Duke Leto Presentations
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\usepackage{beamerthemeHannover, graphicx, amsmath, amssymb, multicol}
\title{ CASH Music \\ Refactoring The Music Industry }
\author[@dukeleto]{Jonathan "Duke" Leto}
\includegraphics[width=225px, height=160px]{cashmusic}
\frametitle{CASH Music}
\item Artists should control their careers
\item Artist website is their business hub
\item Web is becoming an open platform for closed apps
\item Normal folks don't want to know what an API is
\item Aside: People are not APIs!
\item CM candy coats APIs into delicious interoperable UI components
\frametitle{Why is CASH Music Important To Artists?}
\item We support artist sustainability...
\item Artists currently pay up to a 40\% cut of digital sales
\item Artists pay $\sim$ 50 cents *per* download code
\item Artists don't know who their fans are! (iTunes)
\item CASH Music is a non-profit (unheard of in music tech)
\item Artists don't know they need CASH Music, yet
\frametitle{Web.Next Scale}
\item Individual vs. Corporate Scale
\item CASH Music solves problems at the scale of individual artists, bands and labels
\item These people are not typical techie types
\item Need to design UI's for a unique niche
\frametitle{ CASH Music Dirty Details }
\item Requires PHP 5.2.3 or newer (includes just about every crappy webhost)
\item No external dependencies (bundles a few)
\item Works on SQLite or MySQL (Postgres would be cool, but no one would use it)
\item Custom single file web installer (needs music)
\item We have a test suite! And continuous integration!
\frametitle{ Happening Now... }
\item Live demos every other week with real artists
\item In talks with many companies to integrate into various APIs
\item ...
\frametitle{ Resources }
\item http://cashmusic.org
\item http://github.com/cashmusic
\item @cashmusic
\item Slides available at http://leto.github.com