# Release Build Process The first time you create a release build you'll need to create a keystore file and prepare a properties file. The release keystore is used for app signing and a properties file is used to store sensitive information about the keystore. **These files should not be committed to git.** Once you have both of these files you can create a release build for the Google Play Store. ## Create a release keystore ### Creating a release keystore via CLI The `keytool` command can be used, for example: keytool -genkey -alias silentdragon -keyalg RSA -keystore new.jks -dname "CN=Duke Leto, O=Hush" -storepass testing -keypass 123 -validity XXX ### Creating a release keystore via GUI * With Android Studio IDE open, on the system bar click Build -> Generate Signed Bundle/APK * Select the APK option instead of the Bundle option * On the next screen select app as the module and click "Create new" * Set the Key Store Name to `silent_dragon_keystore.jks` and the path to that of the project, create a password for the keystore path, a Key alias, and a key password. The store password and key password should be the same. Fill out some basic organization information and click Ok. * On the next screen make sure the build variant "release" is selected and click Finish. ## Preparing a properties file Copy `secrets.properties` file from `examples` folder and paste it to the projects main directory. Fill store_file_location, key_alias, key_password and store_password when you created the release keystore. ## Building a release APK for Google Play Before creating each build you should increment the version code & version name in the build.gradle file. These must be incremented for each release otherwise the Play Store will reject the build. To create a release build navigate to the project directory in terminal and run ``` ./new_binary.sh 1.2.3 ``` where 1.2.3 is the version number, which must match the codebase to be accepted to Google Play. This will produce an apk file in the following directory. SilentDragonAndroid/app/build/output/apk/release/app-release.apk and also copy it to the current directory with the filename SilentDragonAndroid-1.2.3.apk This build can be directly uploaded to Google Play. ## Building a release APK for F-Droid This will be pursued once lite wallet functionality exists in the SilentDragonAndroid wallet. ## Contributing Contributions to this project are welcome and encouraged. ## License This project is under the GNU Public License v3. For the full license, see [LICENSE](LICENSE).