// Copyright 2019-2022 The Hush Developers // Released under the GPLv3 #include "mainwindow.h" #include "addressbook.h" #include "viewalladdresses.h" #include "validateaddress.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" #include "ui_addressbook.h" #include "ui_privkey.h" #include "ui_qrcode.h" #include "ui_viewkey.h" #include "ui_about.h" #include "ui_settings.h" #include "ui_viewalladdresses.h" #include "ui_validateaddress.h" #include "ui_viewtransaction.h" #include "ui_rescandialog.h" #include "ui_getblock.h" #include "rpc.h" #include "balancestablemodel.h" #include "settings.h" #include "version.h" #include "senttxstore.h" #include "connection.h" #include "requestdialog.h" #include #include #include "sd.h" extern bool isdragonx; MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { // Include css QString theme_name; try { theme_name = Settings::getInstance()->get_theme_name(); } catch (...) { qDebug() << __func__ << ": exception!"; if(isdragonx){ theme_name = "dragonx"; }else{ theme_name = "dark"; } } this->slot_change_theme(theme_name); ui->setupUi(this); logger = new Logger(this, QDir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation)).filePath(isdragonx ? "SilentDragonX.log" : "SilentDragon.log")); // Status Bar setupStatusBar(); // Settings editor setupSettingsModal(); // Set up actions QObject::connect(ui->actionExit, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::close); QObject::connect(ui->actionTelegram, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::telegram); QObject::connect(ui->actionReportBug, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::reportbug); QObject::connect(ui->actionWebsite, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::website); // Set up check for updates action QObject::connect(ui->actionCheck_for_Updates, &QAction::triggered, [=] () { // Silent is false, so show notification even if no update was found rpc->checkForUpdate(false); }); // Request hush QObject::connect(ui->actionRequest_hush, &QAction::triggered, [=]() { RequestDialog::showRequestZcash(this); }); // Pay Hush URI QObject::connect(ui->actionPay_URI, &QAction::triggered, [=] () { payHushURI(); }); // Import Private Key QObject::connect(ui->actionImport_Private_Key, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::importPrivKey); // Export All Private Keys QObject::connect(ui->actionExport_All_Private_Keys, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::exportAllKeys); // Backup wallet.dat QObject::connect(ui->actionBackup_wallet_dat, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::backupWalletDat); // Export transactions QObject::connect(ui->actionExport_transactions, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::exportTransactions); // Validate Address QObject::connect(ui->actionValidate_Address, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::validateAddress); // Get Block QObject::connect(ui->actionGet_Block, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::getBlock); // View tx QObject::connect(ui->actionView_Transaction, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::viewTransaction); // Address Book QObject::connect(ui->action_Address_Book, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::addressBook); // Set up about action QObject::connect(ui->actionAbout, &QAction::triggered, [=] () { QDialog aboutDialog(this); Ui_about about; about.setupUi(&aboutDialog); Settings::saveRestore(&aboutDialog); QString version = QString("Version ") % QString(APP_VERSION) % " (" % QString(__DATE__) % ") using QT " % qVersion(); about.versionLabel->setText(version); aboutDialog.exec(); }); // Initialize to the balances tab ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(0); setupSendTab(); setupTransactionsTab(); setupReceiveTab(); setupBalancesTab(); setupMarketTab(); //setupChatTab(); setupHushTab(); setupPeersTab(); rpc = new RPC(this); qDebug() << "Created RPC"; setupMiningTab(); setupDebugLogTab(); restoreSavedStates(); } void MainWindow::restoreSavedStates() { QSettings s; restoreGeometry(s.value("geometry").toByteArray()); ui->balancesTable->horizontalHeader()->restoreState(s.value("baltablegeometry").toByteArray()); ui->transactionsTable->horizontalHeader()->restoreState(s.value("tratablegeometry").toByteArray()); } void MainWindow::doClose() { closeEvent(nullptr); } void MainWindow::retranslateMiningTab() { DEBUG("retranslating mining tab"); auto tab = ui->tabWidget->template findChild("Mining"); if(tab != nullptr) { DEBUG("found Mining tab"); ui->tabWidget->setTabText(ui->tabWidget->indexOf(tab), QObject::tr("Mining")); } else { DEBUG("no Mining tab found!"); return; } auto button1 = tab->template findChild("stopmining"); if(button1 != nullptr) { DEBUG("found stop mining button " << button1->objectName()); button1->setText( QObject::tr("Stop Mining") ); } auto button2 = tab->template findChild("startmining"); if(button2 != nullptr) { DEBUG("found start mining button " << button2->objectName()); button2->setText( QObject::tr("Start Mining") ); button2->setObjectName("startmining"); } auto label2 = tab->findChild("mininglabel2"); if(label2 != nullptr) { DEBUG("found mininglabel2"); label2->setText( QObject::tr("Mining threads") ); } auto label3 = tab->findChild("mininglabel3"); if(label3 != nullptr) { label3->setText( QObject::tr("Local Hashrate (hashes/sec)") ); } auto label4 = tab->findChild("mininglabel4"); if(label4 != nullptr) { label4->setText( QObject::tr("Network Hashrate (hashes/sec)") ); } auto label5 = tab->findChild("mininglabel5"); if(label5 != nullptr) { label5->setText( QObject::tr("Difficulty") ); } auto label6 = tab->findChild("mininglabel6"); if(label6 != nullptr) { label6->setText( QObject::tr("Estimated Hours To Find A Block") ); } auto label7 = tab->findChild("mininglabel7"); if(label7 != nullptr) { label7->setText( QObject::tr("Select the number of threads to mine with:") ); } auto combo = tab->findChild("genproclimit"); if(combo != nullptr) { DEBUG("found genproclimit combo"); int hwc = std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); // TODO: Is there a better way than recreating this combobox? combo->clear(); auto threadStr = tr("thread"); auto threadsStr = tr("threads"); // give options from 1 to hwc/2 , which should represent physical CPUs for(int i=0; i < hwc/2; i++) { combo->insertItem(i, QString::number(i+1) % " " % (i+1==1 ? threadStr : threadsStr)); } } } // Called every time, when a menu entry of the language menu is called void MainWindow::slotLanguageChanged(QString lang) { qDebug() << __func__ << ": lang=" << lang; if(lang != "") { // load the language loadLanguage(lang); QDialog settingsDialog(this); qDebug() << __func__ << ": retranslating settingsDialog"; settings.retranslateUi(&settingsDialog); retranslateMiningTab(); } } void switchTranslator(QTranslator& translator, const QString& filename) { qDebug() << __func__ << ": filename=" << filename; // remove the old translator qApp->removeTranslator(&translator); // load the new translator QString path = QApplication::applicationDirPath(); if (isdragonx) { path.append("/res-drgx/"); } else{ path.append("/res/"); } qDebug() << __func__ << ": attempting to load " << path + filename; if(translator.load(path + filename)) { qApp->installTranslator(&translator); } else { qDebug() << __func__ << ": translation path does not exist! " << path + filename; } } void MainWindow::loadLanguage(QString& rLanguage) { qDebug() << __func__ << ": currLang=" << m_currLang << " rLanguage=" << rLanguage; QString lang = rLanguage; // this allows us to call this function with just a locale such as "zh" if(lang.right(1) == ")") { lang.chop(1); // remove trailing ) } // remove everything up to and including the first ( lang = lang.remove(0, lang.indexOf("(") + 1); // NOTE: language codes can be 2 or 3 letters // https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php QString languageName; if(m_currLang != lang) { qDebug() << __func__ << ": changing language to lang=" << lang; m_currLang = lang; QLocale locale = QLocale(m_currLang); qDebug() << __func__ << ": locale nativeLanguage=" << locale.nativeLanguageName(); // an invalid locale such as "zz" will give the C locale which has no native language name if (locale.nativeLanguageName() == "") { qDebug() << __func__ << ": detected invalid language in config file, defaulting to en"; locale = QLocale("en"); Settings::getInstance()->set_language("en"); m_currLang = "en"; lang = "en"; } qDebug() << __func__ << ": locale=" << locale; QLocale::setDefault(locale); qDebug() << __func__ << ": setDefault locale=" << locale; languageName = locale.nativeLanguageName(); //locale.language()); qDebug() << __func__ << ": languageName=" << languageName; switchTranslator(m_translator, QString("silentdragon_%1.qm").arg(lang)); switchTranslator(m_translatorQt, QString("qt_%1.qm").arg(lang)); // TODO: this likely wont work for RTL languages like Arabic auto first = QString(languageName.at(0)).toUpper(); languageName = first + languageName.right(languageName.size()-1); if( lang == "en" ) { languageName.replace("American ",""); } ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Language changed to") + " " + languageName + " (" + lang + ")"); } // write this language (the locale shortcode) out to config file if (lang != "") { // only write valid languages to config file Settings::getInstance()->set_language(lang); } } void MainWindow::changeEvent(QEvent* event) { if(0 != event) { switch(event->type()) { // this event is sent if a translator is loaded case QEvent::LanguageChange: qDebug() << __func__ << ": QEvent::LanguageChange changeEvent"; ui->retranslateUi(this); break; // this event is sent, if the system, language changes case QEvent::LocaleChange: { QString locale = QLocale::system().name(); locale.truncate(locale.lastIndexOf('_')); qDebug() << __func__ << ": QEvent::LocaleChange changeEvent locale=" << locale; loadLanguage(locale); } break; default: qDebug() << __func__ << ": " << event->type(); } } QMainWindow::changeEvent(event); } void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent* event) { QSettings s; s.setValue("geometry", saveGeometry()); s.setValue("baltablegeometry", ui->balancesTable->horizontalHeader()->saveState()); s.setValue("tratablegeometry", ui->transactionsTable->horizontalHeader()->saveState()); s.sync(); // Let the RPC know to shut down any running service. rpc->shutdownHushd(); // Bubble up if (event) QMainWindow::closeEvent(event); } void MainWindow::setupStatusBar() { // Status Bar loadingLabel = new QLabel(); loadingMovie = new QMovie(":/icons/loading.gif"); loadingMovie->setScaledSize(QSize(32, 16)); loadingMovie->start(); loadingLabel->setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground); loadingLabel->setMovie(loadingMovie); ui->statusBar->addPermanentWidget(loadingLabel); loadingLabel->setVisible(false); // Custom status bar menu ui->statusBar->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); QObject::connect(ui->statusBar, &QStatusBar::customContextMenuRequested, [=](QPoint pos) { auto msg = ui->statusBar->currentMessage(); QMenu menu(this); if (!msg.isEmpty() && msg.startsWith(Settings::txidStatusMessage)) { auto txid = msg.split(":")[1].trimmed(); menu.addAction("Copy txid", [=]() { QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(txid); }); menu.addAction("Copy