package import import kotlin.random.Random object Const { /** * Named objects for Dependency Injection. */ object Name { /** application data other than cryptographic keys */ const val APP_PREFS = "" const val BEFORE_SYNCHRONIZER = "" const val SYNCHRONIZER = "" } /** * App preference key names. */ object Pref { const val FIRST_USE_VIEW_TX = "const.pref.first_use_view_tx" const val EASTER_EGG_TRIGGERED_SHIELDING = "const.pref.easter_egg_shielding" const val FEEDBACK_ENABLED = "const.pref.feedback_enabled" const val SERVER_HOST = "const.pref.server_host" const val SERVER_PORT = "const.pref.server_port" const val STREET_MODE = "const.pref.street_mode" } /** * Constants used for wallet backup. */ object Backup { const val SEED = "" const val SEED_PHRASE = "" const val HAS_SEED = "" const val HAS_SEED_PHRASE = "" const val HAS_BACKUP = "" // Config const val VIEWING_KEY = "" const val PUBLIC_KEY = "" const val BIRTHDAY_HEIGHT = "" } /** * Default values to use application-wide. Ideally, this set of values should remain very short. */ object Default { object Server { // Select a random server from list private val serverList = listOf( "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ) private val randomIndex = Random.nextInt(serverList.size); private val randomServer = serverList[randomIndex] val HOST = randomServer const val PORT = 443 } } }