# `blake2b` [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/emilbayes/blake2b.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/emilbayes/blake2b) > Blake2b (64-bit version) in pure Javascript This module is based on @dcposch [implementation of BLAKE2b](https://github.com/dcposch/blakejs), with some changes: * This module requires you to pass in a `out` buffer, saving an allocation * This module allows you to set the `salt` and `personal` parameters * This module exports constants for the parameters in libsodium style * Uses a WASM version (where it is supported) for massive performance boosts All credit goes to @dcposch for doing the hard work of porting the implementation from C to Javascript. ## Usage ```js var blake2b = require('blake2b') var output = new Uint8Array(64) var input = Buffer.from('hello world') blake2b(output, input) ``` ## API ### `var hash = blake2b(outLength, [key], [salt], [personal], [noAssert = false])` Create a new hash instance, optionally with `key`, `salt` and `personal`. Bypass input assertions by setting `noAssert` to `true`. All parameters must be `Uint8Array`, `Buffer` or another object with a compatible API. All parameters must also fulfill the following constraints, or an `AssertionError` will be thrown (unless `noAssert = true`): * `outLength` must within the byte ranges defined by the constants below. * `key` is optional, but must within the byte ranges defined by the constants below, if given. This value must be kept secret, and can be used to create prefix-MACs. * `salt` is optional, but must be exactly `SALTBYTES`, if given. You can use this parameter as a kind of per user id, or local versioning scheme. This value is not required to be secret. * `personal` is optional, but must be exactly `PERSONALBYTES`, if given. You can use this parameter as a kind of app id, or global versioning scheme. This value is not required to be secret. ### `var hash = hash.update(input)` Update the hash with new `input`. Calling this method after `.digest` will throw an error. ### `var out = hash.digest(out)` Finalise the the hash and write the digest to `out`. `out` must be exactly equal to `outLength` given in the `blake2b` method. Optionally you can pass `hex` to get the hash as a hex string or no arguments to have the hash return a new Uint8Array with the hash. ### Constants * `blake2b.BYTES_MIN` Minimum length of `out` * `blake2b.BYTES_MAX` Maximum length of `out` * `blake2b.BYTES` Recommended default length of `out` * `blake2b.KEYBYTES_MIN` Minimum length of `key` * `blake2b.KEYBYTES_MAX` Maximum length of `key` * `blake2b.KEYBYTES` Recommended default length of `key` * `blake2b.SALTBYTES` Required length of `salt` * `blake2b.PERSONALBYTES` Required length of `personal` ## Install ```sh npm install blake2b ``` ## Test vectors This repository includes test vectors with `{outlen, out, input, key, salt, personal}` objects for testing conformance against the spec and other implementations: * Lines [2 - 257](test-vectors.json#L2-L257) are tests for hashing with no key, taken from [BLAKE2 test vectors](https://github.com/BLAKE2/BLAKE2/blob/5cbb39c9ef8007f0b63723e3aea06cd0887e36ad/testvectors/blake2-kat.json) * Lines [258 - 513](test-vectors.json#L258-L513) are tests for hashing with keys, taken from [BLAKE2 test vectors](https://github.com/BLAKE2/BLAKE2/blob/5cbb39c9ef8007f0b63723e3aea06cd0887e36ad/testvectors/blake2-kat.json) * Lines [514- 577](test-vectors.json#L514-L577) are tests for hashing with key, salt and personalisation, derived from the [libsodium tests](https://github.com/jedisct1/libsodium/blob/3a9c4c38f7dbe671d91dcfa267c919734b4923df/test/default/generichash3.c) ## License [ISC](LICENSE)