WordPress plugin to accept HUSH payments in WooCommerce.
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=== Hush Payment Gateway ===
Contributors: Hush Developers
Donate link: https://hush.is
Tags: cryptocurrency, crypto, checkout, woocommerce, e-commerce, ecommerce, store, payments, gateway, paypal, cryptocurrency checkout, hush, zk-snarks, equihash, silentdragon, silentdragonlite
Requires at least: 4.7
Tested up to: 6.0.0
Stable tag: 1.0.0
Requires PHP: 5.2
License: GPLv3
License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html

This plugin provides a simple way to allow WooCommerce customers to pay with HUSH

== Description ==

= Minimum Requirements =
* PHP 5.2 or greater is recommended
* WordPress 4.7 or greater is recommended
* WooCommerce 2.1 or greater is recommended

= What This Plugin Does: =
This plugin allows your WooCommerce Store to accept payments in HUSH. It provides simple instructions to the customer for sending payment and does not require running a node 24/7. All orders are manually approved after verifying payment is received. It is expected that store owners using this plugin already have or know how to run their own Hush wallet to generate addresses to configure the plugin and receive payments.

= No Middleman or Third Party Risk: =
The Hush WooCommerce Gateway allows customers to pay directly from their personal wallet to your stores personal wallet by following simple instructions. The customer and store owner are in full control and there are no third-parties involved, provided both the customer and store owner are running their own wallets, in control of their private keys, and not using a third-party exchange or custodial wallet service. We recommend storing your HUSH in SilentDragon or SilentDragonLite.

= How does it work?: =
When an order is submitted via the HUSH payment method, the order will be placed in "on-hold" status inside your WooCommerce Store's Dashboard, no different than a cheque or cash payment method. During the checkout process, the customer will receive instructions for payment on the order confirmation/thank you page. This will include a random z-address chosen from your list of addresses configured in the plugin settings and the amount based on current exchange conversion rate from CoinGecko, with any added volatility mark-up applied. A copy/paste HUSH Pay URI will also be generated. After the Customer sends payment, the store owner will verify that the coins have arrived in their wallet and mark the order as Processing/Completed in their WooCommerce Dashboard.

= Why use HUSH? =

* Extreme Privacy with enforced z-z transactions using zero knowledge mathematics!
* HUSH currently has the largest anonymity set of any cryptocurrency, making it one of the most private in the world.
* The plugin allows stores to use any wallet of their choosing, including SilentDragon and SilentDragonLite

== Installation ==

= Minimum Requirements =
* PHP 5.2 or greater is recommended
* WordPress 4.7 or greater is recommended
* WooCommerce 2.1 or greater is recommended

Visit hush.is/privacy for more details on HUSH

= Manual installation =

In some cases you may have to manually install the plugin, to do so is fairly simple.

* FTP into your webserver

* Go into the public_html/your_wordpress_folder/wp-content/plugins folder.

* Upload the hush-payment-gateway.zip file.

* Extract the zip file contents into the plugins folder. The extracted files should be located at: public_html/your_wordpress_folder/wp-content/plugins/hush-payment-gateway

* In your Wordpress Admin Dashboard, go to "Plugins" Section, and Click "Installed Plugins", Activate the Hush WooCommerce Gateway.

* Go to the WooCommerce Section, click Settings, Press the "Payments" Tab at the top, Enable Hush, and press Manage.

* Configure the plugin with a list of your HUSH addresses you would like to receive payments at, change any messaging you desire to customize, and set volatility markup.

== Screenshots ==

1. WooCommerce Checkout Page Example.

2. WooCommerce Thank You Page Example.

3. Hush Woocommerce Gateway settings.

== Changelog ==

= 1.0.0 =

* Initial release. hush.is/privacy - Speak And Transact Freely.