from typing import Generator
from coincurve.context import GLOBAL_CONTEXT, Context
from coincurve.types import Hasher
from ._libsecp256k1 import ffi, lib
ZERO = b'\x00'
if environ.get('COINCURVE_BUILDING_DOCS') != 'true':
def sha256(bytestr: bytes) -> bytes:
return _sha256(bytestr).digest()
else: # no cov
class __Nonce(tuple):
def __repr__(self):
return '(ffi.NULL, ffi.NULL)'
class __HasherSHA256:
def __call__(self, bytestr: bytes) -> bytes:
return _sha256(bytestr).digest()
def __repr__(self):
return 'sha256'
DEFAULT_NONCE = __Nonce((ffi.NULL, ffi.NULL)) # type: ignore
sha256 = __HasherSHA256()
def pad_hex(hexed: str) -> str:
# Pad odd-length hex strings.
return hexed if not len(hexed) & 1 else f'0{hexed}'
def bytes_to_int(bytestr: bytes) -> int:
return int.from_bytes(bytestr, 'big')
def int_to_bytes(num: int) -> bytes:
return num.to_bytes((num.bit_length() + 7) // 8 or 1, 'big')
def int_to_bytes_padded(num: int) -> bytes:
return pad_scalar(num.to_bytes((num.bit_length() + 7) // 8 or 1, 'big'))
def hex_to_bytes(hexed: str) -> bytes:
return pad_scalar(bytes.fromhex(pad_hex(hexed)))
def chunk_data(data: bytes, size: int) -> Generator[bytes, None, None]:
return (data[i : i + size] for i in range(0, len(data), size))
def der_to_pem(der: bytes) -> bytes:
return b''.join([PEM_HEADER, b'\n'.join(chunk_data(b64encode(der), 64)), b'\n', PEM_FOOTER])
def pem_to_der(pem: bytes) -> bytes:
return b64decode(b''.join(pem.strip().splitlines()[1:-1]))
def get_valid_secret() -> bytes:
while True:
secret = urandom(KEY_SIZE)
if ZERO < secret < GROUP_ORDER:
return secret
def pad_scalar(scalar: bytes) -> bytes:
return (ZERO * (KEY_SIZE - len(scalar))) + scalar
def validate_secret(secret: bytes) -> bytes:
if not 0 < bytes_to_int(secret) < GROUP_ORDER_INT:
raise ValueError('Secret scalar must be greater than 0 and less than {}.'.format(GROUP_ORDER_INT))
return pad_scalar(secret)
def verify_signature(
signature: bytes, message: bytes, public_key: bytes, hasher: Hasher = sha256, context: Context = GLOBAL_CONTEXT
) -> bool:
:param signature: The ECDSA signature.
:param message: The message that was supposedly signed.
:param public_key: The formatted public key.
:param hasher: The hash function to use, which must return 32 bytes. By default,
the `sha256` algorithm is used. If `None`, no hashing occurs.
:param context:
:return: A boolean indicating whether or not the signature is correct.
:raises ValueError: If the public key could not be parsed or was invalid, the message hash was
not 32 bytes long, or the DER-encoded signature could not be parsed.
pubkey ='secp256k1_pubkey *')
pubkey_parsed = lib.secp256k1_ec_pubkey_parse(context.ctx, pubkey, public_key, len(public_key))
if not pubkey_parsed:
raise ValueError('The public key could not be parsed or is invalid.')
msg_hash = hasher(message) if hasher is not None else message
if len(msg_hash) != 32:
raise ValueError('Message hash must be 32 bytes long.')
sig ='secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *')
sig_parsed = lib.secp256k1_ecdsa_signature_parse_der(context.ctx, sig, signature, len(signature))
if not sig_parsed:
raise ValueError('The DER-encoded signature could not be parsed.')
verified = lib.secp256k1_ecdsa_verify(context.ctx, sig, msg_hash, pubkey)
# A performance hack to avoid global bool() lookup.
return not not verified