Hush full node GUI wallet
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

228 lines
7.5 KiB

#include "websockets.h"
#include "rpc.h"
#include "settings.h"
WSServer::WSServer(quint16 port, bool debug, QObject *parent) :
m_pWebSocketServer(new QWebSocketServer(QStringLiteral("Direct Connection Server"),
QWebSocketServer::NonSecureMode, this)),
m_mainWindow = (MainWindow *) parent;
if (m_pWebSocketServer->listen(QHostAddress::AnyIPv4, port)) {
if (m_debug)
qDebug() << "Echoserver listening on port" << port;
connect(m_pWebSocketServer, &QWebSocketServer::newConnection,
this, &WSServer::onNewConnection);
connect(m_pWebSocketServer, &QWebSocketServer::closed, this, &WSServer::closed);
qDebug() << "Closing websocket";
qDeleteAll(m_clients.begin(), m_clients.end());
void WSServer::onNewConnection()
QWebSocket *pSocket = m_pWebSocketServer->nextPendingConnection();
connect(pSocket, &QWebSocket::textMessageReceived, this, &WSServer::processTextMessage);
connect(pSocket, &QWebSocket::binaryMessageReceived, this, &WSServer::processBinaryMessage);
connect(pSocket, &QWebSocket::disconnected, this, &WSServer::socketDisconnected);
m_clients << pSocket;
void WSServer::processTextMessage(QString message)
QWebSocket *pClient = qobject_cast<QWebSocket *>(sender());
if (m_debug)
qDebug() << "Message received:" << message;
if (pClient) {
auto json = AppDataServer::processMessage(message, m_mainWindow);
void WSServer::processBinaryMessage(QByteArray message)
QWebSocket *pClient = qobject_cast<QWebSocket *>(sender());
if (m_debug)
qDebug() << "Binary Message received:" << message;
if (pClient) {
void WSServer::socketDisconnected()
QWebSocket *pClient = qobject_cast<QWebSocket *>(sender());
if (m_debug)
qDebug() << "socketDisconnected:" << pClient;
if (pClient) {
// ==============================
// AppDataServer
// ==============================
QJsonDocument AppDataServer::processMessage(QString message, MainWindow* mainWindow) {
// First, extract the command from the message
auto msg = QJsonDocument::fromJson(message.toUtf8());
if (!msg.object().contains("command")) {
return QJsonDocument(QJsonObject{
{"errorCode", -1},
{"errorMessage", "Unknown JSON format"}
if (msg.object()["command"] == "getInfo") {
return processGetInfo(mainWindow);
else if (msg.object()["command"] == "getTransactions") {
return processGetTransactions(mainWindow);
else if (msg.object()["command"] == "sendTx") {
return processSendTx(msg.object()["tx"].toObject(), mainWindow);
else {
return QJsonDocument(QJsonObject{
{"errorCode", -1},
{"errorMessage", "Command not found:" + msg.object()["command"].toString()}
QJsonDocument AppDataServer::processSendTx(QJsonObject sendTx, MainWindow* mainwindow) {
auto error = [=](QString reason) -> QJsonDocument {
return QJsonDocument(QJsonObject{
{"errorCode", -1},
{"errorMessage", "Couldn't send Tx:" + reason}
// Create a Tx Object
Tx tx;
tx.fee = Settings::getMinerFee();
// Find a from address that has at least the sending amout
double amt = sendTx["amount"].toString().toDouble();
auto allBalances = mainwindow->getRPC()->getAllBalances();
QList<QPair<QString, double>> bals;
for (auto i : allBalances->keys()) {
// Filter out sprout Txns
if (Settings::getInstance()->isSproutAddress(i))
bals.append(QPair<QString, double>(i, allBalances->value(i)));
if (bals.isEmpty()) {
return error("No sapling or transparent addresses");
std::sort(bals.begin(), bals.end(), [=](const QPair<QString, double>a, const QPair<QString, double> b) ->bool {
// If same type, sort by amount
if (a.first[0] == b.first[0]) {
return a.second > b.second;
else {
return a > b;
if (amt > bals[0].second) {
// There isn't any any address capable of sending the Tx.
return error("Amount exceeds the balance of your largest address.");
tx.fromAddr = bals[0].first;
tx.toAddrs = { ToFields{ sendTx["to"].toString(), amt, sendTx["memo"].toString(), sendTx["memo"].toString().toUtf8().toHex()} };
// TODO: Respect the autoshield change setting
QString validation = mainwindow->doSendTxValidations(tx);
if (!validation.isEmpty()) {
return error(validation);
json params = json::array();
mainwindow->getRPC()->fillTxJsonParams(params, tx);
std::cout << std::setw(2) << params << std::endl;
// And send the Tx
mainwindow->getRPC()->sendZTransaction(params, [=](const json& reply) {
QString opid = QString::fromStdString(reply.get<json::string_t>());
// And then start monitoring the transaction
mainwindow->getRPC()->addNewTxToWatch(tx, opid);
// TODO: Handle the error if the computed Tx fails.
return QJsonDocument(QJsonObject{
{"version", 1.0},
{"command", "sendTx"},
{"result", "success"}
QJsonDocument AppDataServer::processGetInfo(MainWindow* mainWindow) {
return QJsonDocument(QJsonObject{
{"version", 1.0},
{"command", "getInfo"},
{"saplingAddress", mainWindow->getRPC()->getDefaultSaplingAddress()},
{"tAddress", mainWindow->getRPC()->getDefaultTAddress()},
{"balance", AppDataModel::getInstance()->getTotalBalance()},
{"tokenName", Settings::getTokenName()},
{"zecprice", Settings::getInstance()->getZECPrice()}
QJsonDocument AppDataServer::processGetTransactions(MainWindow* mainWindow) {
QJsonArray txns;
auto model = mainWindow->getRPC()->getTransactionsModel();
// Manually add pending ops, so that computing transactions will also show up
auto wtxns = mainWindow->getRPC()->getWatchingTxns();
for (auto opid : wtxns.keys()) {
{"type", "send"},
{"datetime", QDateTime::currentSecsSinceEpoch()},
{"amount", Settings::getDecimalString(wtxns[opid].toAddrs[0].amount)},
{"txid", ""},
{"address", wtxns[opid].toAddrs[0].addr},
{"memo", wtxns[opid].toAddrs[0].txtMemo},
{"confirmations", 0}
// Add transactions
for (int i = 0; i < model->rowCount(QModelIndex()) && i < Settings::getMaxMobileAppTxns(); i++) {
{"type", model->getType(i)},
{"datetime", model->getDate(i)},
{"amount", model->getAmt(i)},
{"txid", model->getTxId(i)},
{"address", model->getAddr(i)},
{"memo", model->getMemo(i)},
{"confirmations", model->getConfirmations(i)}
return QJsonDocument(QJsonObject{
{"version", 1.0},
{"command", "getTransactions"},
{"transactions", txns}
// ==============================
// AppDataModel
// ==============================
AppDataModel* AppDataModel::instance = NULL;