block explorer link", [=]() { QString url; auto explorer = Settings::getInstance()->getExplorer(); url = explorer.txExplorerUrl + txid; DEBUG("explorer url=" << url); QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(url); }); menu.addAction("Copy Tor block explorer link", [=]() { QString url; auto explorer = Settings::getInstance()->getExplorer(); url = explorer.onionTxExplorerUrl + txid; DEBUG("explorer url=" << url); QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(url); }); menu.addAction("View tx on block explorer", [=]() { QString url; auto explorer = Settings::getInstance()->getExplorer(); url = explorer.txExplorerUrl + txid; DEBUG("explorer url=" << url); QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(url)); }); menu.addAction("View tx via Tor block explorer", [=]() { QString url; auto explorer = Settings::getInstance()->getExplorer(); url = explorer.onionTxExplorerUrl + txid; DEBUG("explorer url=" << url); QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(url)); }); } menu.addAction("Refresh", [=]() { rpc->refresh(true); }); QPoint gpos(mapToGlobal(pos).x(), mapToGlobal(pos).y() + this->height() - ui->statusBar->height()); menu.exec(gpos); }); statusLabel = new QLabel(); ui->statusBar->addPermanentWidget(statusLabel); statusIcon = new QLabel(); ui->statusBar->addPermanentWidget(statusIcon); } void MainWindow::setupSettingsModal() { // Set up File -> Settings action QObject::connect(ui->actionSettings, &QAction::triggered, [=]() { QDialog settingsDialog(this); //Ui_Settings settings; settings.setupUi(&settingsDialog); Settings::saveRestore(&settingsDialog); // Setup save sent check box QObject::connect(settings.chkSaveTxs, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, [=](auto checked) { Settings::getInstance()->setSaveZtxs(checked); }); QString currency_name; try { currency_name = Settings::getInstance()->get_currency_name(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { qDebug() << QString("Currency name exception! : "); currency_name = "BTC"; } this->slot_change_currency(currency_name); // Setup clear button QObject::connect(settings.btnClearSaved, &QCheckBox::clicked, [=]() { if (QMessageBox::warning(this, "Clear saved history?", "Shielded z-Address transactions are stored locally in your wallet, outside hushd. You may delete this saved information safely any time for your privacy.\nDo you want to delete the saved shielded transactions now?", QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::Cancel)) { SentTxStore::deleteHistory(); // Reload after the clear button so existing txs disappear rpc->refresh(true); } }); qDebug() << __func__ << ": Setup rescan button"; QObject::connect(settings.rescanButton, &QPushButton::clicked, [=] () { this->rescanButtonClicked(1); }); int theme_index = settings.comboBoxTheme->findText(Settings::getInstance()->get_theme_name(), Qt::MatchExactly); settings.comboBoxTheme->setCurrentIndex(theme_index); QObject::connect(settings.comboBoxTheme, &QComboBox::currentTextChanged, [=] (QString theme_name) { this->slot_change_theme(theme_name); // QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Theme Change"), tr("This change can take a few seconds."), QMessageBox::Ok); // For some reason, changing language also triggers this //ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Theme changed to ") + theme_name); }); // Set local currency QString ticker = Settings::getInstance()->get_currency_name(); int currency_index = settings.comboBoxCurrency->findText(ticker, Qt::MatchExactly); settings.comboBoxCurrency->setCurrentIndex(currency_index); QObject::connect(settings.comboBoxCurrency, &QComboBox::currentTextChanged, [=] (QString ticker) { this->slot_change_currency(ticker); rpc->refresh(true); ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Currency changed to") + " " + ticker); // QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Currency Change"), tr("This change can take a few seconds."), QMessageBox::Ok); }); // Save sent transactions settings.chkSaveTxs->setChecked(Settings::getInstance()->getSaveZtxs()); // Custom fees settings.chkCustomFees->setChecked(Settings::getInstance()->getAllowCustomFees()); // Auto shielding settings.chkAutoShield->setChecked(Settings::getInstance()->getAutoShield()); // Check for updates settings.chkCheckUpdates->setChecked(Settings::getInstance()->getCheckForUpdates()); // Fetch prices settings.chkFetchPrices->setChecked(Settings::getInstance()->getAllowFetchPrices()); // Use Tor bool isUsingTor = false; if (rpc->getConnection() != nullptr) { isUsingTor = !rpc->getConnection()->config->proxy.isEmpty(); } settings.chkTor->setChecked(isUsingTor); if (rpc->getEHushD() == nullptr) { settings.chkTor->setEnabled(false); settings.lblTor->setEnabled(false); QString tooltip = tr("Tor configuration is available only when running an embedded hushd."); settings.chkTor->setToolTip(tooltip); settings.lblTor->setToolTip(tooltip); } // Wallet Size if (rpc->getConnection() != nullptr) { int size = 0; qDebug() << __func__ << ": settings hushDir=" << rpc->getConnection()->config->hushDir; QDir hushdir(rpc->getConnection()->config->hushDir); QFile WalletSize(hushdir.filePath("wallet.dat")); if (WalletSize.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)){ size = WalletSize.size() / 1000000; //when file does open. //QString size1 = QString::number(size) ; settings.WalletSize->setText(QString::number(size)); WalletSize.close(); } } // Use Consolidation bool isUsingConsolidation = false; if (rpc->getConnection() != nullptr) { isUsingConsolidation = !rpc->getConnection()->config->consolidation.isEmpty() == true; } settings.chkConso->setChecked(isUsingConsolidation); if (rpc->getEHushD() == nullptr) { settings.chkConso->setEnabled(false); } // Use Deletetx bool isUsingDeletetx = false; if (rpc->getConnection() != nullptr) { isUsingDeletetx = !rpc->getConnection()->config->deletetx.isEmpty() == true; } settings.chkDeletetx->setChecked(isUsingDeletetx); if (rpc->getEHushD() == nullptr) { settings.chkDeletetx->setEnabled(false); } // Use Zindex bool isUsingZindex = false; if (rpc->getConnection() != nullptr) { isUsingZindex = !rpc->getConnection()->config->zindex.isEmpty() == true; } settings.chkzindex->setChecked(isUsingZindex); if (rpc->getEHushD() == nullptr) { settings.chkzindex->setEnabled(false); } // Connection Settings QIntValidator validator(0, 65535); settings.port->setValidator(&validator); // If values are coming from HUSH3.conf, then disable all the fields auto hushConfLocation = Settings::getInstance()->getHushdConfLocation(); if (!hushConfLocation.isEmpty()) { settings.confMsg->setText("Settings are being read from \n" + hushConfLocation); settings.hostname->setReadOnly(true); settings.port->setReadOnly(true); settings.rpcuser->setReadOnly(true); settings.rpcpassword->setReadOnly(true); } else { settings.confMsg->setText("No " % hushConfLocation % " found. Please configure connection manually."); settings.hostname->setEnabled(true); settings.port->setEnabled(true); settings.rpcuser->setEnabled(true); settings.rpcpassword->setEnabled(true); } // Load current values into the dialog auto conf = Settings::getInstance()->getSettings(); settings.hostname->setText(conf.host); settings.port->setText(conf.port); settings.rpcuser->setText(conf.rpcuser); settings.rpcpassword->setText(conf.rpcpassword); // Load current explorer values into the dialog auto explorer = Settings::getInstance()->getExplorer(); settings.txExplorerUrl->setText(explorer.txExplorerUrl); settings.addressExplorerUrl->setText(explorer.addressExplorerUrl); settings.onionTxExplorerUrl->setText(explorer.onionTxExplorerUrl); settings.onionAddressExplorerUrl->setText(explorer.onionAddressExplorerUrl); // format systems language QString defaultLocale = QLocale::system().name(); // e.g. "de_DE" defaultLocale.truncate(defaultLocale.lastIndexOf('_')); // e.g. "de" // Set the current language to the default system language // TODO: this will need to change when we read/write selected language to config on disk //m_currLang = defaultLocale; //qDebug() << __func__ << ": changed m_currLang to " << defaultLocale; m_currLang = Settings::getInstance()->get_language(); qDebug() << __func__ << ": got a currLang=" << m_currLang << " from config file"; //QString defaultLang = QLocale::languageToString(QLocale("en").language()); settings.comboBoxLanguage->addItem("English (en)"); m_langPath = QApplication::applicationDirPath(); m_langPath.append("/res"); qDebug() << __func__ <<": defaultLocale=" << defaultLocale << " m_langPath=" << m_langPath;; QDir dir(m_langPath); QStringList fileNames = dir.entryList(QStringList("silentdragon_*.qm")); qDebug() << __func__ <<": found " << fileNames.size() << " translations"; // create language drop down dynamically for (int i = 0; i < fileNames.size(); ++i) { // get locale extracted by filename QString locale; locale = fileNames[i]; // "silentdragon_de.qm" locale.truncate(locale.lastIndexOf('.')); // "silentdragon_de" locale.remove(0, locale.lastIndexOf('_') + 1); // "de" QString lang = QLocale(locale).nativeLanguageName(); //locale.language()); // TODO: this likely wont work for RTL languages like Arabic // uppercase the first letter of all languages auto first = QString(lang.at(0)).toUpper(); lang = first + lang.right(lang.size()-1); //settings.comboBoxLanguage->addItem(action); settings.comboBoxLanguage->addItem(lang + " (" + locale + ")"); qDebug() << __func__ << ": added lang=" << lang << " locale=" << locale << " defaultLocale=" << defaultLocale << " m_currLang=" << m_currLang; qDebug() << __func__ << ": m_currLang=" << m_currLang << " ?= locale=" << locale; //if (defaultLocale == locale) { if (m_currLang == locale) { settings.comboBoxLanguage->setCurrentIndex(i+1); qDebug() << " set defaultLocale=" << locale << " to checked!!!"; } } settings.comboBoxLanguage->model()->sort(0,Qt::AscendingOrder); qDebug() << __func__ <<": sorted translations"; //QString lang = QLocale::languageToString(QLocale(m_currLang).language()); QString lang = QLocale(m_currLang).nativeLanguageName(); //locale.language()); auto first = QString(lang.at(0)).toUpper(); lang = first + lang.right(lang.size()-1); if (m_currLang == "en") { // we have just 1 English translation // en_US will render as "American English", so fix that lang.replace("American ",""); } qDebug() << __func__ << ": looking for " << lang + " (" + m_currLang + ")"; //qDebug() << __func__ << ": looking for " << m_currLang; int lang_index = settings.comboBoxLanguage->findText(lang + " (" + m_currLang + ")", Qt::MatchExactly); qDebug() << __func__ << ": setting comboBoxLanguage index to " << lang_index; settings.comboBoxLanguage->setCurrentIndex(lang_index); QObject::connect(settings.comboBoxLanguage, &QComboBox::currentTextChanged, [=] (QString lang) { qDebug() << "comboBoxLanguage.currentTextChanged lang=" << lang; this->slotLanguageChanged(lang); //QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Language Changed"), tr("This change can take a few seconds."), QMessageBox::Ok); }); // Options tab by default settings.tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(1); // Enable the troubleshooting options only if using embedded hushd if (!rpc->isEmbedded()) { //settings.chkRescan->setEnabled(false); //settings.chkRescan->setToolTip(tr("You're using an external hushd. Please