package import import import import import import import cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.Service import io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers.IO import kotlinx.coroutines.delay import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext /** * Serves as a source of compact blocks received from the light wallet server. Once started, it will use the given * lightwallet service to request all the appropriate blocks and compact block store to persist them. By delegating to * these dependencies, the downloader remains agnostic to the particular implementation of how to retrieve and store * data; although, by default the SDK uses gRPC and SQL. * * @property lightWalletService the service used for requesting compact blocks * @property compactBlockStore responsible for persisting the compact blocks that are received */ open class CompactBlockDownloader private constructor(val compactBlockStore: CompactBlockStore) { lateinit var lightWalletService: LightWalletService private set constructor( lightWalletService: LightWalletService, compactBlockStore: CompactBlockStore ) : this(compactBlockStore) { this.lightWalletService = lightWalletService } /** * Requests the given range of blocks from the lightwalletService and then persists them to the * compactBlockStore. * * @param heightRange the inclusive range of heights to request. For example 10..20 would * request 11 blocks (including block 10 and block 20). * * @return the number of blocks that were returned in the results from the lightwalletService. */ suspend fun downloadBlockRange(heightRange: ClosedRange): Int = withContext(IO) { val result = lightWalletService.getBlockRange(heightRange) compactBlockStore.write(result) } /** * Rewind the storage to the given height, usually to handle reorgs. Deletes all blocks above * the given height. * * @param height the height to which the data will rewind. */ suspend fun rewindToHeight(height: BlockHeight) = // TODO: cancel anything in flight compactBlockStore.rewindTo(height) /** * Return the latest block height known by the lightwalletService. * * @return the latest block height. */ suspend fun getLatestBlockHeight() = lightWalletService.getLatestBlockHeight() /** * Return the latest block height that has been persisted into the [CompactBlockStore]. * * @return the latest block height that has been persisted. */ suspend fun getLastDownloadedHeight() = compactBlockStore.getLatestHeight() suspend fun getServerInfo(): Service.LightdInfo = withContext(IO) { lateinit var result: Service.LightdInfo try { result = lightWalletService.getServerInfo() } catch (e: StatusRuntimeException) { retryUpTo(6) { twig("WARNING: reconnecting to service in response to failure (retry #${it + 1}): $e") lightWalletService.reconnect() result = lightWalletService.getServerInfo() } } result } suspend fun changeService( newService: LightWalletService, errorHandler: (Throwable) -> Unit = { throw it } ) = withContext(IO) { try { val existing = lightWalletService.getServerInfo() val new = newService.getServerInfo() val nonMatching = existing.essentialPropertyDiff(new) if (nonMatching.size > 0) { errorHandler( LightWalletException.ChangeServerException.ChainInfoNotMatching( nonMatching.joinToString(), existing, new ) ) } gracefullyShutdown(lightWalletService) lightWalletService = newService } catch (s: StatusRuntimeException) { errorHandler(LightWalletException.ChangeServerException.StatusException(s.status)) } catch (t: Throwable) { errorHandler(t) } } /** * Stop this downloader and cleanup any resources being used. */ suspend fun stop() { withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { lightWalletService.shutdown() } compactBlockStore.close() } /** * Fetch the details of a known transaction. * * @return the full transaction info. */ fun fetchTransaction(txId: ByteArray) = lightWalletService.fetchTransaction(txId) // // Convenience functions // private suspend fun CoroutineScope.gracefullyShutdown(service: LightWalletService) = launch { delay(2_000L) tryWarn("Warning: error while shutting down service") { service.shutdown() } } /** * Return a list of critical properties that do not match. */ private fun Service.LightdInfo.essentialPropertyDiff(other: Service.LightdInfo) = mutableListOf().also { if (!consensusBranchId.equals(other.consensusBranchId, true)) { it.add("consensusBranchId") } if (saplingActivationHeight != other.saplingActivationHeight) { it.add("saplingActivationHeight") } if (!chainName.equals(other.chainName, true)) { it.add("chainName") } } }