Hush full node GUI wallet
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

171 lines
3.6 KiB

#include "precompiled.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "settings.h"
Settings* Settings::instance = nullptr;
Settings::~Settings() {
delete defaults;
delete zcashconf;
delete uisettings;
Settings* Settings::init() {
if (instance != nullptr) return instance;
instance = new Settings();
// There are 3 possible configurations
// 1. The defaults
instance->defaults = new Config{ "", "8232", "", "" };
// 2. From the UI settings
auto settingsFound = instance->loadFromSettings();
// 3. From the zcash.conf file
auto confFound = instance->loadFromFile();
// zcash.conf (#3) is first priority if it exists
if (confFound) {
instance->currentConfig = instance->zcashconf;
else if (settingsFound) {
instance->currentConfig = instance->uisettings;
else {
instance->currentConfig = instance->defaults;
return instance;
Settings* Settings::getInstance() {
return instance;
QString Settings::getHost() {
return currentConfig->host;
QString Settings::getPort() {
return currentConfig->port;
QString Settings::getUsernamePassword() {
return currentConfig->rpcuser % ":" % currentConfig->rpcpassword;
bool Settings::loadFromSettings() {
delete uisettings;
// Load from the QT Settings.
QSettings s;
auto host = s.value("connection/host").toString();
auto port = s.value("connection/port").toString();
auto username = s.value("connection/rpcuser").toString();
auto password = s.value("connection/rpcpassword").toString();
uisettings = new Config{host, port, username, password};
return !username.isEmpty();
bool Settings::loadFromFile() {
delete zcashconf;
#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
confLocation = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::HomeLocation, ".zcash/zcash.conf");
confLocation = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation, "../Zcash/zcash.conf");
confLocation = QDir::cleanPath(confLocation);
if (confLocation.isNull()) {
// No zcash file, just return with nothing
return false;
QFile file(confLocation);
if (! {
qDebug() << file.errorString();
return false;
QTextStream in(&file);
zcashconf = new Config();
zcashconf->host = defaults->host;
while (!in.atEnd()) {
QString line = in.readLine();
auto s = line.indexOf("=");
QString name = line.left(s).trimmed().toLower();
QString value = line.right(line.length() - s - 1).trimmed();
if (name == "rpcuser") {
zcashconf->rpcuser = value;
if (name == "rpcpassword") {
zcashconf->rpcpassword = value;
if (name == "rpcport") {
zcashconf->port = value;
if (name == "testnet" &&
value == "1" &&
zcashconf->port.isEmpty()) {
zcashconf->port = "18232";
// If rpcport is not in the file, and it was not set by the testnet=1 flag, then go to default
if (zcashconf->port.isEmpty()) zcashconf->port = defaults->port;
return true;
bool Settings::isTestnet() {
return _isTestnet;
void Settings::setTestnet(bool isTestnet) {
this->_isTestnet = isTestnet;
bool Settings::isSyncing() {
return _isSyncing;
void Settings::setSyncing(bool syncing) {
this->_isSyncing = syncing;
double Settings::getZECPrice() {
//if (isTestnet())
// return 0;
return zecPrice;
QString Settings::getUSDFormat(double bal) {
if (getZECPrice() > 0)
return "$" + QString::number(bal * getZECPrice(), 'f', 2);
return QString();
QString Settings::getZECDisplayFormat(double bal) {
auto usdFormat = getUSDFormat(bal);
if (!usdFormat.isEmpty())
return QString::number(bal, 'g', 8) % " " % Utils::getTokenName() %
" (" % getUSDFormat(bal) % ")";
return QString::number(bal, 'g', 8) % " " % Utils::getTokenName();