package import import android.os.Bundle import android.os.SystemClock import android.text.InputType import android.view.KeyEvent import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.MotionEvent import android.view.MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN import android.view.MotionEvent.ACTION_UP import android.view.View import android.widget.TextView import import androidx.lifecycle.lifecycleScope import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView import import import import import import import import import import* import import import import com.tylersuehr.chips.Chip import com.tylersuehr.chips.ChipsAdapter import com.tylersuehr.chips.SeedWordAdapter import kotlinx.coroutines.launch class RestoreFragment : BaseFragment(), View.OnKeyListener { override val screen = Report.Screen.RESTORE private val walletSetup: WalletSetupViewModel by activityViewModels() private lateinit var seedWordRecycler: RecyclerView private var seedWordAdapter: SeedWordAdapter? = null override fun inflate(inflater: LayoutInflater): FragmentRestoreBinding = FragmentRestoreBinding.inflate(inflater) override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState) seedWordRecycler = binding.chipsInput.findViewById( seedWordAdapter = SeedWordAdapter(seedWordRecycler.adapter as ChipsAdapter).onDataSetChanged { onChipsModified() }.also { onChipsModified() } seedWordRecycler.adapter = seedWordAdapter binding.chipsInput.apply { setFilterableChipList(getChips()) setDelimiter("[ ;,]", true) } binding.buttonDone.setOnClickListener { onDone().also { tapped(RESTORE_DONE) } } binding.buttonSuccess.setOnClickListener { onEnterWallet().also { tapped(RESTORE_SUCCESS) } } binding.buttonClear.setOnClickListener { onClearSeedWords().also { tapped(RESTORE_CLEAR) } } } private fun onClearSeedWords() { mainActivity?.showConfirmation( "Clear All Words", "Are you sure you would like to clear all the seed words and type them again?", "Clear", onPositive = { binding.chipsInput.clearSelectedChips() } ) } override fun onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState) mainActivity?.onFragmentBackPressed(this) { tapped(RESTORE_BACK) if (seedWordAdapter == null || seedWordAdapter?.itemCount == 1) { onExit() } else { MaterialAlertDialogBuilder(requireContext()) .setMessage("Are you sure? For security, the words that you have entered will be cleared!") .setTitle("Abort?") .setPositiveButton("Stay") { dialog, _ -> mainActivity?.reportFunnel(Restore.Stay) dialog.dismiss() } .setNegativeButton("Exit") { dialog, _ -> dialog.dismiss() onExit() } .show() } } } override fun onResume() { super.onResume() // Require one less tap to enter the seed words touchScreenForUser() } private fun onExit() { mainActivity?.reportFunnel(Restore.Exit) hideAutoCompleteWords() mainActivity?.hideKeyboard() mainActivity?.navController?.popBackStack() } private fun onEnterWallet() { mainActivity?.reportFunnel(Restore.Success) mainActivity?.safeNavigate( } private fun onDone() { mainActivity?.reportFunnel(Restore.Done) mainActivity?.hideKeyboard() val activation = ZcashWalletApp.instance.defaultNetwork.saplingActivationHeight val seedPhrase = binding.chipsInput.selectedChips.joinToString(" ") { it.title } var birthday = binding.root.findViewById( .let { birthdateString -> if (birthdateString.isNullOrEmpty()) activation.value else birthdateString.toLong() }.coerceAtLeast(activation.value) try { walletSetup.validatePhrase(seedPhrase) importWallet(seedPhrase,, birthday)) } catch (t: Throwable) { mainActivity?.showInvalidSeedPhraseError(t) } } private fun importWallet(seedPhrase: String, birthday: BlockHeight?) { mainActivity?.reportFunnel(Restore.ImportStarted) mainActivity?.hideKeyboard() mainActivity?.apply { lifecycleScope.launch { try { walletSetup.importWallet(seedPhrase, birthday) mainActivity?.startSync() // bugfix: if the user proceeds before the synchronizer is created the app will crash! binding.buttonSuccess.isEnabled = true mainActivity?.reportFunnel(Restore.ImportCompleted) playSound("sound_receive_small.mp3") vibrateSuccess() } catch (e: UnsatisfiedLinkError) { mainActivity?.showSharedLibraryCriticalError(e) } } } binding.groupDone.visibility = View.GONE binding.groupStart.visibility = View.GONE binding.groupSuccess.visibility = View.VISIBLE binding.buttonSuccess.isEnabled = false } private fun onChipsModified() { updateDoneViews() forceShowKeyboard() } private fun updateDoneViews(): Boolean { val count = seedWordAdapter?.itemCount ?: 0 reportWords(count - 1) // subtract 1 for the editText val isDone = count > 24 binding.groupDone.goneIf(!isDone) return !isDone } // forcefully show the keyboard as a hack to fix odd behavior where the keyboard // sometimes closes randomly and inexplicably in between seed word entries private fun forceShowKeyboard() { requireView().postDelayed( { val isDone = (seedWordAdapter?.itemCount ?: 0) > 24 val focusedView = if (isDone) binding.inputBirthdate else seedWordAdapter!!.editText mainActivity!!.showKeyboard(focusedView) focusedView.requestFocus() }, 500L ) } private fun reportWords(count: Int) { mainActivity?.run { // reportFunnel(Restore.SeedWordCount(count)) if (count == 1) { reportFunnel(Restore.SeedWordsStarted) } else if (count == 24) { reportFunnel(Restore.SeedWordsCompleted) } } } private fun hideAutoCompleteWords() { seedWordAdapter?.editText?.setText("") } private fun getChips(): List { return resources.getStringArray(R.array.word_list).map { SeedWordChip(it) } } private fun touchScreenForUser() { seedWordAdapter?.editText?.apply { postDelayed( { seedWordAdapter?.editText?.inputType = InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_NO_SUGGESTIONS or InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_VISIBLE_PASSWORD dispatchTouchEvent(motionEvent(ACTION_DOWN)) dispatchTouchEvent(motionEvent(ACTION_UP)) }, 100L ) } } private fun motionEvent(action: Int) = SystemClock.uptimeMillis().let { now -> MotionEvent.obtain(now, now, action, 0f, 0f, 0) } override fun onKey(v: View?, keyCode: Int, event: KeyEvent?): Boolean { return false } } class SeedWordChip(val word: String, var index: Int = -1) : Chip() { override fun getSubtitle(): String? = null // "subtitle for $word" override fun getAvatarDrawable(): Drawable? = null override fun getId() = index override fun getTitle() = word override fun getAvatarUri() = null }