restart hushd with -rescan")); settings.chkReindex->setEnabled(false); settings.chkReindex->setToolTip(tr("You're using an external hushd. Please restart hushd with -reindex")); } if (settingsDialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { qDebug() << "Setting dialog box accepted"; // Custom fees bool customFees = settings.chkCustomFees->isChecked(); Settings::getInstance()->setAllowCustomFees(customFees); ui->minerFeeAmt->setReadOnly(!customFees); if (!customFees) ui->minerFeeAmt->setText(Settings::getDecimalString(Settings::getMinerFee())); // Auto shield Settings::getInstance()->setAutoShield(settings.chkAutoShield->isChecked()); // Check for updates Settings::getInstance()->setCheckForUpdates(settings.chkCheckUpdates->isChecked()); // Allow fetching prices Settings::getInstance()->setAllowFetchPrices(settings.chkFetchPrices->isChecked()); if (!isUsingTor && settings.chkTor->isChecked()) { // If "use tor" was previously unchecked and now checked QString torProxy= settings.torProxy->text(); QString torPort = settings.torPort->text(); QString proxyConfig = "proxy="%torProxy%":"%torPort; Settings::addToHushConf(hushConfLocation, proxyConfig); rpc->getConnection()->config->proxy = proxyConfig; QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Enable Tor"), tr("Connection over Tor has been enabled. To use this feature, you need to restart SilentDragon."), QMessageBox::Ok); } if (isUsingTor && !settings.chkTor->isChecked()) { // If "use tor" was previously checked and now is unchecked Settings::removeFromHushConf(hushConfLocation, "proxy"); rpc->getConnection()->config->proxy.clear(); QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Disable Tor"), tr("Connection over Tor has been disabled. To fully disconnect from Tor, you need to restart SilentDragon."), QMessageBox::Ok); } if (hushConfLocation.isEmpty()) { // Save settings Settings::getInstance()->saveSettings( settings.hostname->text(), settings.port->text(), settings.rpcuser->text(), settings.rpcpassword->text()); auto cl = new ConnectionLoader(this, rpc); cl->loadConnection(); } // Save explorer Settings::getInstance()->saveExplorer( settings.txExplorerUrl->text(), settings.addressExplorerUrl->text(), settings.onionTxExplorerUrl->text(), settings.onionAddressExplorerUrl->text()); // Check to see if rescan or reindex have been enabled bool showRestartInfo = false; bool showReindexInfo = false; /* if (settings.chkRescan->isChecked()) { Settings::addToHushConf(hushConfLocation, "rescan=1"); showRestartInfo = true; }*/ if (settings.chkReindex->isChecked()) { Settings::addToHushConf(hushConfLocation, "reindex=1"); showRestartInfo = true; } if (!rpc->getConnection()->config->consolidation.isEmpty()==false) { if (settings.chkConso->isChecked()) { Settings::addToHushConf(hushConfLocation, "consolidation=1"); showRestartInfo = true; } } if (!rpc->getConnection()->config->consolidation.isEmpty()) { if (settings.chkConso->isChecked() == false) { Settings::removeFromHushConf(hushConfLocation, "consolidation"); showRestartInfo = true; } } if (!rpc->getConnection()->config->deletetx.isEmpty() == false) { if (settings.chkDeletetx->isChecked()) { Settings::addToHushConf(hushConfLocation, "deletetx=1"); showRestartInfo = true; } } if (!rpc->getConnection()->config->deletetx.isEmpty()) { if (settings.chkDeletetx->isChecked() == false) { Settings::removeFromHushConf(hushConfLocation, "deletetx"); showRestartInfo = true; } } if (!rpc->getConnection()->config->zindex.isEmpty() == false) { if (settings.chkzindex->isChecked()) { Settings::addToHushConf(hushConfLocation, "zindex=1"); Settings::addToHushConf(hushConfLocation, "reindex=1"); showReindexInfo = true; } } if (!rpc->getConnection()->config->zindex.isEmpty()) { if (settings.chkzindex->isChecked() == false) { Settings::removeFromHushConf(hushConfLocation, "zindex"); Settings::addToHushConf(hushConfLocation, "reindex=1"); showReindexInfo = true; } } if (showRestartInfo) { auto desc = tr("SilentDragon needs to restart to rescan,reindex,consolidation or deletetx. SilentDragon will now close, please restart SilentDragon to continue"); QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Restart SilentDragon"), desc, QMessageBox::Ok); QTimer::singleShot(1, [=]() { this->close(); }); } if (showReindexInfo) { auto desc = tr("SilentDragon needs to reindex for zindex. SilentDragon will now close, please restart SilentDragon to continue"); QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Restart SilentDragon"), desc, QMessageBox::Ok); QTimer::singleShot(1, [=]() { this->close(); }); } } }); } void MainWindow::addressBook() { // Check to see if there is a target. QRegularExpression re("Address[0-9]+", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption); for (auto target: ui->sendToWidgets->findChildren(re)) { if (target->hasFocus()) { AddressBook::open(this, target); return; } }; // If there was no target, then just run with no target. AddressBook::open(this); } void MainWindow::telegram() { QString url = "https://hush.is/tg"; if (isdragonx) { url = "https://dragonx.is/tg"; } QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(url)); } void MainWindow::reportbug() { // dragonx doesn't have it's own support, for now QString url = "https://hush.is/tg_support"; QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(url)); } void MainWindow::website() { QString url = "https://hush.is"; if (isdragonx) { url = "https://dragonx.is"; } QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(url)); } // Validate an address void MainWindow::validateAddress() { // Make sure everything is up and running if (!getRPC() || !getRPC()->getConnection()) return; // First thing is ask the user for an address bool ok; auto address = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Enter Address to validate"), tr("Transparent or Shielded Address:") + QString(" ").repeated(140), // Pad the label so the dialog box is wide enough QLineEdit::Normal, "", &ok); if (!ok) return; getRPC()->validateAddress(address, [=] (QJsonValue props) { QDialog d(this); Ui_ValidateAddress va; va.setupUi(&d); Settings::saveRestore(&d); Settings::saveRestoreTableHeader(va.tblProps, &d, "validateaddressprops"); va.tblProps->horizontalHeader()->setStretchLastSection(true); va.lblAddress->setText(address); QList> propsList; for (QString property_name: props.toObject().keys()) { QString property_value; if (props.toObject()[property_name].isString()) property_value = props.toObject()[property_name].toString(); else property_value = props.toObject()[property_name].toBool() ? "true" : "false" ; propsList.append( QPair( property_name, property_value ) ); } ValidateAddressesModel model(va.tblProps, propsList); va.tblProps->setModel(&model); d.exec(); }); } // Ask user for txid to view void MainWindow::viewTransaction() { // Make sure everything is up and running if (!getRPC() || !getRPC()->getConnection()) return; // First thing is ask the user for a txid bool ok; QString txid = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("View Transaction"), tr("Enter Transaction ID (txid):"), QLineEdit::Normal, "", &ok); if (!ok) return; viewTxid(txid); } // view a given txid void MainWindow::viewTxid(QString txid) { // ignore leading and trailing whitespace txid = txid.trimmed(); QRegExp rx("^[0-9a-f]{64}$"); if(!rx.exactMatch(txid)) { DEBUG("invalid txid " << txid ); return; } // we got a valid txid getRPC()->getrawtransaction(txid, [=] (QJsonValue props) { // TODO: only z_viewtransaction shows memo // getRPC()->z_viewtransaction(txid, [=] (QJsonValue props) { QDialog d(this); Ui_ViewTransaction vt; vt.setupUi(&d); Settings::saveRestore(&d); Settings::saveRestoreTableHeader(vt.tblProps, &d, "getblockprops"); vt.tblProps->horizontalHeader()->setStretchLastSection(true); vt.lblHeight->setText(txid); QList> propsList; for (QString property_name: props.toObject().keys()) { QString property_value; DEBUG("property " << property_name << "=" << props.toObject()[property_name] ); if (props.toObject()[property_name].isString()) { property_value = props.toObject()[property_name].toString(); } else if (props.toObject()[property_name].isDouble()) { property_value = QString::number( props.toObject()[property_name].toDouble(), 'f', 0); } else if (props.toObject()[property_name].isBool()) { property_value = props.toObject()[property_name].toBool() ? "true" : "false" ; } else if (props.toObject()[property_name].isArray()) { DEBUG( property_name << " is an array"); // vin is the Vector of INputs of transparent spends if( property_name == "vin" ) { int index = 0; auto vins = props.toObject()[property_name].toArray(); for (const auto& vin : vins) { QString this_vin = "vin " + QString::number(index); auto vinObj = vin.toObject(); // Is this a normal input or coinbase input? bool is_coinbase = vinObj["coinbase"].toString().length() > 0; if (is_coinbase) { propsList.append( QPair( this_vin + " coinbase", vinObj["coinbase"].toString() ) ); } else { // the address of this spend propsList.append( QPair( this_vin + " address", vinObj["address"].toString() ) ); // the value of this spend propsList.append( QPair( this_vin + " value", QString::number(vinObj["value"].toDouble()) ) ); // the txid in which this UTXO was created propsList.append( QPair( this_vin + " txid", vinObj["txid"].toString() ) ); // the index of vout in the txid it was created propsList.append( QPair( this_vin + " vout", QString::number(vinObj["vout"].toInt()) ) ); } // sequence number is part of both coinbase and non-coinbase vins propsList.append( QPair( this_vin + " sequence", QString::number(vinObj["sequence"].toDouble()) ) ); index++; } } else if (property_name == "vout") { // vout = Vector of OUTputs of transparent sends auto vouts = props.toObject()[property_name].toArray(); if(vouts.size() == 0) { propsList.append( QPair( "vout", "Empty") ); } else { //... } } else if (property_name == "vShieldedOutput") { // the vector of shielded outputs auto zouts = props.toObject()[property_name].toArray(); if(zouts.size() == 0) { propsList.append( QPair( property_name, "Empty")); } else { int index = 0; QString property_value = ""; for (const auto& zout : zouts) { auto zoutObj = zout.toObject(); auto properties = {"proof", "cv", "cmu", "encCiphertext", "outCiphertext", "ephemeralKey" }; for(const auto& prop : properties ) { propsList.append( QPair( "vShieldedOutput " + QString::number(index) + " " + prop, zoutObj[prop].toString() ) ); } index++; } } } else if (property_name == "vShieldedSpend") { // the vector of shielded spends auto zins = props.toObject()[property_name].toArray(); if(zins.size() == 0) { propsList.append( QPair( property_name, "Empty")); } else { // TODO } } } else if (props.toObject()[property_name].isObject()) { DEBUG( property_name << " is an object"); } if (property_name != "vin" && property_name != "vout" && property_name != "vShieldedOutput" && property_name != "vShieldedSpend" ) { propsList.append( QPair( property_name, property_value )); } } ValidateAddressesModel model(vt.tblProps, propsList); vt.tblProps->setModel(&model); d.exec(); }); } // Get block info void MainWindow::getBlock() { // Make sure everything is up and running if (!getRPC() || !getRPC()->getConnection()) return; // First thing is ask the user for a block height bool ok; int i = QInputDialog::getInt(this, tr("Get Block Info"), tr("Enter Block