@file:Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE") package cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet import kotlin.math.roundToLong internal typealias Leaf = String /** * A tiny log. */ interface Twig { /** * Log the message. Simple. */ fun twig(logMessage: String = "", priority: Int = 0) /** * Bundles twigs together. */ operator fun plus(twig: Twig): Twig { // if the other twig is a composite twig, let it handle the addition return if (twig is CompositeTwig) twig.plus(this) else CompositeTwig(mutableListOf(this, twig)) } companion object { /** * Access the trunk corresponding to this twig. */ val trunk get() = Bush.trunk /** * Convenience function to just turn this thing on. Twigs are silent by default so this is * most useful to enable developer logging at the right time. */ fun enabled(isEnabled: Boolean) { if (isEnabled) plant(TroubleshootingTwig()) else plant(SilentTwig()) } /** * Plants the twig, making it the one and only bush. Twigs can be bundled together to create * the appearance of multiple bushes (i.e `Twig.plant(twigA + twigB + twigC)`) even though * there's only ever one bush. */ fun plant(rootTwig: Twig) { Bush.trunk = rootTwig } /** * Generate a leaf on the bush. Leaves show up in every log message as tags until they are * clipped. */ fun sprout(leaf: Leaf) = Bush.leaves.add(leaf) /** * Clip a leaf from the bush. Clipped leaves no longer appear in logs. */ fun clip(leaf: Leaf) = Bush.leaves.remove(leaf) /** * Clip all leaves from the bush. */ fun prune() = Bush.leaves.clear() } } /** * A collection of tiny logs (twigs) consisting of one trunk and maybe some leaves. There can only * ever be one trunk. Trunks are created by planting a twig. Whenever a leaf sprouts, it will appear * as a tag on every log message until clipped. * * @see [Twig.plant] * @see [Twig.sprout] * @see [Twig.clip] */ object Bush { @Volatile var trunk: Twig = SilentTwig() val leaves: MutableSet = CopyOnWriteArraySet() } /** * Makes a tiny log. */ inline fun twig(message: String, priority: Int = 0) = Bush.trunk.twig(message, priority) /** * Makes an exception. */ inline fun twig(t: Throwable) = t.stackTraceToString().lines().forEach { twig(it) } /** * Times a tiny log. */ inline fun twig(logMessage: String, priority: Int = 0, block: () -> R): R = Bush.trunk.twig(logMessage, priority, block) /** * Meticulously times a tiny task. */ inline fun twigTask(logMessage: String, priority: Int = 0, block: () -> R): R = Bush.trunk.twigTask(logMessage, priority, block) /** * A tiny log that does nothing. No one hears this twig fall in the woods. */ class SilentTwig : Twig { /** * Shh. */ override fun twig(logMessage: String, priority: Int) { // shh } } /** * A tiny log for detecting troubles. Aim at your troubles and pull the twigger. * * @param formatter a formatter for the twigs. The default one is pretty spiffy. * @param printer a printer for the twigs. The default is System.err.println. */ open class TroubleshootingTwig( val formatter: (String) -> String = spiffy(6), val printer: (String) -> Any = System.err::println, val minPriority: Int = 0 ) : Twig { /** * Actually print and format the log message, unlike the SilentTwig, which does nothing. */ override fun twig(logMessage: String, priority: Int) { if (priority >= minPriority) printer(formatter(logMessage)) } companion object { /** * A tiny log formatter that makes twigs pretty spiffy. * * @param stackFrame the stack frame from which we try to derive the class. This can vary depending * on how the code is called so we expose it for flexibility. Jiggle the handle on this whenever the * line numbers appear incorrect. */ fun spiffy(stackFrame: Int = 4, tag: String = "@TWIG"): (String) -> String = { logMessage: String -> val stack = Thread.currentThread().stackTrace[stackFrame] val time = String.format("$tag %1\$tD %1\$tI:%1\$tM:%1\$tS.%1\$tN", System.currentTimeMillis()) val className = stack.className.split(".").lastOrNull()?.split("\$")?.firstOrNull() val tags = Bush.leaves.joinToString(" #", "#") "$time[$className:${stack.lineNumber}]($tags) $logMessage" } } } /** * Since there can only ever be one trunk on the bush of twigs, this class lets * you cheat and make that trunk be a bundle of twigs. */ open class CompositeTwig(open val twigBundle: MutableList) : Twig { override operator fun plus(twig: Twig): Twig { if (twig is CompositeTwig) twigBundle.addAll(twig.twigBundle) else twigBundle.add(twig) return this } override fun twig(logMessage: String, priority: Int) { for (twig in twigBundle) { twig.twig(logMessage, priority) } } } /** * Times a tiny log. Execute the block of code on the clock. */ inline fun Twig.twig(logMessage: String, priority: Int = 0, block: () -> R): R { val start = System.currentTimeMillis() val result = block() val elapsed = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) twig("$logMessage | ${elapsed}ms", priority) return result } /** * A tiny log task. Execute the block of code with some twigging around the outside. For silent * twigs, this adds a small amount of overhead at the call site but still avoids logging. * * note: being an extension function (i.e. static rather than a member of the Twig interface) allows * this function to be inlined and simplifies its use with suspend functions * (otherwise the function and its "block" param would have to suspend) */ inline fun Twig.twigTask(logMessage: String, priority: Int = 0, block: () -> R): R { twig("$logMessage - started | on thread ${Thread.currentThread().name}", priority) val start = System.nanoTime() val result = block() val elapsed = ((System.nanoTime() - start) / 1e5).roundToLong() / 10L twig("$logMessage - completed | in $elapsed ms" + " on thread ${Thread.currentThread().name}", priority) return result }