#include "senttxstore.h" #include "settings.h" /// Get the location of the app data file to be written. QString SentTxStore::writeableFile() { auto filename = QStringLiteral("senttxstore.dat"); auto dir = QDir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation)); if (!dir.exists()) QDir().mkpath(dir.absolutePath()); if (Settings::getInstance()->isTestnet()) { return dir.filePath("testnet-" % filename); } else { return dir.filePath(filename); } } // delete the sent history. void SentTxStore::deleteHistory() { QFile data(writeableFile()); data.remove(); data.close(); } QList SentTxStore::readSentTxFile() { QFile data(writeableFile()); if (!data.exists()) { return QList(); } QJsonDocument jsonDoc; data.open(QFile::ReadOnly); jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(data.readAll()); data.close(); QList items; for (auto i : jsonDoc.array()) { auto sentTx = i.toObject(); TransactionItem t{"send", (qint64)sentTx["datetime"].toVariant().toLongLong(), sentTx["address"].toString(), sentTx["txid"].toString(), sentTx["amount"].toDouble() + sentTx["fee"].toDouble(), 0, sentTx["from"].toString(), ""}; items.push_back(t); } return items; } void SentTxStore::addToSentTx(Tx tx, QString txid) { // Save transactions only if the settings are allowed if (!Settings::getInstance()->getSaveZtxs()) return; // Also, only store outgoing txs where the from address is a z-Addr. Else, regular zcashd // stores it just fine if (!tx.fromAddr.startsWith("z")) return; QFile data(writeableFile()); QJsonDocument jsonDoc; // If data doesn't exist, then create a blank one if (!data.exists()) { QJsonArray a; jsonDoc.setArray(a); QFile newFile(writeableFile()); newFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly); newFile.write(jsonDoc.toJson()); newFile.close(); } else { data.open(QFile::ReadOnly); jsonDoc = QJsonDocument().fromJson(data.readAll()); data.close(); } // Calculate total amount in this tx double totalAmount = 0; for (auto i : tx.toAddrs) { totalAmount += i.amount; } QString toAddresses; if (tx.toAddrs.length() == 1) { toAddresses = tx.toAddrs[0].addr; } else { // Concatenate all the toAddresses for (auto a : tx.toAddrs) { toAddresses += a.addr % "(" % Settings::getZECDisplayFormat(a.amount) % ") "; } } auto list = jsonDoc.array(); QJsonObject txItem; txItem["type"] = "sent"; txItem["from"] = tx.fromAddr; txItem["datetime"] = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() / (qint64)1000; txItem["address"] = toAddresses; txItem["txid"] = txid; txItem["amount"] = -totalAmount; txItem["fee"] = -tx.fee; list.append(txItem); jsonDoc.setArray(list); QFile writer(writeableFile()); if (writer.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Truncate)) { writer.write(jsonDoc.toJson()); } writer.close(); }