Height:"), 12345, 0, 2147483647, 1, &ok); if (!ok) return; auto blockheight = QString::number(i); getRPC()->getBlock(blockheight, [=] (QJsonValue props) { QDialog d(this); Ui_GetBlock gb; gb.setupUi(&d); Settings::saveRestore(&d); Settings::saveRestoreTableHeader(gb.tblProps, &d, "getblockprops"); gb.tblProps->horizontalHeader()->setStretchLastSection(true); gb.lblHeight->setText(blockheight); QList> propsList; for (QString property_name: props.toObject().keys()) { QString property_value; DEBUG("property " << property_name << "=" << props.toObject()[property_name] ); if (props.toObject()[property_name].isString()) { property_value = props.toObject()[property_name].toString(); } else if (props.toObject()[property_name].isDouble()) { property_value = QString::number( props.toObject()[property_name].toDouble(), 'f', 0); } else if (props.toObject()[property_name].isBool()) { property_value = props.toObject()[property_name].toBool() ? "true" : "false" ; } else if (props.toObject()[property_name].isArray()) { DEBUG( property_name << " is an array"); if( property_name == "tx") { auto txs = props.toObject()[property_name].toArray(); int index = 0; // create a property for each tx in the block so it renders in a more useful way for (const auto& tx : txs) { QString this_property_name = "tx " + QString::number(index); propsList.append( QPair( this_property_name, tx.toString() ) ); index++; } } else if (property_name == "valuePools") { auto stuff = props.toObject()[property_name].toArray(); property_value = QJsonDocument(stuff).toJson(); property_value.remove("\n"); property_value.remove(" "); } } else if (props.toObject()[property_name].isObject()) { DEBUG( property_name << " is an object"); } // tx properties are added in their own special way above if (property_name != "tx") { propsList.append( QPair( property_name, property_value ) ); } } ValidateAddressesModel model(gb.tblProps, propsList); gb.tblProps->setModel(&model); d.exec(); }); } void MainWindow::doImport(QList* keys) { if (rpc->getConnection() == nullptr) { // No connection, just return return; } DEBUG(" keys.size= " << keys->size() ); if (keys->isEmpty()) { delete keys; return; } // Get the first key QString key = keys->takeFirst(); bool rescan = false; if (Settings::getInstance()->isValidSaplingPrivateKey(key) ) { DEBUG("importing zaddr privkey with rescan=" << rescan); rpc->importZPrivKey(key, rescan, [=] (auto) { this->doImport(keys); }); } else { DEBUG("importing taddr privkey with rescan=" << rescan); rpc->importTPrivKey(key, rescan, [=] (auto) { this->doImport(keys); }); } } // Callback invoked when the RPC has finished loading all the balances, and the UI // is now ready to send transactions. void MainWindow::balancesReady() { // First-time check if (uiPaymentsReady) return; uiPaymentsReady = true; qDebug() << "Payment UI now ready!"; // There is a pending URI payment (from the command line, or from a secondary instance), // process it. if (!pendingURIPayment.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "Paying hush URI"; payHushURI(pendingURIPayment); pendingURIPayment = ""; } } // Event filter for MacOS specific handling of payment URIs bool MainWindow::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event) { if (event->type() == QEvent::FileOpen) { QFileOpenEvent *fileEvent = static_cast(event); if (!fileEvent->url().isEmpty()) payHushURI(fileEvent->url().toString()); return true; } return QObject::eventFilter(object, event); } // Pay the Hush URI by showing a confirmation window. If the URI parameter is empty, the UI // will prompt for one. If the myAddr is empty, then the default from address is used to send // the transaction. void MainWindow::payHushURI(QString uri, QString myAddr) { // If the Payments UI is not ready (i.e, all balances have not loaded), defer the payment URI if (!uiPaymentsReady) { qDebug() << "Payment UI not ready, waiting for UI to pay URI"; pendingURIPayment = uri; return; } // If there was no URI passed, ask the user for one. if (uri.isEmpty()) { uri = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Paste HUSH URI"), "HUSH URI" + QString(" ").repeated(180)); if(isdragonx) { uri = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Paste DRGX URI"), "DRGX URI" + QString(" ").repeated(180)); } } // If there's no URI, just exit if (uri.isEmpty()) return; // Extract the address qDebug() << "Received URI " << uri; PaymentURI paymentInfo = Settings::parseURI(uri); if (!paymentInfo.error.isEmpty()) { if(isdragonx) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error paying DragonX URI"), tr("URI should be of the form 'drgx:?amt=x&memo=y") + "\n" + paymentInfo.error); } else { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error paying Hush URI"), tr("URI should be of the form 'hush:?amt=x&memo=y") + "\n" + paymentInfo.error); } return; } // Now, set the fields on the send tab removeExtraAddresses(); if (!myAddr.isEmpty()) { ui->inputsCombo->setCurrentText(myAddr); } ui->Address1->setText(paymentInfo.addr); ui->Address1->setCursorPosition(0); ui->Amount1->setText(Settings::getDecimalString(paymentInfo.amt.toDouble())); ui->MemoTxt1->setText(paymentInfo.memo); // And switch to the send tab. ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(1); raise(); // And click the send button if the amount is > 0, to validate everything. If everything is OK, it will show the confirm box // else, show the error message; if (paymentInfo.amt > 0) { sendButton(); } } void MainWindow::importPrivKey() { QDialog d(this); Ui_PrivKey pui; pui.setupUi(&d); Settings::saveRestore(&d); pui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Save)->setVisible(false); pui.helpLbl->setText(QString() % tr("Please paste your private keys here, one per line") % ".\n" % tr("The keys will be imported into your connected Hush node")); // if rescan is not checked, disable the rescan height input QObject::connect(pui.chkrescan, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, [=](auto checked) { pui.rescanfrom->setEnabled(checked); }); if (d.exec() == QDialog::Accepted && !pui.privKeyTxt->toPlainText().trimmed().isEmpty()) { auto rawkeys = pui.privKeyTxt->toPlainText().trimmed().split("\n"); QList keysTmp; // Filter out all the empty keys and comment lines std::copy_if(rawkeys.begin(), rawkeys.end(), std::back_inserter(keysTmp), [=] (auto key) { return !key.startsWith("#") && !key.trimmed().isEmpty(); }); auto keys = new QList(); // ignore anything after the first space of a line, such as if you paste a line from z_exportwallet output std::transform(keysTmp.begin(), keysTmp.end(), std::back_inserter(*keys), [=](auto key) { return key.trimmed().split(" ")[0]; }); // Special case. // Sometimes, when importing from a paperwallet or such, the key is split by newlines, and might have // been pasted like that. So check to see if the whole thing is one big private key if (Settings::getInstance()->isValidSaplingPrivateKey(keys->join(""))) { auto multiline = keys; keys = new QList(); keys->append(multiline->join("")); delete multiline; } // Finally, validate all keys, removing any which are invalid auto keysValidated = new QList(); auto settings = Settings::getInstance(); std::copy_if(keys->begin(), keys->end(), std::back_inserter(*keysValidated), [=] (auto key) { bool isValid = settings->isValidSaplingPrivateKey(key) || settings->isValidTransparentPrivateKey(key); if (!isValid) { DEBUG("privkey " << key << " is not valid"); } return isValid; }); DEBUG("found " << keysValidated->size() << " valid privkeys"); bool rescan = pui.chkrescan->isChecked(); // avoid giving invalid data to RPCs and a rescan if there were no valid privkeys if(keysValidated->size() == 0) { QMessageBox::information(this, "No valid keys", tr("No valid private keys were found, please make sure you copy and pasted correctly"), QMessageBox::Ok); return; } // Start the import. The function takes ownership of keysValidated QTimer::singleShot(1, [=]() { // we import all keys without rescanning and then finally decide if we will rescan once doImport(keysValidated); if (rescan) { //TODO: verify rescanfrom is a valid integer rpc->rescan(pui.rescanfrom->text().trimmed().toInt() , [=] (QJsonValue response){ //DEBUG("rescanning from height " << pui.rescanfrom->text().toInt() << " finished" << response); DEBUG("rescanning finished" << response); ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Rescanning finished"), 5000); }); } }); // Show the dialog that keys will be imported. if(rescan) { QMessageBox::information(this, "Imported", tr("The keys were imported! It may take several hours to rescan the blockchain. Until then, functionality may be limited"), QMessageBox::Ok); } else { QMessageBox::information(this, "Imported", tr("The keys were imported! You chose to not rescan, so funds in that address will not show up in your wallet yet."), QMessageBox::Ok); } } } /** * Export transaction history into a CSV file */ void MainWindow::exportTransactions() { // First, get the export file name QString exportName; if(isdragonx){ exportName = "drgx-transactions-" + QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyyMMdd") + ".csv"; }else{ exportName = "hush-transactions-" + QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyyMMdd") + ".csv"; } QDir docsDir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation)); QUrl pName = QUrl::fromLocalFile(docsDir.filePath(exportName)); QUrl csvName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileUrl(this, tr("Export transactions"), pName, "CSV file (*.csv)"); if (csvName.isEmpty()) return; if (!rpc->getTransactionsModel()->exportToCsv(csvName.toLocalFile())) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), tr("Error exporting transactions, file was not saved"), QMessageBox::Ok); } } /** * Backup the wallet.dat file. This is kind of a hack, since it has to read from the filesystem rather than an RPC call * This might fail for various reasons - Remote hushd, non-standard locations, custom params passed to hushd, many others */ void MainWindow::backupWalletDat() { if (!rpc->getConnection()) return; QDir hushdir(rpc->getConnection()->config->hushDir); QString backupDefaultName; if(isdragonx){ backupDefaultName = "drgx-wallet-backup-" + QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyyMMdd") + ".dat"; }else{ backupDefaultName = "hush-wallet-backup-" + QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyyMMdd") + ".dat"; } if (Settings::getInstance()->isTestnet()) { hushdir.cd("testnet3"); backupDefaultName = "testnet-" + backupDefaultName; } QFile wallet(hushdir.filePath("wallet.dat")); if (!wallet.exists()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("No wallet.dat"), tr("Couldn't find the wallet.dat on this computer") + "\n" + tr("You need to back it up from the machine hushd is running on"), QMessageBox::Ok); return; } QUrl pName = QUrl::fromLocalFile(hushdir.filePath(backupDefaultName)); QUrl backupName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileUrl(this, tr("Backup wallet.dat"), pName, "Data file (*.dat)"); if (backupName.isEmpty()) return; if (!wallet.copy(backupName.toLocalFile())) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Couldn't backup"), tr("Couldn't backup the wallet.dat file.") + tr("You need to back it up manually."), QMessageBox::Ok); } } void MainWindow::exportAllKeys() { exportKeys(""); } void