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use bigint::U256;
use blake2::Params as Blake2Params;
use byteorder::{ByteOrder, LittleEndian, ReadBytesExt, WriteBytesExt};
/// Maximum serialized size of the node metadata.
pub const MAX_NODE_DATA_SIZE: usize = 32 + // subtree commitment
4 + // start time
4 + // end time
4 + // start target
4 + // end target
32 + // start sapling tree root
32 + // end sapling tree root
32 + // subtree total work
9 + // start height (compact uint)
9 + // end height (compact uint)
9; // Sapling tx count (compact uint)
// = total of 171
/// Node metadata.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
#[cfg_attr(test, derive(PartialEq))]
pub struct NodeData {
/// Consensus branch id, should be provided by deserializing node.
pub consensus_branch_id: u32,
/// Subtree commitment - either block hash for leaves or hashsum of children for nodes.
pub subtree_commitment: [u8; 32],
/// Start time.
pub start_time: u32,
/// End time.
pub end_time: u32,
/// Start target.
pub start_target: u32,
/// End target.
pub end_target: u32,
/// Start sapling tree root.
pub start_sapling_root: [u8; 32],
/// End sapling tree root.
pub end_sapling_root: [u8; 32],
/// Part of tree total work.
pub subtree_total_work: U256,
/// Start height.
pub start_height: u64,
/// End height
pub end_height: u64,
/// Number of Sapling transactions.
pub sapling_tx: u64,
fn blake2b_personal(personalization: &[u8], input: &[u8]) -> [u8; 32] {
let hash_result = Blake2Params::new()
let mut result = [0u8; 32];
fn personalization(branch_id: u32) -> [u8; 16] {
let mut result = [0u8; 16];
LittleEndian::write_u32(&mut result[12..], branch_id);
impl NodeData {
/// Combine two nodes metadata.
pub fn combine(left: &NodeData, right: &NodeData) -> NodeData {
assert_eq!(left.consensus_branch_id, right.consensus_branch_id);
let mut hash_buf = [0u8; MAX_NODE_DATA_SIZE * 2];
let size = {
let mut cursor = ::std::io::Cursor::new(&mut hash_buf[..]);
left.write(&mut cursor)
.expect("Writing to memory buf with enough length cannot fail; qed");
.write(&mut cursor)
.expect("Writing to memory buf with enough length cannot fail; qed");
cursor.position() as usize
let hash = blake2b_personal(
NodeData {
consensus_branch_id: left.consensus_branch_id,
subtree_commitment: hash,
start_time: left.start_time,
end_time: right.end_time,
start_target: left.start_target,
end_target: right.end_target,
start_sapling_root: left.start_sapling_root,
end_sapling_root: right.end_sapling_root,
subtree_total_work: left.subtree_total_work + right.subtree_total_work,
start_height: left.start_height,
end_height: right.end_height,
sapling_tx: left.sapling_tx + right.sapling_tx,
fn write_compact<W: std::io::Write>(w: &mut W, compact: u64) -> std::io::Result<()> {
match compact {
0..=0xfc => w.write_all(&[compact as u8])?,
0xfd..=0xffff => {
w.write_u16::<LittleEndian>(compact as u16)?;
0x10000..=0xffff_ffff => {
w.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(compact as u32)?;
_ => {
fn read_compact<R: std::io::Read>(reader: &mut R) -> std::io::Result<u64> {
let result = match reader.read_u8()? {
i @ 0..=0xfc => i.into(),
0xfd => reader.read_u16::<LittleEndian>()?.into(),
0xfe => reader.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?.into(),
_ => reader.read_u64::<LittleEndian>()?,
/// Write to the byte representation.
pub fn write<W: std::io::Write>(&self, w: &mut W) -> std::io::Result<()> {
let mut work_buf = [0u8; 32];
self.subtree_total_work.to_little_endian(&mut work_buf[..]);
Self::write_compact(w, self.start_height)?;
Self::write_compact(w, self.end_height)?;
Self::write_compact(w, self.sapling_tx)?;
/// Read from the byte representation.
pub fn read<R: std::io::Read>(consensus_branch_id: u32, r: &mut R) -> std::io::Result<Self> {
let mut data = NodeData {
r.read_exact(&mut data.subtree_commitment)?;
data.start_time = r.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?;
data.end_time = r.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?;
data.start_target = r.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?;
data.end_target = r.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?;
r.read_exact(&mut data.start_sapling_root)?;
r.read_exact(&mut data.end_sapling_root)?;
let mut work_buf = [0u8; 32];
r.read_exact(&mut work_buf)?;
data.subtree_total_work = U256::from_little_endian(&work_buf);
data.start_height = Self::read_compact(r)?;
data.end_height = Self::read_compact(r)?;
data.sapling_tx = Self::read_compact(r)?;
/// Convert to byte representation.
pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut buf = [0u8; MAX_NODE_DATA_SIZE];
let pos = {
let mut cursor = std::io::Cursor::new(&mut buf[..]);
self.write(&mut cursor).expect("Cursor cannot fail");
cursor.position() as usize
/// Convert from byte representation.
pub fn from_bytes<T: AsRef<[u8]>>(consensus_branch_id: u32, buf: T) -> std::io::Result<Self> {
let mut cursor = std::io::Cursor::new(buf);
Self::read(consensus_branch_id, &mut cursor)
/// Hash node metadata
pub fn hash(&self) -> [u8; 32] {
let bytes = self.to_bytes();
blake2b_personal(&personalization(self.consensus_branch_id), &bytes)
impl quickcheck::Arbitrary for NodeData {
fn arbitrary<G: quickcheck::Gen>(gen: &mut G) -> Self {
let mut node_data = NodeData {
consensus_branch_id: 0,
gen.fill_bytes(&mut node_data.subtree_commitment[..]);
node_data.start_time = gen.next_u32();
node_data.end_time = gen.next_u32();
node_data.start_target = gen.next_u32();
node_data.end_target = gen.next_u32();
gen.fill_bytes(&mut node_data.start_sapling_root[..]);
gen.fill_bytes(&mut node_data.end_sapling_root[..]);
let mut number = [0u8; 32];
gen.fill_bytes(&mut number[..]);
node_data.subtree_total_work = U256::from_little_endian(&number[..]);
node_data.start_height = gen.next_u64();
node_data.end_height = gen.next_u64();
node_data.sapling_tx = gen.next_u64();
mod tests {
use super::NodeData;
use quickcheck::{quickcheck, TestResult};
quickcheck! {
fn serialization_round_trip(node_data: NodeData) -> TestResult {
TestResult::from_bool(NodeData::from_bytes(0, &node_data.to_bytes()).unwrap() == node_data)