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/** @file
Declaration of arithmetic in the finite field F[p], for prime p of fixed length.
* @author This file is part of libsnark, developed by SCIPR Lab
* and contributors (see AUTHORS).
* @copyright MIT license (see LICENSE file)
#ifndef FP_HPP_
#define FP_HPP_
#include "algebra/fields/bigint.hpp"
#include "algebra/exponentiation/exponentiation.hpp"
namespace libsnark {
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
class Fp_model;
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &, const Fp_model<n, modulus>&);
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream &, Fp_model<n, modulus> &);
* Arithmetic in the finite field F[p], for prime p of fixed length.
* This class implements Fp-arithmetic, for a large prime p, using a fixed number
* of words. It is optimized for tight memory consumption, so the modulus p is
* passed as a template parameter, to avoid per-element overheads.
* The implementation is mostly a wrapper around GMP's MPN (constant-size integers).
* But for the integer sizes of interest for libsnark (3 to 5 limbs of 64 bits each),
* we implement performance-critical routines, like addition and multiplication,
* using hand-optimzied assembly code.
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
class Fp_model {
bigint<n> mont_repr;
static const mp_size_t num_limbs = n;
static const constexpr bigint<n>& mod = modulus;
static long long add_cnt;
static long long sub_cnt;
static long long mul_cnt;
static long long sqr_cnt;
static long long inv_cnt;
static size_t num_bits;
static bigint<n> euler; // (modulus-1)/2
static size_t s; // modulus = 2^s * t + 1
static bigint<n> t; // with t odd
static bigint<n> t_minus_1_over_2; // (t-1)/2
static Fp_model<n, modulus> nqr; // a quadratic nonresidue
static Fp_model<n, modulus> nqr_to_t; // nqr^t
static Fp_model<n, modulus> multiplicative_generator; // generator of Fp^*
static Fp_model<n, modulus> root_of_unity; // generator^((modulus-1)/2^s)
static mp_limb_t inv; // modulus^(-1) mod W, where W = 2^(word size)
static bigint<n> Rsquared; // R^2, where R = W^k, where k = ??
static bigint<n> Rcubed; // R^3
static bool modulus_is_valid() { return[n-1] != 0; } // mpn inverse assumes that highest limb is non-zero
Fp_model() {};
Fp_model(const bigint<n> &b);
Fp_model(const long x, const bool is_unsigned=false);
void set_ulong(const unsigned long x);
void mul_reduce(const bigint<n> &other);
void clear();
/* Return the standard (not Montgomery) representation of the
Field element's requivalence class. I.e. Fp(2).as_bigint()
would return bigint(2) */
bigint<n> as_bigint() const;
/* Return the last limb of the standard representation of the
field element. E.g. on 64-bit architectures Fp(123).as_ulong()
and Fp(2^64+123).as_ulong() would both return 123. */
unsigned long as_ulong() const;
bool operator==(const Fp_model& other) const;
bool operator!=(const Fp_model& other) const;
bool is_zero() const;
void print() const;
Fp_model& operator+=(const Fp_model& other);
Fp_model& operator-=(const Fp_model& other);
Fp_model& operator*=(const Fp_model& other);
Fp_model& operator^=(const unsigned long pow);
template<mp_size_t m>
Fp_model& operator^=(const bigint<m> &pow);
Fp_model operator+(const Fp_model& other) const;
Fp_model operator-(const Fp_model& other) const;
Fp_model operator*(const Fp_model& other) const;
Fp_model operator-() const;
Fp_model squared() const;
Fp_model& invert();
Fp_model inverse() const;
Fp_model sqrt() const; // HAS TO BE A SQUARE (else does not terminate)
Fp_model operator^(const unsigned long pow) const;
template<mp_size_t m>
Fp_model operator^(const bigint<m> &pow) const;
static size_t size_in_bits() { return num_bits; }
static size_t capacity() { return num_bits - 1; }
static bigint<n> field_char() { return modulus; }
static Fp_model<n, modulus> zero();
static Fp_model<n, modulus> one();
static Fp_model<n, modulus> random_element();
friend std::ostream& operator<< <n,modulus>(std::ostream &out, const Fp_model<n, modulus> &p);
friend std::istream& operator>> <n,modulus>(std::istream &in, Fp_model<n, modulus> &p);
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
long long Fp_model<n, modulus>::add_cnt = 0;
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
long long Fp_model<n, modulus>::sub_cnt = 0;
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
long long Fp_model<n, modulus>::mul_cnt = 0;
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
long long Fp_model<n, modulus>::sqr_cnt = 0;
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
long long Fp_model<n, modulus>::inv_cnt = 0;
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
size_t Fp_model<n, modulus>::num_bits;
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
bigint<n> Fp_model<n, modulus>::euler;
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
size_t Fp_model<n, modulus>::s;
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
bigint<n> Fp_model<n, modulus>::t;
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
bigint<n> Fp_model<n, modulus>::t_minus_1_over_2;
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
Fp_model<n, modulus> Fp_model<n, modulus>::nqr;
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
Fp_model<n, modulus> Fp_model<n, modulus>::nqr_to_t;
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
Fp_model<n, modulus> Fp_model<n, modulus>::multiplicative_generator;
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
Fp_model<n, modulus> Fp_model<n, modulus>::root_of_unity;
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
mp_limb_t Fp_model<n, modulus>::inv;
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
bigint<n> Fp_model<n, modulus>::Rsquared;
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
bigint<n> Fp_model<n, modulus>::Rcubed;
} // libsnark
#include "algebra/fields/fp.tcc"
#endif // FP_HPP_