MainWindow::getViewKey(QString addr) { QDialog d(this); Ui_ViewKey vui; vui.setupUi(&d); // Make the window big by default auto ps = this->geometry(); QMargins margin = QMargins() + 50; d.setGeometry(ps.marginsRemoved(margin)); Settings::saveRestore(&d); vui.viewKeyTxt->setPlainText(tr("Loading...")); vui.viewKeyTxt->setReadOnly(true); vui.viewKeyTxt->setLineWrapMode(QPlainTextEdit::LineWrapMode::NoWrap); // Disable the save button until it finishes loading vui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Save)->setEnabled(false); vui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setVisible(false); bool allKeys = false; //addr.isEmpty() ? true : false; // Wire up save button QObject::connect(vui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Save), &QPushButton::clicked, [=] () { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save File"), allKeys ? "hush-all-viewkeys.txt" : "hush-viewkey.txt"); QFile file(fileName); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Unable to open file"), file.errorString()); return; } QTextStream out(&file); // TODO: Output in address, viewkey CSV format? out << vui.viewKeyTxt->toPlainText(); }); auto isDialogAlive = std::make_shared(true); auto fnUpdateUIWithKeys = [=](QList> viewKeys) { // Check to see if we are still showing. if (! *(isDialogAlive.get()) ) return; QString allKeysTxt; for (auto keypair : viewKeys) { allKeysTxt = allKeysTxt % keypair.second % " # addr=" % keypair.first % "\n"; } vui.viewKeyTxt->setPlainText(allKeysTxt); vui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Save)->setEnabled(true); }; auto fnAddKey = [=](QJsonValue key) { QList> singleAddrKey; singleAddrKey.push_back(QPair(addr, key.toString())); fnUpdateUIWithKeys(singleAddrKey); }; rpc->getZViewKey(addr, fnAddKey); d.exec(); *isDialogAlive = false; } void MainWindow::getQRCode(QString addr) { QDialog d(this); Ui_QRCode qrui; qrui.setupUi(&d); // Display QR Code for address qrui.qrcodeDisplayAddr->setQrcodeString(addr); // Set text/tip qrui.saveQRCodeBtn->setText(tr("Save")); qrui.saveQRCodeBtn->setToolTip(tr("Save QR Code to file")); auto isDialogAlive = std::make_shared(true); // Connect and handle Save button QObject::connect(qrui.saveQRCodeBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, [&] () { qDebug() << "Save QR Code clicked"; QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save QR Code to file"), "", tr("Portable Network Graphics (*.png);;All Files (*)")); if (fileName.isEmpty()) return; else { QFile file(fileName); // TODO: fix this. Saves as black image instead of QR code qrui.qrcodeDisplayAddr->grab().save(fileName, "png", -1); statusBar()->showMessage(tr("QR code saved"), 3000); d.close(); } }); d.exec(); *isDialogAlive = false; } void MainWindow::exportKeys(QString addr) { bool allKeys = addr.isEmpty() ? true : false; QDialog d(this); Ui_PrivKey pui; pui.setupUi(&d); // Make the window big by default auto ps = this->geometry(); QMargins margin = QMargins() + 50; d.setGeometry(ps.marginsRemoved(margin)); Settings::saveRestore(&d); pui.privKeyTxt->setPlainText(tr("Loading...")); pui.privKeyTxt->setReadOnly(true); pui.privKeyTxt->setLineWrapMode(QPlainTextEdit::LineWrapMode::NoWrap); if (allKeys) pui.helpLbl->setText(tr("These are all the private keys for all the addresses in your wallet")); else pui.helpLbl->setText(tr("Private key for ") + addr); // Disable the save button until it finishes loading pui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Save)->setEnabled(false); pui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setVisible(false); // Wire up save button QObject::connect(pui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Save), &QPushButton::clicked, [=] () { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save File"), allKeys ? "hush-all-privatekeys.txt" : "hush-privatekey.txt"); QFile file(fileName); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Unable to open file"), file.errorString()); return; } QTextStream out(&file); out << pui.privKeyTxt->toPlainText(); }); // Call the API auto isDialogAlive = std::make_shared(true); auto fnUpdateUIWithKeys = [=](QList> privKeys) { // Check to see if we are still showing. if (! *(isDialogAlive.get()) ) return; QString allKeysTxt; for (auto keypair : privKeys) { allKeysTxt = allKeysTxt % keypair.second % " # addr=" % keypair.first % "\n"; } pui.privKeyTxt->setPlainText(allKeysTxt); pui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Save)->setEnabled(true); }; if (allKeys) { rpc->getAllPrivKeys(fnUpdateUIWithKeys); } else { auto fnAddKey = [=](QJsonValue key) { QList> singleAddrKey; singleAddrKey.push_back(QPair(addr, key.toString())); fnUpdateUIWithKeys(singleAddrKey); }; if (Settings::getInstance()->isZAddress(addr)) { rpc->getZPrivKey(addr, fnAddKey); } else { rpc->getTPrivKey(addr, fnAddKey); } } d.exec(); *isDialogAlive = false; } void MainWindow::setupBalancesTab() { ui->unconfirmedWarning->setVisible(false); // Double click on balances table auto fnDoSendFrom = [=](const QString& addr, const QString& to = QString(), bool sendMax = false) { // Find the inputs combo for (int i = 0; i < ui->inputsCombo->count(); i++) { auto inputComboAddress = ui->inputsCombo->itemText(i); if (inputComboAddress.startsWith(addr)) { ui->inputsCombo->setCurrentIndex(i); break; } } // If there's a to address, add that as well if (!to.isEmpty()) { // Remember to clear any existing address fields, because we are creating a new transaction. this->removeExtraAddresses(); ui->Address1->setText(to); } // See if max button has to be checked if (sendMax) { ui->Max1->setChecked(true); } // And switch to the send tab. ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(1); }; // Double click opens up memo if one exists QObject::connect(ui->balancesTable, &QTableView::doubleClicked, [=](auto index) { index = index.sibling(index.row(), 0); auto addr = AddressBook::addressFromAddressLabel(ui->balancesTable->model()->data(index).toString()); fnDoSendFrom(addr); }); // Setup context menu on balances tab ui->balancesTable->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); QObject::connect(ui->balancesTable, &QTableView::customContextMenuRequested, [=] (QPoint pos) { QModelIndex index = ui->balancesTable->indexAt(pos); if (index.row() < 0) return; index = index.sibling(index.row(), 0); auto addr = AddressBook::addressFromAddressLabel( ui->balancesTable->model()->data(index).toString()); QMenu menu(this); menu.addAction(tr("Copy address"), [=] () { QClipboard *clipboard = QGuiApplication::clipboard(); clipboard->setText(addr); ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Copied to clipboard"), 3 * 1000); }); /* Example reply from z_shieldcoinbase and z_mergetoaddress { "remainingUTXOs": 0, "remainingValue": 0.00000000, "shieldingUTXOs": 6, "shieldingValue": 16.87530000, "opid": "opid-0245ddfa-5f60-4e00-8ace-e782d814132b" } */ if(addr.startsWith("zs1")) { menu.addAction(tr("Shield all non-mining taddr funds to this zaddr"), [=] () { QJsonArray params = QJsonArray { "ANY_TADDR" , addr }; qDebug() << "Calling mergeToAddress with params=" << params; rpc->mergeToAddress(params, [=](const QJsonValue& reply) { qDebug() << "mergeToAddress reply=" << reply; QString shieldingValue = reply.toObject()["shieldingValue"].toString(); QString opid = reply.toObject()["opid"].toString(); auto remainingUTXOs = reply.toObject()["remainingUTXOs"].toInt(); if(remainingUTXOs > 0) { //TODO: more utxos to shield } ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Shielded") + shieldingValue + " HUSH in transparent funds to " + addr + " in opid " + opid, 3 * 1000); }, [=](QString errStr) { qDebug() << "z_mergetoaddress pooped:" << errStr; if(errStr == "Could not find any funds to merge.") { ui->statusBar->showMessage("No funds found to shield!"); } }); }); } if(addr.startsWith("zs1")) { menu.addAction(tr("Shield all mining funds to this zaddr"), [=] () { //QJsonArray params = QJsonArray {addr, zaddresses->first() }; // We shield all coinbase funds to the selected zaddr QJsonArray params = QJsonArray {"*", addr }; qDebug() << "Calling shieldCoinbase with params=" << params; rpc->shieldCoinbase(params, [=](const QJsonValue& reply) { QString shieldingValue = reply.toObject()["shieldingValue"].toString(); QString opid = reply.toObject()["opid"].toString(); auto remainingUTXOs = reply.toObject()["remainingUTXOs"].toInt(); qDebug() << "ShieldCoinbase reply=" << reply; // By default we shield 50 blocks at a time if(remainingUTXOs > 0) { //TODO: more utxos to shield } ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Shielded") + shieldingValue + " HUSH in Mining funds to " + addr + " in opid " + opid, 3 * 1000); }, [=](QString errStr) { //error("", errStr); qDebug() << "z_shieldcoinbase pooped:" << errStr; if(errStr == "Could not find any coinbase funds to shield.") { ui->statusBar->showMessage("No mining funds found to shield!"); } }); }); } menu.addAction(tr("Get private key"), [=] () { this->exportKeys(addr); }); if (addr.startsWith("zs1")) { menu.addAction(tr("Get viewing key"), [=] () { this->getViewKey(addr); }); // QR Code for zaddrs only menu.addAction(tr("Get QR code"), [=] () { this->getQRCode(addr); }); } menu.addAction("Send from " % addr.left(40) % (addr.size() > 40 ? "..." : ""), [=]() { fnDoSendFrom(addr); }); menu.addAction("Send to " % addr.left(40) % (addr.size() > 40 ? "..." : ""), [=]() { fnDoSendFrom("",addr); }); if (addr.startsWith("R")) { auto defaultSapling = rpc->getDefaultSaplingAddress(); if (!defaultSapling.isEmpty()) { menu.addAction(tr("Shield balance to Sapling"), [=] () { fnDoSendFrom(addr, defaultSapling, true); }); } menu.addAction(tr("Shield mining funds to default zaddr"), [=] () { auto defaultZaddr = rpc->getDefaultSaplingAddress(); QJsonArray params = QJsonArray {addr, defaultZaddr }; qDebug() << "Calling shieldCoinbase with params=" << params; rpc->shieldCoinbase(params, [=](const QJsonValue& reply) { QString shieldingValue = reply.toObject()["shieldingValue"].toString(); QString opid = reply.toObject()["opid"].toString(); auto remainingUTXOs = reply.toObject()["remainingUTXOs"].toInt(); qDebug() << "ShieldCoinbase reply=" << reply; // By default we shield 50 blocks at a time if(remainingUTXOs > 0) { //TODO: more utxos to shield } ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Shielded") + shieldingValue + " HUSH in Mining funds to " + addr + " in opid " + opid, 3 * 1000); }, [=](QString errStr) { //error("", errStr); qDebug() << "z_shieldcoinbase pooped:" << errStr; if(errStr == "Could not find any coinbase funds to shield.") { ui->statusBar->showMessage("No mining funds found to shield!"); } }); }); menu.addAction(tr("View on block explorer"), [=] () { QString url; auto explorer = Settings::getInstance()->getExplorer(); url = explorer.addressExplorerUrl + addr; DEBUG("explorer url=" << url); QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(url)); }); menu.addAction(tr("View on Tor block explorer"), [=] () { QString url; auto explorer = Settings::getInstance()->getExplorer(); url = explorer.onionAddressExplorerUrl + addr; DEBUG("explorer url=" << url); QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(url)); }); menu.addAction("Copy explorer link", [=]() { QString url; auto explorer = Settings::getInstance()->getExplorer(); url = explorer.addressExplorerUrl + addr; DEBUG("explorer url=" << url); QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(url); }); menu.addAction("Copy Tor explorer link", [=]() { QString url; auto explorer = Settings::getInstance()->getExplorer(); url = explorer.onionAddressExplorerUrl + addr; QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(url); }); menu.addAction(tr("Address Asset Viewer"), [=] () { QString url; url = "https://dexstats.info/assetviewer.php?address=" + addr; QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(url)); }); //TODO: should this be kept? menu.addAction(tr("Convert Address"), [=] () { QString url; // HUSH3 can be used for all HSC's since they all have the same address format url = "https://dexstats.info/addressconverter.php?fromcoin=HUSH3&address=" + addr; QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(url)); }); } menu.exec(ui->balancesTable->viewport()->mapToGlobal(pos)); }); } QString peer2ip(QString peer) { QString ip = ""; if(peer.contains("[")) { // this is actually ipv6, grab it all except the port auto parts = peer.split(":"); parts[8]=""; // remove port peer = parts.join(":"); peer.chop(1); // remove trailing : } else { ip = peer.split(":")[0]; } return ip; } void MainWindow::setupMiningTab() { DEBUG("setting up mining tab"); //TODO: for other HSC's, look at getinfo.ac_algo == randomx if(isdragonx) { int hwc = std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); DEBUG("hardware concurrency = " << hwc); auto tab = new QWidget(); tab->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("Mining")); ui->tabWidget->addTab(tab, QString(tr("Mining"))); auto gridLayout = new QGridLayout(tab); gridLayout->setSpacing(6); //auto label1 = new QLabel(tr("Threads"), tab); auto label2 = new QLabel(tr("Mining threads"), tab); auto label3 = new QLabel(tr("Local Hashrate (hashes/sec)"), tab); auto label4 = new QLabel(tr("Network Hashrate (hashes/sec)"), tab); auto label5 = new QLabel(tr("Difficulty"), tab); auto label6 = new QLabel(tr("Estimated Hours To Find A Block"), tab); auto label7 = new QLabel(tr("Select the number of threads to mine with:"), tab); label2->setObjectName("mininglabel2"); label3->setObjectName("mininglabel3"); label4->setObjectName("mininglabel4"); label5->setObjectName("mininglabel5"); label6->setObjectName("mininglabel6"); label7->setObjectName("mininglabel7"); auto combo = new QComboBox(tab); combo->setObjectName("genproclimit"); auto threadStr = tr("thread"); auto threadsStr = tr("threads"); // give options from 1 to hwc/2 , which should represent physical CPUs for(int i=0; i < hwc/2; i++) { combo->insertItem(i, QString::number(i+1) % " " % (i+1==1 ? threadStr : threadsStr)); } QFont font; font.setBold(true); font.setPointSize(18); // probably a better way to do this but yolo label2->setFont(font); label3->setFont(font); label4->setFont(font); label5->setFont(font); label6->setFont(font); label7->setFont(font); label7->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); auto lcd1 = new QLCDNumber(8, tab); auto lcd2 = new QLCDNumber(8, tab); auto lcd3 = new QLCDNumber(8, tab); auto lcd4 = new QLCDNumber(8, tab); auto lcd5 = new QLCDNumber(8, tab); lcd1->display(QString("0.0")); lcd1->setObjectName("localhashrate"); lcd2->display(QString("0")); lcd2->setObjectName("networkhashrate"); lcd3->display(QString("0.0")); lcd3->setObjectName("difficulty"); lcd4->display(QString("-")); lcd4->setObjectName("luck"); lcd5->display(QString("0")); lcd5->setObjectName("miningthreads"); auto button1 = new QPushButton(tr("Start Mining"), tab); auto button2 = new QPushButton(tr("Stop Mining"), tab); button1->setFont(font); button2->setFont(font); button1->setObjectName("startmining"); button2->setObjectName("stopmining"); connect(combo, QOverload::of(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), [=](int index){ auto button1 = ui->tabWidget->findChild("startmining"); if(button1 != nullptr) { DEBUG("found start mining button and enabled=" << button1->isEnabled() ); if(button1->isEnabled()) { // if start mining button is enabled, we are not currently mining, so do nothing return; } } // if we are currently mining and thread count combo changes, change our genproclimit // to that number of threads, instead of users have to stop and restart mining, which // is dumb and non-intuitive DEBUG("combobox changed index=" << index); int threads = index+1; DEBUG("changing number of threads to " << threads); rpc->setGenerate(threads, [=] (QJsonValue response){ DEBUG("setgenerate response=" << response); // instantly update miningthreads GUI auto miningthreads = ui->tabWidget->findChild("miningthreads"); miningthreads->display(QString::number(threads)); // miningthreads DEBUG("updated mining thread count to " << QString(threads) ); }); }); QObject::connect(button1, &QPushButton::clicked, [&] () { DEBUG("START MINING"); int threads = 1; auto combo = ui->tabWidget->findChild("genproclimit"); if(combo != nullptr) { DEBUG("found combo with selection index=" << combo->currentIndex() ); threads = combo->currentIndex() + 1; } ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Starting mining with ") + QString::number(threads) + tr(" threads"), 5000); rpc->setGenerate(threads, [=] (QJsonValue response){ DEBUG("setgenerate response=" << response); // these values will auto-update in a few seconds but do it // immediately so as to not confuse the user auto miningthreads = ui->tabWidget->findChild("miningthreads"); // miningthreads->display(QString(threads)); // miningthreads miningthreads->display(QString::number(threads)); // miningthreads DEBUG("updated mining thread count to " << QString(threads) ); }); }); QObject::connect(button2, &QPushButton::clicked, [&] () { DEBUG("STOP MINING"); ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Stopping mining..."), 5000); rpc->stopGenerate(0, [=] (QJsonValue response){ DEBUG("setgenerate response=" << response); // these values will auto-update in a few seconds but do it // immediately so as to not confuse the user // TODO: coredumps // lcd1->display(QString("0")); // localhash // lcd4->display(QString("0")); // luck // lcd5->display(QString("0")); // miningthreads }); }); // both buttons disabled at creation time. when we know the current // status of getmininginfo.generate we enable the correct button button1->setEnabled(false); button2->setEnabled(false); // gridLayout->addWidget(radio, 0, 0); // gridLayout->addWidget(label1, 0, 1, Qt::AlignLeft); gridLayout->addWidget(button1, 0, 0); //gridLayout->addWidget(label1, 0, 1); gridLayout->addWidget(label7, 0, 1); gridLayout->addWidget(button2, 1, 0); gridLayout->addWidget(combo, 1, 1); gridLayout->addWidget(label2, 2, 0); gridLayout->addWidget(lcd5, 2, 1); gridLayout->addWidget(label3, 3, 0); gridLayout->addWidget(lcd1, 3, 1); gridLayout->addWidget(label4, 4, 0); gridLayout->addWidget(lcd2, 4, 1); gridLayout->addWidget(label5, 5, 0); gridLayout->addWidget(lcd3, 5, 1); gridLayout->addWidget(label6, 6, 0); gridLayout->addWidget(lcd4, 6, 1); } else { // Mining tab currently only enabled for DragonX } } QString MainWindow::readDebugLines(uint32_t lines) { QString coin = isdragonx ? "DRAGONX" : "HUSH3"; #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX QFile file(QDir::homePath() + "/.hush/" + coin + "/debug.log"); #elif defined(Q_OS_DARWIN) QFile file(QDir::homePath() + "/Library/Application Support/Hush/" + coin + "/debug.log"); #elif defined(Q_OS_WIN64) QFile file(QDir::homePath() + "/AppData/Roaming/Hush/" + coin + "/debug.log"); #else // Bless Your Heart, You Like Danger! QFile file(QDir::homePath() + "/.hush/" + coin + "/debug.log"); #endif // Q_OS_LINUX if(file.exists()) { DEBUG(": Found debug.log at " << file); } else { DEBUG("No debug.log found!"); return ""; } if(file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qint64 fileSize = file.size(); DEBUG("debug.log size=" << fileSize); if(fileSize < 2) { DEBUG("debug.log is too small"); return ""; } file.seek(file.size()-1); uint32_t count = 0; while ( (count < lines) && (file.pos() > 0) ) { QString ch = file.read(1); file.seek(file.pos()-2); if (ch == "\n") count++; } file.seek(file.pos()+2); QString debugText = file.readAll(); DEBUG("got " << debugText.size() << " bytes of debugText"); file.close(); return debugText; } return ""; } void MainWindow::setupDebugLogTab() { ui->debugLog->setReadOnly(true); ui->debugLog->setPlainText("Loading debug log..."); QObject::connect(ui->refreshDebugButton, &QPushButton::clicked, [=] () { uint32_t debugLines = ui->debugLines->text().trimmed().toInt(); if (debugLines == 0) { debugLines = 50; } DEBUG("refresh debug log clicked with debugLines=" << debugLines); ui->debugLog->setPlainText( readDebugLines(debugLines) ); }); ui->debugLog->setPlainText( readDebugLines() ); QObject::connect(ui->debugAuto, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, [=](auto checked) { if(checked) { QTimer* debugTimer = new QTimer(); DEBUG("debugAuto checkbox checked"); // Set up timer QObject::connect(debugTimer, &QTimer::timeout, [=]() { uint32_t debugLines = ui->debugLines->text().trimmed().toInt(); if (debugLines == 0) { debugLines = 50; } ui->debugLog->setPlainText( readDebugLines(debugLines) ); DEBUG("Refreshed debug data with debugLines=" << debugLines); }); //TODO: allow customizing refresh speed uint32_t debugRefreshSpeed = 30*1000; debugTimer->start(debugRefreshSpeed); DEBUG("started debug refresh at speed=" << debugRefreshSpeed); //Settings::debugRefreshSpeed; } else { DEBUG("debugAuto checkbox unchecked"); //TODO: store debugTimer in class so we can access it here and stop it // debugTimer->stop(); } }); } void MainWindow::setupPeersTab() { qDebug() << __FUNCTION__; // Set up context menu on peers tab ui->peersTable->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); ui->bannedPeersTable->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); // Table right click QObject::connect(ui->bannedPeersTable, &QTableView::customContextMenuRequested, [=] (QPoint pos) { QModelIndex index = ui->bannedPeersTable->indexAt(pos); if (index.row() < 0) return; QMenu menu(this); auto bannedPeerModel = dynamic_cast(ui->bannedPeersTable->model()); QString addr = bannedPeerModel->getAddress(index.row()); qint64 asn = bannedPeerModel->getASN(index.row()); QString ip = peer2ip(addr); QString subnet = bannedPeerModel->getSubnet(index.row()); QString as = QString::number(asn); //qint64 banned_until = bannedPeerModel->getBannedUntil(index.row()); if(!ip.isEmpty()) { menu.addAction(tr("Copy banned peer IP"), [=] () { QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(ip); ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Copied to clipboard"), 3 * 1000); }); } // shodan only supports ipv4 addresses *and* we get ipv6 addresses // in a different format, yay if(!ip.isEmpty() && !ip.contains(":")) { menu.addAction(tr("View banned host IP on shodan.io (3rd party service)"), [=] () { QString url = "https://www.shodan.io/host/" + ip; qDebug() << "opening " << url; QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(url)); }); } if(!as.isEmpty()) { menu.addAction(tr("View ASN on bgpview.io (3rd party service)"), [=] () { QString url = "https://bgpview.io/asn/" + as; qDebug() << "opening " << url; QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(url)); }); } if(!ip.isEmpty()) { menu.addAction(tr("Unban this peer"), [=] () { ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Unbanning peer...")); // Hide single banned peer ui->bannedPeersTable->hideRow(index.row()); // Call setban rpc->setban(ip, "remove", [=] (QJsonValue response){ qDebug() << "setban remove " << response; ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Peer unbanned"), 3 * 1000); rpc->refreshPeers(); }); }); menu.addAction(tr("Unban all peers"), [=] () { ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Unbanning all peers...")); // Hide all banned peers for (int i=0; i < bannedPeerModel->rowCount(index); i++){ ui->bannedPeersTable->hideRow(i); } // Call clearBanned rpc->clearBanned([=] (QJsonValue response){ qDebug() << "clearBanned " << response; ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("All peers unbanned"), 3 * 1000); rpc->refreshPeers(); }); }); } menu.exec(ui->bannedPeersTable->viewport()->mapToGlobal(pos)); }); // Table right click QObject::connect(ui->peersTable, &QTableView::customContextMenuRequested, [=] (QPoint pos) { QModelIndex index = ui->peersTable->indexAt(pos); if (index.row() < 0) return; QMenu menu(this); auto peerModel = dynamic_cast(ui->peersTable->model()); QString addr = peerModel->getAddress(index.row()); QString cipher = peerModel->getTLSCipher(index.row()); qint64 asn = peerModel->getASN(index.row()); QString ip = peer2ip(addr); QString as = QString::number(asn); menu.addAction(tr("Copy peer address+port"), [=] () { QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(addr); ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Copied to clipboard"), 3 * 1000); }); //TODO: support Tor correctly when v3 lands menu.addAction(tr("Copy peer address"), [=] () { QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(ip); ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Copied to clipboard"), 3 * 1000); }); menu.addAction(tr("Copy TLS ciphersuite"), [=] () { QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(cipher); ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Copied to clipboard"), 3 * 1000); }); menu.addAction(tr("Copy ASN"), [=] () { QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(as); ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Copied to clipboard"), 3 * 1000); }); // shodan only supports ipv4 addresses if(!ip.isEmpty() && !ip.contains("[")) { menu.addAction(tr("View host on shodan.io (3rd party service)"), [=] () { QString url = "https://www.shodan.io/host/" + ip; qDebug() << "opening " << url; QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(url)); }); } if(!as.isEmpty()) { menu.addAction(tr("View ASN on bgpview.io (3rd party service)"), [=] () { QString url = "https://bgpview.io/asn/" + as; qDebug() << "opening " << url; QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(url)); }); } menu.addAction(tr("Ban this peer"), [=] () { ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Banning peer...")); // Hide single peer ui->peersTable->hideRow(index.row()); // Call setban rpc->setban(ip, "add", [=] (QJsonValue response){ qDebug() << "setban add " << response; ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Peer banned"), 3 * 1000); rpc->refreshPeers(); }); }); menu.exec(ui->peersTable->viewport()->mapToGlobal(pos)); }); //grep 'BAN THRESHOLD EXCEEDED' ~/.hush/HUSH3/debug.log //grep Disconnected ... //ui->recentlyBannedPeers = "Could not open " + debuglog; } void MainWindow::setupHushTab() { QPixmap image(":/img/hushdlogo.png"); ui->hushlogo->setBasePixmap( image ); // image.scaled(600,600, Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding, Qt::FastTransformation ) ); } /* void MainWindow::setupChatTab() { qDebug() << __FUNCTION__; QList> addressLabels = AddressBook::getInstance()->getAllAddressLabels(); QStringListModel *chatModel = new QStringListModel(); QStringList contacts; //contacts << "Alice" << "Bob" << "Charlie" << "Eve"; for (int i = 0; i < addressLabels.size(); ++i) { QPair pair = addressLabels.at(i); qDebug() << "Found contact " << pair.first << " " << pair.second; contacts << pair.first; } chatModel->setStringList(contacts); QStringListModel *conversationModel = new QStringListModel(); QStringList conversations; conversations << "Bring home some milk" << "Markets look rough" << "How's the weather?" << "Is this on?"; conversationModel->setStringList(conversations); //Ui_addressBook ab; //AddressBookModel model(ab.addresses); //ab.addresses->setModel(&model); //TODO: ui->contactsView->setModel( model of address book ); //ui->contactsView->setModel(&model ); ui->contactsView->setModel(chatModel); ui->chatView->setModel( conversationModel ); } */ void MainWindow::setupMarketTab() { qDebug() << "Setting up market tab"; auto s = Settings::getInstance(); auto ticker = s->get_currency_name(); ui->volume->setText(QString::number((double) s->get_volume("HUSH") ,'f',8) + " HUSH"); ui->volumeLocal->setText(QString::number((double) s->get_volume(ticker) ,'f',8) + " " + ticker); ui->volumeBTC->setText(QString::number((double) s->get_volume("BTC") ,'f',8) + " BTC"); } void MainWindow::setupTransactionsTab() { // Double click opens up memo if one exists QObject::connect(ui->transactionsTable, &QTableView::doubleClicked, [=] (auto index) { auto txModel = dynamic_cast(ui->transactionsTable->model()); QString memo = txModel->getMemo(index.row()); if (!memo.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox mb; mb.setText(memo); mb.setWindowTitle(tr("Memo")); mb.setIcon(QMessageBox::Information); QAbstractButton* buttonMemoReply = mb.addButton(tr("Reply"), QMessageBox::YesRole); mb.addButton(tr("OK"), QMessageBox::NoRole); mb.setTextFormat(Qt::PlainText); mb.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextSelectableByMouse | Qt::TextSelectableByKeyboard); mb.exec(); if (mb.clickedButton()==buttonMemoReply) { qDebug() << "Reply clicked"; int lastPost = memo.trimmed().lastIndexOf(QRegExp("[\r\n]+")); QString lastWord = memo.right(memo.length() - lastPost - 1); if (Settings::getInstance()->isSaplingAddress(lastWord)) { // First, cancel any pending stuff in the send tab by pretending to click // the cancel button cancelButton(); // Then set up the fields in the send tab ui->Address1->setText(lastWord); ui->Address1->setCursorPosition(0); ui->Amount1->setText("0.0001"); // And switch to the send tab. ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(1); qApp->processEvents(); // Click the memo button this->memoButtonClicked(1, true); }else{ // TODO: This memo has no reply to address. Show alert or don't show button to begin with. QMessageBox mb; mb.setText(tr("Sorry! This memo has no reply to address.")); mb.setWindowTitle(tr("Error")); mb.setTextFormat(Qt::PlainText); mb.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextSelectableByMouse | Qt::TextSelectableByKeyboard); mb.exec(); } } } else { // if no memo, show View Transaction DEBUG("double clicked tx index=" << index); QString txid = txModel->getTxId(index.row()); viewTxid(txid); } }); // Set up context menu on transactions tab ui->transactionsTable->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); // Table right click QObject::connect(ui->transactionsTable, &QTableView::customContextMenuRequested, [=] (QPoint pos) { QModelIndex index = ui->transactionsTable->indexAt(pos); if (index.row() < 0) return; QMenu menu(this); auto txModel = dynamic_cast(ui->transactionsTable->model()); QString txid = txModel->getTxId(index.row()); QString memo = txModel->getMemo(index.row()); QString addr = txModel->getAddr(index.row()); menu.addAction(tr("Copy txid"), [=] () { QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(txid); ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Copied to clipboard"), 3 * 1000); }); menu.addAction(tr("View transaction"), [=] () { ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Viewing transaction") + " " + txid, 3 * 1000); viewTxid(txid); }); if (!addr.isEmpty()) { menu.addAction(tr("Copy address"), [=] () { QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(addr); ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Copied to clipboard"), 3 * 1000); }); } menu.addAction(tr("View on block explorer"), [=] () { QString url; auto explorer = Settings::getInstance()->getExplorer(); url = explorer.txExplorerUrl + txid; DEBUG("explorer url=" << url); QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(url)); }); menu.addAction(tr("View on Tor block explorer"), [=] () { QString url; auto explorer = Settings::getInstance()->getExplorer(); url = explorer.onionTxExplorerUrl + txid; DEBUG("explorer url=" << url); QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(url)); }); menu.addAction(tr("Copy block explorer link"), [=] () { QString url; auto explorer = Settings::getInstance()->getExplorer(); url = explorer.txExplorerUrl + txid; DEBUG("explorer url=" << url); QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(url); }); menu.addAction(tr("Copy Tor block explorer link"), [=] () { QString url; auto explorer = Settings::getInstance()->getExplorer(); url = explorer.onionTxExplorerUrl + txid; DEBUG("explorer url=" << url); QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(url); }); /* TODO: Decide whether to use this or not. menu.addAction(tr("Look for new transactions"), [=] () { QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(addr); ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Looking for new transactions"), 3 * 1000); rpc->watchTxStatus(); }); */ // Payment Request if (!memo.isEmpty() && memo.startsWith(isdragonx ? "drgx:" : "hush:")) { menu.addAction(tr("View Payment Request"), [=] () { RequestDialog::showPaymentConfirmation(this, memo); }); } // View Memo if (!memo.isEmpty()) { menu.addAction(tr("View Memo"), [=] () { /* QMessageBox mb(QMessageBox::Information, tr("Memo"), memo, QMessageBox::Ok, this); mb.setTextFormat(Qt::PlainText); mb.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextSelectableByMouse | Qt::TextSelectableByKeyboard); mb.exec();*/ QMessageBox mb; mb.setText(memo); mb.setWindowTitle(tr("Memo")); mb.setIcon(QMessageBox::Information); QAbstractButton* buttonMemoReply = mb.addButton(tr("Reply"), QMessageBox::YesRole); mb.addButton(tr("OK"), QMessageBox::NoRole); mb.setTextFormat(Qt::PlainText); mb.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextSelectableByMouse | Qt::TextSelectableByKeyboard); mb.exec(); if (mb.clickedButton()==buttonMemoReply) { qDebug() << "Reply clicked"; int lastPost = memo.trimmed().lastIndexOf(QRegExp("[\r\n]+")); QString lastWord = memo.right(memo.length() - lastPost - 1); if (Settings::getInstance()->isSaplingAddress(lastWord)) { // First, cancel any pending stuff in the send tab by pretending to click // the cancel button cancelButton(); // Then set up the fields in the send tab ui->Address1->setText(lastWord); ui->Address1->setCursorPosition(0); ui->Amount1->setText("0.0001"); // And switch to the send tab. ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(1); qApp->processEvents(); // Click the memo button this->memoButtonClicked(1, true); }else{ // TODO: This memo has no reply to address. Show alert or don't show button to begin with. QMessageBox mb; mb.setText(tr("Sorry! This memo has no reply to address.")); mb.setWindowTitle(tr("Error")); mb.setTextFormat(Qt::PlainText); mb.