# Official SilentDragon Release Notes SilentDragon release notes were done on Github until 1.0.0 and now are officially part of our Gitea repo at https://git.hush.is/hush/silentdragon ## Downloading Releases Hush releases are on our own Gitea at git.hush.is and no longer on Github, since they banned Duke Leto and also because they censor many people around the world and work with evil organizations. # SilentDragon 1.4.1 "Scintillating Sundew" ``` 52 files changed, 7163 insertions(+), 5023 deletions(-) ``` * View details of a transaction #136 * If a tx has no memo, you can simply double click on it to view more details. * Otherwise, right click and choose View Transaction * Render more details in View Block #135 * Now all transactions are listed as well as valuePools key * Greatly improved Private Key Importing * A custom rescan height or disabling rescanning is now possible * Invalid privkeys are now filtered out before being sent to the full node * This prevents confusing popups #142 * Fixed bug where importing multiple taddrs would rescan multiple times * New Tab "Debug Log" renders content of debug.log * Allows showing the last X lines of debug.log, defaults to 50 lines # SilentDragon 1.4.0 "Zany Zooid" ``` 95 files changed, 8438 insertions(+), 60854 deletions(-) ``` * Ability to view block info for any height #103 * Support a proxy running on something other than #127 * Bug fix for Windows file path when exporting #128 * Bug fix for `listtransactions` to display more than 10 mining reward txs in Transactions tab #126 * Now compiles on Ubuntu 20.04 thanks to jahway #125 * Translation fixes thanks to onryo #120 * Single set of translations for SD and SDX #122 # SilentDragon 1.3.1 "Omnicompetent Okapi" ``` 233 files changed, 77483 insertions(+), 16095 deletions(-) ``` * SD is now able to be a GUI wallet for DragonX, which is called SilentDragonX (SDX). * This is the very first GUI wallet for a Hush Smart Chain and we believe DragonX users will really enjoy it. * SDX also includes a Mining tab which allows users to mine via a GUI, no more CLI required to mine! * The mining tab has been translated into: * Chinese (ZH) * German (DE) * Russian (RU) * Spanish (ES) * Ukrainian (UK) * You now can choose a language translation while the wallet is running in Settings. You no longer need to use the same language as the operating system uses. All currently supported translations are options in a dropdown list. * New icons for for different kinds of transactions in the Transaction tab * Previously only port 9050 was supported for proxying via Tor. This would not work with any custom port, or with Tor Browser which uses port 9150. SD now supports a custom proxy port and supports being used with the Tor proxy provided with Tor Browser. This means users can install Tor via a GUI use a Hush GUI wallet with Tor, without ever using the CLI * SD now gives options to view or copy link to a transaction on a Tor block explorer * A customized Tor explorer URL can now be set in Settings * Rescan progress will now be reported in the status bar * Pairing to the old SilentDragonAndroid (SDA) app has been removed. The new SDA does not need to pair to a desktop wallet. * Various fixes to support Mac systems with embedded hushd * Rescan from an arbitrary block height without restarting * Get a QR code by right-clicking on a zaddr and optionally save to disk * Make it easier to reply to a memo * Fix coredump when going to Settings during a rescan * Ability to manually ban a node, unban a node, or unban all nodes * More efficiently check for new transactions * Add HUSH logo to QR codes * "Report a Bug" menu item now goes to our Telegram Support group # SilentDragon 1.3.0 "Berserk Bonnacon" ``` 60 files changed, 4328 insertions(+), 1568 deletions(-) ``` * :tada: New Polish translation ( @onryo ) * This release of SD is only compatible with hushd 3.9.0 or later, which is a mandatory update * Older Hush full nodes will not be compatible with the Hush network going forward * New shinier startup animation by Dan S ( https://twitter.com/Dan\_MGDesign ) * When right-clicking on a zaddr, there are now two new menu options * Shield all mining funds to this zaddr (z_shieldcoinbase) * Use this if you are a solo miner who mined full blocks to a taddr * Only 50 blocks will be shielded at a time. If you have more, run this multiple times. * Shield all non-mining taddr funds to this zaddr (z_mergetoaddress) * Use this if you have an old wallet with funds in taddrs * Only 50 utxos (transactions) will be shielded at a time. If you have more, run this multiple times. * SD now looks for Hush full node data in `~/.hush/HUSH3` but still supports the legacy location * The About screen now reports the version of QT5 being used * In the case of an exception, the default currency will be set to BTC instead of USD * SD includes its version number in autogenerated HUSH3.conf config files