Hush full node GUI wallet
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

20 lines
752 B

6 years ago
<article class="bb b--black-10">
<a class="db pv4 ph3 ph0-l no-underline dark-gray dim" href="{{ .URL }}">
<div class="flex flex-column flex-row-ns">
{{ if .Params.featured_image }}
<div class="pr3-ns mb4 mb0-ns w-100 w-40-ns">
<img src="{{ .Params.featured_image }}" class="db" alt="image from {{ .Title }}">
{{ end }}
<div class="w-100{{ if .Params.featured_image }} w-60-ns pl3-ns{{ end }}">
<h1 class="f3 fw1 athelas mt0 lh-title">{{ .Title }}</h1>
<div class="f6 f5-l lh-copy nested-copy-line-height">
{{ .Summary }}
{{/* TODO: add author
<p class="f6 lh-copy mv0">By {{ .Author }}</p> */}}