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextSelectableByMouse | Qt::TextSelectableByKeyboard); mb.exec(); } } }); } // If memo contains a reply to address, add a "Reply to" menu item if (!memo.isEmpty()) { int lastPost = memo.trimmed().lastIndexOf(QRegExp("[\r\n]+")); QString lastWord = memo.right(memo.length() - lastPost - 1); if (Settings::getInstance()->isSaplingAddress(lastWord)) { menu.addAction(tr("Reply to ") + lastWord.left(25) + "...", [=]() { // First, cancel any pending stuff in the send tab by pretending to click // the cancel button cancelButton(); // Then set up the fields in the send tab ui->Address1->setText(lastWord); ui->Address1->setCursorPosition(0); ui->Amount1->setText("0.0001"); // And switch to the send tab. ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(1); qApp->processEvents(); // Click the memo button this->memoButtonClicked(1, true); }); } } menu.exec(ui->transactionsTable->viewport()->mapToGlobal(pos)); }); } void MainWindow::addNewZaddr() { rpc->newZaddr( [=] (QJsonValue reply) { QString addr = reply.toString(); // Make sure the RPC class reloads the z-addrs for future use rpc->refreshAddresses(); // Just double make sure the z-address is still checked if ( ui->rdioZSAddr->isChecked() ) { ui->listReceiveAddresses->insertItem(0, addr); ui->listReceiveAddresses->setCurrentIndex(0); ui->statusBar->showMessage(QString::fromStdString("Created new Sapling zaddr"), 10 * 1000); } }); } // Adds z-addresses to the combo box. Technically, returns a // lambda, which can be connected to the appropriate signal std::function MainWindow::addZAddrsToComboList(bool sapling) { return [=] (bool checked) { if (checked && this->rpc->getAllZAddresses() != nullptr) { auto addrs = this->rpc->getAllZAddresses(); ui->listReceiveAddresses->clear(); std::for_each(addrs->begin(), addrs->end(), [=] (auto addr) { if ( (sapling && Settings::getInstance()->isSaplingAddress(addr)) || (!sapling && !Settings::getInstance()->isSaplingAddress(addr))) { if (rpc->getAllBalances()) { auto bal = rpc->getAllBalances()->value(addr); ui->listReceiveAddresses->addItem(addr, bal); } } }); // If z-addrs are empty, then create a new one. if (addrs->isEmpty()) { addNewZaddr(); } } }; } void MainWindow::setupReceiveTab() { auto addNewTAddr = [=] () { rpc->newTaddr([=] (QJsonValue reply) { qDebug() << "New addr button clicked"; QString addr = reply.toString(); // Make sure the RPC class reloads the t-addrs for future use rpc->refreshAddresses(); // Just double make sure the t-address is still checked if (ui->rdioTAddr->isChecked()) { ui->listReceiveAddresses->insertItem(0, addr); ui->listReceiveAddresses->setCurrentIndex(0); ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Created new t-Addr"), 10 * 1000); } }); }; // Connect t-addr radio button QObject::connect(ui->rdioTAddr, &QRadioButton::toggled, [=] (bool checked) { qDebug() << "taddr radio toggled"; if (checked && this->rpc->getUTXOs() != nullptr) { updateTAddrCombo(checked); } // Toggle the "View all addresses" button as well ui->btnViewAllAddresses->setVisible(checked); }); // View all addresses goes to "View all private keys" QObject::connect(ui->btnViewAllAddresses, &QPushButton::clicked, [=] () { // If there's no RPC, return if (!getRPC()) return; QDialog d(this); Ui_ViewAddressesDialog viewaddrs; viewaddrs.setupUi(&d); Settings::saveRestore(&d); Settings::saveRestoreTableHeader(viewaddrs.tblAddresses, &d, "viewalladdressestable"); viewaddrs.tblAddresses->horizontalHeader()->setStretchLastSection(true); ViewAllAddressesModel model(viewaddrs.tblAddresses, *getRPC()->getAllTAddresses(), getRPC()); viewaddrs.tblAddresses->setModel(&model); QObject::connect(viewaddrs.btnExportAll, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::exportAllKeys); viewaddrs.tblAddresses->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); QObject::connect(viewaddrs.tblAddresses, &QTableView::customContextMenuRequested, [=] (QPoint pos) { QModelIndex index = viewaddrs.tblAddresses->indexAt(pos); if (index.row() < 0) return; index = index.sibling(index.row(), 0); QString addr = viewaddrs.tblAddresses->model()->data(index).toString(); QMenu menu(this); menu.addAction(tr("Export Private Key"), [=] () { if (addr.isEmpty()) return; this->exportKeys(addr); }); menu.addAction(tr("Copy Address"), [=]() { QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(addr); }); menu.exec(viewaddrs.tblAddresses->viewport()->mapToGlobal(pos)); }); d.exec(); }); QObject::connect(ui->rdioZSAddr, &QRadioButton::toggled, addZAddrsToComboList(true)); // Explicitly get new address button. QObject::connect(ui->btnReceiveNewAddr, &QPushButton::clicked, [=] () { if (!rpc->getConnection()) return; if (ui->rdioZSAddr->isChecked()) { addNewZaddr(); } else if (ui->rdioTAddr->isChecked()) { addNewTAddr(); } }); // Focus enter for the Receive Tab QObject::connect(ui->tabWidget, &QTabWidget::currentChanged, [=] (int tab) { if (tab == 2) { // Switched to receive tab, select the z-addr radio button ui->rdioZSAddr->setChecked(true); ui->btnViewAllAddresses->setVisible(false); // And then select the first one ui->listReceiveAddresses->setCurrentIndex(0); } }); // Validator for label QRegExpValidator* v = new QRegExpValidator(QRegExp(Settings::labelRegExp), ui->rcvLabel); ui->rcvLabel->setValidator(v); // Select item in address list QObject::connect(ui->listReceiveAddresses, QOverload::of(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), [=] (int index) { QString addr = ui->listReceiveAddresses->itemText(index); if (addr.isEmpty()) { // Draw empty stuff ui->rcvLabel->clear(); ui->rcvBal->clear(); ui->txtReceive->clear(); ui->qrcodeDisplay->clear(); return; } auto label = AddressBook::getInstance()->getLabelForAddress(addr); if (label.isEmpty()) { ui->rcvUpdateLabel->setText("Add Label"); } else { ui->rcvUpdateLabel->setText("Update Label"); } ui->rcvLabel->setText(label); ui->rcvBal->setText(Settings::getHUSHUSDDisplayFormat(rpc->getAllBalances()->value(addr))); ui->txtReceive->setPlainText(addr); ui->qrcodeDisplay->setQrcodeString(addr); if (rpc->getUsedAddresses()->value(addr, false)) { ui->rcvBal->setToolTip(tr("Address has been previously used")); } else { ui->rcvBal->setToolTip(tr("Address is unused")); } }); // Receive tab add/update label QObject::connect(ui->rcvUpdateLabel, &QPushButton::clicked, [=]() { QString addr = ui->listReceiveAddresses->currentText(); if (addr.isEmpty()) return; auto curLabel = AddressBook::getInstance()->getLabelForAddress(addr); auto label = ui->rcvLabel->text().trimmed(); if (curLabel == label) // Nothing to update return; QString info; if (!curLabel.isEmpty() && label.isEmpty()) { info = "Removed Label '" % curLabel % "'"; AddressBook::getInstance()->removeAddressLabel(curLabel, addr); } else if (!curLabel.isEmpty() && !label.isEmpty()) { info = "Updated Label '" % curLabel % "' to '" % label % "'"; AddressBook::getInstance()->updateLabel(curLabel, addr, label); } else if (curLabel.isEmpty() && !label.isEmpty()) { info = "Added Label '" % label % "'"; AddressBook::getInstance()->addAddressLabel(label, addr); } // Update labels everywhere on the UI updateLabels(); // Show the user feedback if (!info.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::information(this, "Label", info, QMessageBox::Ok); } }); // Receive Export Key QObject::connect(ui->exportKey, &QPushButton::clicked, [=]() { QString addr = ui->listReceiveAddresses->currentText(); if (addr.isEmpty()) return; this->exportKeys(addr); }); } void MainWindow::updateTAddrCombo(bool checked) { if (checked) { auto utxos = this->rpc->getUTXOs(); ui->listReceiveAddresses->clear(); std::for_each(utxos->begin(), utxos->end(), [=](auto& utxo) { auto addr = utxo.address; if (addr.startsWith("R") && ui->listReceiveAddresses->findText(addr) < 0) { auto bal = rpc->getAllBalances()->value(addr); ui->listReceiveAddresses->addItem(addr, bal); } }); } }; // Updates the labels everywhere on the UI. Call this after the labels have been updated void MainWindow::updateLabels() { // Update the Receive tab if (ui->rdioTAddr->isChecked()) { updateTAddrCombo(true); } else { addZAddrsToComboList(ui->rdioZSAddr->isChecked())(true); } // Update the Send Tab updateFromCombo(); // Update the autocomplete updateLabelsAutoComplete(); } void MainWindow::slot_change_currency(const QString& currency_name) { qDebug() << __func__ << ": " << currency_name; Settings::getInstance()->set_currency_name(currency_name); qDebug() << "Refreshing price stats after currency change"; rpc->refreshPrice(); // Include currency QString saved_currency_name; try { saved_currency_name = Settings::getInstance()->get_currency_name(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { qDebug() << QString("Ignoring currency change Exception! : "); saved_currency_name = "BTC"; } } void MainWindow::slot_change_theme(QString& theme_name) { qDebug() << __func__ << ": theme_name=" << theme_name; if (theme_name == "dark" || theme_name == "default" || theme_name == "light" || theme_name == "midnight" || theme_name == "blue" || theme_name == "dragonx") { Settings::getInstance()->set_theme_name(theme_name); } else { qDebug() << __func__ << ": ignoring invalid theme_name=" << theme_name; Settings::getInstance()->set_theme_name("dark"); } // Include css QString saved_theme_name; try { saved_theme_name = Settings::getInstance()->get_theme_name(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { qDebug() << QString("Ignoring theme change Exception! : "); if(isdragonx){ saved_theme_name = "dragonx"; }else{ saved_theme_name = "dark"; } } QString filename = ":/css/" + saved_theme_name +".css"; QFile qFile(filename); qDebug() << __func__ << ": attempting to open filename=" << filename; if (qFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { QString styleSheet = QLatin1String(qFile.readAll()); this->setStyleSheet(""); // reset styles this->setStyleSheet(styleSheet); } } void MainWindow::rescanButtonClicked(int number) { qDebug() << __func__ << ": " << number; // Setup rescan dialog Ui_RescanDialog rescanDialog; QDialog dialog(this); rescanDialog.setupUi(&dialog); rescanDialog.rescanBlockheight->setFocus(); // Default to full rescan rescanDialog.rescanBlockheight->setText("1"); // Add validator for block height QRegExpValidator* heightValidator = new QRegExpValidator(QRegExp("\\d*"), this); rescanDialog.rescanBlockheight->setValidator(heightValidator); // Check if OK clicked if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { // Get submitted rescan height int rescanHeight = rescanDialog.rescanBlockheight->text().toInt(); qDebug() << __func__ << ": rescan height = " << rescanHeight; // Show message in status bar ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Rescanning...") + tr(" from height ") + QString::number(rescanHeight), 5000); // Close settings QWidget *modalWidget = QApplication::activeModalWidget(); if (modalWidget) modalWidget->close(); // Call rescan RPC // TODO: This RPC might timeout, does the callback work correctly in that case? rpc->rescan(rescanHeight, [=] (QJsonValue response){ qDebug() << __func__ << ":rescanning finished" << response; ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Rescanning finished"), 5000); }); qDebug() << __func__ << ": force refresh of rescan data"; rpc->refreshRescan(); } } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete ui; delete rpc; delete labelCompleter; delete amtValidator; delete feesValidator; delete loadingMovie; delete logger; }