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/** @file
Implementation of arithmetic in the finite field F[p^2].
* @author This file is part of libsnark, developed by SCIPR Lab
* and contributors (see AUTHORS).
* @copyright MIT license (see LICENSE file)
#ifndef FP2_HPP_
#define FP2_HPP_
#include "algebra/fields/fp.hpp"
#include <vector>
namespace libsnark {
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
class Fp2_model;
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &, const Fp2_model<n, modulus> &);
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream &, Fp2_model<n, modulus> &);
* Arithmetic in the field F[p^3].
* Let p := modulus. This interface provides arithmetic for the extension field
* Fp2 = Fp[U]/(U^2-non_residue), where non_residue is in Fp.
* ASSUMPTION: p = 1 (mod 6)
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
class Fp2_model {
typedef Fp_model<n, modulus> my_Fp;
static bigint<2*n> euler; // (modulus^2-1)/2
static size_t s; // modulus^2 = 2^s * t + 1
static bigint<2*n> t; // with t odd
static bigint<2*n> t_minus_1_over_2; // (t-1)/2
static my_Fp non_residue; // X^4-non_residue irreducible over Fp; used for constructing Fp2 = Fp[X] / (X^2 - non_residue)
static Fp2_model<n, modulus> nqr; // a quadratic nonresidue in Fp2
static Fp2_model<n, modulus> nqr_to_t; // nqr^t
static my_Fp Frobenius_coeffs_c1[2]; // non_residue^((modulus^i-1)/2) for i=0,1
my_Fp c0, c1;
Fp2_model() {};
Fp2_model(const my_Fp& c0, const my_Fp& c1) : c0(c0), c1(c1) {};
void clear() { c0.clear(); c1.clear(); }
void print() const { printf("c0/c1:\n"); c0.print(); c1.print(); }
static Fp2_model<n, modulus> zero();
static Fp2_model<n, modulus> one();
static Fp2_model<n, modulus> random_element();
bool is_zero() const { return c0.is_zero() && c1.is_zero(); }
bool operator==(const Fp2_model &other) const;
bool operator!=(const Fp2_model &other) const;
Fp2_model operator+(const Fp2_model &other) const;
Fp2_model operator-(const Fp2_model &other) const;
Fp2_model operator*(const Fp2_model &other) const;
Fp2_model operator-() const;
Fp2_model squared() const; // default is squared_complex
Fp2_model inverse() const;
Fp2_model Frobenius_map(unsigned long power) const;
Fp2_model sqrt() const; // HAS TO BE A SQUARE (else does not terminate)
Fp2_model squared_karatsuba() const;
Fp2_model squared_complex() const;
template<mp_size_t m>
Fp2_model operator^(const bigint<m> &other) const;
static size_t size_in_bits() { return 2*my_Fp::size_in_bits(); }
static bigint<n> base_field_char() { return modulus; }
friend std::ostream& operator<< <n, modulus>(std::ostream &out, const Fp2_model<n, modulus> &el);
friend std::istream& operator>> <n, modulus>(std::istream &in, Fp2_model<n, modulus> &el);
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const std::vector<Fp2_model<n, modulus> > &v);
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, std::vector<Fp2_model<n, modulus> > &v);
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
Fp2_model<n, modulus> operator*(const Fp_model<n, modulus> &lhs, const Fp2_model<n, modulus> &rhs);
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
bigint<2*n> Fp2_model<n, modulus>::euler;
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
size_t Fp2_model<n, modulus>::s;
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
bigint<2*n> Fp2_model<n, modulus>::t;
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
bigint<2*n> Fp2_model<n, modulus>::t_minus_1_over_2;
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
Fp_model<n, modulus> Fp2_model<n, modulus>::non_residue;
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
Fp2_model<n, modulus> Fp2_model<n, modulus>::nqr;
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
Fp2_model<n, modulus> Fp2_model<n, modulus>::nqr_to_t;
template<mp_size_t n, const bigint<n>& modulus>
Fp_model<n, modulus> Fp2_model<n, modulus>::Frobenius_coeffs_c1[2];
} // libsnark
#include "algebra/fields/fp2.tcc"
#endif // FP2_HPP_