Hush full node GUI wallet
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

183 lines
5.5 KiB

#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "ui_connection.h"
#include "precompiled.h"
using json = nlohmann::json;
class RPC;
enum ConnectionType {
DetectedConfExternalZcashD = 1,
struct ConnectionConfig {
QString host;
QString port;
QString rpcuser;
QString rpcpassword;
bool usingZcashConf;
bool zcashDaemon;
QString zcashDir;
QString proxy;
ConnectionType connType;
class Connection;
class ConnectionLoader {
ConnectionLoader(MainWindow* main, RPC* rpc);
void loadConnection();
std::shared_ptr<ConnectionConfig> autoDetectZcashConf();
std::shared_ptr<ConnectionConfig> loadFromSettings();
Connection* makeConnection(std::shared_ptr<ConnectionConfig> config);
void doAutoConnect(bool tryEzcashdStart = true);
void doManualConnect();
void createZcashConf();
QString locateZcashConfFile();
QString zcashConfWritableLocation();
QString zcashParamsDir();
bool verifyParams();
void downloadParams(std::function<void(void)> cb);
void doNextDownload(std::function<void(void)> cb);
bool startEmbeddedZcashd();
void refreshZcashdState(Connection* connection, std::function<void(void)> refused);
void showError(QString explanation);
void showInformation(QString info, QString detail = "");
void doRPCSetConnection(Connection* conn);
QProcess* ezcashd = nullptr;
QDialog* d;
Ui_ConnectionDialog* connD;
MainWindow* main;
RPC* rpc;
QNetworkReply* currentDownload = nullptr;
QFile* currentOutput = nullptr;
QQueue<QUrl>* downloadQueue = nullptr;
QNetworkAccessManager* client = nullptr;
QTime downloadTime;
* Represents a connection to a zcashd. It may even start a new zcashd if needed.
* This is also a UI class, so it may show a dialog waiting for the connection.
class Connection {
Connection(MainWindow* m, QNetworkAccessManager* c, QNetworkRequest* r, std::shared_ptr<ConnectionConfig> conf);
QNetworkAccessManager* restclient;
QNetworkRequest* request;
std::shared_ptr<ConnectionConfig> config;
MainWindow* main;
void shutdown();
void doRPC(const json& payload, const std::function<void(json)>& cb,
const std::function<void(QNetworkReply*, const json&)>& ne);
void doRPCWithDefaultErrorHandling(const json& payload, const std::function<void(json)>& cb);
void doRPCIgnoreError(const json& payload, const std::function<void(json)>& cb) ;
void showTxError(const QString& error);
// Batch method. Note: Because of the template, it has to be in the header file.
template<class T>
void doBatchRPC(const QList<T>& payloads,
std::function<json(T)> payloadGenerator,
std::function<void(QMap<T, json>*)> cb) {
auto responses = new QMap<T, json>(); // zAddr -> list of responses for each call.
int totalSize = payloads.size();
if (totalSize == 0)
// Keep track of all pending method calls, so as to prevent
// any overlapping calls
static QMap<QString, bool> inProgress;
QString method = QString::fromStdString(payloadGenerator(payloads[0])["method"]);
//if (inProgress.value(method, false)) {
// qDebug() << "In progress batch, skipping";
// return;
for (auto item: payloads) {
json payload = payloadGenerator(item);
inProgress[method] = true;
QNetworkReply *reply = restclient->post(*request, QByteArray::fromStdString(payload.dump()));
QObject::connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, [=] {
if (shutdownInProgress) {
// Ignoring callback because shutdown in progress
auto all = reply->readAll();
auto parsed = json::parse(all.toStdString(), nullptr, false);
if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) {
qDebug() << QString::fromStdString(parsed.dump());
qDebug() << reply->errorString();
(*responses)[item] = json::object(); // Empty object
} else {
if (parsed.is_discarded()) {
(*responses)[item] = json::object(); // Empty object
} else {
(*responses)[item] = parsed["result"];
auto waitTimer = new QTimer(main);
QObject::connect(waitTimer, &QTimer::timeout, [=]() {
if (shutdownInProgress) {
// If all responses have arrived, return
if (responses->size() == totalSize) {
inProgress[method] = false;
bool shutdownInProgress = false;